HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-02-21, Page 8ZURICH ONTARIO a00 400 Id THE STORE WITH. THE STOCK 200 Yards only, Krinkle Crepes at per yard 65c No. 1 Grade Broadcloth, per yd. 45c Polished Cottons, extra special, yd. 75c Pyjama Cloths, Flann., yd 65c Cotton Sheets, Slx100 at pr. 7.25 Pillow Cases a pair 98c and 1.19 Kitchen Towels 30" at pr. 79c Kitchen Towels 36" at pr. 93c BLANKETS Prices on all Blankets are Advancing. So Your Supply Now! Ibex 70x90 at pr. $5.95 Ibex 80x90 at pr 7.25 Falcon 70x90 at pr. 5.65 Esmond, part wool, each 5.75 get ZURICH HERALD FREE PANT SALE A pair of Pants Free with every order of Men's made -to -measure Suits. Your choice of 150 Samples. Do not delay. This offer is for month of January only. CR.00ERY SPECIALS 1-1b. Casserole Steak, tin 45c 1-1b. Pk. assorted Cookies 37c Whole Kernel Corn, 4 tins 5 5 c Sockeye Salmon, tin 4bc 55c 39c 23c 96c 15c Nature's Best Peas, 4 tins Jelly Powders, 5-pkgs. Sliced Beets, 2 tins Tea Bags 100 for 4-1b. Pail Jam TELEPHONE 59 0 s. ZURICH • • 1 1 For leiter LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Margaret Hooper of London, was a week end guest with her moth- ers Mrs. E. Hey. 1Vlr. William O'Brien of London, was a week -end visitor With his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien. Mr and Mrs. E. E, Wuerth and Mrs. Nettie Siemon. spent the •week- end in Kitchener. Mr and Mrs. !Milfred Schiabe and Miss Anne Datars spent several days in and around Kitchener. Dr. and Mrs Bruce Eickmeier of Hamilton were week -end visitors in town, at the home of the rorrner's parents, +lir and Mrs. Hy. Eickme)er. Not So Much Snow Wintry weather seems the order of the day with snow Buries and cold nights which usually is the order at this time of year. Very little $now has .fallen here " the past week, as- we swe escaped the heavy snow falls t hat visited other places in the Province. Returns from Hospital Mrs. Albert Bedour has returned home from South Huron Horp:tal, Exeter, after receiving treatments and is progressing favourably. Her many friends wish her a speedy re- covery. f-Iuron & Erie DEBENTURES Canada Trust CERTIFICATES Now Paying: 494q FOR 1, 2, 3 YEARS J. W. HABERER General Insurance Phone 161 Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor-- Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: t®:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.nr. -- Worship Serviee 8 :00 p.m. - Bible Meeting Wednesday, 3.00 p.m. Prayer Fellow- ship in the homes. Had Good Carnival 1 Saturday evening was the date of the annual Carnival in the Zurich arena, and a fairly enthusiastic attendance was present. The contests and classes were well represented.The broom ball between Zurich and Dash- wood was won by the latter. In all it was an interesting affair. Mr and Mrs Chris. Eiib and grand- sons Lewis and Richard Erb motored to Vineland over the week -end to visit the former's granddaug ter Mr and. Mrs. John Steckle. Mrs. Steckle (and son Kh returnito Fier 8G home with. thennetem, after spngenWng. tie: week in Zurich with her parents, Mr Q and Mrs. Emerson Erb and other re - VP latives. All enjoyed the trip with 1,1/ii the lovely winter scenes. They also �' took a trip to Niagara Falls. .(1?). G '?'Ir and Mrs Irvin Gir gerich of Ailsa 111 Craig visited with relatives in Zur- QQQ ich on Sunday. e Farm Forum YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US You'll Enjoy Listening to - "THE MENNONITE HOUR" Gospell Preaching - Inspirations Singing. Sundays-CHML-900 k.c. 7.30 a.m. -WRVA - 1140 k.c.•• 10.30 p.m. The Living Christ for a Dying World." ST. PETER'S Ev. Lutheran Church, Zurich Rev. O. Winter, Pastor. Mrs. J. Tuerkheim, ATCM., Organist SUNDAY SERVICES- + 4. + + • + + + + 4' t 4. • Worship Service - 10 A.M. Sunday School (all ages' -'.1:15 A.M. Evening Service - 7:30 P.M. "Enter into his gate s with thanks- . 4U9 Unique Forum- Menr+bers of the - Unique Farm 1 Forum met at the home . of Mr and Mrs. Clarence Schade .with •a good attendance. Mr Delbert. Geiger led a Be I vice ON ELECTRICAL INSTALATIONS AND APPLIANCES SEE WUERTH'S FIRST AND SAVE WTJERTII ELEUTitIC l Phone 84 - Zurich i the discussion on the topic " What Can we learn from Abreact.' This • dealt with the • present hog market-, • ing scheme •and • we were p1,e•ased to have Mr. Ross .Love, who 1s fairly • Well educated on, this subject, e7. - plain the marketing schen'e to our Forum. The question "What features of hog marketing in the Netherlands '° Great Britain or Denmark do we think mdght be usefully considered by Canadian Farmers? Our Forum thought that growing top quality hogs is most important. Co-operat- ive packing and processing plants ii should be established by the farmers,, Larger price spread between grades, of hogs to encourage production of grade A hogs. Also a slightly .high - 0 • • • • • • • • .00•44000m0441e20.. • HARDWARE SEEDS and FURNITURE Your Fuel Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of. time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply. YOUR HEATING EQUIPMF•NT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove need attention; or prob- ably you need a New One. Let us look these over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Bed Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints. Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes: Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always stock. • a 4 • STADE & WEIDO ZURICH ONT. QUALITY - PRICE «. SERVICE Thursda+y,. Februarys 2I t, 1957 THREE, CROSSES Then there were two thieves crucified with Him,, ..One oni the right hand, and another on the Left. Matt. 27r 38. IN 'SIN -"On one cross a man died IN SIN." ..Dost thou not fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? ... TO SIN -"On another cross a man died TO sin." ..To -day thou shalt be with me in Paradise. FOR SIN -"On middle cross a man died FOR Sin;"' .This man hath done, nothing amiss. Luke 23:39-43. He was wounded for our transgresstions. - Isa.. 53: 5. He died that we might be forgiv'n, . He died to make us good, That we at last might go to heav'n, Saved by His Precious Blood. ZURICH MENNONITE EVANGE LISM COMMITTEE giving, and into his courts with Praise." - Ps. 100:4. 1 Westlake Furniture Emmanuel Evangelical UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Rev. A. M. Amacher, B.A., B.D, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist. Sunday, February 24th. 10 a.m.-The service iii charge of the W.SWS. 11 a.m-Sunday ,Stchool. Slides a- bout • the work in Nigeria, Africa, will be shown. 7.30 p.m. -Evening service. Mr. Woodrow Mackie, Missionary, from Africa will be the speaker at the Morning iService and at the Sunday School, All are welcome, Horner. The topic "What's next in Co -Ops." will be taken by Mr. Bert t rveo a delic- 44.• • er Gov't premium.1Kiopp. The hostess se The next meeting will be held at pions luncheon and the meeting clo- the home of Mr and Mrs. Harold se with the National Anthem, issesucaszetessesamessommeserisy 401 • • ♦ •• • • • • • • • • • • Middlesex Seed Fair (Including eleven Western Ontario MANUFACTURERS' BLDG. London Counties) Western Fair Grounds Ontario FEBRUARY 25 to 28th, and MARCH lst. Open Tuesday - 7:30 p.m. - 1.0:30 p.m.. Wednesday and Thursday - 10:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Friday - 10.30 a.m. •-- 4:30 p.m. With Auction Sale at 121.15 p.m. Each Year a bigger event - Plan to attr'nd! Exh:':its - T:i,.plays - Addresses - Enterta 'nanent �ell�►GK Come to Us! When You Need that New Work Outfit 1O% off on all Made to Measure Wear Mid -Town Cleaners - AGENTS FOR MIDTOWN CLEANERS. CALL MON. BACK THURSDAYS GO THURS. BACK SATURDAY GO SATURDAY, BACK MONDAY (SPECIAL) THURSDAY REGULAR Exeter il�!I,Iuoniiiiili!igluulllilii!i iit)ilimiii�lli i' 111i111u>i iiiiiii111iliuii(ii[iliiuiii111i111tiliiuiluliiiililiiliilllliuuuiiur • • 4' VISIT 01111 STORE SEE OUR STOCK YOU'LL BE CONVINCED • • • • se Floor Coverings, Inlaid, Tile, Congoleum, • sStair Carpet, Broadloom, Etc. • • •• Window Blinds of all Types. • • = We are equipped to cut Blinds the correct Size, • = Drapery Track and Accessories. • We Have all Other Lines of Home Furnishings. •• 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • •°s Z urich - • 44 44 44 .+ Wide range or Springs and Mattresses, including Famous Makers names as: Sealy, Marshall, Simmons, Etc. S1 Phone 89J IIIIIIIII(IIIIIIIIIIIillllllll'IIIIIIIII(1111L111!IIIIIIIIIII(IIIA((IIIA((illlilMllHUuIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillll(I81111111Iluflllllllltijllllili111,!;l` Bargains in Floor Coverings 25% OFF ON ALL MERCHANDISE ' Here area few Examples: INLAID LINOLEUM - Reg. 4.95 running Yard for $3.70 running Yard 3 yds. wide Congoleum - Reg. -2.$5 running yard,. r - for $2.28 running yar REMNANTS and Odd lots of Tile - All at only HALF PRICE Shop Early While The Selection Is Good T. and T. FLOORING Your Decorating Headquarters SHOW ROOM IN BAKERY BLOCK. PHONE 133 ZURICH NP;11 IRI'1ll411111111( IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIijII111IIfl 1111111 I MIN IIQIIIIIIIIn1111111111,1111(IIIIIIIIf1116i1111111111111i111(I lilllilifll!+`',:;: 14 4. b b a I• I• k is 4. f + + We also carry a complete line of Aluminum Comb- + ination Doors and Windows Give us a call and we will be glad to come and take measurements and give you a free estimate. • A good supply of Canadian Cement is on hand for i • fr Winter Approaches Once More So ACT FAST and be prepared for Winter by securing your Storm Sash and Combination Doors Early! 1: ' immediate sale. LET US SERVE YOU! BAUSCH' ICN s LUMBER. 6 BUILDILQS Q._. SUPPLIES Aram r • 1 • a s 4.4.314••;.04-4.•i—§,i•ee+-.+444.7+++++.1.4.+++44 + 414+ ••4. ••4.