HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-02-21, Page 5• ZURICH ....pronsors, ZURICH HERALD kutherized as second class mail, ZURICH HERAI 3 'Thursday, February 21st, 1,957 ALVIN WALPER raft Office Department, Ottawa. PROVINCIAL. Licensed Auctioneer For your Sele,large or small; Ciourte 1961/5 and 'Efficient - Service 'at .aiti Phan., 57 r 2. DASHWOOD RONALD G. McCANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT bones; 56t Office Royal Bank Mag. 455 Res, Ratenhury:B.t CLINTON • ONTARIO G. .B. •CLANCY LOCAL NEWS Miss Kathie Kalbflteiseh tof Spencer HEal was a visitor with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Ivan Kalhfleisch. Mr and IMrs. Datare and Mr, George Deichert left on Saturday morning on a month's trip to 'Florida. Mrs, Mary Brenner is spending a few weeks at the home of her Chil- dren in Kitchener. Mrs, Alvin Gingerich and daught- er Elizabeth have returned "home af- ter ,spending a few days at, the lme, of the former's parents, at 'St. 'Jacobs Mies Meda Surerus,and lady friend, bath teachers at Toronto, spent 'the week -end at the foeiner'e hom 'in Zurich. • Mr and Mrs Allan Fraser of Exe- ter called at the home of their 'Ur and Mrs. Earl Thiel on Sunday WANTED WARBLE-FLYE'ciC.,00RNTROL INSP- TOWNSHIP OF HAY A.--Applieations will be received by the Township ,of Hay for the pesitien of Warble Fly Control Inspector for 1957. Duties to be such as to 'con- form with the Act. State to •of pay per hour and mileage rate. B.—Applicants dor contract to spray all cattle in the Township of Hay for Warble -Fly Control, Towne ship to supply spray material. All work to conform with the Act hardware Store and they will B.A. !..;htion Dashwood OPEN 1 DAYS A WEEK Ti Appointment, Dashwood 27 r 13 J, NORMAN 00WA.N Bookkeeping and Income Tax Service Andy's') Lunch FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES 'Sarepta' Try Delicious York Ice Cream P. O. for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and V2 Gallons C. ANDERSEN • ATTENTION Call at Rader & Mittleholtz and to .bepubject to the direction of the appointed Inspector, r.renders to r,tate clearly the price help you solve your problem )f cutting wood. - See the per head for each treatment. • All Ckaners tcnders tee be in the hands of• the. Clerk by ratai.day. March 2fid, .1957. New Pioneer Chain Saws, Lowest or Arty Tender not recess - Optometrist — Optician " arilv accepted. • (I.E.L.) to he offered 7 Laundeteria, Ltd, Exeter Carol (Thgerich i. hvn i` (Succeseor 'to the late A, L. • afternoon. Cole, eptornetriat) lovely time at the home or her 1;3'4111'1- IT . W. BROKENSIIIRE, , nzai: en Le, ,My and 11irs. iou ie k For .oppointowents ph*eoe 33, ,Gadethein •Ont, ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports • Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER OFFICE - Comer Ann William Ste Phone Exeter 504 lett lelteheaer for a few days. hss Arleme of the School of Nur- sieg, Victorie Hospital, London spent the weelz-end with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Feeel Ilal.erer. tM.Ie-e4 •Glorie Uilner and Selina' Doe!en of Kitfthener enjuvect the weekeend at the home of the latterie sister, eMr and Mrs. Gerold eiliager- .Attentlecl.Funeral Mr. 66603 t1111.3 Ward Fritz were at Guelph ere Tuesday where they at- etended the funeral of the late Mrs. Alfred Meeiltz, who died in her 60th year. More particulars next week. • MORI Ur. 'IreltSPIIS AL • CONTRACTING geptila Tank Cleaning Remairs Drains, Watermains, lilte. 'New Instalations .011 Cement Septic Tanks, Drainage Tile and 'Drains Ph. 505 Grand Bend • Vhe 205 To meat YOAD1 Requirement Drs. COXON & LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS Ottee eeth Residence, MathStreet. nereeite Drug Stoe„, Phone 96 — ZURICH Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association • For artificial ineemination infor- ination or service from all breeds of tattle. phone 'the 'Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at. Clinton fle 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 A.11/. We have all breeds available - top quality at low cost. N. L. MARTIN ----- OPTOMETRIST Tol,,Art, Street — Exeter ()nen Every Week Day {-pt W‘,‘chissd a y BELL & LAUGHTON ••• BARPleITTR5, $0T.TrITORS & NOTARIES Ptnifie 'ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. 'EXETER — PHONE 4 C. V. LATTGTITON, L.L.B *Tuesday, 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich, • At Township Cie/leg Office ZURICH'S POPULAR Wrr Arr MA PTCF.97 LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY 'CHOICE OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS, BOLOGNAS. SAUSAGES. ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND. KEPT FRESH IN MODERN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION YUNG'BUTT BROS. O'Brier's Proauce • '. -Highest Cash Prices Paid for CREAM- .' E C .ancl POULTRY- " LeRoy' O'Brien. PropriPtor PHONE 101 — ZURICH 'WO Creamery Attended Convention Mr Gerald Gingerich attended the convention and School at Toronto the week on the latest Heating Sy - sterns on gas and 1. We -wish him every success _Mr. Ted Rader and Mrs, Milne Rader and Mrs. Harold. Rader mot- ored to Woodstock on Tuesday eo visit with the former's daughter, 1.11e and Mrs Ed. Herman. They were' accompanied home by Mrs. 'red. Rad- er who had visited for a week at the home of their daughter. At Funeral ,Clerk, Zurich, Ont. 2te NOTICE ,Complete Sanitone Cleaning Laundry and Storage Service Pick up Mon., back on Thurs. ....--........._.. --- . I am now back in the business of Pick.up Thurs,, back on Monday. new •condition; Doherty kitehtel General Treed:hue, and am equipped, , (Local Agent) EARL OESCI 1 .1,4,.i; with hoist to do all your ;jobs. Rea - range; small heater,' electrie eonable Rates and Service, my motive, , -, Plate, Beatty ,electrie washing-neaeh- Please give me a ,call whether it be' Inc; Marconi electric Radio; Deberty READ OD the table the meal read,! - Be Your Mean Maker! YOUR BAKER. not only supptles delicious wholeto)ras bread for your table—bread for your reeipee. Out of• his fragrant ovens come all man- ; ner of mouth-vvatering goodies to crown the menu of every meet: Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bum Barber Shop - Zurich ker House Rolls for dinner. Bread treats for luncheon ..piping hot Par for b -eakfast.. luscious fruit -filled orgen and stool in new oondition; small or large. Serviee that Sats- ,, mete sewing machine, chasefies• ;LA. I; F„ MASSE, Phone ]25, G. A. 'WF.'.BB, D.C. * drawers; bureau, couch, kitchen .D.,asbw00(le 'Ont. • 4t* Doctor of Chiropractic NOTICE sink, tsmall table, 12 centre tables,: .settee-, 3 bedsteads, complete w'At FOR RENT — Garage storage for sPringe and mattress; dressers, emt13- rent. Apply to A1113 Deters, Phone Modes, ,2 toilet sets, ,Clothee I set c ° - ' 167 Zurich. f cuehione, pillows, curtains, drapes, comforters, blankets, feather ticks, mats, 2 trunks, 8 -day clock, alarm! b - • • • - FOR SALE clock; quantity of •dishes, glassware, 1 Beef, by the quarter. Also rlol- kitchen :utensils, sealers, ceppei, estem ,calves- for sale — Gerald boler, lawn chairs, lawn . mowee,:llegier, Phone 34r9, Zurich. 2t'' wheelbarrow, 5 cords dry harawood,1 ------------- . 3 etords ch -y hardwood slabs, 2 'ord. FOR • SAI. IT cedar wood; toy* buggy, step redder, i 'Registered Seed Oats, Garry and tools, Etc, etc. In case of bace Wad- ' Simcoe for immediate sale. Apple ther sale will be 'held under roof. • to Philip Durand, Ph. 98 r 4. 2tc Terms—Cash • . .. . . William H. Haugh, •Clifford Pepper, Sprayed Apples _For Sale Executors for the Estate-- of the iate Greenings, Baldwin, Peewalkee David Haugh •- • . and Salome, flele50 a bushel and Op. Olen Webb, Clerk. • —Fred lVIcClymont, 1 mire south of AUCTION SALE '..' Varna. AT PUBLIC AUCTION • . Farm Stook, Implements, feece car - Mr. Clarence Brenner, Zurich and, penter tools, buildings, grass lap'). sister Mrs. Lloyd Hendrick ,of the B. The undersigned Auctioneer is. id- . Water Highway motored to Kitchee- er to attend the funeral of Mr. Lorne nook, -beloved husband of (nee Mina Brenner) who was burried in that city on Monday. Misses Carol Thiel of town and Elizabeth Bodges 'of Clinton, are doing teaching practiee at the Blake School under the supervision of Mrs Deichert. 'Mem Margaret Schade and Marilyn 'Maiethall are nilder Vie supervision of Mrs. Jessie Desch. 'Phey are all, studnts of the London Teachers' College. . And -ere wish them much success in their chosen profession. Attended. Dedication Rev. A. M. Arnacher ana inemb- ers of his family including some of his church memibers attended the dedication exercises of the new Eve angelical U. B. Church established in the Byron district of the Loncloa area. Reve•Bishop 'Mueller, Confer- ence Bishop, presided at the dedic- ation which was largely attended.. FOR • SALE: Garry Seed Oats, grown from Reg- istered seed, cleaned and treated, structed to sell by public auction on $1.55 per bunel.—Wm. Coleman, the farm of MELV. MS JARDINE fitir7e32t..2f2a,rinHeenvseasiti of Kippen. Phone 1.9.t miles north of Grand Bend, on St" Highway 21, at 1.00 p.m. FRIDAY; MARCH 1st. • Salesman Wanted LivestockeiBlue cow, due in April MAN WANTED for Rawleigh bosin- black ,cew, fresh 2 months blue* cow ess. Real opportufdty. No experi- fresh three months, Hereford and ence needed to start. Write Rawle- Jersey co*, fresh 3 ens; Holstein liah's Dent, B-458-0, Montreal ,P.Q. cow, fresh 3 months; 2 Heifers, ar- ound — - ealyggi 3 pigs, 125 pullet; 30 year- A Scotch •CollieDog, female, white L 0 S T 800 lbs; 5 yearlings and 3 small Fee& -125 bush. ,Rodney •oats,from on nez; all white. breast, four white i • old hens. . Reg. seed, last , year, :seiittableAc. fog tip lof white ton tail. Brown i quantity of cpib corn; 60 bales good bela;-ci uotil ra,R,O,:'biaolC--onikfted1r, answers ,to 11th. . Reward for 'finder. Phone eel - oats and barley; 60 bush. wheat; '• Lost Monday, Febrizary seed; 200 bush. ;mixed grain, hay, 3-4 timothy and 1-4 alfalfa led Zurich 92 I' 6, careof Poet Corbett, R.R. le Exeter, . 2-te (with no rain); some loose hay, 2-- Machinery—Ford tractor, 1950, brick); hon horse 82x101:2 (easily tric'edl : shed 21x18 (to tear down); mows straw cultivator 7 -ft. like new; Int. disc, 7- electric brooders, 500 and 350 real good; Ford plow, like new; liel-H. 2 ft, like new; 4 sec. harrows, can; rotary pump, barn rolle 1 nn -ft ; 13 -run McC. fert. drill, with markers new; IVO sheets Ten -test; 4 bundles johes- 7-ft. M -H. binder; new Int. haj.T. load- Manville shingles; cream sepamlem farm scales, Dashwood Dainty Doers— et.; 6 -ft. McCorm. mower; 4 -row bean quantity dishes, miseel. articles. No Reserve ori chattels. Dashwood 4B girls met Wednesday scuffler, 4 -row weeder; Int. side dol. evening .with 16 girls present. Roll rake, new; 3 -drum steel roller, M -H. REAL ESTATE -50 acres of graek Terms, Cash Day of Sale call was "The Club Story". Any manure spreader, 2-whl trailer, with land. 20 acres of mixed bush, South- on the girls will practice for achieve- rack; half -ton truck stock rack; Lete half of Lot 19, Con. 1-8. Terms on 1 South - back work was caught up. From now stock racks; rt., ':er tired wagon with real estate. To be meat Day. The meeting opened with grinder, nearly new; 20 -ft. rubber , sold subjecto t reasonable reserve id. the 4-H ,pledge and closed with 'The belt; complete 8et carpenter tools, 13 Melvin DesJa.rdine, Protprietor. Queen.' including Skill saw; quantity dry Isaac Bestard, Earl we • ' Farm Forum lei • elm 'wood, cedar posts (fence), iron Hector McNeil, Auctioneer. mats; colony house 1:0x12 (insul =on= in variety, too, for snacks any tient • of day or night. Se don't get wrink, les worrying about variety in meals-- let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! Tues. & Thurs. Evenings .7-9 eee For lBakery 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wed. 6 • 4• +4 •0... it;e0.4-1, Appointments XOt;T Phone 606 T.1HONE 100 -- ZURICH mcnarzzace.--metcsat cm.w.snactrannie 1 • taN 1t 4, 0 • 4, 4, (;war WE SUGGEST— Have a look at our Paints, and select your color and kind suitable for your need. We carry the usual full line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware See Us for your Heatina Equipment or New Bathroom. We Specialize in:— PLUMBING - HEATING - TINSP:4177-11N(' Hader & Mittlethit2 Hardware Phon se Zurich 63. 4 4 .. '470=021MMEMEEWEVEIVESEVAIVali1M6SIVAIBORSTEMIMMETECM=01 Parr Line Vorum— Parr 1 'lie Forum met at the home of Mr and Mrs. Charlie Ro.binsonwith ' !good attendance. The topic for crs- cussion was "What Can We Learn from Yvoo.'i 1 fter listening to the Apr 'the .Feruan divided into groups and discussed• the question in the Guide. Question: What featur- es, if any, of hog marketing in the Netherlands, Great Britain, or Den- mark do you think might be consid- ered by Canadian farmers? Answer: We think that our new mare:eting system is a step' in the right direr...Von but we must keep our grades of hogs up. We agree to do as Denmark far- mers do. Get one good bacon breed of hogs; In Canada there are too many different :breeds of hogs. After • the discussion, progressive euchre Was played. Winners were: Ladies, Mrs. Jack Soldan and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott; Gents, iStewart Black- well and Gordon Love. The next meeting will be held at the 'home of Mr and Mrs Howard Adkins, when the topic will be, "What's Next hi Co- -oPse IWO.* 4...i Pn.P........"...............,•*•.rn, • ...... , . . i*•• • .... . • , . . VI e st e r to Farmers' Motile, Weather Insuranee Co. t Item% On the premises, divectly a OF, WOODSTOCK acmes from the Lutheran Church in •W11 LARGEST RESERVE BAC THE VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned Auctioneer is in- AN= OF ANY CA.NADIAN MUT. to strutted to' sell by Public Auction on 411AL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS SATURD.AY, MARCH 2nd, 1 o 57 4* 0 ,... OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . At 1.30 o'cleck, p.m. • 'RATES ON APPLICATION 1 Household Effects — 3 -piece r•lies- : F. KLOPP - ZURICH teiefield suite, diningroom oxteivi:oe : A C; E N table, 6 ditlingroom chairs; 2 bitl% 4 ALSO DE ALER IN LIGHTNINC, !()tic;z1illtieg'r1;i1fAelic;a(t.ii11(;.:11'iorr.t7t.r.ksitt::Ei‘iic!n) i !vT.TF.rn RODS AN!) ALL KINDS OF FIR"' : ;,)i.i. chaire, .4‘1,miral RerfigeraW, i Your Home Market for •. Cream, Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PMD PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVEED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS -Chas. IVlinshall, Proprietor, Clearing Auction Sale Of Household Effects, and' glee. 9Z Don't Spend Your Money, Invest It! r 11 te 3 In these days when every dollar of income. and. out-go,are s 6 : 0 • matters of vital consideration for the cattlemen,. sires .tbat • 9 will add pounds and quality to the calf crop. are. essential. er 0 * It is false economy to buy a "cheap" bull.. Buy a Hereford e • Bull at Toronto, Winter Fair Bld., Thursday, February Mb. * • to $150 • ✓ Government Bonus paid, Ontario residents, up .00. • • 00 . Ontario Hereford Association, C. F. MacKenzie, Secy. • :• O Carman Lyons, Pres., Wallacetown, Oakville, Ont, •0 o , . e . . . : . i 0 . LIBERAL 4 e a ca * O e o o . a a a a e e Nominating Convention I IS IR f! a : FEDERAL RIDING OF HURON 0 a a°4 FRIDAY, MARCH lst., at 8.15 p.m. in the LEGION HALL -- CLINTON, ONT. Guest Speaker: te° 4, HON. WALTER HARRIS Minister of Finance • 0• • • • a a 41a a° • t3 51 0 0 54, et • tcp 04,6 • op 6 e Everybody Welcome 6 0 V 4, Winter uo.:-wear Red' eijors WE ARE OFFERING THE FOLLOWING AT THE POSSIBLE LOWEST PRICES: Men's Thermo Boot, Reg. $11.95 for $9.95 Men's Thermo Boot, 4 -buckle reg. 8.95 for 7.95 Men's Hi Losh, reg. 5.95 for 5.25 Women's and Children's Shoes from 10 to 15% off SEE OUR LUGGAGE WE STILL DO SKATE SHARPENING Oesch Shoe Stot e Phone, Res. 130. Store 82 Order Your SEED GRAIN AND GRASS SEED EARLY SUBSTANTIAL . DISCOUNTS ON FERTILIZER FOR EARLY DELIVERY TRY OUR NEW HOG WARMER FOR RESULTS Hogs Shipped Tuesday and Thursday. Cattle on Saturday ensall Phone Hensall 115 ric. hi 22.0 KitY.109...7„Mfailzi'f-Z;V:7:450.71;cTigr'=1.1t.nr V: et° 4,