HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-02-14, Page 57I 4 55 a Phone, Res. 130. o � • ca • m • •• •� • a • • 0 f' 5 • f s 0 • • • w 3 • • • W • • • A • • 3• 1 • 1 to 4. • 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • 4. • • • • • • • ZURICH' ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD der hor+ized as second class mail, ALVIN WALPER 'Post Office Department, Ottawa. PROVINCIAL Licensed Auctioneer Por your Sale, large or email; Court,' •ous and Efficient Service at •all' ,iim!ee, Phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD, RONALD C •McCANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Moues: 561 Office Royal Bank Bldg. 455 Ries. Raten'btwy S.t .CLINTON - ONTARIO G. B. CLANCY Optometrist — Optician (Successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointments plume .33, Goderich - Out. ARTHUR FRASER. Incowe Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. E,.X E T°E ,R OFFICE - Comer Ann, Williaarrx, Eta. Fho'us.. Exeter 504 MOBILE DISPOSAL fora ;few. days 'over the week -e id. CONTRACTING 112r eeed Mrs. Gearge Hess of Hen- son called on ,friends -in Zurich. ow; Reptile Tank Cleaning , Repairs on clay last week. mains, Waterttaiins, 'Etc. Mr and Mrs Orland Siemon and, New 1nstalation+s ora .Cement Septie family of Kitchener eyere week -end Tanks, ;3rainage Tile and Drains vi;sileci s ;etude the forn 's rnother, Pi. 2+05 Grand Bend iPii. 205 Mrs. Conrad ,Sieanon'of own. To met Your Requir•ementt ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEWS 1VIr and .+Mrs. Chris, !Heist spent Tuesday With friends at Cr:•editee. Mr. Roy Weber of London, was visitor 'in town on Wednesday. Miss Gloria Dietz of Lor.+run i',as a week -enol Vitiator with ilex parieets, Mr and. Mrs Milt Dietz. 1t'l,r:, Harvey-Clausius of Middle berry, Ind., was a week -end visitor,' With its parents, Mr and .111'x5, Henn' Clausius, Mr and .Mrs Wilfred Schilbe of town motored to London on Friday. evening, 1VIr. Ed, Deaver was taken to . t London }Despite' ;liar treatments one day :last week, Mr •and .Mrs, Gladnnan 'Mitek of Goderi dr, were 'Sunday visitors at the A. Melicic home of town. ',Mr and ,2VIrs Dennilx• ,Dedels and children of Lambeth spent Sunday with Mr and Mr.,. 1Ylilfred Schfbe. Miss 3'elyee Wither, R.14, of Clin- ton •was a visitor wth her parents in town for several days. Miss Rua 'Claudius haw ireturned i:corn Clinton Htospital where ,she had. an afiaendix .operation. .Mr Alfred .k[elick is r•eeevering finny after tieing .'confined ,be his room foe a few days. CYles. Laura Fester of Londr n. z - fret! with her reilatives and eri n/s Drs. COKON & LETTCH VETERINARY SURGEONS take with Rexidence, Main Meet, Opposite Drug Store Phone 96 ZURICH Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association • For artificial insemination infor- mation or service from all breeds of tattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at. Clinton Hu 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. We have all breeds available - top duality at low cost. • N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday BELL . LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ' ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. EXETER -- PHONE 4 C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B, '°ruesaay, 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich, At Township Clerk's Office ZURICH'S POPULAR !VIE .AT MARKET Me ar1d. Are Herb Keefe of De- troit .were week -end visitf)J's at the home of their !friends, Mr ,;riot Mrs. R. .F, ;Made,. .Mr and Mrs. P. J. Cunei gham, and little .daughter .Helen Clare, of Willowdale, were weak -end vreftprs at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith, Mrs. Albert Bedard oi' town is a patient in the South Huron Hospital, at Exeter in the bterests of her health •!Mr &.,a Mrs. i'e' Taylw. and, baby of London were week -end vis- itors in town with Mrs. Taylor's par- ents, Mr and Mrs. Edw. Datars. 1VIr and Mrs Wallace Ross and two daughters of Seaforth were Sunday last visitors at the home o1 their un- cle and aunt Mr and Mrs, Chester. L. Smith. Born. -=To Mr and Mrs. Ted Rob- son, R.R. 2, Zurich, at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Saturday Feb- ruary 9th, 1957, a son (Theodore Bevin.) • i1VTr and Mrs Bob ()eland and. ichildren of Aldershot; Miss Arlene Haberer of the Victoria Hospital School of Nursing in London, were visitor's with Mr and Mrs. Ferd. Haberer over ,Sunday Mr and iMrs. Ross Johnston and family motored to Detroit one day last week and were accompanied by Mr. Johnston's mother, Mrs. lielvina I Johnston, who grad been eisiting atives in the city for a few weeks. {+ Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs hris Ex.b of town were: Rev. and Mr:•. Albert Martin end fancily of the Goshen north; Mr ani Mr:. John Steckle of Vineland, Ont. Mrs. Steckle is staying. over for a week with lie_i r Lrents Mr and Mee, Ern- ier,on Erb. LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY CHOICE OF FRESH AND C CURED MEATS, BOLOGNAS, SAUSAGES, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND. KEPT FRESH iN MODERN ELL1jj7C�jT�RICe REFRIGERATION lJ! <iGBLU � BROS. O'Brien's Produce Highest Cash Prices Paid for CREAM- EGGS - and POULTRY LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor PHONE 101 — ZURICH Zurich Creamery Your Home, Mairket for • Cream, Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVEED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS Chas. Minshall, Proprietor Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK VIM LARGEST RESERVE BAL ILHCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OP THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. RATES ON APPLICATIC)N Er F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS AND ALL KINDS OF' FIRF INSURANCE ANNUAL MEETING The Annual .Meeting of the Hay Township Farmers' i?rutual Fire In- surance 'Conrgaany was 'held in the Hay Town Hall, Zurich on ,Monday, the lith of .February. A good sized crowd was in attencl:•tnce to 'hear the pre..:ntatien of the Annual Financ'al Rep.e.t and to di -cuss the topic of Del or 'Supplemental Coverage w''.iirh wtis ,p:re.•ented in Resolution form.. The meeting listened with in- terest to the explanations of the new elan .;;f we:ting Weather Insurance and other ,coverages on the same policy as the Fire insurance. It was explained that the Dual Policy would be written o.e a strictly voluntary basis and that it would k in many easss provide more economical in- surancc for the policyholders. Tlrc three retiring Directors 'Messrs. Wm. Haugh, Oscar Klapp, and Reinhold Miller were replaced as Directors by acclamation, and the vacancy created • by the death of the Late Elmer Web- ster was filled by the acclamation of Harvey Taylor, of Brumfield. At the end. of 1956 the Company has policies in forge 121579 carrying an ;insurance of $27,511,295. Th total assets of the Company .is now $86,71.6.0+2. 'The total losses during the year were 22,3, amounting to a total of $49,511!6.71. Reinsurance claims amounted to $13,718.21, mak- ing total losses of $63,234.92. Total losses pard since organization in 1875 is $730,673.70. EARLIER COPY Again we must advise our adver- Is t.isers that they must being in their • advertising copy to our office an Tu- • esday morning instead o1 Wednesday, • • which is 'bur publishing day. We can- • not ,change ads, set the last rush • • appy, !Hake -up our paper and print • and label it on the ;same day. It just can't he done, and any late copy we 0 iust have to hang it up till the .loll - owing week. Please ,remember this. W A N'T E D.. f F9r A1rlrole>trnent, WARBLE -FLY CONTROL IN.,SI'- E C`l"OR; TOWNSHIP OF HAY A. --Applications will be received by the Township of Hay for the position of Warble Fly 'Control Inspector foe 1957: Duties to be such as to conn form with the Act. State rate of pay per hour and mileage rate, B. ---Applicants Liar contract to spray ail cattle in the Township of Hay for Warble -Fly 'Control. Town - Ship to supply ,spray material. All work to 'conform with. the A:ct and to be subject to the direction of the appointed Inspector. 'Tendere to state :clearly the ;Trice per head for each treatment. All tenders to be in the hands of the, Clerk by .Saturday, March '2nd, 1957, Lowest or any Tender not 11eeess- atiiy meeepted. BR,OXENSHIRE, - Clerk, 'Zurich, iOct.,2te Huron Temperance Notes YES, DEFINITELYi "Does !lc•cal •option no -license de- crease local chinking," • Yes, definitely? On the evidence of many surveys it has been proved that the volume of drinking in nny given community is proportionate to local sentiment in regard to alcoholic beverages. Our authority la Dr. E. M. Leili:nak of Mie WorI Health Organization ee wood 27 r 13 NORMAN COWAN Bookkeeping and Ineome Tax Service e>,pta' Hay P. 0. ATTENTION Tall at Rader .& Mittleholtz Hardware Store and they will help you solve your problem )f cutting wood. - See the New Pioneer Chain Saws, (LE.L.) to be offered r WANTED —A ,Stenograrpher, capable of typing and 'Shorthand. Also a bookkeeper. C. K:albfleisch ,& San., Ltd. 2tc NOTICE T ani, now back in the 'business of General Trucking, and am equipped with''?hoist to do all your jobs. Rea- sonahle Rates and Service, my motive. Pdease give me a call whether it be stmalj, or large. Sen. -vice that Satis- d lies CLARE MASSE, Phone 3.25, ,Dashwood, Ont. _ 4t"` Very recently Dr. J. K. W. Ferg uson, Director of 'Connaught sned f•eal eaeearch labatories, declared at a pu'b'Itk meeting that prohibition was the only public act tin modern times' which did much toreduce alcoholism. f He added, f It seems that most of us don't valet ea abolish the probleni of alcoholism. We would rather live with it. At this strange of our history most people are reluctant to look at the ONE NE'CESISARy 'CASUAL FAC- TOR- access to alcohol." Why brave we in 'Huron County Iby far the lowest incidence of al- coholism? Surely itt is due to the fact that for many years we nave tiad the Canada Temperance Act! I Phone 97 Zurich. This .amounts to Country wide pro- hi+bition, for no liquor sale is legal within our boundaries . We have no beverage rooms, cocktail bars, liquor stores or any ether legal liq- uor dispensing -centres. —Advt. Sprayed Apples For Sale Sltv,' 'Greening, Peewalkee, Balrl- win, Saloon, Etc. ;Phone Hunter 2- 3214Fred &IcClymont, 1 mile south of Tarda, 3tc -NOTICE- d E0R;4RENT .— Garage storage :for rent , ;•kpfply to Ann Datars, Phone 167, Zurich. FOR SALE 'Thursday, Febraar;y 14th, 3. '4A00'1" '0 y' y LLiiCil. FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES Try Delicious ou s 'York Ice Cream 1for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 2',2 Gallons C. ANDERSEN B.A. Station - Dashwood OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK EAD Viil the table 7 r2VfF l:ii the meal is ready Brady Cleaners Be Your Menu Maker! & .Laundei:eria Ltd. - Exeter Complete Sanitone Cleaning Laundry and Storage Service Pick up Mon., back on Thurs, Pick up 'Thurs., back on. Monday. (Local Agent) EARL OESCH Barber Shop - .Zurich G. A. WEBB, D.C, *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wed. Tues. & Thurs. Evenings 7-9 For Appointments - Phone 606 4 4 4 4 e 4 e • 4. e m e 4, r ffi f 4 4 A 1946 Ford Car Radio,. $40.00. 'e. 4. Late George Wren— George T. Wren of R.R. x, Crone arty passed away .in S. Huron Hoep-1 Exeter !Monday Feb. h1, in his' 82nd year He was born in Hibbert Twp in 1875 and was an active me -1 t Iruher 9f Obi.sethurs+t TjxDited Church, Surviving are los wife and two dao- giliter•.s. Mi 'and Mrs Wren orraerved D FOR SALE • Beef, 'by the quarter..Also I:IoI- sltein )calves for sale — Gerald Regier, hone 84r9, Zurich. 3t* FOR SALE Registered .Seed Oats, Garry and Simcoe for immediate sale. Apple o :Pll>lrp l ni a?ld1 4:111. 98 r 4. 2a•• their 58th wedding anniversary on' 11 larch 1st, 1956. The funeral is he- Ran*leigh `ibusiiess now open in ng held from the Bonthron euneral Huron County. Trade well establ- lionle on Thursday, with Rev. C. D. fished Excellent opportunity..? Full aniel officiating. Interment in the time. Write at once: Rawleigh's cTaggart cemetery. ali"t?ari` Waned -' • •1E • • • • • • • Dept. 13-458-189, Montreal. P.Q. FARMER 8! BE PREPARED , FOR SPRING! Seed and Fertilizer prices are at .their lowest now. Order your ..Seed Oats while supplies are good and prices reasonable. Garry, Rodney, Simcoe, Ajax and Beaver seed Oats in stock BARLEY CONTRACTS Are now available with FERTILIZER SUPPLIED. Plan Your Acreage Early! Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd. 3 • Phone 24 HENSALL fr 3 • • • 0 • •• • • • a • • • • • Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Elmer Kurt from New Dundee was in days ago. ,He had just could 2 calves, 2 tr Guernsey Holebein Cows, and sired by two 'bulls that we have in service. The sale's following: 1 calf 1240 lbs. at 311c. per Ib. 1 calf 205 lbs. at 30e. per Lb, Our ounce a *ow months old from Aberneen Angus slip showed the $72.00 . $88,50 $160.50 These calves were s.irecl by Queen's Grenadier of Corydon of Anoka 30th, better living. info 'Illation regarding or any of our dairy and Blackbird Bandolier :13ebter cattle for For service or niore breeding service to these phone collect to: Clinton Hu 2-3441 (Between 7:30 iuid 10 A. M. week days 7;80 .and 9.30 A.M. Surada e and Holidays. 6 • • a 00 • 4. A • 4 a 4, 4 is o- 5' 4 4 O O 4. Your o- YOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menuof every meal r Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bun; for b •eakfast. ; luscious fruit -filler; treats for luncheon..piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Bread in variety, too, for snacks any time of day or night. So don't get wrink, les worrying about variety in meals— let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today' nasty -o Bakery PHONE 100 — Z1IRICH Ea ct ware bLore WE SUGGEST— Have a look at our Paints, and select your color and kind suitable for your need. We carry the usual full line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware See Us for your, Heating Equipment or New Bathroom. We Specialize in:— PLUMBING n:— PLUMBING - HEATING - TINS'4!THINC Rader Hardwne Phone Zurich - 63. Winter Footwear Redt etions 011710 • 1 • •• • eeeeeeeeeede WE ARE OFFERING THE FOLLOWING. AT THE POSSIBLE LOWEST PRICES: Mens Thermo Boot, Reg. $11.95 for $9.95 Men's Thermo Boot, 4 -buckle reg: 8.95 for 7.95 Men's Hi Losh, reg. 5.95- for •x5.25 Women's and Children's Shoes from 10 to 1.5% off SEE OUR LUGGAGE WE STILL DO SKATE SHARPENING Oesch Shoe Stote Store 62 • 0 our art Mei al• • 0 or• O k, • • • a 0 • of beef hulls See Us For STEEL ROOFING— ALUMINUM ROOFING— FENCING — BARB WIRE FENCE POSTS, ETC., ETC. FRESH 'FEEDS ALWAYS ON HAND TRY OUR CHICK STARTER — Hogs Shipped Tuesday and Thursday Cattle on Saturday He nsa l District Co -Op. Phone Hensall 1 15, Zurich 220