HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-02-14, Page 111 I ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORN 7, J. -"Tom" R.A.WLINGS This day we do re'member A loving thought we give, Accountant Income Tax Returns Phone 33 - Zurich Card Of Thanks We WW1 to greatly thank 011 lame who So thoughtfully sent cards, treatc, etc., to our ,claughter Ruth, %tile at Clinton 1Ptu1blic Hospital and :set home. esselVIr and Mrs ,Albert sOlausfus. To oae no longer with us, But in our -hearts still lives. -Ever remembered by Wife, Mel- . vina, and Family. MAKES STRONG PLEA Toronto, Feb. 11-Frone the floor of the Legislature Thomas L. Pryde Huron MPP today anade a vigorous plea to the Government to have it build the hospital for retarded chil- e dren in Huron sCounty His appeal drew no denial from Government members or from Premier Leslie Frost, who was in the House, to re- po/4 s that the Health Department eas already decided where the $10,000,- 000 institution will belOcated. Oth- er paces in •Ontario are -also snaking bids .for the institution. • IN MEMORIAM Johnston -- In loving memory of dear husband and father. Welling- ton Johnston,' who passed away one ear ago today, February 11th, 1956 THE GODFREY STORY 1.411111■111•1.7.1100.015VieeWenweeem • -A,rtleur Godfrey and "Aosignmenn" reporter Dave Price ,g.et over a CBC microphone. Godfrey tells his own life story on meat" hi five instalments, Feb. 18 to 22, on .the CBC Dominion work. viallININIIINMIIIIMUMINSINIONIMI010019111111111, • 11 take place February 28th. He 114 Agriculture for the County, same atien of Mr. G, W. sMontgornery, es, sign; isThselth regret that the citizene of Huron County learn of the re „e3sresse. ,,,e accepted the position of Agriceilt: ural Agent in Ontario with the Can- adian National Railway's with head-- e::Ladies' Auxiliary To Meet quarters in Toronto. Mr. Montgo-M- sqs e Ladies Auxiliary to Gas and ery has been Agric Rep. in Hnron to will hold their meeting at since August 1951 and ha e made t ':Ileoene of Mrs. Gordon Hess, on many friends and has been e inose ThurSdaY, February 21.st at 8 p.m. wonderful help to the farming inctu- ii,eids and Parents of Cabs and try in this outstanding ,county, and Scout S are invited to attend these it is the wish of one and all that he meetings, and help Scouting Work. will like his new wok, which rio,f Enjoying( e•ahtehie) sSceiteitY1.1 course will -'be much different. swishes to thank all who :have helped are in receipt of beautifully him in his work in Huron, all 'Tar- postais and. Folders from al and urban Organizations, alt news- m4"s. Bruce Bossenberry from. papers for their co-operation, RadioMesDs. Gie#,Bend and Robert Williams of and TV stations. Mr. Montgomery Zile*11,, both from St. Petersburg-, was brought up on a dairy farm :in Carlton County, 20 miles from Ot- i*14.17'likalledstating of the lovely weather they lire oretuYs School in 1943 and the Ontario awe, graduate of Kemptville Aerie. ei. in :It the mercury up in the 80's ricultural College in 1946, after the daytime, and if the parks e which he served in Lambton Co., Has-1“)nicin the winter as these ,e tings Co., in Nis would indicate, really it mustppissing Dist., until IsPi'YF even of rest and pleasure es - the call came from Huron County, '-rfpr northerners. We hope thee, _pits will have an enjoyable out. ''se'safthough not knowing that the`,.4s ,."„fle are there, ithey will hardly rnee.te'renew their friendship in this .paradise in the sunny south. DLED IN HAY TWP. britt residents learned with re - the sudden passing e ll'irs. We all wilt miss Gerry, as we know him, and wish him the verY best. Farm Forum Unique F.orurn-- Members of the Unique Farm For- um •met at the home of Mr and Mrs • lceSs, Claire Geiger to discuss the topic es. "Does she put the price Tag on." gr'40: , Miss Mary Klapp capably led the Ifes'4'' ,'Annistrong of Hay Townshise. discussion and the groups answered 1 3 es; ;:eiltes south-west of liensall, who the questions as follows: Our ForuMelietTiuddenly in Victoria Hospitai, felt that improved methods of .packei Los, " Thursday Feb. 7th in her aging and advertising and inerenen I f270 ...ear, having. been admitted as &sing will increase the consumption a dis'ai ""ent eisii Tuesday of the same of food. The following factors ace lese'es*„.1. The• former. Gladys Marg. cording to importance which influe Baeeekt, she Was beim in lIsborne Tp. enc e food purchases are: (a) grade and was the daughter of Mr and Mrs (Ib) Brand, (c) Price, ( d) Built in Willie4 Batten of Winchelsea. A Services. Quality buying for the.,member of Hensel]. United ,Ghurch, consumer such as 100 -lbs. sugar, and -of the Evening Auxiliary, super - flame etc., and canned goode by the intendant of the lVtission Band. Sur - case anay save money. ; swing are her husband, a daughter Several visitors were , preeeet at elsipieeleearld ber parents. She was the . meeting in the persons of Mrs th'e) d. ' .e. al ': 3,414w, faif ,sMr and eMe. ' Albeat Tear .fleisch and .Mere :and I eielf,(Gorz41•.ri\"*& Wes: Merner Both geletln& * e'l eseseisia laeigeVeitili4 ', ed uS::heId Trona :the -United .1:01eureth, 8atur- se plimented our Forum and • erg "Assigm, to Carry on. toe -ether - day 9theeonducted by'Rev. C. D- Meme bers exchanged Valentines and ll• Jeanie', Who paid fitting tribute to radio net - I enjoyed moving pictures taken at the her life. Interment was in Exeter Centennial which were very much Cemetery. The floral tributes were NORMA'S , BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS TeL 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH Prop. PIIIMORMWRIMMIIIMISMIIMMERIGZUMMEIMENIIMPIN C. C. M. Hockey and Skating Supplies Matched Skating Sets .... Figure and Hockey $7.95 up. Hockey Sticks and Gloves Shin Guards Elbow and Shoulder Guards Hockey Pants Athletic Supports Skates Sharpened while Wait you A. G. HESS CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and JEWELLEL ZURICH ONT. Chester L. Smith, Publisher. Sabseziption in Canada, $2.00 se Tie*sit Subeeription U„S.A., Year $2.511, RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made to Order - SETH 0. AMENS, Zuriio; Ont. Phone 128. slIMMElsallamosingemirmanimmal. ,Lsma_Ap.7.-aLiNzEg Join Our Many Hosts For Dependable Heat Winter Long, Call: LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE .. ROE FRED! Phone 10 - EEENSALL ......410000006aleSeteeeeet49••••••••••••6466gte.O.GOVW0Si 0 • 0 0• • tottatto 444$041 Um* Licensed Enibalmer and Funeral Director Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent 4e•••••••4••••••••••••••••• ssessee•••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• • • 00 • 0 Lop • • 0 • • • 0 Funeral and Ambulance Service '0 HOFFMAN'S Arrange Funeral Service To Or From Out -Of -Town -Points NEMBEIII • Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- ada, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman',, as members of local and national funeral director's associations, can handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- ciency of Hoffman's service. T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME 24•Hour ServiceDASHWOOD Telephone 70-W *** 4.4o 4.0,0•4,40:4,^0.••••41se p4.**•••••••?,v,ves.46******* Thiel's &prior Food Market Specials FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Tomato juke 48 -oz. tin 33c Choice quality Tomatoes, 28 -oz. tin Clover Leaf solid 7 -oz. tin Cheery Morn Coffee, 1•:4b. bag 55c 99c Neilson's Half -lb. Chocolates , box 39c Sunkist Oranges 2 dozen Grape Fruit, 10 for . Sliced Side Bacon 1-1b. . ,..75c 49c 59c Smoked pork sausage 1413. ... 59c Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL Zurich enjoyed. znanY and lovely. HockeY News the home of Mr and Mrs Clarence' .• Schade with Mr Herb Klapp as •chair-• 11.. • The next ,aneeting will be held at' . antams--MINOR HOCKEY mare It was suggested that we get, . On Monday night the Bantams -line on the hog •marketing a special speaker to give us an outel.wim th first g . . I three series With Lucan Bantam,: ame in their two out the topic deals with this subject. The scheine u&c) ' ' e score.l go - . . This gain e 11-evas.1; layedin tlfie 6Zulch AIena be' - hostess served a delicious lunch ande'Y ur'-, the meeting closed with The queem. hforee. .good casowd of loyal fans. On Tuesday night in Lucan the Bantams had ft rear struggle on their hands,sand could only salvage a 4-4 overtime tie. Where and when the third genie in this series will be pla- yed is -hot known at the time of writ- iitg this article. Makes- ' Last Thursday night m Zurich Jettr Midget Flyers defeated Lucan Midgets by the score of 5-2, in the fest game of the playoffs for the group championship. The following Saturday in Letcan the buys came out on the short end of a 5-12 core there- by tying the series at one game each, The third and deciding game has been .ordered to be played ie the Ex- eter Arena on Friday night at 7.00 p.m. sharp. The iMidges are confide 0mit they can .come• through with a victory in this crucial game, and they request as many fans as is possible to come out to Exeter at 7:00 o'clock Friday night and cheer them on. The Intermediate game in Zurich has 'been held off until 9.00 on Friday night.. So all fans can attend the game in Exeter ,first. Give thesa kids your support and attend this game. Intermediate Hockey - The Zurieh Flyers. have now •cones Broom Ball pleted their schedule and are ready Dashwood Married Men vs. Zerich to start their playoffs. Tiler finish - Married Men ing in 4th position places thein a - Band in attendance with Majorette gairest second place Ilderton Wildcats Marching on lee in the first round of plays ffs The -DON'T MISS THIS ONE-- first game in this two -out -of -three Admission -Adults 50c. Children 25c aeric. is scheduled for the Zulich Ar - ma an Friday night, Feb. 15th Kin- dly note that this game will start at 9.00 pan., to enable the fans to go to Exeter first, and see the final playoff game between Lucan and Zurich Midgets, and be baele in time to see the 'intermediate game. To date the crowds at home games, have beet) pitiful, so lets have everybody opt On 011 Friday night, now that the play- oin§ are here. Show the boys you Friday Eve., , February 22nd. are behind them, and they WI give At; $.30 p.m. a god account of themselveg. Rem - Election of Officers, Reorganization ember, its tough to operate a hockey And any suggestions i'or benefit, 1)1 team without fan support, and Ti thClub they don't get the fans out now foi• e DE SIAM AND ATTVANI)! the playoffe, chant are cheeks won't Ford Tlaberer, Presideet, ' be Intermdiake heckey ie.) ?Ireleee next AYQ4.1X, lbert G. lites, &et:Treat:, ST. VALENTINE'S Carnival IN THE ZURICH ARENA . O.n Saturday, February 16th Judging to start at 8:30. p.m. -sharp i• Cash Prizes will be awarded for •the following: Girls 12 yrs. •and under Fancy -Comic ;Girls .16 and under Fancy - Cowrie IMen's Fancy Men's Conde Best 'National Costume. . Best Dressed Animal 1Boys 12 and under Fancy - Comic :Boys 16 and under, Fancy -Comic 1Ladies' Fancy Ladies' Comic Youngest Person 011 Skates Oldest Person on Skates SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS ,Starting at 9:45 Tug -O -War -- Lions meet Chamber of Commerce. Captains Earl Yungblut and Dennis Bedard. ' 1 FOR) ALL OCCASPISS_ Day and Night Service TELEPHONE: RES. 89W OR 89.1, ZURICH 0•0••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••vreeesseeseemm ANNUAL MEETING Of The ZURICH GUN CLUB Will be held at Dominion Hotel - Zurich Lucky Dollar Food Store SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK -END Stokelys Peas, 15 -oz. Can., 2 for Aylmer Catsup, 11 -oz. bottle Premier Sockeye Salmon 3 -s, 2 cans Javex, 32 -oz. bottle White Swan.toilet tissue, 9 rolls Menu° ()esti' iff PRODUCE WANTED. ,....33 21: 89c 23c 41 00 Zurich Phone .1.0 SPECIALS MEWS RUBBER BOOTS A REAL BUY At $3.98 A PAIR We have a Full Line of Men's and Boys' Boote and Shoes Men's and Boys' Work Clothes, jeans, Overalle, Shirts, Etc. Give Us A Call! FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK THE BLAKE STORE Schwartzentruher, Prop, Phone 1 i 1; •