HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-01-31, Page 4ZURICH ' ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD ,376 B O In Clanton Public hospital, on Wed 'lraesday, January 23, 1937, to Mr, and 14Irs, r$tanley Gingericda, R , R. 2 .Zurich, a soar, In Clinton Ptub1 e hospital, .on Monday, January 21, 1957, to Ma, and Mrs. Sydney Ramer, RiR• r 3, Zurich, a datnrghter. •.i.G.A. Dollat Y Brown's LGA. Market E HENSALL - Jan. 31, FEB. 1-2 looloramia WWI Vinemocs 41.001. lama teinalta Samoa loisenu IlinoKow tobrawat aegust 00.6.2 Nusnter Extavookil 001,1,04 n Save 22c. Dr. Ballard Dog Food .,.... 9 for $1.00 Save 1 6c. Rosedale Tomato Juice, 20 -oz. 8 for 1.00 Save 16c. Ayl'er fancy cream Corn 15oz 7 for -1.00 Save 5c. Aylmer choice Peas 15 -oz ,...,,,. 6 for 1.00 Save 5c. I.G.A. Kernal Corn 6 for 1.00 Save 15c .Aylmer Catsup 11 -oz. ,5 for 1.00 Save 13c. Aylmer Tomato Soup, 1 O-oz...9 for 1,00 Save 20c. I.G.A. Margarine 1-1b. 4 for 1.00 Save 12c. I.G.A. Sno Kreem' Lard 4 forl.00 Save 17c. I.G.A. Evaporated Milk 9 for 1.00 Save 17c. Kleenex Reg. or Chubby ...,.... 6 for 1.00 Save 20c Electric Bulbs, 25-40-60 watt 6 for 1.00 Save 13e. I.G.A. Toilet Tissue Betty Crocker Cake Mixes 9 for I.00 3 for 1.00 MEAT SPECIAL Balt -1b. side Bacon 1 -Ib. Pork Liver, 1 -lb Wein- erg for $1.00 FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES YOU GET MORE AT I.G.A• mutton loom DA4SHWOOL) 1,44 Luck Supper - The Ladies Aid of Zion c uureh and their husbands as guests en joyed a pot luck supper in the church basement Wed. Jan, 23rd, Group three with Mrs, Alvin Rader conven- or or was in .charge following the sup- per. Rev. Winters of Zurich Luth- eran chureh sihowed slides of his trip to,Germany last sananner•. Bunco followed, winners were, Mrs. Ervin Rader and Milfred Meaner. Cloaisol• ation - airs. Wilfred Wiesner and Elmer Raider. 4-H. Meeting - The Homemakers Club held their meeting and evening with 14 present. Meeting opened with 4-B. Pledge. = Miss Shirley Bullockwill be present Feb. 6th to see the work and look FE at books. The girls learned to make a dollar.. Roll call next meeting -. "A Joke". The meeting closed with "The Queen". =1 Miss Charlotte Bieseanthal or the RCAF, Clinton, and NIr. Siegfried 'Miller of Waterloo spent tine week end with Mr and Mrs. Rudolph Mil- ;ler. Mr. Wm. Haugh, accompanied by Mr. Harvey Taylor of l3 'ucefield, spent the week -end at Lowell, IiIich. Mr and IVirs. Lloyd Rader and family and Mr and Mrs. Ervin Rader, GMarien, David and Paul spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Elmer - Rader. . Extensive Auction Sale Of Tractors, Truck, Auto, 'Combine., valuable Machinery Feed and Misc. Items, on the Premises, Lots 18 and 19, ,Con. North Boundary, .Stephen Township. 114 aides east of Dash- -, wood, 6 miles west of Exeter, on C No. 88 Highway. •.r The. undersigned Auctioneer is in- strutted to sell by public auction on -FE! WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6th. I Commencing at 1 p.an. sharp. i Tractors, Auto Truck and Combine-- Caterpillar D 2 Tractor;. power - take off, 2 way hydraulic pump lin - Igua'ante.ed condition; 2 Ferguson 20-35 Thactoes, completely equipped - din guaranteed icon•dition. 0.9,50 Mer- cury 3 -ton stake truck with- grain - !rack; 1948 Monarch 4 -door sedan; '6 -ft. Case +combine, completely equip-. ' ptd with bean and grain attachments in A17 condition. NOTE-Arxange- - { merits .can be made with the Pr oprie- for before sale date in regards to payments on above items. Farm Implements - =! • 1Cac'kshutt 4 -furrow plow 14 -inch NU▪ MMI Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are -. Used" GLENAFFON MILESTONE V.G. Is the Leading Honour List Sire For 1956 in Canada with seven of his daughters winning eight places in the honour list. No other bull has had as many as seven daughter in the honour list since 1941, 1956 Honour 'List Producers by Waterloo Unit Sires Elmcroft Monogram Duke Milk Fat Monogram Duke Dutrhland .... Sr. 4 21299 669 2X (8) 178 A. Musselman, Elmira, Ont. Speid-ide Duke Tonal.- Jr. 4 20947 828 2X (1) 177 L. 1). Whiner '87 Sons, Preston Perrinholm R. A. Dora. Jr. 3 17365 720 2X 163 W. R. Perrin, Ayr. ":.-..V4"'""-"'"'* -_-- „ X - - A,� s.,«-... -- ECA (2) (5) Glenafton Milestone Graven,•r?1?i1Ptit:�mne Vona.. Jr. 4 T. W. MacLeod, Disreli, Que. Susan Aline Milestone .. .. . Sr. 3 1. Re.ehtel, Hesn)ler 'Friary "warm Milaa+nip .Prescilla Jr. 3 1). G. Geth i;n:m. Orton Barnhnlm Linda iMilesitove ..... Jr. 2 ,T. a. Barn. Stratford Airvue Rae; Annie Centn.en Jr. 2 P. M. Snyder. Waterloo Flo -Mar ?VTiileatone Verla Pabst,Sr. 2 (305) R. Oliver. Rrartchton. Lul,r Dewdrop Milestone Jr: 2 (305) F'. L. Smith & Sons, 13rowns•vill^" '* -- -'14"'' Selling Wing Double "•Mead!ewbrae Wine ... . n. D. Whale. Alma Blair Wing Double Patricia Tra M. Good. Blain• 22283 _278 3X 165 2'0524 788 2X (4) 18.5 20349 811 2X 13802 7123 2X 17358 051 2X (2) 173 12847 577 2X 136 (2) 191 '(3) 133 (2) ;1.12929 532 2X Sr. 2 168141 Sr.12 (305) 112102 Macdonald Rag Apple Ajax. Dickieln!oime Wilda Rae. Apple... h (gas) J, H. Gillespie, Galt. (3 ) 146 (5) 737 2X 158 (1) 148 190 184 177 181 207 190 177 166 170 1P9 568 2X 135 (4) 165 19853 &50 2X (9) 170 ,.r • r hy �(A 152 PLEASE NOTE: The number in brackets indicate their standing in class Congratulations to the people who made these recioads. For high production with good type, use the bulls we have in service, DAIRY or BEEF. For servi+,ce or more information, call collet: CLINTON HU. 2-3441 Between 7:30 and 10 A.M. Week Days 7: 30 and 9:30 A. M. Sundays and Holidays WA au ►IHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIII 111111111 VIII IIIIII II[ilfIfi_IInIIIIIIII!IJPMIlllll►Ill►Illlf IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl IHIIIIOihl I II III I II ll l I ll►Il IuhllllljlllIDilllll 1 Thursday, January 31st,, *.` 01t,^,IUUIIOiIIit UP-TO-DATE FAMILY.. (.2 a G' > , C9'a lro boli , R e. I The Diithrop's Passport `tx "•'>✓ to Better Living BANK OF MONTREAL • egoara. 944t Va4 Zurich Branch: JOHN BANNISTER, Manager Hensel! Branch: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager Crediton Branch: CLARE IRWIN, Manager (Open Tuesday and Thursday) Dashwood 00 -Agency): Open Mon., Wed, & Fri. The Dilthrops are 'a modern-day family who have rediscovered a ree. cipe for better living. It's not a new recipe by any means -it has been tried and tested for -years. Here are the ingredients.: ▪ a 13 of Me- Savings Account • a Definite Goal to Save for • a Dash of Determination There's nothing more - just add deposits regularly. Mom and •Dad can point te. the results ... that suit she's wearing .. . that easy chair ... the sense of thrift: and self-reliance in Jimmy and Carol.' gained by operating their own ac- counts. at the B of M. There's fun„ they say, in saving together and in, sharing the thrills of realizing their savings goals. Why don't you open accounts for members of your family today? You'll find a warm welcome awaits you at the B of M. 14Y 1ANI1 TO 2 X11110, 0111.40/AN3. WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SiNCE 1817 bottom' with hydraulic tifk,, like new; Cockshu+tt 15 -run grain and fertiliz- er drill on rubber with (power life, like new.;. M -H. Ez•ee flow fertiliser spreader (12) ; Cookshutt 4 -row beat and bean. ,cultivator; Ferguson row crop spring teeth eutlivator; Water- loo 112eft. 18 -inch plate disc ('new) ; Smith 1214 -ft. elevator, equipped with 6-H.P. Wisconsin engine, for corn, grain or beans; 3 -dram Land roller; Benin 10 -ft. land packer, like new; Iron Age 20 -ft boon for 3 P.R. weed sprayer; Woods lane -row !corn picker, like new; Lutz grinder, 10 -in, plates, in brand new condition;1M-H. 10 -inti grain grinder; heavy duty wagon. equipped with 900x16" tires, 8 -ton cap; 3.0 -,inch si:cle racks; heavy duty wagon, equipped with 750x16" tires, 6 ton cap., 34 -inch side racks; heavy duty wagon, equipped with 600x16" tires, 3 -ton cap•, 24 -inch side racks. All (boxes 'hinged for dumping; M -H. 4 -wheel spreader on rubber; 15 -ft. flexible klrag harrows; 4 -section dia.•- nnand harrows; Ferguson side deliv- ery rake (new) ; Ferguson 2 -furrow plow, 12 -teach bottom, 3 P.H. Dear- born 4 -ft. one-way dis',c; 3 'PAL ; Fer- guson 2 -row corn planter, 3 P.H. ; Ford •3 PH. cement mixer; 5 -ft. corn stalk ,cutter, 3 P.H.; pulley for Ia'er- g+uson or Ford tra;ctor; M -H, puller legs; Ferguson bean pullet; Water • - Ioo 4 -ft. one-way disc; 2 Ferguson heat houses; International heat house; White 15 -in. cutting box with pipes like new; M -H. 4 -ft. one-way disc; 2 rotary gasoline pumps, 2 Iritemmnational wheel weights; 14 -in. lawn mower; Finidley Boal and wood' cooking range, like new; 2,000 bales of choice oat straw; 200 bales bean straw, Ichoiee quality; International 4 -row beet and bean planter, Etc. PLAN to attend tills outstanding sale., Everything in Hirst class cond- ition. No reserve as owner is giving up farthing due to (other interests. Lunch 'Booth on 'Grounds. ` TERMS---GASA Glenn Canneron, Pnrlprietoi', Glen. Webb, Cleryk. Alvin "Wallper, Auctioneer. :On Tuesday last, January 22nd 1957 Mr and Mrs Frank Den:ol<ni ie o this Parish anarke;d the fiftieth . nniv ersary of their married' life, and oi occasion both attended morning Masa to give thanks to God'for their long and happy married life. D2476• taking full posession of the f home, and feet' their awn doing ss:. well prepared dinner was served n with all the trimmings attached.tee it. Mr. 'Wim. .Ray Ducharme ant family, Mrs. Denis Denommne and; fannrily, the four sons and their wiv- '-• es of their deceased daughter Loretta, Regier, and.'Fathen (Poisson, the pates ish spriest also attended. During the, evening other parie!honers called to offer eongratulatiloins to the and: !couple. The, Den:oommne's were thG reciepients .of: many valuaibler1{¢¢:. from their Children and others: Mrs.. 'Matthew • Denei nue read an 'inspir- ing address of respect and- honour, to the celebrants. but they were so enn. otioned fronn it all, that is was hard' flora• them to reply in words. Never. the -less they did in heart and spirit . A11, enjoyed themselves to their hearts content wishing their parents• many more years of • well.. earned 'comfort and happiness. C'omnne•nti.ng on these long yea.a's gone by we say with certainty that • - not too many are privilerlged to live, a married life span together fox'• fifty years. Let us say for exannple, that two young people leave their. place of abode, etroll out into the.,. open, and at a .certain point, they would stop and pause for a xnonnent,. and there they evloul+d deposit an oba . -ject, they would say to one another fifty year, nfroa i t'oda:v yo?r and 1" will return and pick up this object to the average person it would sem unbelievable, the tspan of fifty years. of married life together is the mnsw.. 'r to it,and to Mr and Mrs Denon, ne it was a reality. Like tmiuy young couples when they marry, they 7,•orw that day to love one •another teat to, share together the pleasures andz: happiness of life, son the same o.ca casion they vow to share also all of the trials and sorrows that would be.. fall them in their new life, All of their married life was spent in this parish a.. record for home life, apartt from minor ailments due to advance Fifty years ago, on January 22nd 1907 whet' the groom was nearing his twenty -;fifth birthday, and his bride Miss Annie Charrette was twenty years of age, (both of this parish were married in the parish •church by the not,. Father Lovis!clle then parish priest. The gno!orn .s +beet mann' of fifty years ago was the late Remie 'Geofno!i, while the bride was assisted by her sister, Mabel, now Mrs. James Masse. 'After their -marriage the Denommne's lived in the surroundings of 'St. Joseph for three years, before snaking their final de- ci•sion. as to where they -would est- ablish.themselves- •-to start their future 'life. They then decided to purchase the Jllohnn Scbilibe homestead ;on the 144tH Con, Hay, itt the •year 1910, where they Hived for -forty some years. Of late they turned over their farm to their son Matt- hew, they then Moved in their remod- eled hone on the Blue Walter High- way. From IIVIr and Mrs. Denanune's. union 13 !children .weee born: eight' sons and +five daughters. Deceased are Lae -tibia, Loretta, Juliette and one - eon. Dennis.. The remaining ones are Gaston of Dundas; Adrian of Zurich! Harry of Windsor; Alfred at home also Loftus at hone; Andrew of Win- dsor,,annd '11/lattihew on the hi neste.ad on the 14th. 'Otion. (Lottie) ltIrs. George Grenier of Dashwood; and (IMarilie) Maus. Lewis A.yotte, of the 14th •Concession, The Denonnme's have 80 ttrancl ,children; 12 great grandchildren. St. Joseph & Rhhtp Water Area GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY It has been a long time desire of their !cbldren to: have their parent: celebrate their golden 'wedding anni- versary, but due to recent deaths in the famiIv of late, it was heart brea- king for thenar to make any decision. After their •'children bad remain- ed dormant :For some time :but mak- ing planns, they arrived at the Deno- anrna home on Saturday l:m:•t by e'r.,•. ng years, we can say that both are enjoying fairly good health, Mr. Deno -nein is nearing his seventy-fifth year 'le Mrs. Denomnne is seventy. years of age, e.