HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-01-31, Page 1HERA Established 1900 MR. VERSATILE it • 4Sammy Sales turns .up in a variety "'uf roles. ;He's an actor and conned- ran. on stage, television and radio, a •gag writer, and :frequantly sits in as a guest on panel shows. Canadians stave • seen him on such OBC -TV. howl as Barris Beat, Cross -Canada • Hit Parade, TV Theatre, On. Camera, end others, • ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 31 1957 T. J. "TOM" RAWLINGS Accountant Income Tax Returns Phone 33 - Zurich Card of Thanks January 28, 1957 sincerely thank my relatives, ANNUAL MEETING Of The ZURICH GUN CLUB Will be held at Dominion Hotel - ' Zurich On W. I. Postpone Meeting Friday Eve. February 15th. The Zurich Branch of the Womens At 830 p.m Institute has postponed their regular Election of •Officers, Re.organizatiof' meeting until further ,notice. :fiends And neighbours for the And any suggestions 'for benefit. of. the Club BE SURE AND ATTEND! r• Ferd Haberer, President. Albert G. Hess, Secy-Treas. i.towems, cards, treats, •and calls while in the-hospittal., and since returning home. Gideon Koehler. Card of Thanks We would like to thank the Zurich Fire Brigade, Neughiblonrs, relatives and .friernds who helped in any way during and after the fire. — Harold and Edith Bell, and Family, Hensel'. Public Sale Of Strayed 2 -year-old• Cattle beast, unto Lot 23, Coni 7, Hay Township. Owner can have same by proiving property and spaying expense1;•;. be- fore date of Sale, which will .he held on TUESDAY, {FEBRUARY 5, 1957 At 2:00 p.m. Place of •Sale : Jasnes I'fcA.ilister, Parr Line, Hay Township; Lot 23 Concession 6. Sale -will be in charge of Alvin Walper, Auctioneer, and Poundkeeper. • • 1 re • •• S A THREE ACT PLAY ENTITLED "A. Pair 0f 4 Country Kids' TOWN HALL — ' ZURICH Tuesday, February 5th, 1957. 8 p.m. SPONSORED BY THE EVANGELICAL YOUTH FELLOWSHIP ADMISSION: Adults 50c. School Children, 25c. • • • • • aft • • • g e • 0 s 44•+6dtoi.******A4400444'9*** i HOFFMAN'S Arrange Funeral Service • 4. ▪ To Or From Out -Of -Town -Points .4, "a me�aa4ws�cc a t+e� 44444444(► 4 4 4 4 xEMBER r') Wherever funeral service, is required, to or from any pi ce in Can- `• eda, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as members of local and national funeral director's associations, can handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- ciency of Hoffman's service. 40, -a. a ,4 ' 4 Y Funeral and .Ambulance Service • 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone • **************************.0****************.******* • 4 4 • • 4 4 4 • T. HARRY. HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME • 4 4 4 70-W Thiel's Superior Food Market Garden Patch: Choice Peas 7 -15 -oz tins $1.00 Aylmer Veg- Soup, 9-10-nz. tins 1.00 Aylmer Sunshine Tomato 'Juice 7, 20 -oz. tins 1 00 Aylmer Tomato Catsup 5, 11 -oz. bottles -.00 Apex Fruit Cocktail 4, 1:5 -oz: tins 1 00 Ellmarr Pure Peanut Butter 3, 16 -oz. jars .100 Aylmer Tid. Bits Pineapple 5, 15 -oz. tins 1.00 "Good as Gold" Sol.'id Tums 4, 7 -oz. tins 1.60 1 00 Pard Dog Food - Regular, 8, 15 -oz. tins Hillcrest Toilet- Tissue 10, lge rolls Westinghouse Light. Bulbs 25-40-60 watt Tree Sweet Lenon. Juice 8, 6 -oz. tins 1 00 6 for ... 1.00 T.00 Top Crop Popping Corn 7, 16 -oz. Poly Bags .....1.00 Natures Best Golden Cream Style Corn, 8, 15 -oz tins...1.00 TreeSweet Orange Juice 6, 20 -oz. tins .................1.00 Rosedale Choice Slioed. Beets 10, 20 -oz. tins 1.00 MANY BARGAINS ON MEATS AND 'FRUITS—VEG- ETABLES Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL. Zurich MIXED CARD PARTY Will be held in Town Hall - Zurich On Citizen Dies As we ego• to press we learn of the • passing of Conrad •Siemon of town who slept quietly away around mid- night, Tuesday. More particulars next week. Thursday, February 7th At 8:00 p.un. sharp Sponsored by the LADIES' AUX- ILIARY of the SCOUTS and CUBS Free Lunch Admission 50c. 7 &1ZES— Paper Coll Notice Tues. Feb. 5th, 1957 TIIME-4.45 6 p>m: PLEASE HAVE PAPERS R'EAD.+ WHEN THE SCOUTS •tjQI>,'I. + TC?: COLLECT 'THEM . Please Help Support the Local Boy Scout Troop - With Your Waste Paper. It happens only Ionce a month, please put out your Papers. 'so anqu A N D ANNUAL MEETING Of The Hay Township Federation of Agriculture .. IN THE Community Centre, Zurich • ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 31st. At7p.m. Guest Speaker — Padre Young, of O.A.C. Guelph, Ont. Tickets $1.-50. Get your tickets early All in the Community are cordially invited to attend DANCE TO FOLLOW {PROGRAM Golod Orchestra in Attendance Plan to attend and Boost for your Local Federation Prasideirt, Lloyd .:Hendrick. Secretary, Clifford Pepper. Baking Sale Women's League are 1 n,t a laking Sale at the .l own Hall, Zurich On SATURDAY AFTERNOON, VARY 2nd. - At 3 O'Clock. All are Invited to Attend! LIONS AT LUCKNOW The Zurich Lions Club, as many as. Could, motored to Lucknow on Monday evening where Installation of a new charter •Clu(b was formed. They are off to a good start with a- round forty members, and represent a large area as a service club. It is quite well. in our anind when the Zurich Club was chartered in the spacious Lutheran church shed of town, the many Lions Clubs that were represented from the district. This was the first step towards the erection of the admired Community Centre and Arena ;we are now enjoy- ing, and which has ment so much to Zurich and vicinity. .Besides this the -Zurich Club has did •much relief and service work which will never, be for- gotten by those who received such help. We wish the Lucknow club every success to grow into real Lion - ism, and be of great service to the community they represent. ANNUAL MEETING The annual annual meeting and re --organi- zation of the Zurich Agricultural So- eiety was held in the town hall, Zur- ich last Thursday afternoon, January 24th, with about the usual attend- Fnce, an:d, an interesting meeting was: eld: •The -:past- year,-W9:.5;G,..was -.tie-. (low the average years, the attendance less than usual, like other fairs, with gate receipts lower. The treasurer, E. F. Klopp reported a small balance on hand. The School Area exhibitors are a great asset to the Fair with keen competition. The Society will again sponsor a 4-H. Calf Honor Club for 195 7. The • young farmers take a keen interest in this work. The work started this past .October 1956 by making the grounds more attractive and is to be completed this spring. Mr. Albert •Kalbfl-eisch was ap- pointed as chairman for the re -organ- ization which resulted es follor,vs—• The Directors for 1957 'constitute as follows: William Davidson, Presid- ent; Arnold Merner, First Vice Pres- ident; Clifford Pepper, SSeconr. Vice President; Directors - Otto Willert, V. L. Becker, Dennis Bedard, Theo Steinbach, Bert Klopp, Walter Eckel, Ed. Schroeder, Bert McBride, Charles Thiel. Much effert will be made to boost the Fair for 1957, and this can only be achieved by giving it the whole- hearted public support. Everyone should have ashare in helping along the Fall Fair. • TRANSPORT HIT BY TRAIN An unfortunate transport -train ac- cident occurred about noon, Satur- day when Harold Thiel and Robert Icltinley were .transperti.ng ittle chickens, wei •Ming 24Gp, lbs. each were on their about hs. river them to Harriston, and in go- ga- ng across the C.P.R. tracks at West; Monkton, were cugiht by the freight train corning from the east, the ii•ghway at this point being very tilippery so as the brakes on the ruck would not hold .and it kept on toing forward on the tracks. Harold tvho was the driver of Thiel'sTrans- Iaort realized the danger with the on- coming locomotive, used his presence of mind and quiokly put it in low gear and stepping on got the front cap across the tracks with the result that the train hit {ablaut the middle of the trailer part. The engine plowed through the {truck scattering the crates of chickens here ane, there and carrying the cab of the truck with it for about ten rods before the train was brought to a stop. Fortun- ately the ;Bien were not hurt, hut re- ceived a shaking up, end are now none the worse for it, it Sure was a close call, as the train was stopping •at the station the speed was greatly reduced. Just how many Wokswere killed, was not Inown, but the Were indeed 'fortunate too :ave their lives, as it was a close {call. The traffic on the highway was held upfor on -acrd- a- halt' hours befor-e it was, eleai c d of wreckage. : A;r. nt-2*asr true'of the ,;care shipment �r`ata'toll- a3i51ra17, owin4l,� arid, were ('ye-witn5ti.t of 1120 FEB R- .i t lg 1 Annual Meeting Tire 82nd --Annual Meeting of the Policyholders of The Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company Will be held in the Town Hall Zurich 021 Monday, February 1 1 th. .:11957. At Two o'clock, p.m. ,EUSIN:BS•S: 1—Receiving Reports of the 1'resid- an:t, Secretary - Treasurer and the Auditors. 2—Receive of Resolution on SulNp.- 1eanentary Coverages. 3—The discussion of 'other ,matters in the interest of the Company. 4—The electing of four 1 7irectot's. A GOOD ATTENDANCE IS RE- QUESTED Qtto Willert, Pr e•eident. Reginald. G. Black, Mgr. St Sec-. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENT'S Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH Prop. C. C. M. Hockey and Skating Supplies Matched Skating Sets .... Figure and Hockey_ $7.95 up Hockey Sticks and Gloves Shin Guards Elbow and Shoulder Guards Hockey Pants Athletic Supports Skates Sharpened while you Wait A. G. HESS CERTLFIED WATCHMAKER and JEWELLEI. ZURICH - ONT: Chester L. Smith, Publisher, Subscription in Canada, $2.00 a TOW Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.52, RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made tiot Order -- SETH O. AMENS, Zuric% Ont. Phone 128. Join Our Many Hosts For Dependable Heat a1 Winter Long, Call: LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEED2 Phone 10 --- HENSAIi. •••••:•e••ee•••e••s••••ee ee e•• • i • • e •M•esesee•••••••e• •este• ase•eee•easesam••etweeemt 44404 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Cat Ambulance Se ce Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rem FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service TELEPHONE: RES. 89W OR . 89J, ZURICH 1 zuRIews Grocery Store Clark's Pork and Beans I5 -oz. can, 2 for .,,..... j9c York Dessert Pears, 1.5 -oz. cans, 2 for 29c Crown Tea Bags, 100 bass for 75c Sunblest Green Beans,, 15 -oz. cans, 2 for Libby's Tomato Juice„ 1,41,2 -oz,. 3 for 25c Menne, Oesch - Zurich. PRODUCE WANTED, Phone 1.65 SPECIALS sJp ".tier" ..•.., MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS A REAL BUY AT $3.98 A PAIR We have a Full Line of Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes Men's and Boys' Work Clothes, Jeans, Overalls,. Shirts, Etc. Give Us A Call! FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK THE BLAKE STORE t,. Schlvartzexlttr'wuber, Prop. Phone 1 1 •Y t idowssossivamonsupoommismossorsessiossoastsossesspoossommuksastest440