HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-01-24, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO • ZURICH HERALD kuthorized as eecond class mail, , ALVIN WALPER t 'Pet Office Department, Ottawa. P R O V I N C I A L Licensed Auctioneer For your Sale, large or small; Court- eous and Efficient rServlce at ail timhone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD RONALD G. McCANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT •Phones: 561 Office Royal Bank Bldg. 455 Res. Ratenbury S.t CLINTON ONTARIO O. B. CLANCY Optometrist --- Optician (Successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointments phone 33, Gorlerich Ont. • ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER 163i+'l+'1L$1 - Corner Ann, Vii&fain Sts. Phone Eereter 5)0.4 MOBILE DISPOSAL CONTRACTING teptilc Tank Cleaning , Repairs on Drains, Watermains, Etc. 'New Instraiations on Cement Septic Tanks, Drainage Tile and Drains Th.. ;2105 Grand Bend To meet Your RequirefrneJt Drs. COXON & LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS Mee with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Phone 96 --- ZURICH Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association For artificial insemination infer - elation or service from all breeds of -cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at. Clinton lin .2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. We have all breeds available - top quality at low cost. N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street -- Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & T1. NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. HONE 4 'EXETER — C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. 11Vedaesday, 2 to 51 an at Zurich. " , • 4n t To itbal� C -e1 LOCAL NEWS Mx, Wm. O'Bren of the Bank of Montreal Staff, London spent the week -end at ,the home of lila par- ents, Mr and Tries LeRoy O'"13aiein. Mr and Mrs Keith Westlake and daughiter Elaine were visitors at Lon- don last Thursday. Ma and Mrs &Inward Finldbein•er and children of Kipped were Sa•tux LUK1ll.I-1 111E,R0-44, ACTION SALE Complete Dispersal Auction Sane of Hii;+h. Grade) Holetenn Cows and Heifers at Hansa -II Sales Barn ea TUESDAY, J ANUA.RY 2J9th. at 1.,30 20 Holstein Cows, fresh and dee to freshen in February, - March, 6 Holstein Heifers 2 .yrs. old, fresh day visitors at the home of their and clue to freshen shortly. grandmother, Mrs. Daniel Oswald. Remainder of Open Holstein Heifers. Mr and Mrs. Wilfred Jervis of Clinton were visitors at the home of their parents, Mr and IMrs. Syiv. Witmer, last 'week. Terns—,Crash Colin Before, Proprietor. Mrs, Lydia G,ingeiicIi has returne 1 Harold Jackson,, Aetctioneer. to •her Thome after a pleasant visit with relatives and friends in .bitch -I FEDERATION HONORS G. GREI�G titer over the holiday season, Huron County officials honored Mr and. Mrs Novenae).. IVIliler of the county :F.ederaitig:a 'ef Agricult- Echnonton, Alb., were visiting with ire's former eeeretsary fieldman, Gor- Mr and Mrs Thomas Mailer sof Exeter clo:ra Greig of Bluevale, 1vir. Greig Sunday evennrg. has retired after serving for six .We are •pleased to report that years. Presentation at Clinton, at a :Marlowe Dean, :8 months, youngest sladstons bag Twee" made by Wilfred eon of Mr and +Mi Leonard iBowanan • hortreed, o•f Brussels, past .pre.=yid- is improving after his recent illness. ; ent fend Winston •Shapi,on, of Exeter, F. C. Kalbfleiseh & Son., Ltd. 2te Baking Sale first vicepresident. Mr. Greig has 1) rn'; forget t'he home bailing Sale been .succeeded by Carl Hemingway, in the t',:wn Hall, Zurich on .Febru- ) of Brussels. jary 2md. Sponsored by the Catholic 17sramens' Leaue. Farm .Forum - 'Unique Club Meet=- Wen•t Bout The :U:nique Farm Forum held somable Rates and Service, my motive. On Saturday morning last Mr and their regular ,meeting at the home Please give me a call whether it be Mrs. Harry Faber, of Hensall; 1V11.- of Mr and Mrs. Jack L'YIeClinchey small or large. Service that Setts - and Mrs. Roches Faber and Mr and with a good attendance. fies. — CLARE MASSE, Phone 125 Mrs. Bert Faber of :the Hensall area A very interesting discussion trek Dashwood, Ont. 4t" motored eo Florida for a two week's ' place on the topic "Is parity lucerne vaca'tiorr. {Enough" .with fvlrs, Carl p.estreacher i STRAYED 11'or Appointment, Daslbrwood 27 x 13 J. NORMAN CO'WAN Bookkeeping and Income Tax Service 'Sarepta' Liao; . FISH CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES Hay. O. Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties, in ATTENTION Call at, Rader & Mittleholtz Hardware Store and they will help you solve.your problem of cutting wood. - See the New Pioneer Chain Saws, (I.E.L.) to be offered 1 WANTED —A Stenographer, capable of typing and )Shorthand. Also a ibookkeeper. NOTICE 1 ami now !back in the business of General Trucking, and am equipped. with hoist to do all your jobs. Rea - Mrs. Herb. Desjardine, Mrs. Elroy as leader. Some' of the farmers Desjardine and ,children and Mr. Jac- most urgent problems are (a) ab- Unto my premises, Parr Line Hay orb 'O:berer metered to London on ,tanning parity in+conne (b) securing Township a two-year-old iSteea'. Own - Tuesday. Mrs. Eir'ay Desipardine ; up to date knowledge on new ways er can have same by proving prop- end son .Ronnie remained dor a week with her mother, Mrs. Murray. Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs 1 Fed Miller of near Dashworod were: Mr. Dave Duke of Ford'w+ich; Mr and' alirs, -Harry McAdams and David of Zurich; Mrand Mn; Henry Bassow and Miss Emma Bassew .and Mrs: , M Di;trtcner of Zurich; Mr. Delmar) Miller and Graze Messner. of Dash- I wood; Me- and Mrs Robert AnnanI of St. Thome; Mr and Mrs. Norman! Miller. c,BrTUARy David Haugh Services for David Haugh,. 67,who I diied in ".South Huron Hospital, Exeter Ion Surid•av, January 20th, 19.57 Were conducted at Dashwood on Wednes'- 1 day at 2.30 pan., in the Hoffman funeral home by the Rev. W. Krotz. Interrrhent was .made in .Zurich Ev- I angelical cemetery, Bronson line. Before moving ,to Dashwood Keen' years ago, he had farmed on fiances-; si+on 14 Hay Township, and was a! member of the Evangelical U13.1 Church,. Dashwood. fele was unmar- ried. Surviving':are one heather, VAR! Maine HayTownship, and one sister, i Mrs. John Schmidt, New Dundee. Late Cyrus Schoch Mr. Cyrus Schoch, widower, of 32 Waterloo St., Bridgeport, Ont., ,fl ,I ZURICH'S POPULAR iSaiurday, ,I1rrllg1T iVth, 1957 "t Ti i Ai A R,. i ltlie Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital, ax-: $X�l ter 2, lengthy illness. He was boa e near Zurich on Sept. 2.8, 1870 and was S6 years of age. He had form- erly fanned on the 14th Con., FIay, also at Steaeb>}rg and Bridgeport. Wes j a member of •Calvary Evangelical LT. BeChurch, Kitchener. Mr. Schoch was formerly choir leader, trot stee, i class leader and Sunday Schcol sup- . erintendent for many ,years in the Evangelical ,church in the Zurie'h Circuit, was a sae of the late Mr.! iu'id Mrs. 'Christian Schoch, Tr°' ,.ser' settlers. His wife the former Barb-' ara Lindenfield died in 1951. 'Fear sons survive: Garnet of Cochrane; Percy, of I itehencee Leonard also of Kitchener, a' -d Clifford -;f .Stratford. Pi'edaeeaeed : a son Wallace in 1953 I Three •daughters: (Bernice) Mrs. Franck Pauli of Ayr; (Idella) 'Mrs ' Walter Roedding of Bridge.port; and Mrs. L. c lie Lautenslager of ef Kitchener. one sister, Mrs. James Fowler, of Kelona, B.C.; 219 grand- childrenr, and fourteen great grand- children. The funeral was held on Tuesday from the Ratz-Bechtel Fun- eral Home., ILitchener, with burial at 13ridgepeat Mem. Cemetery. The officiating clergyman was Rev. J. H. Getz, pastor :of. the ichierch. LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE b'ERY-CHOICE OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS, BOLOGNAS, SAUSAGES, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND. KEPT FRESH IN MODERN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION Y(JNGBLUT BROS. O'Brief's Produce 'Highest Cash Prices Paid for CREAM- EGGS - and POULTRY LeRoy. O'Brien, Proprietor PHONE 101 — ZURICH Zurich Creamery Your Home Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVEED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPiPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS Chas. Minshall, Proprietor Western F2rmprs' Intn2! Weatb r insi!rpnce Co. OF WOODSTOCK LARGEST RESERVE BAle i ?4C':sa OF ANY CANADIAN "MUT- wl`iAL COMPANY DOING 13USINES+ OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . RATES ON APPLICATION E. F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING ODS AND ALL FINDS OF FIRIa' INSURANCE 1 FOR SALE iBeef, by the half carcass; 2 -yr. -old Hereford and Durham at 32e ib. ' Apply to Neil. Gingerich, Phone 90 r 2, Zurich. Ztx' erty and paying expenses to James UcAllislter, R.R. 1, Zurich. Sprayed Apples For Sale Spy, Greening, Peewalkee, Bald- win, Saloon, Etc. lPhoace Hunter 2i- 321:4'•. Fred McClymont, 1 anile south 3 , of Varna 3tc Bricks, Half Gallons and 21/ Gallons C. ANDERSEN B.A. Station - D '' OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK the meal is ready ! Be Your Menu Maker! On the table Brady Clean(rs & Laundeteria Ltd. - Exeter Complete Sanitone Cleaning Laundry and Storage Service Pick up Mon., hack on Thurs. Piek up Thurs., back on Monday. (Local Agent) EARL OESC1-1 Barber Shop Zurich G. A. WEBB, D.C. -� *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wed. Tues. & Thurs. Evenings 7-9 Fior Appointments - Phone 606 a 0 4, a, a +a e i; e 0 s 41+ 0' 1' 4 i Salesman Wanted 'MAN WANTED tow Rawleigh bus- iness. Sell to 1500 families. Write today .Rawletg'h's Dept. A -458 -SA, I Montreal, P. Q. of farm ng. (c) need for increased efficiency, (d) need for review of the school tax question as the farm- ers feel they are paying more than their *rare. • The next meeting will be held 011 February 4th, .at the home of Mr. ,and Mrs. Bert Klopia. The topic for this imeetirrr "Does she put the price tag an, will be taken by Mrs. Delb- ert Geiger. IThe hostess served a delicious lunch and the meeting •closed with "The Queen." JOHN CLARK John Clark is elle most every week on CBC -TV's "Junior Ma+gazine", a one-hour program on which he produces live and filmed entertainment for •children. Clark is the one on the right; his friend with the hat worm: his way into the shwa every now and again. H A S YOUR COMMUNITY A LOCAL NOW ENTERING TARIOVIIIc SAFETY COUNCIL PROTECTED , Traffic accidents and fatalities can be reduced in your cotnmunity by the activities of a Safety Council. Many Ontario communities now have local councils. The facts prove they are serving their communities effectively and well --and saving litres. Any civic minded citizen or organization can take the lead. Complete "how to' information is described in "How To Organize And Operate A. Community Traffic Safety Council," which. may be obtained by writing to either Ontario Safety League, 1170 Bay Street, Toronto 5, Ontario. Hon. . Kelso Roberfis, Attorney General, Parliament i3uiidings„ Toronto, Ctnt.arie. 4 t 4, 4, i Your YOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome bread for your I table --bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering "goodies to crown the menu of every meal l Frag- rant Coffee Cake arid Cinnamon Buns for breakfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats for luneheon..piring hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Brea( in variety, too, for snacks any time of day or night. So don't get wrink, les worrying about variety in meals -- let your baker be your anenu maker, See what's on his tray today! "' tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 -- ZURICH Baxdwaie ibt,ore WE SUGGEST— Have a look at our Paints, and select your color and kind suitable for your need. We carry the usual full line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware See Us for your Heating Equipment or New Bathroom. We Specialize in: — • • PLUMBING - HEATING - TINSMITI-iNC o • • Rader ittleheitz lar W re Phone Zurich 63. Winter Footwear Reductions WE ARE OFFERING THE FOLLOWING AT THE POSSIBLE LOWEST PRICES: Men's Thermo Boot, Reg. $1 1.95 for $9.95 Men's Thermo Boot, 4 -buckle reg. 8.95 for 7.95 Men's Hi Losh, reg. 5.95 for 5.25 Women's and Children's Shoes from 10 to 155 off SEE OUR LUGGAGE WE STILL DO SKATE SHARPENING Oesch Shoe Stote Phone, Res. 130. Store 82 e 0 n 4 s as 5 1p 4 • a 0 0 070 M 4 4 a a 4 a See ti s STEEL ROOFING -- ALUMINUM ROOFiNG— FENCING -- BARB W1i2E FENCE POSTS, - ETC-, ETC. FRESH FEEDS ALWAYS ON HAND • TRY OUR CHICK STARTER — Hogs Shipped Tuesday and Thursday Cattle on Saturday ensall District , a -Op Zurich 220 Phone Hensall 115. 4 e• 4 4 8 4 4 a a w e OS *SOO 4 n 4