HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-01-24, Page 1R I CH ' (Established 1900 HER ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY .MORNING, JANUARY 24 t 957 Tb j„ "TOM" RAWLINGS Accountant Income Tax Returns Ph -Orae 33 Zurich Card of Thanks 11'Ir and Mrs Hubert Schrillbe and ";heir daughter Donna wish• to thank every one ,tor thein kindaress in sen - 'ding .her cards, treats, etc., while. -Donna was a patient in Victoria `C'hiWrens' ,Hospital, London, and at a taoaae,- Thanks again. A Worthy Act The action of the F. W. Wool- worth Company in ordering all bran- ches to discontinue the sale of toy pistols is certainly to be commended. This is an effort to prevent crime and many are of the opinion that the handling of toy pistols by little totss is not a good thing. Who has not been accosted on the streets by chil- dren pointing toy pistols and order- ing us "Hands up." Only in fun, at course, but the thought is lodged in the mind of the child and the rear thing might come in later years. cannot br .00 careful.—Sel: G. R. HARDMAN Will Attend At the MILT OESCH SHOE STORE ZURICH -- Phone 82 or 130 MONDAY, JANUARY 28th. 10 A. M. — 8 P. M. iracIe :C7O-T :Do neat mistake relief for correction! It is pos- sible to obtain relief from foot ills without affect- ing the 'cause. But once the condition - becomes chronic, what .once gave relief, no longer works. Miracle Foot Aid corrects, by lifting gently, exer- cising mildly, and increasing circulation due to obstruction. Cox'rest the 'cause with Miracle $ , '^: Foot Aid, the proven -hi -use corrective, :with over a quarter century experience in foot ills, acid in sciatic, .rheumatic„ art'hritie pains •associated -with a foot condition, SEE MR. UARDIVIAN ON MONDAY FOR COMPLETE EXPLANATION CLINICS -- Zurich, Peterborough, Brantford, Kitchener, London, St. Catharines, Listowel. t'..•.•..••o••.s.••••••.••• HOFFMAN' S wArrange Funeral Service 40 To Or From Out -Of -Town -Points +Q, F••••••••oes oo•••••••••• •• s KEoIWI Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any pl ce in Can- ada, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as members of local and national funeral director's associations, can handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- ciency of Hoffman's service. T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME Funeral and Ambulance Service 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W "....Ia.ailk •F. y...__�d.. ... ,. • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • Pv s•a•s.a1 av stir••••••• Thai el's Superior Food Market Thursday-„ Friday, Saturday.. SPECIALS Swift's Prem.. beef stew, 15 -oz tin 27c Libby's deep brown. beans, 2, 20 -oz tins 37c H. S. Aylmer tomato Soup 10 -oz. tin 1 1 c Fancy red Sockeye Salmon 7 3/x -oz tin 491 - For Your Convenience We Now Have Zurich Dairy Milk and Cream • e 1.40 „ C H. THIEL Zurich Chester L. Smith, Publisher. Subscription in Canada, $2.00 a ;sem Subscription 'U.S.A., Year $2.5L. Card of Thanks • I would like to thanik all any friends for the prayers, cards, and visits while I was atClinton Hospital and since returning home. —Mrs. Kenneth Gascho. DAMAGE AT $1,150 Damage totaled $1,150 but no one was injured in a two -car -crash on Highway 21 near St. Joseph on Jan.• nary 2'Oth. Police said vehicles in- volved were operated by Wan. Lock- ner of Grand Bend, and Richard Leo Harris of Detroit. The northbound Harris car, turning off the (highway into a lane, was damaged to the ex- tent of $700. Damage to the Am- erican vehicle travelling south, was estimated at $450. JAIL FOOD COSTS Goderich — Huron County paid an average of 47 % cents a day to feed prisoners in county jail here during 1956:. county council' afternoon ses- sion was told on Jan. •17th. I'he rations costs were included In a re- port by John D. Robertson, acting- gaverner of Huron County goal. Mr Robertson said the jail accomodration was a total of 99 inmates during bite year. Five are in custody at present Council's brief session was adjou- rned to 10 a.m. Thursday and mem,- ers nett .in finanQ.e, agriculture, legi - lative, executive and roads c'omarit- tees. Ban ue AND ANNUAL MEETING Of The Hay Township Federation of Agriculture .. IN THE if HURON SEEKS BIG INSTITUTION— `Illuoimas L. Pryde, Huron MLA,, told Huron County Council at Goder- ich last week, efforts are being •made to have ;Huron selected as the area for a new $10,000,000 provincial in- stituttiom. Streaking to council, he said choice of a site for a new Tvos- pital-school for retarded children, similar to institutions now in operat- ion at Orilla and Smiths Fails, has narrowed down to a few possibilities and "Huron is still in therunning". Mr. !Pryde said he has used every op- portunity to advance the argument in favor of a site on the Lake Huron shoreline in the county. A delegation was named to go to Toronto at a future date to put be- fore the Ontario Department of Health and Public Welfare advantag- es of Huron as a site for such an institution for Western Ontario. The groupp also will confer with Premier Frost on the question. Provincial officials have inspected several sites in :Huron in the process of choosing a location. Hockey News Win and Lose Last Wednesday evening at the Zurich Arena the Zurich Flyers :,you by a big margin over the!Clinton Colts by the score of r 0,3. 'Doug O'Brien, Jim Baynrhamr and Don Hesse each had two goals, while the teammates .lien Gignac, Don. 0'- Blien and Mac McIntyre and Bob McKinley had singles. On Tuesday might of this week the Flyers were at 'Mitchell and being far (from Mull stiength suffered a de - Community Centre, Zurich feat. The Mitchell team plays at; ON Zurich this Wednesday. evening and 'hould'lbe a good"'game. The minor- THURSDAY; inorTHURSDAY; JANUARY 31st. steam lads are giving a very good account of .themselves in whatever At 7 p.m. games they participate. Guest Speaker — Padre Young, of BORN — In Clinton. Public Hosp- O.A.C. Guelph, Ont. ital, on Monday, January 1411,1957, Pickets $1.50. Get your tickets early to Mr and Mrs. Russel'] Grainger, R. All in the Community are cordially R. 2, Zurich, a daughter. invited to attend 1 • FIRE LOSS HEAVY DANCE TO FOLLOW PROGRAM Loss was placed at between $6,000 and $7,000 in the burning of the 'Good Orchestra in Attendance ',service station and lunch counter at Plan to attend and Boost for your ,Sarepita on Highway 83, a mile and Local Federation I a quarter east of Dashwood, or five !miles south of Zurich late last Friday President, Lloyd Hendrick. night. The :combined station and Secretary, Clifford Pepper. 'restaurant, owned by Norman Cowan burned to the ground in near -zero weather. Practically all equipment - ' • ray ' and contents were destroyed. The owner had just closed the shop ready to go home for the night and re-entered the lunchroom to find Tl:c Catholic Women's League are it full of amoke..He blamed the blaze kolding a Baking Sale at the on leakage coif gas from an old -type ice cream freezer. Town Hall, Zurich The 'building was a mass of flames in a matter of aninutes in the cold, Oar dry ,weather. Dashwood Fire Depart - SATURDAY AFTERNOON, FEB R- hent a truhne im- mediatelntsey but firemanckto twereesceunable to save the structure. In the building, also, was an office where Mr. Cowan did custom bookkeeping work. He managed to save all his clients rec- ords, he said. Fortunately the Cow- ards' residence is across the highway from the service station. The owner said he expects he would rebuild this year. HYMENEAL Saving gate TJARY 2nd. At 3 O'Clock. All are Invited to Attend! LAW OFFICE BELL & LAUGHTON'S Zurich Office Now Open TUESDAY AFTERNOONS Instead of Wednesday - -NOTICE- ANNUAL MEETING Of the Zurich Agricultural Society Will be held in the Town Hall - Zurich On Thursday, January 24th. At Two 'o'clock, p.an. Business --• Receiving Financial Re- port, Election of Officers, Etta Please be present at tilhns greeting and. 'boost for the Wo.lfarr of the ySocinty '1'hce. Steinbach, President. El, V. Mom), Secy-T'x`e41s Annan -- Miller Miss Edith Anna •Marie,daughter orf Mr and Mrs Ferd Miller, R.R. .1., Dashwood, Ont., was united in mar- riage to :Mr. Robert Russell Annan, son of Mr and Mrs. Fred Annan of Pickering, Ont., on Sarturday, ,Tanu- ary 19, 0.057 at the' Grand Bend United Church at 2 p.m. Officiating clergyman was Rev. A. Holley. The bride wore a pink dresa of rayon bengaline with empire waist- line, and her accessories were of navy blue. A bouquet of pink and white roses was part of the 'ensemble. The tbridesmaid, ill,,. Norman 'Miller of Edmonton, Alb., donned a ice blue dress of nylon acetate with three- quarter length sleeves. and .had ac- .cessor:es ,of pink and black, and a ibouquet of white roses. The best man was 'Mr. Norman Miller of Edmonton, Alto. A wed- ding .reception was held at the' home. of the bride, the bride's mother re- .ceiving in a wine dress with a Or - .,age of pink carnations. The gro- om's mother wore a navy dresswith a corsage of pink carnations. The jbrid,"s travelling costume consisted of <i turquoise ire„ of rayon. ben., • na.11rnc', nn;l corsage of yellO'W Carn- :ations. The •VOrlplo.. will reside Thomas., NORMA'S , BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH • Prop. RAGS, RUGS and CARPET, On a New Modern Loom, Made tlik Order --- SETH 0. AMENS, Zuxie'. Ont. Phone 128. C. C. M. Hockey and Skating Supplies Matched Skating Sets .... Figure and Hockey $7.95 up Hockey Sticks and Gloves Shin Guards Elbow and Shoulder Guards Hockey Pants Athletic Supports Skates Sharpened while you Wait A. G. HESS CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and JEWELLEL ZURICH - ONT. Join Our _ Many Hosts For Dependable Heat Winter Long, Call:' LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEED* Phone 19 -- I wsAL - • • • s • *oUU lt* Agate SOW* Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and .Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service TELEPHONE: RES. 89W •• OR 89J, ZURICrfl oesee•••••••••••••••••esecesmeesweeeeeefsesee.seesellt Z[JRI ews Grocery Store Sockeye Salmon, Red Circle 784 -oz. can 49c Chan Liquid Floor Wax, quart can 59c Blue Cheer giant size 75c Treesweet orange juice 48 -oz. can 39c Stokelys 'cream corn 15 -oz. can, 2 for ')9c leuno oescll Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone •S,Cf. SPECIALS MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS A REAL BUY AT $3.98 A PAIR We have a Full Line of Men's and Boys' Boot, and Shoes Men's and Boys' Work Clothes, Jeans, Overalls, Shirts, Etc. Give Us A Call! FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK TIlE BLAKE grout Scbw*rtzentruber, Prop. Phone 11.'07