Zurich Herald, 1957-01-17, Page 41 ZURICH ONTARIO Z R f„C-H HERAL.D For Better Service 4. 4. 4. 4. -re 4. ON ELECTRICAL INSTALATIONS AND APPLIANCES a SEE WUERTH'S FIRST AND SAVE WUERTII EIJECTRIO Phone 84 Zurich yvvom,6,20943euttoseggesatissurs0WEIMPOEF142022003===alk"Waaaaaa'a5"raa. Progressive C •ft; nsery tive Association FEDERAL CONSTITUENCY OF HURON mg. ventio onday, January 2 At 2.30 p.m. LEGION HALL — CLINTON GUEST SPEAKER — GEORGE HEES, M.P. for Broadview ELECTION OF OFFICERS CHAS. MacNAUGHTON, President ' th Toronto 4 4 4 4 4.4 - JOSE -PH MUR,PIII, Secretare- titomemezemeemaamesaues; New Year's Greetings From the C.B.C. a DASHWOO Dashwood W. I. are holding a euchre in the school, Friday Jan. I& `The Ladies' Aid The Ladies' Aid of Zion Lutheran frurch held their quarterly miseion- ary meeting Wed. ;evening last, keeping with the topic "Wha.t the bible says about ,-..Vlissions." Rev. X.. Zorn showed pictures followed by discussion. Mrs. Clayton Pfile arid Mrs. Ed. Nadiger sang a duet; Mre. Ervin Rader gave a reading, "A House Inside of Me." Twenty boxee, had been packed for the shut at ;Christmas and several cards of Thanks were read. A congregat- ional evening will ;be held in Ferbru- 017 with group F in charge. Group with Mrs. Alvin Rader convenor was in charge of program and serv- ed lunch. Three new members join- ed. 4.H. CLUB— 'The Homemakers Club held their regular meeting with 13 girls present The work on the Pygamas was not- ed anal help given where necessary. :Samples; of Materials were given each girl to put on mooed books. All girls started making a bound button- hole. Roll eall for next meetmg, Name an article in my sewing box. Home Assignment. Work en pyjam- *a The meeting • closed with The, queen. Skating. Party. Members of the Walther League of Zion Lutheran church and Rev. and Mrs. Zorn enjoyed a skating party at New Hamburg on Friday evening. me and Mrs Ervin Latta and Kay Webber of Waterloo spent tne we - 'end with Me and Mrs. 'Fred Wei - berg. iMiss Anna Messner of London, was a week -end visitor wi•th iNer and itWers. Fred ;Messner. !Mr and Mrs. Wilfred Werner and lt?e, and Mrs. Harry Hector end family; llbst Luella Kuntz and -114.64 Frieda }laborer ;of Zurich,. sp- ent Stree'av with Mr and CkTr. lb- .ert Rader in honor of Albert's birth - St. Joseph & Blue Water Area REV. CERDIC SEARS Who will address a large Youth Mo- VeTtlent at the United Church, Hen- sel! this :Saturday evening. topic for discussion was: "`HoW: can Parity. Income for Agriculture be achieved: Parity means that "'The ince me of the Farmer," measured -in ability to purchase the goods and services which his family needs, sho- uld be fair and just, when measured against the income of other groups in the populatien. What does your Forum think are the most important ways of securing parity income for A.griculture? We do not believd that parity prices can be maintained by - government direction, Parity prices we believe can be improved by mar- keting boards being set up and main- tained for the farm products, wheat, barley, corn for grain, cheese, nutter concentrated milk products, lbacon, .'eogs and eggs. Govt. price supports should be maintained on all these preducts. Our present bean Boards have proved to be a Stablizing factor in the price of income. Huron Temperance Notes STRANGE,axwjSarenIbyIT? tihe thousand will gladly sacrifice time, Money, energy for their needy fellows.. Witness the xi -eat ,popularity and grand work of 'Service Clubs. Wit- ness too lib° leorteern and response during this Hungarian; Tragedy. But strange, isn't it, that these same individnalls refueeto adjust an attitude of a point of view to help their fellows. . They are *eriouely concerned a- bout the alarming ;alcohol problem in our midst But it is so difficult to induce them —(even Churchmen in good standing)—to admit that -Paul's principle of Christian living should apply here "My moderate drinking dots me no harm and is my own affair. In effect they say, "I am not my brother's keeper," ,Strange isn't it?— Advt. At the Library Reading good books is to the mind ,ediat exercise is to the body. The Bookmobile made its quarterly ;call recently, leaving 200 new books. Among them are the following: Dutch. Captain of The Medici. Code of The West My Uncle Louis Stand Up and Die Dressed to Kill Look+ut ?Wife. ;Mionlin Range'al The Victor Was Important. An:gel In The lia-sdoift TheHers•ernan On The Roof The Golden ;Stallion. Tho Amazing Amazon. Also the following Magazines are available for loan: Readers' Digest, National ;Geographic, MacLeans' Sat- urday Evening Post, Wee Wisdom. C. W. L. Meet On January 8th, the regular me- eting of the Catholic Woniens' Lea- gue was held at the home ;of Mrs. Garfield Denomme., with 17 memb- ers present. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs Remie 1 Denioany. Orders were taken for Winners for prog. euchre were: Lad- ies' Mrs. Gordon Coleman, Mrs. Jno Soldan; Gents, Wilfred Mousseau, and Gordon Coleman, The hostess then served luneh. The next meet- ing :will be held at tihe home of Mr. and Mrs John Soldan. Some time ago or to be 'correct, during one of the last [months of 1956 an aged woman, nearing her century mark, in years, gave the we- ather forecast for the winter of '5(1- 57 that it is to be an open winter and mach mild weather. Here is what she said: I have been fore- casting the weather for litany years and have always been nearly correct in my ;predictions; she .continued, base myself on Nature, !such as the thickness of bark on trees; the color of fur on wild animals; also said. that the squirrels were roaming at large without giving. a thought of storing away in their den a supply of nuts for the winter. All of that and more was her forecasts. Well, so far wecannot admit of an open winter. We believe that the month of January will set a record for cold and snow, and still Ferbuary and part of Merck 'before the winter pass - ss away. Let :us not turn down that woman if she did fail so far in her predict- ions; today the world is an upset affair and it takes more than talent to understand it. One .must be gifted with devine inspirations to for- me the future, and .ati of Its move- ments. And besides those who have 'climbed Ito the tea in life are the very ones who have made more mis- takes, making them daily, aria from that they were :able to study their mind and start anew in their (feels - ions. Anyway, this grand old lady I may he nearly accurate for if she takes her average on the whole of the winter which may yet prove • , . Farm Forum Parr Line 'Forum Met at the home of Mr and Mrse Gorden Love Mordev eve. -There we- re -eleven weercee present. The Tburaday, January :t7,t1.1;,. League pits by the president for those wile) desired them, The meet- ing was elosed with prayer, a lunch was served by the ;committee in charge. The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Dominic Jeffrey. Milton A. Bossenberry (Milton .A. :Bossenberry, 78, of Sar- nia died at the Sarnia General ;Hosp- ital. Dorn in Zurich, he had lived in Sarnia for 50; years. He was a pen- sioner of Imperial Oil Ltd.. He is survaved by his wife, Mrs. Phoebe M. Dossentherry; two sisters, Mrs. I Wm. Bestard, Harding, &Ian., and Mrs, .Albert Foster, Calgary, Alb,and four brothers, 'William 'Sheboygan, Mich; Alfred of Detroit; Arthur and Edward, Regina. The remains were laid to rest in 'Lakeview ;Cemetery, Sarnia. Dashwood W. Dashwood W. 1. held their regular meeting. and Christmas party in Zion! Lutheran Church basement with Gr. Bend, Crediton and Zurich institut- es as their guests. Rola Call was "Merry Cleristmasm,1 to ;which 30 ;members answered. ;Mes. Kuntz, .chairlady, called on Mrs. J. M. Tiernan to conduct Carol singinpe I Mrs. G. Anderson of Thedford fav- oured with readings. Mrs. E. Kip- kfer played accordion selections. Mn. Ervin Rader, Mrs. Glen Webb, Mrs Ervin Devine, Mrs. Rudolph Miller, Mrs. Leonard Schenk and Mrs. Ern- est Koehler presented a skit— "Too many Beaus." Mrs. Ed. Lamport of Crediton gave a reading, also .Mrs, Willis Gill of Grand. Bend. Hi -light of the evening was the crowning of an Inetitute Queen. Each Institute had a candidate. Zurie.h, Mrs. Rosa; Crediton, .Mrs. E. Lawrence; 'Grand Bend Mrs. Ed. Gill and Dashwood, Mrs. A. Alleenmand The latter be- ing crowned. Mrs. W. Mack had the lucky chair; Mrs. A.V. Tieman and and Mr. E. Koehler displayed table centres and decorations for Christ- .mas. Mrs. V. L. Becker and Mrs. M. Merner lunch .c.onvenors and a number of the ladies. served lunch. Each Institute thankee Dashwood for thee hospitality and the meeting clo- sed with "The Queen', A reception for Mr and Mrs Jack Adkine (nee Marlene Hunter) Walt held in the Town A pierse. ot money was presented to the couple with Fit Sgt. Tiberio reading the, ;preseetation ,addrees and Neil Taylox. making presentation. • Desjardine ore chestra proVided enualle for the dance . BARBER RETIRES Me, and Mrs Garnet Flynn of' Epee ter are moving to LonelOn barvlogsolk their home on Andrew St. bas bean eonduCting a barber busine. 0S0 in Exeter for the past 30 ntirg,, "Exeter has been geoid to me' le says, Ho Hand of sports and a good hockey enthusiast. He did net miss hockey game last year. MOVED INTO NEW SCHOOL School children at Mt, Camel moved into their new $50,000 schat last week. The separate school bat three class rooms tohouse the 94 stile dents enrolled .Teachers are Mother - Sylvia, principal, Mathea.., Frances. Sales and Mrs. H. McKeever. The building was erected by FMTA: Valk Lucan. . a Auto Insurance CRASH VICTIMS AWARDE'r. $96,781, HIS ONLY AWL' IS $20,000 IN INSURANCE —Headline, Toronto Stale - The unfortunate driver who must. pay is not a rich man. He estiniated he'll be 114 years old when free of debt. All because he didn't came enough car insurance at the time of the accident. How about you, Have you enough insurance for a judgment like this?' Enough, you know, costs little moree $100,000 for death or injury to one pesork $200,000 for death or injury to two, or 1110113: $ 100,000 for damage to property. Get the full story from: Bertram Klopp R.R. 3, Zurich. Phone 93-1 Zurich, Co -Operators Insurance Association. Automobile Insurance for Careful; Drivers a NE 11'57 shy s 'gm all :41 !.g the most (ilamourous styling on the road— starts new trend with new Shape of Motion ‘eeeee7e,.....eeeeeeeeemeeeeee. .;:e!;i4;s44::::::444::,:44.44...4 • • .................................... • Dodge brings you a new beauty in the low -price field—big and wide, long and low. (Just 41/2 feet from roof to roadl) And brimful of fresh -from -tomorrow styling ideas like rakish "twin lights", racy upswept tail finsl The moment you touch the button and go, you know there's nothing so modern and exciting as the beautiful '57 Dodge For what could be more modern than the new deep -cradled Torsion -Aire suspension that achieves the sweetest riding, steadiest cornering and surest road -feel you've ever experienced! Or more exciting than an automatic transmission that starts you on your way through the modern magic of mechanically operated push-button controls, proved millions of miles over! - Got a craving for spirited action? Just put your toe to that big new Dodge V-8. It's the biggest standard. V-8 in its field - 303 cubic inches big. The most powerful, too -215 horses strong. ' So come on! Right NOW! Slip behind the wheel of a new '57 Dodge. Discover bow exciting a car can really be. ee, You're always a step ahead in cars of The Forward Look Dodge moves out front—with new Flight -Sweep 57 styling new Torsion -Aire Ride ... new push- button Torque.Flite drive new high-torque engines , new Total -Contact brakes! YOZ/ GET MORE IN A ououzi r enema/Lunn, nF cr-sitms. umium HENSALL MOTOR SALES Telephone 31 THE BIG BEAUTIFUL BUY IN Thos. Coats Len McNight • HENSALL. ONTAR !O THE LOW -PRICE FIELD k Proprietor • Sales Rept.