HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-01-17, Page 1CH HER Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 17 1957 Chester L. Smith, Publisher. Subscription in Canada, S2.00 Subscription U.S.A., Year S2.5fill. Card of Thanks I wish. to .heartily thank the Brown - es and .Girl Guides, Lutheran Ladies7 Aid -and all my neighbours and fri- qends wbo rememlbered me with, treats gand. gifts •at Christmas. -Woiek Decker. ard of Thanks With..anany thanks do I express my .1uppreciation for thetreats cards, phone calls, perisonal calls, the Rev, M. Almoner, Zurich; and to Dr. 4Golens •of Dashwood while I was ill. --Chester L. ,Smith. Card of Thanks would kindly like to thank all my friends and relatives for the lov- ely sympathy cards and letters I re- ceived through the death of my bro- ther Samuel Hey. -Mrs. Ed. !Stela, Dashwood. T. J. "TOM" RAWLINGS Accountant Income Tax Returns Phone 33 Zurich LEG SHOW?' KA, •-•TAX7r!;-:• *VP Jonny Wayne (left) and Frank Shuster are not to the outdone in a leg show by dancers Margo Kinley 'antd Marilyn Robert- son. The comedy team star on their own OBC -,TV Show on alternative Saturday nights. t••••••••••••• ..•••••••••• .•......,,......t,,,,,••••••••••••• *• •,• HOFFMAN'S * i. 2 • 4 Arrange Funeral Service ; 4 .• SEIWICE To Or From :1 • • 4, lo ,1* Out -Of -Town -Points my.* • ,j • Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- e, 'V, ada, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as : 4, . members of local and national funeral dir'ector's associations, can a • handle all the arrangements. Yoit are always assured the quiet effi- * * ciency of Hoffman's service. 4 • • T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME • e• • Funeral and Ambulance Service • •• * 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W . *# .- w 4. • ne•P****411.0.110 Thiel's Superior Food Market SPECIALS for Thurs., Friday, Saturday, Jan. 17. 18; and 19th. Open Thursday - Saturday Evenings till 10. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WE NOW HAVE ZURICH DAIRY MILK AND CREAM HOME KETSUP, Ish-oz. Bottles S for HEINZ Tomato Ketsup, 11 -oz. Bottle 50e 25o JOHNSON'S Super Hard Gloss Glo Coat, pint tin , 57c YORK Brand Fancy Tomato Juice, 48 -oz. -tin, only 25c DARES Dixieland Cream• Cookies, 2-pkgs. 590 D SALADressintg, 16 -or. Jar .35o JELLO PRICES ARE UP TO 3 FOR 31c. We Stll have some CLUB HOUSE at old price, 3 for 25c See What a Dollar 13i11 can all Buy! Kleenex, regular Size, .6 for $1.00 Millar Peanut Butter, 3 for $1.00 Sunblest Peas, 7 for , .$1..00 Golden Dew Margene, 4 for $1.00 Nature's Best Corp,. 7 for $1.00 Tea Prices Have Advanced - We Have aVfother Parker,, 1V-iAons - Red Raise All at Old Prices DURING 'THIS SALE! McCormick% Neilson's - 13ox Chocolates kre Reduced 20 % Extra Special - Cheery Morn Instant Coffee, Large 6 -oz. $1.39 MEATS - Fruits and Vegetables BOLOGNA, Piece only per lb. •'WEINERS, -2-IIbs. for. - 75c HAIIVIBURG„ 3 -lbs. for ...... . - . ..... . ... .... ...... $1.00 Orangen, 3 -dozen for , , ,$1.00 BANANAS- S--llbs. for . , 29e LETTUCE, 3 Heads for ..... . , . , ..... . . ......... 25c POTATOES, 75-1b. Bag for , $2.40 YOUNG'S -Custard PoWder 1j6-oa. Can, Reg. 30c, for only .29c ...___ STOCK UP NOW ON THESE BIG SAVINGS Your Patronage Will Be Appreciated! Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL Zurich 1 Thank You! N••••••••// vvould like, to take this oppor- tunity of .thanking all those :who .se kinidly remembered me with flowers, cards, letters and treats 'while a pet- ient in ,South Huron. HO-srpital, Erxe- ter. And since returning home. Yoiil kindness and personal calls have - been deeply appresiated. Pearl IMousseau. 4 Banquet AND ANNUAL MEETING Of The Hay Township Federation of Agriculture IN THE ; • • Returned From Hospital The many friends of Mrs. Gideon Nosh:1er are pleased to learn that he returned home from Clinton Hospital and is getting along 'nicely. Birthday Celebration Mrs. George Thiel of town was ftaken by surprise, one evening last week.iwhen her ichildren and their :husban.ds and wives arrived in honor :to help celebrate their mother's birth- day. A pleasant social evening was and solicit the opportunity to .e4joyed and a delicious luncheon Was partaken off, wishing Mrs. Thiel serve you again in 1957. We Many more "happy birthdays." All a good time -on this ,occasion. promise the Mother thanked them for their tror NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS - Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEIN ACH Prep. RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made Ilk Order -- SETH 0, AMENS, Zurale141' Ont, Phone 128, 'hank u We appreciate the generous patronage given us in the past Community Centre, Zurich ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 31st, • At 7 p.m. Guest Speaker - Padre Young, of O.A.C. Guelph, Ont. Tickets $1.50. Get your tickets early All in the Commiinity are cordially invited to attend DANCE TO FOLLOW PROGRAM G d 0 h t• Att dance Flan to attend ancl Boost Local Federation President, Lloyd Hendrick. Secretary, Clifford Pepper. rughtfulness for -coming and for their gift. Wishing all the best. Has Double Fracture Mrs. Elroy Desjardine of town had a painful accident on Sunday after- noon while tobogganing at the gro- unds, south of Grand Bend, in going down. a hill one of her legs got cau- ght and 'fractured a small hone at the -'.ankle and the large bone above the fankle. Silie, was taken to South ,)--Huron Hospital, Exeter, where med- I . ical .aid. was given. .She is at the esjaa ne tor your Ith°eInpareosent.rs'Her many friends wish ther a speedy recovry after her pain- ful experience. .k. loto ic es a n en •th f MHerbD for OBITUARY service. : f There passed away at Parkwood : -% 'Hospital on. Sunday January 6th, 19- - COming ..,i.,57, Magdalena Nicholson (formerly , 'iitof Tema° and 252 IWorley Rd,, I.ondon, beloved rwife of the late Wm FOR ONE NIGHT •"4 Nicholson and dear mother of Mrs. ..,,iIra (Pearl 1Smith) Brown, of Toron- CI ''' ' '-'-' ''''fn""to'*..:'t2D.‘4,1eibrivi:ist°;id'"earal'.;°isia.ter' $'aof61cDfr°‘;-14s.(1bal4t1-7 . SpeCaker t: lit the.recent South Huron grandlmO,her of (Dorothy) wife of ectric aears • ...erine Nichol toff Ingersoll and dear Crusade tor Christ. Stephen Dundas of Crediton and • (Mildred) wife of Dr. Robert Kemp, Wit Mr. ;Sears -will be a Group of of Stoney Creek, in her 93rd year. Singers and Musicians from 1,7.,S,A. In the ,She was a former resident at Blake, -where they kept a hotel at the cor- HENSALL UNITED CHURCH ner. Th.e funeral was held at London on January 9th with interment m SATURDAY, JANUARY 19th. Woodland 'cemetery. At 8 p.am Mr. Sears has just recently con- ducted a snocessfil Crusade in Cal- gary, Alberta Baking Sale The Catholic Woinen's League are holding a Baking Sale .at the Town Hall, Zurich On • SATURDAY AFTERNOON,. JANU- ARY 26th. • At 3 •O'Clock. All are Invited to Attend! LAW OFFICE - BELL & LAUGHTON'S Zurich Office Now Open TUESDAY AFTERNOONS Instead of Wednesday -NOTICE- ANNUAL MEETING Of the Zurich Agricultural Society Will be held i n the Town Hall - Zurich On Thursday, January 24th. At Two o'cloek, Business - Receiving Financial Re- port, Election of Officers, rte. Please be present at tails meeting and boost for the Welfare of the Society Theo. Steinbach, President. E. F. !Copp, Secy -Ten. Hockey News Little activity has been in the WOAA Zurich Flyers since our last publication., but they have the fallow- ing games coining up during the coming week: .Clinton is at Zurich this Wednesday evening, then Zurich at Mitchell next Tuesday eve., Jan.22 and Mitchell at Zurich the next 'ev- ening, 23rd, Friday Jan. 25th Zurich iat Lump., We wish the boys a lot of luck in these games. same courteous .4.1119011=211111/01 MAY 1957 BE YOUR - HAPPIEST AND MOST PROSPEROUS YEAR G. ESS CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and JEWELLEL ZURICH ONT. EXTENDING TO ALL A Very Merry Christmas!. A Very Happy New Year! , LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE ROE FEED.% Phone 10 BENSALL 1 • • •0 0.▪ 0611)11110001100 stocasesseissessetiessereeseetssoeggsosse-sozaesseent tottati* ''al Licenved Embalmer sand Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service. Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night ervice TELEPHONE: RES. 89W • OR SSJ, ZURICH MINOR HOCKEY The Zurich Lions' Club iMinor Hockey setup is :showing real prom- ise this season, with the Bantam. team having won seven games, losing only one, while the Midgets have won 3 games and lost none. On Monday night the Bantams defeated Hensall .5-0, while the ,Midgets defeated Blyth Midgets 6-0. To date the Ban- tam team, with "Dennie" Annacher" in the net, have 3 shutouts to their credit, while the Midgets, with "Jeff Geoffrey " in the net have two shut- outs in a row. On Friday night the Exeter Bantams will be here playing our boys, and since Exeter is the the teani that gave the boys their only defeat, you can he sure the boys will be out there giving their best to gain revenge for that defeat. Game time is 7:45 p.m. Next Monday night there will be a big douibleheader on tap at the Arena. At 7.00 p.m.. 'he Bantams will face off with Lucan Bantams, and then :at 8.3-0 the Midgets will face off with Luoan Midgetg. By way of explanation to those who don't understand the meaning of Bantams and &fidgets, we will try to explain it. Bantams are .hoys wiry were under 14 years Of age, as of August 1st; -while Midgets are boys tinder 16 years of age, as of Aug. i•st. If you have never been oat to 'watch these kids play, you don't know -what you are 'missing. They provide real good entertainment for the whole fetidly, so lets see every one ort to the Arena on Friday Ana Monday nights. Cheer your future Wars on to victory, they will apprec- iate it. 'Mrs. Marti& ICrneger of Granton, 7, relatives and friends in the ,community, and will ibe for some time With hr sister, Mrs, hp, at Vo,rne, et -0e 00000000,e0 ZURIelTS Grocery Sto e Pineapple Tidbits, 'Aylmer, 15 -oz. cans, 5 for $1.00 Catsup, Libby's, 11 -oz. bottle, 5 for $1,00 Kleenex, Reg. or chubby size, 6 for $1.00 " Aylmer tomato soup, 10 -oz. cans, 9 for ...... „$1.00 Peanut Butter, Gold Medal, 16 -oz. jars, 4 for $1,00 Memo Oesch PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 elfilliel1111111111.1111113111P SPECT AS Greatly Thanking you for Your Patron- age in the past, and wishing for a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK THE OIL 3 „ vic Schwartzentrubr, Prop, IZEM -Enr.V.MIIIIMITSOMMISMAIRmit -rola I Phone 1147