HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-01-10, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Thursday, January 1%b , ;tO5T +444.+44 464 Brown's LG.A Market HENSALL --w• ONTARIO SPECIALS ii `OR JANUARY 10 - 1 1- 1 2th. I.G.A. Apple Sauce 15 -oz. 2for 29c I.G.A. Strawberry Jam, 24 -oz. ,...45c 29c 21c 77c 93c Cauliflower, each at 25c Cello Spinach, 2 pkgs for ..29c Head Lettuce, 2 for 25c Tomatoes, Cello Pkg. at 19c Domestic Shortening at White Cross Tissue, 2 for Kellog's Special "I<" Cereal MI ISO 3-1b. for at SUPER DOLLAR FEATURE .G.A. Meat Balls 15 -oz. 3 for $1.00 "HI - NEIGHBOR" You Get More at W.A. as near as your telephone s�.UTE TR SE ICE lid WESTER a + HT :at RI® Cart RAYE B. PATERSON, Trust Officer Hensel', Ontario,. Phone 51 For a Estate Planning and Wills e Real Estate Services • '.. "Qstment Management and Advisory '-evice i Y fa %Guaranteed Investments 3 cX, ,on savings—deposits may be mailed Or Contact Any Office Of *11••••••••••••••111. GUARANTY'1h L COMP &NY OF CANADA Toronto • Montreal • Ottawa • Windsor Niagara Falls • Sudbury • Sault Ste. Marie Calgary • Vancouver ST LOCAL NEWS Mr and Mrs Allan Fraser of Exe- ter were New Year's visitors at the home of their sister, Mr and Mrs. Earl Thiel. +Mr and Mas Earl Thiel and sons were Christmas guests at the home of their sister Mr and MrsM-oeley WI -t- uner, Detroit. • Mr and Mrs P. J. Cunningham and etaughter Helen Clare of Willowdale, tad a pleasant Christmas vacation at the home of their parents, Mr and Vim C. L. Smith. Mr and Mrs James Hackett and ;slaughter Linda of St. deatharines. "Were holiday visitors at the home of th;eir parents, Mr and Mrs. Ted. Stein leach, Goshen south. Me and Mrs Clare rlUelick and son Melvin ,of near London, were Christ- Inas. snas visitors at the home of their parents here. Mr and Mrs Morley Witmer of De- troit were week -end visitors at the home of their sister, Mr and Mrs Marl Thiel and Mr and Mrs Ted. Steinbach. Mr and 'Mw Reuben. Gingerich and children of Ailsa Craig weave holiday visitors at the (home of the former's ;parents, Mr and Mrs Samuel Ginger - kb, also 'visiting with other relatives here. Mrand Mrs. Menno Oeseh spent part of the holidays at the'honne of of the Tatter's mother, Mw. C. Mc- Donald, at Luckli:ow, Mrs, L. Rose and children of town njoved lovely holidays at the home of the former's son in Windott, Miele, also visiting with relativr.» Carl friends it Windsor. Farm 'orurn Parr Line Perm Forum met at the home of Mr and.:Mrs. Stewart Black- well, the attendance was down owin to snot, bioc.ked ;teach, The •topie for tli:ieus („'n was '`What is Parity in -1 conic for Agrieulture.", 1, All mem-, here present agreed that farmers re- turns are far below those in most I tither^ crrc'epatrons• 2. it was pointed out that the pritee farnncw hijve' to ',pay -fes' the goads and services is far {beyond the level of commodity prices he recely- ea., Further proof of iniquaIity of farm income is the influx of farmer's working in othiee rolccurpations which provide a •more lnu,cura.tive return for their efforts. This Forurni had the pleasure of a Surprise visit of Mr and Mee Oscar Mittus of Revere Forum of North Midlesex. Following the discussl�on, a number of games of euchre were enjoyed, the winters being: Ladies' Mrs. Charles Robinson; and Mrs. Os- car Hitters; Gents, Gord ;Lowe and W. M_ousseau. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr aand Mrs Gordon Love. THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL Will meet in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, on, TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1957. at 2:00 pan. All accounts, notices of deputat- ions, must be in the hands of the County 'Clerk not later than Satur- day, January 12th, 1957. A. H. ERSKINE, Huron County Clerk, Goderieh Miss Jean AT tnsta•ong of London, was a holiday visitor with her par- ents, Mr and Ma's 'George Afrmstrong two and •;�Irs Wm. Brown and children were 71101iday •visitozs with has parents in Tavistock. Mr and Mrs Jaynes A, Paterson, spent the holidays ;with relaitives in Kitchener. Mrs, Lou Simpson is visiting with members of her family in Detroit, DASH -WOOD 1VIi' and Mrs. Chas. Snell and Beth spent a week -end in Detroit, Miss Gertrude Beisenthal spent the holidays with her parents at Wind- thorist, •Sask. Slee was joine,d by her sister froan Michigan and they flew tby 'plane from Mahon Airport. IIavteresting school ieomcexts were held in the community before the Christmas season got under way. Mrs Emil Becker and her pupils held theirs in Smoky Hollow. Mrs. M el- vin Desjardine and pupils had the mothers as guests art their party in Dashwood. The three rowans joined in a program. An exchange of gifts followed and Santa presented the children with packages Mrs Desjard- ine who left at Christm, was pres- ented with a gift from her :pupils Mr. :Stanley Heist and pupils pre- seated a ;concert HENSALL 1• Lr and Mrs Keith Lindsay of "1'hantesville were holiday visitors at the home of and Mrs. dnio. Hender- son and family. Mr and ,Mrs Clarence Reid, Jerry and Allan, spent the holiday with, re- ' latives art Teeswater, Miss Mary Gibson. of Brueefield, is spending the winter months with Mr and Mrs John IMciiVlurtrie. Mr and Mrs Ed llMtunn spent the holiday, with their daughter amu son in law, rNir and Mrs. Gooding and family, Parkhill, Walther League The 'Walther League of Zion Lu- theran Church •enjoyed their ;Christ- mas inch � • c mttty g meas peaty, The oma was Deane Kraft, Donna Weber, An- ne Koehler, 'Pauline and Brenda Be- cker. The evening. was spent in play- ing Bunco. Winners were Ernest Miller and .Eleanoa• Becker, Rev. and Mrs Zorn were present- ed with a gift and Arthur . Rader conducted closing devotions. Me. Jack ;Geiser was at Zeeland, Mich., on Monday, on business. Mr and Mrs Clare Irwin' attended the funeral of the latter's farther, Mr .George Little at Ganan:o'pue, Ont,, last week. St. Joseph & Blue Water Area (HAPPY NEW YEAR) Christmas and New Year Holidays have again passed out of the picture for another year; Christmas day and throughout theland • u hoot i Was nice many travelled to and fro to he with their parents, relatives and friends. People were all looking for a white +Christmas. Well, in this surround- ing if you call it ,a White ;Christmas we believe it lacked a little color; if you Beall •it a green Christmas, it also lacked the pure green. If you are superstitious about a green ;Christmas (being a fat grave yard, then call it white, that will at least give you some contentment, We, in this neighborhood ;wast with ride e fox the conduct ofht e motor- ist and ;others on the highways and byways, for keeiping clear of accid- ents so far. Of ;course you !cannot always blame the motorist or the walking pub? rc for a'ccide'nts, as somte- times you 'would be inclined to be liieve, for there are moments when ones ;mind !could be affected by •some weakness which could lead them as- tray and beyond.eontnoi of their veh- icles which could cause and accident; therefore such ones should be exon- erated from any accusation. By this we are not straying away from those ' !be who indulge in strong verages which inipair's their sense of juclge- menrt, and are for nothing • snore 'then to satisfy their passions- and enjoyment. That which many times means destruction of life and prop- erty and leave in its trail many gri- efs; ri-efs• for hose we have little regard if any. We have now eanberked on another year, what it has in store for us we do not know, for only time meve�als the future. t 1 In this little French 'Settlement they still follow the tradition of their forefathers, for families to gather together to ;celebrate the New Year of the first day of the year; there is still much gaity but not like the ear- 1 ly year of this parish, when a horst was hooked up in a sleigh with alt all the ;c'hildren bundled up, they would travel over hg'titlled aro* yr roads and for some distance of per., haps ten mules; some would reaelt their parents home long before the ibrealk of day for an early breakfast Today the horse driven vehicle has passed in oblivion. ,Since those days of old, science has played its rote. With a match faster way of travel; It has a quicker way sort traivellingth. and fro; families are snore geattered today and too much time would he lost reaching their destination. There still remains the old ;met= in thea 'giving of extending good wishes anti giving gifts. .What can we individuals do to make our wishes come true in Minis (coming year? Just good wishing is not sufficient, we must not omit the real signifiicianee coli it and what It stands for; be it what it may; this mast New Year many resolutions will be taken, .but as usual, many will fall i by the wayside: this mast New Yea* many families from afar have snn a I�great sacrifices to keep up the o14' traditions inherited from their fora. parents, all of that will in the reale future be nassed and gone and ftp gotten, and once again we wilt i joist ourselves to whatever harp!pens fal Ole New Year. 111111111 11 111 11111111111111111 55 IN 104 COUNTRIES, VOLKSWAGEN'S SOUND ENGINEERING AND CRAFTSMANSHIP HAVE FOUND ENTHUSIASTIC ACCLAIM In this country, too, Volkswagen has been wholeheartedly accepted by Canadians who have always known how to appreciate products of the • finest quality. But even this car with its proved reliability and uniq e features, so particularly suited to Canadian conditions, could not have achieved such amazing success without Volkswagen's constant emphasis on highly efficient service. Now, on the threshold of a New Year, we of Volkswagen Canada Ltd., together with our nation-wide dealer organization, pledge continuous extension of this service so that owning a Volkswagen willr•bring even greater satisfaction to our customers in the years ahead. VOLKSWAGEN;r► LTD.}. GOLDEN MILE, TORONTO, l6�, ANT DISTRIBUTOR FOR STRATFOR.0 DISTRICT -- Tolton's Garage Limited 261 DOWNIE STREET LOCAL DEALER. ZURICH, ONTARIO STRATFORD, ONTARIO - Phone 505 Desjardine Auto Supply Phone 144 1