HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-01-10, Page 1THURSDAY MORNING, i NUARY 10 1987 'Established 1960 + ZURICH, ONTARIO, Chester L. Smith, Publisher,, Subscription in Canada, $2.00 X gubccril tion TJ:.S,A., Tear "$8,611, and Rev. Ephauaan Gingerich, I)ur- « 71,,,,.4,:_.'-- � �1'r-.:::----------.......0 4, ODERICH HOLSTEIN MAKES suilexed a lieax-t s a A son of the let M and Mrs ing the service e Mrs. Milton it r Lar re Production in U.S.A and Mips, IL Rader sang sweetly acted'. h favourite hymns of the -zl+ep A purebred il•"Iolstein owned by ] ed the rb "Glorious Promise; and `"`Band the ' life ^T'ood latex rroxkvng ' D t Sunset" accomparsied by }Mrs. Aniaclh" �Bissat4, Thos., Goderich, Ont., has re- �G � p outstanding g 1 h ,cx P•r1'1 Bearers vsTere i!'iessi Vane production re or in A. Hen - sail �lnnos Gingen* e•zure. e r Joolhn Hey, Sr., he slpent al1 his life in the t 't At an early age e lacksmith trade in Dash • •'i•in+xeer, rand Zurich, en se in Blake47 years ago. Sam as he was known o zi a Dave salt v completed an ou s in 1 then settling an his r d the US awn shop o Oeach, EarlYoung, are is �er reed Heights Hope, weld t l s many •Clement Jeffrey; Newell Geiiger, and, Made her record in the Lakeveld friends was an iardemt • ad+miiirer of Arthur Finlayson. Flower BM" T, total'ter lifetime she has given, a of horses and was ;well lonown among were: Vernon Oetich, !Herold 'Erb; `'arms herd et Clarkston, Mich.. In the great horsemen of W'ester'n Ont- Earl Oesch, Edmund Schwartzentreb?- arid. :204,732 lbs.. of milk (31,893 quarts) and 6,801 lbs. butterfat. Highly successful ,Shaw cow, in her day, Hope kept her hong .career on the Ian bark by winning the Grand Cham- olonshiip at the 1952 Mich. State Fair It is interesting to note. that Hope its a greatgxanddaughter of Spring- -bank Snow Countess, dormer World 'Champion lifetime 'butterfat produ.c- A kind and loving husband and father he leaves to mourn his loss his sorrowing wife, the foamier Mary Jane Meyers, five daughters: (Jean) Mrs. Charles Meyers, Jr., of Wilton. Grove; (Mildred) Mrs. Clifford Don- ,oven of London; .(Kay) Mrs. James Burdge of Goibourg; Mrs. Elva Mae sr with hrer record of 9,062 lbs. tat Young coif Hamilton; (NoIrna) Mrs. 'fx'a i. 207,050 iba. milik. Archie Mustard of Brumfield; one son, (Victor) • of Goderich.:and eight OBITUARY grandchildren, Two sisters, (Mrs. Ed. Stelck .and Mit. Flvillip Fassold and one brother, Wm., all of Dashwood. Mr. Hey had a ,gift of making fri- ends and he will be sadly missed. by his family, friends and neighbours. The 'body rested et the Westlake Funeral Holme until Saturday, when public funeral service was held from the Evangelical 'Church, Zurich, con- ducted by the Rev. A. M. Amiacrher, Late Samuel Hey The community was shocked to Teem, of the sudden. passing at his :ravine at Blake, of ,Samuel Christian -1ey la his 70th year. Mr and Mrs. Hey had been to their daughter's in `Sxutsefield for Christmas , and upon ferning home the following day he C. R. H.ARDMAN Will Attend YOU'LL WALK AND WORK BETTER WITH AT THE. MILT OFSCH Shoe Store ZURICH Phone 82 or• -130 - MONDAY, JANUARY 14th. • 10 'A.M. — 8P. M. 4 4 1.929 - 1957 hm,e•a•+•••404••4o•o•••e4m4•44 HOFFMAN'S pArrange Frnerl Service 4 To Or From Out -Of -Town -Points 111, • .,• 1 • 4 • 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W •a#?®wows+aou i+`10144146au, ••• 0•••••••• (&4`.•••3,4••••••-••••••••• e 0 A • • •• • • • • • m • d 0 • 0 4 0 i m .� MEMtEA Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- ada, the limited States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as members of local and national funeral director's associations, can handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- ciency of Hoffman's service. T, HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME Funeral and Ambulance Service Extending to. One and All Season's Greetings! Left For; Florida er, Jim 'Dinsmore and Gordie Saincrry 1 and ;Mrs Seth Amealns of town 'the n {r nim n nana - Evangelical Cemetery. `,. 'i�lis Ind., tvthea.•e they will Join the us. Burial was in tl Bronson•lr�cp left ' iday Morning g forI d• p oxrcnex's ,cousin, Mr and i1V1rs, Lewis Card of Thanks. •Graber ,and motor on to Florida wh.- Mrs. Samuel Hey and fizrrinly lr'is ere they intend to; spend the winter to express their sincere 1r.atitt :anon ahs. We ',Wish; them as enjoyaible s+howrz inz. the recent ,bereaverient o; 111,, and a safe return. home, a clear luuslband and father• Sped<;;1 S r° E "'t • T 1I 'B ,p or G arket We Wish to Extend SEASON'S GREETINGS And THANKS to our Friends and Customers for pleasant Dealings in 1956 And May We Continue to serve You in 1957 THIEL'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET NORMA''S BEAUTY! SHOPPB FOR APAPPOINTMENTSAPPOINTMENTSTel, 223 Zurich NORMASTE1NBACH $ Prop. Thank You We appreciate the generous patronage given us in the past A Week to Rev. and Mrs. Annaclruz;, at Bermuda and solicit the opportunity to andRev. F�phr sm Gingerich; to l�z . ncl who in ould'nt like an onzting Oesch and Mrs, Rader; pall ibearei.c of that kind, and that is just what serve you again in .19.57. We Gordon �Sanith of the Blue ',Water axi a n he left for Toxlojato from where he ends who helped in any way. Service took e ane r 1 and ad Bower bearers; also the Ladle oz: on , Aid, d 11 theneighbours and :x' Highway is enjoying. : On ;Saturday promise the same courteous c " k t ;plane direct for Bermuda, —Alas. Hey an Famr11. the tolValy'I+sland on the :Atlantic onl CARD OF THANKS •a;.ol; ; e,, axe told there 1,no sazitomo- I wish to greatly thank the Cxi:r,l biles a7lo�Led,. ` W Ville alble to C.W.L. d ..fl frieirels te`il' y'au.-,more when Goardoti arrives' The 'Zurich ;Women's Institute Guides also C Z� L an Worrieri's Institute (back ' home'sin.; a who sent me the lovely treats for g Christmas. Airs. Joseph ,Foster. Thank You!! oipened their regular nzonthiiy meet - I would like to take this oppoa ? nr ; °an Titesdaye • Iia the Town Toiwn Hall. ity of thanking all those who so kind ,Mrs.F` Vtr Hay being•chairladyt op- _iy remembered ane with cards, 1ptteTs'. i ened''the meeting by singing the- de treats and flowers while a ,patienil. :in ,avid fraying the Lord's Prayer in St. Joseph's Hospital, London; u,n - on ' piano .solos were given by South Huron Hospital, Exeter, and Denhis .4 n ..aclaer. and John' Geiger, 4111111111110110 Phone 140 C. H. THIEL - Zurich since returning home. ' Wen e yell rendered. • Mrs. L. Rose —Vera Fraser, Exeter. T. J. "TOM" RAWLINGS Accountant Income Tax Returns poem very goad The Gue�vt Slpeak• er, Mr. Phone 33 t�,o1 tiiharge of the business reports. 'Were: given and adopted. The program don -tinned: Mrs. Newell .Gbigear gave tlhhe Motto'• 'To tthinkkindly is good, to speak;kimdl'y is better' also read a'1S:oerr. '"Give the World . the best that •you -have and the ibest .rwil.l conte back to` you." 'Also another short , "Begin, Tot -slay." These were ' Lurtcli Johzi Banniister, manager. of the F.ank �.•.,' ;1Vfon'arealVatG ica+lled. upon, ,spea'lt- t xng.: on +Conannuaity Activities an I'iwralar; R.e ation}s• - iHe`'nlso exnplaangd why...to have Banks. All was edneat- tonal and beneficial. Vote of thanks to the speaker Iby ;Mrs. Geiger. All joined in els p of hands fore appreciat- ion. A splendid apiarit prevailed. De- licious refreshments by the commit- ( tee rwas served • +Meehhig closed with The Queen. TUESDAY AFTERNOONS Hockey News The Zurich Flyers have having finally found the scoring range, on two- games the past week. 'Thursday LAW- OFFICE: BELL. & LAUGHTON' S Zurich Office Now Open MAY 1937 BE YOUR HAPPIEST AND MOST PROSPEROUS YEAR A. G. H ESS CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and JE;WELLEL ZURICH b ONT. RAGS, RUGS and CARTE' Oh a New (Modern. Loam, Made Order •-- SETH 4," AICMNS, Zaap Out. Phone 128. EXTENDING TO ALL s� A Very Merry Christmas! , A Very Happy New Yeari' LORIE E. HAY ,.�. LOCKER SERVICE, ROE FEED - ?hone 1i 13'ENSA'L L • • Instead of Wednesday -NOTICE- 'last they defeated the •Goderich crew 7-•6 in Goderidh and Saturday night they journeyed toClinton and gave the Clinton Colts a beating by the score of 7-6. As the standing now so Zurich is only two points behind Luoan for third plaice and a victory in their next game would give t!iem a tie for the position. • • On Friday nigat the Flyers took on M+:+ttclhell, at the Zurich Arena. and unfortunately .lost 6-8 on overtime, as the game was sewed up 6-6 on re - ANNUAL MEETING . Of the Zurich Agricultural Society Will be held in the Town Hall Zurich On, gulation time. To date the .crowds have been most discouraging to the Thursday, January 24th. boys as it is easily understood, it costs nicney to operate a hockey team At Two o'clock, pm. • and the only way the locals can carry Business --- Receiving Financial Re- .on. is to have the fans turn out. Some. port, Election of Officers, Etc. people have the idea that a team Please be present at tihis reetingtznust win all their games to be any and boost for the Welfare of the' good, but this is not .the ease.h We :Society Theo. Stei�nbaolz, Presid4nt. E. F. Klopp, -Secy-Tneas. .. Sprayed Apples For Sale Spy, Greening, Peewalkee, , Bald- vin, Salome, Etc. Thome Hunter 9'- 821'41. Fred doCly:mont, 1 anile so 3t'c of Varna – ithc ifollowing games lets see you s+p- Farxn Forum �ortsinen and citizens out at the local UNIQUE FORUM MEET 'Arena, and cheer your own team on The Unique Farm Forum met at`to victory. Remember, the better the h.oniie of Mrs.H. Sch Ibe with I the. ,crowd, the better the boys cart 24 members and visitors present. The i,play hockey. So let's see you all out topie "What's Parity Income far Ag- i and keep hockey on the map in Z1n•- ri eultur°e," Was discussed under the i ich. leadership of Mx: Bert Kloipp• • Qu-i1'lyers Win This Big Onel esti,on No. 1, Twelve ifamznli'es wereBy Dumping Wildcats 6-3, represenite'd at our forum meeting, On Wednesday evening and the majority of these thought that their returns, are 'below a fair relations with those in other' oceup-• atho'ns, , i 2. How dial you arrive at your conclusions? We arrived at these .conclusion�s by Iclbserving ba4iness- mmenn and labourers nye core in con- tact with, f The next meeting niyill he held et ' the home of Iib and 'Mrs Delbert Geiger. The to$o .for discus 4o ' Ifowv c:.~Gn Parity Income +for Agan;, be dewed. Mr. Aaron 'Oestreic4;or• was appointed as leader, Mrs, Scizi- ltbe served a •c1'ali.ci�c,iis 1+unoh and the ineetin.g _closed with. • th:e National • Amiilie'Crt. have a real good, hustling ac ey team, .who are winning a good share of their games, and furnish goo'den- tertainment, and are worthy toil Public support. Unless the fans: start turn- ing out i,n• sarong numbers like they used to, the Club may be forced to fold up and ,call xt qui s. go - Licensed Embalmer and • Funeral tsar Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Whlcha kr Rei FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day Glad Night Service " ITELEPHONE: RES. 89W M OR 89J• ZURICH lossesosesseesesesesesesssessoSteiresoikoloposesessesige 0. vie t Surely Zurich is proud enough of their sports to not see this happen, so, on of this week the Zurich Flyers really showed what they are made of when .,ney dumped the powerful Ilderton Wild- cats to the tune of 6-3. This Mer- ton team with their fighting tact are always dangerous and feared by ev- ery team, as they really are tough, But they met their worst defeat in Zurich this season, Scorers for the P'ly,ert- were Don Besse, Ben Gi•gngc, Bob •l nynham, 'Don O'Brien, Mae. McIntyre and .Doug. O'Brien, while the snorer s for the visitors were ;# Darling, Collings, and Charlton, The next game at Zixriclt wilt 'be on Wed. 1.0th, when the Clinton'Colts olts will ticwn. Seo 'let's all tiirn out and '1'11.1. the &ran'ct• Sure, you will. zume s Grocery Store Mincemeat (Libby s) 25-f1. oz. can ...... .....,....39c Tomato Juice (Rosedale 4 -oz can .............. 93c Coffee Lucky Dollar 1 -lb. bag - 22c Pie Cherries (Aylmer) 1 �-oz. can .......... Tomato Catsup (Campbell's) 1 3 -oz. bottle ,..,25c Extending to One and All: SEASON'S GREETINGS - Merano Oesch I. Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. t Phone .LO SFECIALS Greatly Thanking you for Your Patron age in the past, and wishing for a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW :YEAR FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK TIE OLAKE •Schwacf ieotruher, Prop. Phone 1147