Zurich Herald, 1935-12-19, Page 3•
NO "MACHINE TOUGH" voilety of colorful and attreetiv,
In this machine age, home-made sweets, It must be made several clay::
• candies carry a greeting of individ- be,ore it is to be used because:.14
nal care and thought. They can't be reclui; es ripening. to
bought but must be made personally 2 ii'e$ sugar
and consideration given to the favour,1?!z cups water
ire assortment of each friend. And 2 tablespoons light corn syrup
every ,hostess is delighted to have teaspoon easpoon vanilla
something "different" to offer her 1Combine sugar, water, and corn sy-
guests during the holiday season.
rup, Place over low flame and stir
Fruit combinations are attractive constantly until sugar is dissolved
and a boon to dieting friends. This and mixture boils. Cover and cook
delicious confection isn't even cook-
minutes; then remove cover and con-
ed but the finest ingredients must be ttnuo boiling, without stirring, until
used, coconut .that has been packed a small amount of syrup forms a soft
when it was fresh and kept air -tight ball in cola wafer (238 degrees F.).
gives a splendid flavour and moistness wash down sides of pan occasionally
to these balls, wth camp cloth. Remove from fire,
Coconut Apricot Candy and pour out on cold, wet platter or
s, cup dried apricots porcelain table top, or on greased
lie cup premium shred coconut surface. Cool to lukewarm (110 degres.
Cup nut meats F:). Werk with paddle or spatula un-
x/, teaspoon grated orange rind til white and creamy. Add vanilla and
% teaspoon grated lemon rind knead until smooth. Store n covered
1 tablespoon lemon juice jar to ripen for several days.
Wash apricots, and steam 5 minutes. For Coconut Balls add 1 cup choP-
Put apricots, coconut, and nut meats pedfso southern
knead and coconut
to shape ripen -
through food chopper. Add orange and
lemon rind and lemon juice and knead balls about 1 inch in diameter. Roll
until mixture is blended. If candy is balls in additional eoeonut, plain or
dry, add enough orange juice to moi*- delicately tinted. Very delicate green
ten. If too moist, work in small coconut gives a "Christmasy" touch
amount of confectioners' sugar. Shape to the balls. Makes 6 dozen balls.
—.in a• balls abort 3f inches in sham- To make bonbons, the ripened fon-
etor. Roll in granulated sugar. Makes dant may be melted in the upper part
18 to 20 balls. , of a double boiler, keeping water in
Chocolate is always popular and a the lower part just below boiling point,
fine, creamy fudge must be fresh to Add flavoring and coloring as desired.
be really good. A candy thermometer Din nuts, candied fruits or firm fon-
is valuable, but the practical test giv- slant cream centres into soft fondant.
en in the recipe is satisfactory but Remove to waxed paper and cool. If
less accurate. the fondant thickens when dipping,
heat very slightly, an dthin to desired
Chocolate Fudge consistency with a very small amount
2 :'quires unsweetened desolate, cut of cream.
in nieces Old, experienced cooks always warn
213 cup milk the beginner that fondant should "be
2 wins sugor made on a clear day as a heavy,
2 "rblespoons butter damp atmosphere has an unfavourable
De"h of salt effect en the boiling of sugar.
1 teaspoon vanilla COOKIE SEASON
Add ehcolate to milk and place over Bits of nothing—dainty and 'colour -
low ` eme. Cook until mixtnre is ful—these are the cookies needed for
smooth. and blended. stirring constant- this season of the year. They're just
ly. Add sugar and salt, and stir until as necessary as the cup of tea, or
sugar is dissolved and mixture boils. anything else that brings cheer to
Continue cooking. without stirring, merry holiday visitors. So every
until a small amount of mixture forms smart homemaker shorld have cake
a very soft ball in cold water (2 ,2 and cookie tins well filled.
degrees F.). Remove from fire. Add S
bflti01 and vanilla Cool to lukewarm
r«a.,s lr):ijl styyyyt ti i w 1
1? -link at .gpee into ,g1nhsed :pan
8x1 ine*, e5. When cold;.cu.fih squares.
Mitres 18 large pieces.
Onconut Cherry Divinity adds a
toile'' of cn&n,,v In the candy assort-
2 etre sue, -
2'8 cup nater
1A rep light corn syrup
2 «v whi+.'es, stiffly beaten
1 teespoon vanilla
D^alt of salt
as cnn southern style coconut, toast-
ed r? -v1 crumbled
ca,n eend!ed cherries, thinly
sl; ,,�•1
Prim; 1,� cue sugar and 1/3 cup
w v to a boil until a small amount
of '•Frim forms a slightly firm ball in
cn'd wster (240 degrees F.). While
11- : erns sugar, 1/3 cup water, and
coo e syrup to a boil and boil until
a ere '1 amount of. syrup forms a hard
bs'l in cold water (252 degrees F.).
Rrn'ove first syrup (240 degrees F.)
fr' m fire and cool slightly; Four slow-
ly of the stiffly beaten egg whites,
bi+n''ne constantly until mixture loses
its gloss (1>;k minutes). Then add
second syrup (252 dgerees F.) slow-
ly, beating as before. Fold in vanilla,
salt. coconut, and cherries, and turn
immediately into greased pan 8x8
inches, Cool until firm. Cut in pieces
11x1 inches. 11011 in additional toast-
ed coconut if desired. ivT°+kes 31,k doz-
en pieces.
Brokeu pecan nuke, elronned dates,
or raisins niay be substituted for can -
•died cherries in this recipe.
Fondant is the basis of all French
candy, and may be used for a wide
"Woulal ec Division" Says For Moro Action
Joyously looking forward to action in Ethiopia, members of a division of Italian veterans, all of
whom received wounds in, World War, leave Rome enroute to East Africa.
Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar
gradually, creaming until light and
fluffy; then add egg and beat thor-
oughly. Add flour, alternately with
with cream, mixing well after each
addition. Chill. Roll 1/8 inch thick on
slightly floured board. Cut -with flour-
ed fancy cookie cutter and decorate
with remaining 1%cups coconut,
sprinkled on top of each cookie. Ad-
ditional decoration of bits of candied
pineapple of cherries, or small eine-
mon candies may also be added. Bake
in hot oven (400 degrees F.) 12 to
14 minutes, or until delicately brown-
Chocolate Macaroons give a note of
contrast to any small cake assortment,
and are delicious,
2 egg whites
1 cup sugar
/,, teaspoon salt
11A squares unsweetened chocolate,
1y cups premium shred coconut
3 teaspoon vanilla
Short, meaty coconut that has been
kept fresh iresealed packages gives
perfect results in this recipe. It is
called premium shred.
Beat egg whites until foamy
throughout; add sugar, 2 tablespoons
at a time, beating after each addition
until sugar is blended. Then continue
beating until mixture will stand in
peaks. Add salt and vanilla. Fold in
LESSON VIII—December 22
DAC—Malachi 1 : 1-1 : 6
GOLDEN TEXT—Behold, I send my
messenger, and he shall prepare the
way before rte.
—Malachi 3 : 1.
Tinto—Malachi was contemporary
with Ezra and Nehemiah and there-
fore ministered probably between the
two visits of Nehemiah, 445-432 B.C.
Place—No doubt Malachi ministered
in the city of Jerusalem.
Chistim:s TL'sson
Tine --Th:' visit of the Wise Men
to the ntangr of Bethlehem occurred
4 B.C.
Place—The two cities prominent in
this lesson are Jerusalem and Bethle-
wedish Cookies are very rich, and "Behold, I send my messenger, and
may be decorated with bits of auger -
It ..fries clouted sugar, 11 chocolate; then coconut. Drop from, he shall prepare the way before 111e.
tela, rzdaccI . e e) > ,� tigTeased dteavy .neper ` This partietrlar clause. ist quoted of
4n3A?3b1iX� L�.....�
.ct,aa :ada,.nos, j ` eon the,.;lt &..pet ,t. a7;: t o Neev Testoee
em Minutes, or until done. .Coolmin-
i -
Utes before removing from paper.
Makes 2 dozen 1% inch macaroons.
yolksfrom makingthe
macaroons may be utilized for Choco-
late pinwheels. The recipe given here
requires 1 eggyolk and makes 3%
n cookies. But 7 dozen is nottoo
a holiday household, although
better to make two separate
quantities of the dough than just
double the recipe.
11,4 cups sifted flour
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 egg yolk, well beaten
1 square, unsweetened chocolate,
?/Z teaspoon baking powder
eup butter or other shortening
1,4 cup sugar
3 tablespoons milk
Sift flour once, measure aecuratelY
1% cups, add baking powder and
salt and sift again. Cream butter thor-
ouglily, add sugar graduially, and
cream together until light and fluffy.
Add egg yolk. Add flour, alternately
with milk, beating each addition un-
til smooth. Divide dough into two
parts. To one add chocolate. Chill.
Roll each half into rectangular skeet,
1/8 inch thick, and place chocolate
sheet on top. Then roll, as for jelly
roll. Chill overnight. Cut in 1/8 inch
slices. Bake on ungreased baking
sheet in hot oven (400 degrees F.)
5 minutes, or until done.
Delicate Lady Fingers or Sponge
Drops may be easily made some days
before using. If they show any tend-
ency to dry out, a slice or two of
5 n meat (-lvz.att. "T.a'��,
4 cups sifted cake hour Luke 7 : 27). This and the following
scup sugar verses are the reply to the skeptical
2 cups butter iVZal, question, Where is the God of judg-
1 egg, well beaten The eas nient? In the first place, preparatory
1 teaspoon vanilla work was needed before God could
Sift flour once, measure and sift conte to nix 1 eople. They were not
again. Creast butter thoroughly, add doze in a fit state to receive him. The de -
sugar gradually,, and cream together many in lay of which they complained was
until light and fluffy. Add egg and beat it
1s t occasioned, not by indifference on his
well. Add fiour, a small amount at a part, but on theirs. And the Lord,
time, mixing thoroughly after each whom ye seek, will suddenly come to
addition. Add vanilla and blend. Shape his temple; and the messenger of the
into 2 rolls, 11/ inches in diameter, covenant, whom ye desire, behold, he
chill overnight, or until firm enough t '
to slice, ,and cut in thin slices. Or
uress dough through cookie press. Bake
on ungreased sheet in hot oven, (400
degrees F.) 4 to 5 minutes or until
done. Makes 5 dozen cookies. A can-
died cherry and two very thin bits of
angelica pressed on top of the sliced
cookie gives a holly effect.
Rolled Coconut Cookies are not
nearly as rich as Swedish Cookies,
but like them, will keep fresh and
crisp for some time when packed in
a jar or tin with a tight -fitting cover,
and stored in a cool, dry place.
2 cup coconut
% cup heavy cream
2 cups sifted flour
1 cup sugar
116, teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/g cup butter
1 egg, unbeaten
Adel 1/a cup coconut to cream; let
stand. Sift flour once, measure, add
baking powder and salt, and sift again.
white bread, placed in the cookie tin,
will add enough moisture to "rejuven-
ate" them.
Lady Fingers or Sponge
1/3 cup sifted cake fl,giir
Dash of salt
1 egg and 2 egg yolks'
1 tablespoon melted butter
2 egg whites
1/3 cup powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
Sift flour once, measure, add salt,
and sift together 4 times. Combine
egg and egg yolks and beat until-
ntilthick and lemon coloured. Beat egg
whites stiff, add sugar gradually, and
continue beating until mixture will
stand in peaks. Fold in egg -yolk mix-
ture. carefully and vanilla. Add flour,
folding in carefully; then fold in but-
ter. Drop from teaspoon on ungreased-
paper. Bake in moderate oven (375
degrees F.) 12 minutes. For Lady
Fingers, shape in oblongs, 41/4xV4, in-
ches and bake as directed. Makes 2%
dozen drops or lingers.
cometh, saith Jehovah of hosts." The
last part of this verse is never quot-
ed in the New Testament, and it
awaits fulfillment. Verses 2-5 speak
of judgment, not of grace. Malachi,
in common with other Old Testament
prophets, saw both advents of Ivles-
siah blended in one horizon, but did
not see the separating interval des-
cribed in Matt. 13 consequent upon
the rejection of the King (Matt. 13
16, 17).
"But who can abide the day of his
coming? and who shall stand when
he appeareth? for he is like a refire•
er's fire, and like fullers' soap." No
stain, no spurious goodness, could
survive his coming; as fire burns out
the slag and sifts it from the sound
metal, as a chemical lye eats out
impurities, so should the presence of
the Messiah infallibly separate the
true from the false, the seeming from
the real, the bad from. the good.
"And he will sit as a refiner and
purifier of silver, and he will petrify
the sons of Levi, and refine them es
golfs" sial 'S4vie;
ness." A refiner is said to sit before
that which he is refining until he sees
his own face reflected in the glowing
metal. The sons of Lvi are mentioned
first in this purification because,
until the priests were clean, the offer-
ings could not be accepted.
"Then shall the offering of Judah
and Jerusalem be pleasant unto Jeho-
vah, as in the days of old, and as
in ancient years." This verse is gen-
erally ignored by commentators.
Certainly the coming of Christ did
not re -introduce the offering of sacri-
fices. In fact it put an end to them. If
the verse is to be literally interpreted,
it must refer to a future period of
Ishael's history, when sacrifices will
be resumed. If the language is to be
interpreted figuratively, the verse
simply means that; when the priests
are purified, their offerings will be
pleasant to the Lord.
"And I will come near to you to
judgment; and I will be a swift wit-
ness against the sorcerers, and
against the adulterers, and against
the false swearers, and against those
that oppress the hireling in his wag-
es, the widow, and the fatherless, and
that turn aside the sojourner from
his right, and fear not me, saith
Jehovah of hosts. The contemporaries
of Malachi were satisfied with them-
selves. It was necessary that their
sins should be first brought home to
thin before punishment was inflicted.
"For I, Jehovah, change not; there-
fore ye, 0 sons of Jacob, are not
consumed." Jehovah remembers his
covenant in both its aspects: on the
one hand, his oral law reains vanalid,
and Judah (Jacob) suffer& ix the
present of offenses against it anal
will have to submit to a future ,judg- I
nient also; on the other hand, Je..
hovel's covenant and promise to be
the God of Jacob still stands, and
Jacob, although chastised, is not
"From the days of your fathers ye
have turned aside from mine ordin-
ances, and have not kept them. Return
unto me, and I will return unto you,
saith Jehovah of hosts.". Cf. Zech. 1 :
4. This is the invitation of One who
loves those who have gone astray.
"But ye say, Wherein shall we re-
turn?" This probably mans, In what
manner shall we zeturn?
* * *
"And I will rebuke the devourer
for your sakes, and' he shall not des-
troy the fruits of your ground;
neither shall your vine cast its fruit'
before the time in the field, said
Jehovah of hosts." The devourer here
referred to may be the locust, or
drought, or blasting, or mildew, or
`!And all nations shall call you
happy; for ye shall be a delightsome
land, saith Jehovah of hosts." Cf.
Isa. 62 : 4; Dan. 11 : 16; Zech. 7
1.4; 8 : 13. Here God reminds his
backslidden people that they have
even talked against him, and said,
hard things about him. This is often, i
to their shame, a sin of Christian
people when things go wrong, especi-
ally with those who are far from the
Lord. They blame him for those dif-
ficulties and disappointments which
are the fruit of their sin, and then,
instead of examining their own hearts
for some possible evil, they turn and
berate God for allowing such things
to come into their lives.
Dash and Utility
Eliciting news! Cut it out and
Hey, Presto! It's finished!
Back and front sections --
sleeves cut in one with shoulders
ribbon on "self" fabric ,*inserted
through casing at neck.
Dark ground cotton in Dubon-
net pictured is exceedingly smart
and new looking with green ac-
cent in ribbon and buttons.
For lounging, it has loads of
dash and warmth in emerald
green and navy velveteen.
Style No. 2847 is designed for
sizes 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19 years.
Size 15 requires 314 yardsof
39-inch material with 11/, yards
of 2% -inch ribbon for neck tie.
Write your name and address
plainly, giving number and size
of pattern wanted.. Enclose 15e
in stamps or coin (coin prefer-
red; wrap it carefully) and ad-
dress your order to Wilson Pat-
tern Service, 78 West Adelaide
Street, Toronto.
Neyland Smith lurched 1
hulking 4ashion toward The door
of the little shop which we
hoped and believed VASSMe en.-
rr✓trance to the hiding- { -
place of Fu Manchu...
I shuffled along be-
hind him ...
By Sax Rohmer
We stied in a bare and very dirty
roam, which could only claim kinship
wlTh a civilized barber shop by virtu*
of the grimy towel thrown across The
beck of the solitary chair. At the back
was a curtain brocaded with fillth . .
Sm th licked the
door open and clat-
lattered down three
wooden steps. Sud•
denly he pulled he.
self up with a jerk,
seizing my arm for
i :""r..
Saxaet,mnr and Cha Sea ;b±nair de, be.
As Sub and 1 stood
• regarding This ominous
place with dl our 1a" as
clerF, the grimy cur
period end Tho f ie t i ,
Chinaman pvso"oa oc7 a�