HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-12-05, Page 4Tt "KEEP EDUCATED"
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Weekly Magazine Section. written by distinguished authorities, on eco-
momlo, social and pontes' problems, giros a surtr-y of world affairs.
The Christian Science Publishing 'Society
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After a'l't yelp -A bake for nirurlsbment
Purity a C rr "t'nkh In gluten -has more
"Melt and nutrition. It also Imparts that
lie• tasty flavor which will snake an
yoUr baking delightful.
Best fo r all your'Balm
a stroke a ,,eaii' 'ago and 'since had
been in poor4 alth. She wa.4:married
22 years alsO, Her husband also Was
a life-1o'i ;' resident of Bayfield. She
is survived by a son, Fred of Bay-
field two sisters, 1VCrs. J. Barton of
Goderich and Mrs. W. Green of Col-
borne Twp. and a brother, Charles
Falconer of •Bayfield. Mrs. Westla2i
was a life long Presbyterian The
;funeral took ,place on Saturday to
the Bayfield Cemetery.
9•o4-4.6* 646.6040•44
• •
ZURICH HERALD and the following Paper
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Mrs. Dalrymple and daughter,
Marjorie of near Chiselhurst, spent
a few (lave with her daughter, Mr.
land Mrs. Ward Forrest.
Miss Edna Cochrane is convalesc-
ing after having -an operation on her
The W. M. S. will hold their De-
-ember meeting at the home of Miss
Annie Jarrott on Wednesday after-
noon, December 11th.
i3nchering is now the corder of
the day in this vicinity. -
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy °each visited
with her mother, Mrs. Caroline Oesch
.unday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brennerman
.spent Monday with their daughter,
Mrs. Amos Gas'cho.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Erb and family
:called en Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Erb
Sunday afternoon.
Messrs. Lloyd and Leonard Jeffrey
and Lorne Denomme called on Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Oesch one evening re'
Mr. and Mrs. Antos Gingerich and i
Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich
visited with Mr. and ` Mrs. Josiah'
Ztcckley on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Gascho and
dtaughteer Lours, and son Clarence
visited with IVzr, and Mr:,. J'o'hn Ste-
cklev on Sunday afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston of
Zurich called on his parents in the
village Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Erb anent Sun-
iiay afternoon itl7 Nr. and Mrs'. Ed.
as xtseve and cG11:1'1ci11or a geed many
t Was warden of tre
times• a, d in 1. )20 w.
2otmty and made a very capable pre-
siding officer',
Euchre And Dance Hold
�'lttr •Chan'r,ber o f Commerce held
the first euchre and dance of the
season on Thursday evening with a
largo auttendanoe. The hall, was brilli-
ant with colored llghtts; 'There were
37 tables of euchre and dancing wwas
kept up until a late hour. The :guests
were well :looked, after by members
of 'the Chamber of Commerce.. The
winners in the euchre. were: Ladies,
Miss Minnie Reid, ,Miss Florence
Welsh; ,nen, Warren" Schilbe, M.
Teeguair • lucky lunch ticket ]Vlrs. 0
Mrs. Reid, and daughter of Michi-
gan, visited with; the fortner'sbro-
ther, Mr. Ben. .'Kay's.
Stanley Council' will meet• at the
township , Hall, Varna.; on :Saturday,
December 14tH .Stanley taxes can
bepaid at ipnr ,alt the Bank of Mon
"real, at Zurich.
Mr. an&Mrs. Elmore.7teys•have re-
turned from 'their wedding trip.; and
are nicely 'settled in their home, on
Babylon Lime.
Mrs, Harold' 'Pet/bale and fainly
spent a few days viuiting her parents
Mr. and Mrs. 'George Hodgson of
Wilton Grove, near London.
Mr. Henry Steckle and son Ivan
motored to "T'oron'to last week.
Late Mrs. Oesch
On 'Th rs.day of last week death
came as a sweet release to Mrs. Jacob
Oesch who has been a great sufferer
for many years. She made her home
with 'her ,only daughter, Mrs. Norman
Stephenson of the Goshen : Line,
from whose home the funeral wes
held on :Saturday, ;conducted by Rev.
R. M. Gale _ of Bayfield.
Rowson Hayter
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
St. Andrew's United Church manse,
Bayfield, at noon, on November 23,
when Hazel Kathleen Hayter, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hayter,
Goshen Line, Stanley township, be-
came the bride of Cecil John Dowson
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dowson,
also of Stanley. They were attended
by the groom's brother, George,;, and
Jean Phyllis Cornish of Clinton. The
bride wore a beautiful costume of
bine silk vervet. They purpose resid-
ing on a. farm on the Babylon line
,Shower Held
The young people of the commun-
ity met at the holm of Mr. .and -Mrs
Elmore Stephenson on Friday ,even
ing and presented them with a show-'
er of miscellaneous articles and the
following address:•
To Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stephen-
We have gathered here tonight to
spend a social evening with you, to
express our congratulations and' to
,,.show the esteem ;: in which you ,are
'ideirlfY he'% eting people and in
this community. We therefore ask
-you to accept these gifts as a token
of our good' wishes for the future.
We sincerely hope and'trust that
you may both have a long and happy
married life.
Signed on behalf of the young
T. S. Beattie, Prem ' Y.P. S.
Geo. Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fretz and family of
Baden, visited with Mr. and Mrs,
Sala Gingerich on Sunday. •
Mr. Lee Oesch of Milverton was
a week -end visitor at his .home on
the Goshen.
The Village Trustees for i936..are
William Ferguson, Murdock Ross
and Don Murray.
Wm. Hall, Robt. Penhale and Wm.
Talbot motored to Toronto last we-
ek and enjoyed the wonderfil sights
at the Winter Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. David John Stephen-
son, of Stanley Twp., moved to Bay-
field last week to the house formerly
occupied by the late Robert Mc-
Murray. Hearty welcome is extend-
ed to Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson.
Mr. Toten, Miss G. Bugler and W.
J. Bugler of London were guests of
Rev, and Mrs. W. G. Bugler at the
Wrist Fractured
Mrs. Charles Parker had the mis-
fortune to catch her heel; in her skirt
at the head of the stairway' at her
home, Sunday last and dell. to, the
foot of the stairs•with the"result that
one wrist was broken, the other bad-
ly sprained, her.back sprained ane'
arms braised. At her age such a mis-
hap is serious. She was removed to
the home of her daughter, Mrs
Featherstone, where site is reeeivbv'
every attention.
Mrs. Wm. Weston Passes
Mrs. Wm. Weston, formerly
beth Falconer, daughter of the late
r:' anc'• Ttrr, John A. s elconr=t: c"
Bayfield, pasted away ax he- ",o ,^
on Thursshay morning. She svfferetl
Nov. 26th. Mrs, Huggins, who was in
her 75th year, was highly esteemed
1'n, the vicinity, having resided in.'
',racket -smith until her marriage to J.
J. Huggins 30 years ago, when they
removed to B. '0. She returned eight;
years ago .diad resided with her bro-
ther, Dr. D, Gemmell for a time,
later going to Egmondville to live
with her 'siuteer.
Breaks Ribs Again
Wm. Gauley of Goderich was pain-
fully injured while walking to work.
When -he fell down a flight of steel
sit ps by the elevator at the harbor.
T .struck his side on the edge of a
ep and fractured two ribs, . It was
his fourth ,accident --in which he suf-
fered fractured. ribs.
decided to en-
dorse the resolution, enlan ating from
Huron -county council, to dispense
with Provincial legislature thorough -
out Canada.. The vote strongly
against the move.
New C. N. R. Agent
G. H. Jackson, who for the past
nine years was C. 1\17R. agent at Lis -
has been promoted to the same
position in .Goderich and took up his
deities last week. He succeeds S. D.
Croft,: who has been transferred to
Brantford. -
Arm . Fractured
:Pauline Johnston, 12 yr. old dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. John-
ston, Goderich, fractured tier. left arm
the other night. She iras climbing a
fence when her foot caught and she
fell headlong. She fractured her left
shoulder -in a fall a year 'ago. -
• Voters' List
Seaferth Voter's' List for 19251as
been posted by Clerk. John A: Wilson
The list has 1,319' names as compared
wiltb 14317 in 1934.. Those eligible to
v to in.;both, municipal an elections to
:the legislature number 928. Voters
relgibleto vote :inmunicipal elections
Only nillnber 78,_ while 313 persons
may vote in elections to the legis-
lative assembly only.
Fyactures Arm
Whe he -,fell while playing with
liis sleigh in Goderich's first snow,
Campbell Tyveedle, young son of Mr.
and Mrs. 7nweedie, suffered a fract,-
ni;ed a •m. Ie was'taken to, t1r, itos-
eif-aI"f r ,treatment •', and spent" tile:
night there, •
Slipped on- Ice
1111'8. W. W. Walter, Coi,00rnc Twat.
Geo. C. Petty visited relatives in
Toronto last week.
Mrs. Jas. Hoggarth has returned
after visiting with friends in Tor-
Harold Bonthron of Newmarket,
and Jean.Bontrron of London, visit-
ed with their parents.,
Mrs. Jas. .A. Paterson was in Tor-
onto the past week visiting her sister
Miss Lynne Ontwein,
Mrs. McMullen, who has been vis-
iting with her - daughter Mrs. Lyle
Cassidy for a few weeks has return-
ed to her come in Otterviile,
Mrs. Mary Lindsay is visiting with
her sisters in Toronto for a few
Mae Simpson of Detroit, visited
with her mother, Mrs. L. Simpson.
Wm. Logan and sister, Miss T.
Logan of Varna, visited Geo. Doug-
las and Irene, Sunday last. •
Wm. Hildebrandt and son, Alex.
were in London visiting a relative,
who is seriously ill.
Decem'ber "5th,
i;'xrilret'isty, ' 36.
in his possession. Hackett elected.'
finial by judge and jury on each
charge. is was charged with bre- •
aloing and. entering at Blyth, witr �in e
tent ,tv steal, rand conspiring to the •
same. aisr;t with having hides, that
known to slim were stolen.
George Schramm rasses Jj
George Schram, 65 passed away at
his 'Lome in Godtrich on Sunday. He,.'
had been in poor health some tirne,
and was' forced to stop working two
weeks ago. Be intended xeturningtc
work, but suffered s. heart attack Dressed Ducks, .Geese and -
shortly after retiring: Ile was bern
a Exeter, a •son of •Wrn. Schram and 1 Turkeys
was •a cattle drover at Holstein be-
fore coming to Goderier abomti T3 yr'sj 7HIG ST PRICES PAID
ago. Surviving besides his wife • are
three sons and four daughters. , : • Write of Phone to
Live or Dressed
Xmas. Tree Celebration
The kiddies of the village both
youngand old are looking forward
to the big Xmas. Tree Celebration,
.poneored by .the "Jensen. Chamber
of Coni.merce. The date will soon be
announced, fSanta Claus will be here
in person a4•d a big time • is expected.
`Watch for .anriounticement and'' tell
the kiddies .about it,
Retiring From Office
Friends of Reeve .Wm. Jones are
sorry to hear that owing to 111healtl
re decided to retire this year. Mr.
Jones made a splendid Reeve am'
during his two years of office har
made a. number of necessary itnprovc
lents. Councillor Geo. C. Potty, of
ter serving the 'village for over 5R
years in different capacities is also
retiring this year; Mr. Petty wt..
shairrrian of the first board of Jaen.
tees for Hensail when it was fir:
'lode a police village. When the vii
y^ee i;,.• neon otte'c•1 5 ,
p 0 yeax's <aL,
ho wag its first reeve. He has serve(
Three Fires at Mitchell Mill.
A second fire which broke one in
the second storey of the W. A. Stu- EXETER - Phone 216,
'art flour mill was extinguished' when
firemen were called to tre scene of
the fire for the second time .in 12 hrs.
The second fire, foliowing a fire which
did extensive damage, is believed to
have started in a machine where spa-
rks smouldered from the first out-
break. A third outbreak was discov-
ered in tre early hours of the follow-
ing morning, but was subdued by the
work of a bucket brigade.
Auto Accident
A light delivery truck owned by
the IdealMeatMarket and driven by
G. Ford collided, two and a half!
miles east of Exeter with a passenger
car driven by Edmund Baker, of
Stratford, the accident taking place
in a blinding snow storm. The truck
struck the rear end .of the passenger
car and turned it over on its side in
the middle of the road. Fortunately
no one was injured. Mr. Ford was 1
accompanied by Mrs. Ford' and tre
other driver was alone.
Late Mrs Bissett.
The death took place in Exeter of
an aged resident in the person of
Mrs. Emily D. Welsh, widow of the
late W. J. Bissett, who for many ye-
ars was Exeter's chief constable: The
deceased had been ailing for five we-
.eks and on the day previous to rer
death she passed her 84th bixthd'ay.
She was born in London and, for 78
years had been a resident of Fxeteer•
Her husband predeceased in 1930:
She is survived by one daughter and
two brotrers.
Committed for Trial
Caswell Hackett, of Blyth, was 1
corhmitted for trial by Mag. J. A.
Makins of Goderich on three charges,
of breaking and entering, conspiracy',
and knowlingly having stolen goods
• Swift Canadian Company
had an unfortunate acoident,_when
she slipped on some ice outside her
home and fell heavily. A bone in
her leg was fractured near the ankle.
She '•was taken to the hospital and is
doing nicely,
Fail 'to Get Water
14 attempts to find much needed
supply.. of wwater for the town of
1Eiceter have all failed of their ob-
je t: `It is intended to try once mosee
and 'if 'failure again results, some
other method of securing water is to
be considered. ._
• Hand is Injured
Arthur Ford, Tlsbome Twp., near-
ly lost most of the fingers on•his left
hand when they came in contact with
the. knives :of a•root pulper. Several
stitches were required to close the
severe cuts, but it isbelieved that the
hand will be saved. "'
Sells Seyen Horses
Wednesday last mare than 100
harness . racing :horsemen froom. Tor-
onto, St. 'Marys, Brussels, Mitchell
and many other Western,. Ontario
points gathered at Agricultural Prk.
Goderich, where eighteen helves of
D. J. B. Whitely's Blue Water Stab-
les - were .placed on the auction block.
Although bidding was spirited on one
or two horses, it was for the most
part slow, and only seVen of the
horses were sold.
Fire Destroys Barns
Two large bank barns belonging
to Cecil Elwood, of McGillivray east
of Brinsley, were totally destroyed,
by fire last •Monday with the season's
crop .arid some imple nts. Mr. El-
wood had just returned from Lucan
with a load of chop and had been
metat' the• barn by his wife with the
lantern when the Ian:tern exploded
and soon the interior was seething
mass of flames and Mrs. Elwood had
difficulty in ; leaving the building. -Di-
luta/ice on the. buildings was 'carried
the; Hay Mutual .Fire fns. : Co. ••
Mrs.. Henry Young
Two weeks after the death of her
husband, Henry .Young, . Frances
Wild Young, 66, passed away at her
hoiiae . in Goderich. . She had been in
Poor health many years. Was barn ur
Sta,aleyTownship, a daughter of Jos-
eph Wild anti Frieda' Pickle, natives
't 'Germany. Was married'in 1892
acrid ' faarmed with her husband until
11 yearn; ago, when they retired to
'iotlerieh, Surviving are two children.
,teak`!" of Mrn. J. J.`,rHape`ns.
�lrt.,. .death ;( ;ane" Huggins,
. ref Mary ��..
14ist d'augh!'er trio .late itl"r. and
'leer rr. Gemc'7,1 of Tucker -mall. ar..-
home o'" lxe r i,tfs:r Mee l
::elfin 'G :rnwrell in Egmott<ctville on
Established 1900
Herald P'tgrag Office
year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in
arrears or 0.00 may be charged. U.
S. a$1_50 in advance. No paper discon-
tinued until all arrears are paid un-
less at option of publisher. The date
of which every Subscription is paid
is debated pas the Label.
Display advertising made known
en application.
IfiiisceTaneous articles of not more
than four lines, For Sale, To Rent,
Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One inser-
tion 25e, 2 ins. 40c., 8 ins. 50c.
Farm or Real Estate for sale $2:051
for first month, $1.00 for each fol-
ollowing month.
Professional Cards not exceeding-
s'ifiinches, per year $5.00.
In Memoriam, one verse 50c, 25o
for each additional verse; Card of
Thanks, 50c.
Auction • des -$2.00 per single
insertion if not over four inches in
length. .
Address all -communications tor.
Enlargenttents of long, distance shots will often bring out the f"action'"•
detail of a football play (len. A shot from the side lines (right).
E1LD that line! Hold that line!
Yes, football season is with us,;
again. with, its excited', yelling
crowds, raccoon coats and/ joyous.
celebrations by supporters • of the
winning team.
What a paradise for the snap-;
shooter! Be who goes to the game
without` bis canners is missing a
golden opportunity. I'tctures of u e
game, ills crowds;, hi ,the grandstands
and info}malSots et his classmates
- and 'friends will furnish: him matey
flours of pleasure year after year es
Int looks back through his snapshot
album. .
There are eountlese opportunities
for interesting, story -telling pictures
at football games. All you have to do
Is ase a little imagination. When
yon are blocked in the traf€ic and
remark to the girl friend, "Gee, look
at that line-up of cars and the crowd
at the gate,,' don't stop with that.
take a snapshot. Don't be satisfied
with stepping out of the car and dust
snapping a straight line of cars.
results Will be much more pleasing
than the ordinary, conventional_
The period before the start of the-'
game offers further opportunities fort'
unusual snapshots. For instance,.
take .a picture from the top of the
grandstand steps showing the crowds
coming up the steps to their seats -
A ,s;rmtterspeed of 1/50 of a second.
will stop the motion of the people as
they walk. directly toward your'
camera. ••
Stand onyour seat and take a full'.
'view picture of the crowds in the,
grandstand and as you do this you.
may see: sortie of your friends seated,
nearby Attract their attention and.
as they wave with a cheery, "Hey;,
BM," you can snap another interest-
ing, story -telling picture._ Even a.
chance, "blind" shot over your shoul-
der may bring unusual and. pleasing
See today that your camera is
ready for action, load it with fllnn
and leave for the game deb:rl:lined
to get the kindof pictures you will
Stan:' o; . tb e bumper and. .ih t iy r.'c : 'rouc'i ifr sh ^ r y'r`ar friend q,
ri),.•,Ii .
clownclownarli the traffic and. crowds. 71101 y0�>:� ti .:; GU t.,