HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-12-05, Page 1Vol. XXXV[ No 9 HOW WAGES ARE SPENT A week ago" last Saturday u ,! Kincardine firm paid ifs exnployieS' in new silver dollars Insi`tde. ,f eleven hours, so it is reported, a checkup'of local merchants Showed that $0,100 of the new money was in the rleands. Plenty of people put one or more a- way as souvenirs, while tethers slid not like them and exchalsged them for bills as soon as pots ,le. It was discovered that of the amount ac- counted ccounted for 63.1 pea cent. went for food and clothing while another 17.6 per cent. was spent on gifts, candies ;and amusements. ()Tay' 0- per cent. got into the rands of the insurance companies, whle: the balance ;was spent on miscellaneous recess es— Evidently none of these slipped ac- ross the border and brought back that $100. worth of merchandise, that we hear so mucr about these days. OFF TO vLOR1i A .. St. Thomas—Accompanied by 3, year• -old Peter and Mrs. W. F. Hept burn,,{the Premier's mother, .Mrs. Vlit- +shelleF.'Hepburn lef;„.by auto to ;join her husband:in Florida. Eddie Wools•• I ver, the Premier's private secretary,, is driving the' party to Miami.They are taking the journey brbasy stagee probably taking four or five days. It isexpected that they will remain in the South until early next 'year'. 40--s RECOLLECTION OF BILLY SUNDAY, (Fergus News -Record) Bilyy Sunday is dead. We radn't heard of him. Iately, but there was a tune when everybody knew his name. We heard him when he spoke at Tor- onto about 20 years ago, and we "re call only two incidents. One was the baseball player -evangelist pounding on the floor berind the pulpit and i Mins and ork We� have put in a Stock Good' Choice Quality, Men and Boys' Work Shoes,,t invite the public to come. and we ,can fit: you up. PUT IN A SUPPLY OF MEN'S A-. f, WOMEN'S RUBBERS, ' HEAVY RUBIS RS, ETC..: ' > GARFILED BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Oot WE GIVE .-EXPERT W O RKM A/ '- SHIP IN REPAIRING So clted — he could sock him; the other was the I _ huge dishpans used in taking up the . ; • t . � , o You Need lasses7`collection. yelling for the Devil to come up so Your Patronage Soil ..,:Stop and Think how hnportant it is that you wear correct glasses --cor- rectly prescribed for your vision. • Correctly styled to your face Your health may Iargely depend on: keen vision. See C. E. ZURBRIr, R. -O. At HESS JEWELE1 Y STORE Every Tuesday at TECH At Dashwood, Saturday, at File's Store. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICi M." QNF � "A Changeless Christ for a -Chang- ing World.," Friday, 8h—Luther League_ Saturday—Choir kractice. '.SUNDAY SERVICES: '10 a. m:—German. Service 11.15 a.m.—Sunday SehooL 7.30 pan. English service. .:Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEB Faster. • justified in refusing one. `-Steeping quarters are also clean and inr,: BIG SANK 'ROLL STOLEN Some men have quite unjustifiable Provincial police are investigating complained that the bunks are tre„ the strange case of 70 -year-old Joseph fested, but this is not ce reCU, es Coulter, retired farmer arc: philan- many local citizens use the Place evp-, thropist who is said to have had a ery day and the bunks are knownt4• bank roll of nearly $3,000 stolen from be quite free of any unwelcome U - him during a party at his home the habitants. other night. A warrant was issued at Goderich for one man believed in- volved_ Police say trey are making some progress. Officials say they have recovered . o " - Ha Council . held its month! me- ro11. They got it from a man -who °The regular meeting of e, ..e s" y said he took charge of that much of was held on Dec. 2nd, at 8 en, nit • eting on Monday. The next meeting the money when it apparea in peril. the Council Chamber, with ali ;meY�c{-, will be'' held on Monday, December He was rolling it for safekeeping. bers present. Miiwt�es - of two t�;p_ reed;, the Xbt :, Coulter told police he withdrew his ous meetings reach and°,.adopted. Mr. 'aT%d Mrs. Leonard Heist and money from a bank recently when a E. Shaddick appeared `fol rile rin• k '"73aby , ;deo Mr, Howard Klopp, all friend told him it would be a wise",committee of the Chitnnbei of ;Com cf) ,tr st were visitors at the home precaution. He had between two and merce re the taking over of thecyan ; of 1VIt ••end MTB. Oscar "Klopp. three thousand dollars in his pocket ro erty. Motion, that C4unilil •a evening his bankroll disappeared. . enation of $500 and that the Caroni , s" t El1'oy attended the Royal Winter Hensall Council , Min'_ 4 $800 f themissing hank ." Mis C. Fritz is spending a few days at London and Exeter. Messrs, Herb: Mousseau and Albert Kalbilrisch motored to Toronto this week } Mr. :Harry Eickmeier attended the funeral;of his late mother, at Brod- hagen t`epast week. Mr: 4 .Me1i k, Reeve of Hay Town- ship i.: attending the County Council Decemt,`, r session, - NI1 and 1VIts. Earl Thiel, bridal couple 1 have got nicely settled in their odatment in the Dietz block, Miss Vertrudo Haist of Goderich, was a eetek-end visitor with her sis- ter, Mi aa,Harry G. Hess, of town. Mr. ;_Albert Smith, of Crosswell, 1Vtich., ;'s• 'visiting for a few days at the hpr e of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'B1ei.; Mr. and •IVIrs. H. G. Hess and faintly,! ai;companied by Miss Gert- rude Iiaist, . -visited friends at Cred- iton o •. Sunday: ,before the party started.During the cept the rink property for a41,441-'' 114, end Mrs. Herb Desjardine and her of of Commerce are = to supply nth saYh„�Vl�o"f�iYot�ii?ai � mer Transients"at Goderich have become _ ber of Commerce appoint a considerable problem during the • committee and the same to have. tie past few years and the council is re- approval of the Council to manage questing the citizens to co-operate the rink. With .the council is dealing with them IThe Clerk reported the purchase f'eir . att.. Toronto, and exhibited some enYtx�y. F'several prizes. BRIDAL WREATH DIAMONDS , SPECIAL VALUE! DIAMOND$, LET US SHOW YOU THESE $25. ENGAGEMENT RINGS; 14k, 1VIOUN TINGS. DIAMONDS 01' BEAUTI- FUL COLOR, ABSQL`UTELY PER- FECT, Cheater L. 'Smith, Publisher $1.25 a year, U.S, $1.50 in A 61.60 IN ARREARS, $2 AUX B#6 WELA 11 Ent. 131 e More Heat—Less Attention* The color guarantees dte quality Semet Solvay Caere Miller Creek an Rosedale Alberta Tile ail Brick Have you seen the New Engravvk ! W. R. DAVIDSO Briday Wreath Wedding Ring at I $7.50. :Highest cash Hest, The Jeweller Eggs on a Phone 74 Zurich Phone prices paid for graded basis_ 10 BENS A r f,e d•.Fa.•••••••eQ9 ***6 4Gt.Qu G •• • P • • 4, • • • • • m 4, • Mrs. C. Eilber; Mrs. A: J. Mac- Kinnon .and son Archie; Mr. and Mrs: C. L. Smith attended the Com- ariencement exercises at Clinton I3igh Every man, from now on, will he sure- of the' Eisenhoffer propel V - ate , the' Scrool Collegiate Institute last Fri - se with a meal ticker at tre town County Tax Sale, also reported ,'re "day evening, which proved to be a hall 'together with a place to sleep. the Caldwell case and the Oldbi success. In return'he'IS expected to shoal his eases. oMtion, that the Glee =with •good faith 1,y cutting some wood in•'the Ontario Hospital, Woodst le and: '' 'Vhe..new 1986 auto markers are the -lot back of the town hall.. After'inquire as to, the condition o •..1VIr's: seen quite frequently at present and 'e. second meal, provided re stays ov- ;Caldwell's Health and if it wt#u1d be the* are, we think, the finest display •eexiighit, he is 'told to be on els ways• possible to move her to` the :County of its kind we have ever seen. The. ome. Meals are satisfactory= xnd, no,man is H f :lows: iCorrespondence read. as 4 1 T;, 0. Joynt re glass; relief eeho,'ti. M.0•.H, report; Ont. Hospital, Wood-: ,.,�so...ann®,. •.-,...� .— — -- •-W^�^. stock, Fire Marshall, J. M. dbven lock. 4 WE SELL. THE REST FOR LESS Specials far Thursday, Fri &y and Saturday .'., IPeas,2 ting .. ...17c Shortening; H lleaest„ 2 .lbs.. . 25e Handy Aur sonic,,. per pkg. . .05c 1, Fresh Rolled Oats, - 6 lbs .. 25c. Jelly Powder?, 'ail': flavors .... _.:5c Stuffed • Olives 6.% -oz. jar, .. - Macroni,, ready cut;, per Ib. - - . a...... - _ - - ...5c Salmon, fancy* redo 1 -Ib:. tin ,Currants,, 2 - •. - Sultana Raisins,, 2 lbs_ • Dates with Pits,: 2 lbs.. - ... Dates pitted, 2 its.... - - • . Lexia Raisins; with. seeds, - 2 lbs_ Lemon: and Ora .Pete per Citron Peel'„ per lip_ Cooking .Figs;, 2 lbs. ,for - Mince meat„ 2 lbs 25c 2 5c 25e :Mc • < .33e .17c. CHRISTMAS ,IIES,:•:ItlDTS, .'AND TONS, L .N$k'A I. AND ON 1)ISP1•AY: 'ATS0 F13.NCY.GI-IINA.YOE CHRIST- JVIAS GIFTS:, COME AND :SHE ` J AT WE DAVE. WE ALSO IIAV. I SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS. ONONDTI ;-• WA IS,,;SWEIU'ERS AND BLISTERY, Highest 11.1i Ft N. far ewe Elia 140 • blaCk background and the heavily raj:led white figures stand put a lit - better. than :usual. It is imusnal tcs see the pew markers so early in the year, but -this year seems an ex- ception, and we thinkethe govern- ment needs the money. Motion that the report of Dr...0s, Collyer, M.0.11. be accepted aS.:,e5,0,., MAIL FOR CHRISTMAS Motion, that we take no action I..., •.' letter of T. C. Joyrit. Motion,. sthat ,..Patroas of the Zuricr Post Office the reeve notify the Fire Dept. as are kindlx requested to do their mail - regards the pipe at the front o',7,the ing of letters, parcels, etc., as early Town Hall, having a leak. ' 'as. they can. If you would do this, Motion. that we grant the 01•,.1-a.-7 Jutted as possible, in 'the morning bor of Commerce $X0 for the ,Chriat-I'YOu wdll avoid the afternoon rush mas Tree Fund. sees'. aeld the inconvenience of waiting. In 1Viotion, that we pay J. A. Paterson the afternoon the wickets will close $25.00 as relief officer for 19a Hine and. accts—G. M. Case, hread Grocery, eroceviei $4; A. B. Row cliffe,milk°$5; Gen. accts, G. Brock repairs 4.75; A. Taylor sidewalks 2.50; J. A. Paterson, exp. Goderich 30.20; H, McEwen -wood hall 7.00; J. A. !Paterson revising Vot. list 30.20 Dr, G. Collyer, exp. inoculations 17.- 80, 3, Pfaff removing rubbish hall, 1:50; Munic. World supplies 4.53; Mrs. A. Cudmore grant streets 3.35; B. Dick drawing gravel 14.50; F, W. Hess, printing 41.00; A. Hemp- hill supplies and postage 6:05; A. Spencer & Son, cement sidewalks 4.55; J. Passrnore bulbs and lahor •Chamer of Commerce Xmas. Tree gfanV10.00;. School Board; current ection 5.00; 'Geo. Hudson constable, elsortly after 2.30 in order that your Mail may be propSrly sorted for dis- patch. Don't forget to d oyour mail- ing early and you will get service. OBITUARY Late Mrs, Eickmeir 'There passed away at the home of her son, George Eickmeir, lot 31, coecession seven, Logan Township Wi:helmine Eichmeir, after an illness of four days following a stroke Deeeaeed was born in Ellice Town- ship -and was in her 81st year. Her husband predeceased her seven years and .at the time of his death they had been married 47 years, Mrs. Ethic- meir had lived in the community all her life. She was a daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. August Elligsen. Surviving are three sons and threeulaugliters, Edwaed and George of. Logan and limey of Zurich; Mrs.:,_ Fred .kirenq, .Sebrieg•ville; Mrs'. C. 'Mt:setter, Los ersororelief °Meer 25,00; Gy Walket Stratford, and 22 grandchildren and bal. of salaey 92.75; J. A.,-Taterson one" great-grandchild. ' Funeral was , herd on Thursday last at 2 p.m. -from ary Treasurer 67.50; sal. Constable .and water ta,t',, :3 rotter, salary motor m000: y.- . ,,i . EiCineir was known to a number of $25. ' ;"- ZUrIch people, as She :frequently vis- structe,d to collect the Pol. 2-a James A, Paterson, C k; at ite We Ve • • • • • • • s 9 • w • • • • • k e 0 • 4, • • • • • e • • • • • • • • s RE,'®. C; IN. AND L ItTliNtE AND 'STYLE OF SUITS OND OVERCOATS! These are all new Smart Patterns and Moder- ately oderately Priced! FINEST LOT OF MADE TO MEASURE SAMPLES EVER SHOWN 4D4 • 400. 4t- 400. 40, 400 40, efr er sto 0.1 04. �}r +t1 Oi wr Also New Sweaters, Hats, Caps, Hosiery, Etc. Etc. Give us a call and be convinced of of Our Fine Showings TX My EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Fail WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, IN ALL THE STAPLE LINES Such as Wool and Flannelette Blankets„ FlaThael- ettes, Wrapperettes, in New Patterns, Men's Women's, and :Children's - Winter Underwear, Sweaters, Sweater Coats, Caps, Mitts, Socks and Stockings, Etc., Etc. Men's and Bay's Heavy Rubbers, Men's Rulkar Boots, Harness Repairs, Etc., Etc. Fresh qroceries Always on Hand at GENERAL WI EN ON N T oufeLAtz.