HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-11-28, Page 811411, :1' '110A(11;;' .71ICIFT THE STORE WITH THE STOCK ck Reducing Sale WINTER CLEARING SALES ARE AN ANNUAL EVENT WITH US And in former years usually held some time in January. However this season, We are carrying an extra large stock of New Winter Goods, and owing to mild Weather to date, and not being able to take Dutch Setts in exchange for Goods, are forced to take this step. You will certainly save Money by attending this Sale, the beginning of the Winter Season. Our Customers know from past experience that a Sale here is always a real Money Saving Event. Opening Day: SATURDAY NOVEMBER 30th. Closing Day: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14th. See Large Posters for particulars,, J. G CHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 The Security PROVIDED FOR A HURON & ERIE DEBENTURE OR A GUAR- a'...NED TRUST CERTIFICATE IS AS FOLLOWS: FIRS:" 'CLAIM 'UPON EVERY DOLLAR OF THE CORPORATI- ON'S ASSETS WHICH TOTAL OVER $46,870,000. THE TOTAL to a.43.:„SkTS OF THE EIIIRON & ERIE AND THE CANADA TRUST 11 GOMPAN"Y EXCEED $78,000,000. IN ADDITION THE PAID-UP g CAIJ :PITAL AND RESERVE FUND OF THE HURONfl & ERIE IS $7,000,000. -TESECURMESa4a0OKS AND, ACCOUNTS 'ARE SUBJECT TO 8 A CONTINUOUS AUDIT BY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS'AND THE COMPANIES ARE UNDER STRICT GOVERNMENT SUPER- 1 VISION. INTEREST ON DEBENTURES AND CERTIFICATES PAYABLE 'HALF -YEARLY IS AS FOLLOWS: '3% % For One and Two year Investments. 4% For Three, Four and Five Year Investments. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AND FULL PARTICULARS CHEERFULLY SUPPLIED BY: 1 Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETT .111.11MMIL lumemommossivremene44.4mooge 41.4.44P.osergars I400444600610041109661131MOME4M0406236.66641140066494101M0644. - • HARDWARE SEEDS and FURNITURE 1 CO AL and COKE I Let us fill your reouirements of I your winier's fuel, be it Coal or I Coke. Prices the lowest, quality • c.)nsidered. • ZURICH 111 1 11111 111111 11 1 III I III 11111111 111111111111 1 11 1 11 1 1111 1111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111 111111E111111 11111111111111 11 1 11111 111111 11 11'' Grocery tore Ready Cut mixed Peel, perib. '43c Red Pitted cherries, No, Golden Bantam corn, per: car*, - 10c Heinz red kidney beans; per can 15c Smoked Herring, per lb. . . ... • . ....,13c Glace Green Cherries, per White Raisins, per ib... ',Oxydol, 1 large-,:and•1 srnall or ▪ .25c Broadway coffte: -with; fruit, per 1& 35c SFP. OUR. Bl PREMIUM O• N TEA WHILE IT LASTS! Menno Oesch - Zurich EGGS WANTED. - Phone 165 a 1 1 1 1 11 1111 1 llE1 1111 Ell t [illa niu Elli ER I 1 1111 Rit E Ilillm 1 Hi I EMI li 1, ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Miss Anna Aatars is holding a Special Sale of Hats on Saturday, in tre Zurich Hat Shoppe. See her adv, in this issue.... The annual Winter Reduction Sale of the mercantile store of J. Gascho & Son, will begin on Saturday of this week, ending Saturday, Decem- ber 14th. This is jujsjtj jthjejjjjj her 14th. This is just the time .of year when the heavy winter goods are needed mostly, and when we can pick them up at reduction prices, it is all the more appreciative. Take advantage of these bib money saving event offered by the local merchant, and you will have big value for your dollars. The annual meeting of the Zurich Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society was held in the town hall, Zurich last Thursday evening, and was well attended. Rev. Denny Bright, the district representative, gave a very interesting illustrated address. During the past year sorne forty dollars was collected for the Society at Zurich, and canvassers are again appointed to cover the ground. All the former officers were re-eleet- ed: President, 5. E. Gascho, Vice - Presidents, Revs. E. Turkheiei, E. 131.17„ C. Sebrag and S. Bechlea; the Secy-Treas. Mrs. E: F Klapp. Thank You! We are in receipt of a renewal of his Subscription from Mr. Albert Sehwalm, of Humboldt, Sask., in which he states the followingaWe've had real winter weather since Oct- ober 27th, lots of snow and below zero weather, its been 20 below several times and zero weather is zommon. However, a lot or people are looking for a big thaw and expect this snow to go away but lathink it will ge away next spring.. Business is just fair up here. I am at present holding dovriaa speed freight run be- tween here and Saskatoon. We are all well and hope this finds you and your's the same. Best wishes to all. PAINTS! PAINTS!4*4* 4* We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried • and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes,1 Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax . Funeral of J. Glousher The funeral of the late John Glou- sher, Whose death occurred in the Goderich Hospital on Wednesday, took place from the residence of ris daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Inkley, Clinton, on Friday afternoon. The deceased man was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Glousher, who were pioneers of :Hur- on County, and he was torn ni Wawanosh in 1859. He was married to Miss Margaret Doerr and for many years they farmed in W. Wawanosh. Tris union was blessed with ten chil- dren all of whom four sons and six daughters survive. They are: John of Goderich; George, Wingham! Henry and Herbert near Blyth, Mrs. A. Inkley, Clinton; Mrs. Patter- son and Mrss. J. Marmen, Wingham; Mrs. G. Alcock, Mrs. Earl Bentley and Mrs. White, Blyth; There are 33 grandcrildren and . several great- grandchildren. A brother George and three sisters, MTS. C. Reicnert and Ms. L. Gellman of Zurich, and Mrs. A. Guhr of Goderich, also survive. Mrs. Glousher died in 1929. Inter- ment was made in the 'family plot in LOCAL MARKETS ....••••••••••••• (Corrected every Wednesday) Butte;..; creamery '29 32, 30, 24 15%, 14, 13, 11 10, 9, 7 Eggs, dozen. Chickens, Ib. . Hens, lb. Ducks, ,dressed lb. ........ ..... 13 a Geese, dressed lb. 13 Wheat. bush. 68 Barley bush. 42 Oats, ;lush 25 Buckwheat, bush. 40 Flour OA 2.25 3.15 Bran t' d shorts, ton 20.00 Potato.% per 90 -ib. bag 1.00 Live h gs, cwt. 7.00 .i• year age, an increase of over octa,000. Included in total assets are liquidassets of $533,374,811, against $491,24'7,207, a gain of over 440,- 000,000, an equal to '74.48 per cent, of all liabilitiees t the public.. An outstanding feature is the holdings of government and other bonds and debentares amounting to $361,769,- 848, as compared with $317,936,912 a yea; ago an increase of over $43,- 000,000., In. keeping with tre Bank's policy, the greater portion consists of gilt -edge secutiries which mature at early dates- , HYMENIAL • lilimsdo, November 28th, tiaa44404.4..414444+044+44+4404444;;414. 4. It YOUR Hardware and Furniture [ STORE THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW f' . t FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US. SUPPLY IV ' YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE, ALSO BAVE BARB WIRE SEE US ABOUT NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE- • TROUGHING SPECIALS! SPECIALS' Coal Oil, good grade at 20c Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon ...............28c: have some very Attractive Prices in See Our New Beds, Springs and Maftresses. We r, • • 'Tr e also 4 Furniture. s 4,, +41.' 4t44 4 IFURNITURE . Two Godd Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; Kitchen -Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. BE SURE AND SEE THEM Johnston. & Kalbfleisch Hard 11 are &Furniture. Phone 68 (11011q11121111180,4111111111111121Millt11111111111111111111110111111111111111114111111MU11111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111D1011111111111111111111111111111111111111ONY111111111111111111111106- Herstgartenc _ : A quiet wedding was solemnized at 11110111W the Lutheran parsonage; Loadon, when Bev. C. J. Killinger united in. marriage Olga Mary, daughter of Mrs. and the late Peter Martene, of Stephen Township, near Dashwood, to Thomas ,Gordon Hern, .son of W. Hern and tre late Mrs. Hem of Usborne. The bride wore a blue crepe dressewith blue accessories and was attended by her sister, Ether Mar- tene. -Wm. Stanlake supported the groom. The bride and groom left on. a trip to Fort Erie and Niagara, the bride travelling in a black crepe dress with black accessories. On their return they will reside on the groom's farnain Usborne. 1 COUNTY NEWS Died at Seaforth The death occurred at her residen- ce Seaforth, of Miss Letitia Camp- bella daughter of the late Mr. and. Mrs.' John Campbell, of McKillop. MissICampbell was born in McKillop where she lived until six years ago when; she and her brother who pre- deceased her by a few years, moved to Seaforth. She had been. a long sufferer of arthritis, and passed a- way very unexpectedly. Miss Camp- bell was highly respected, she was a life member of Duff's Church, Me- Killop, W.M.S. and was a :member of North Side United -Church, Seaforth She is survived by three sisters: Mrs. J. McKinley, Clinton; Mrs. R. McKin ley, of Stanley, and Mrs. Robert Reid, of Walton. The funeral was held Saturday last with Rev. 1'. A. Carmichael officiating, assisted by Rev. ,G. E. Morrow. London Youths Killed in Accident Two Loadon youths driving in a slight fog early Friday morning last were killed In an auto accident a Blyth cemetery;—Clinton, News-Rec- Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes•ord. 4) in all sizes 7 0 1 BANK OF MONTREAL Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall ANNUAL REPOTZT Mattresses ,41;otkm4 on paig. four of this issue is a as Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith - L ing our Specialty. Full line .3f heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. : to ' sik 0 os - T AD E & wEID1/4„,,; ,.., a s 1 zuRicH ONT - , * e lio QUALITY — PRICE — SERVICE ; si , :*0111.1.61114141140410411064141040040144.411.4411.1114/6.4411.041008110011111 • tement of the annual report of the Bank of Montreal whicr shows that this big financial institution is strong in .all departments, and the statem- ent which covers the fiscar year to October 31st, and is issued in an easily understandable form, evdent- ly in ordet that the general public may more fully appreciate the secur- ity afforded both depositors and share •floIders. The statement shows that: at the close of the fiscal year the tolal assets of the Bank were $792,77,872 as compared with $759,108,1178 THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice Painting Wagon Painting Buggy Recovea-ing Buggy Top Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set Buggy Shaft Cross Bar Buggy Reach $7.00 and 10.00 6.00 and 10.00 .16.00 and 18.00 12o00 3.00 1.00 1.25 Buggy Spokes each P. 44 pl 25c 410- 41Iff ismoillimpassimitinimpainatiisomiloiniagonailatnny - 4+4444. yo, 4 It 4,L *:‘ EXTRA EXTRA Large Shipment of Tires Just Received ERegular $10.00 Heavy Service tires at 6.35 t. Regular 10.75, Heavy Service tires at ...6.90 Gasoline at per gallon 23c 4. t. Lubricating Oils and greases at corresponding low prices 4. Get Your Requirements Here, where Your Dollars Go the Farthest! E▪ xpert Workmanship on all Makes of Cars„ with charges Very Reasonable! H. Mousseau Zurich It4▪ 04#4141410,44+4.114++++++++444iit.14+++++++++++,144.44444144441 44.1+84444.4.44+4.44.444. c.44+++.11.4.44+++444++.1.+444,440 . MASSEY-HARRIS •NEWS Now that the harvest is over we -would T. appreciate having - an early settlement on Repair Accounts. Manifest your appreciation for receiving credit by settling at once. 10 per cent. _added after October 15th shat diStance south of Birr im No. ; 4 Highway. Four other occupants of the, ear*Avere injured and 'narrowly •re ' * SPECIAL tifl. 1--Iot . water Heaters for your car for escaped death. Ernest Dennis, a taxi : balance of month. $18.00 heat . heaters for only $8.50. Cash with Order. 4, .• • • $ SUPER. LASTIC TIRE PRICES Again Re- : duced and we mount same free .1: Use Massey -H . anis senu-steel deep aill • . 4- Points. 1-. Tel. Shop 149 ' O. KLOPP 1 SONS Res. 6Z ti drive r in London was instantlyitilled Clirord Hodgins, aged 22, 'Son of Mr and Mrs, Wesley Hodgins, formerly of Centralia, was taken to London hapital and died an hour later. The twO, men in company with Cyril Po- ' ceek, Malcolm Kerr, Gertraue Evanr land Doris McFalls, *ate on their way to Lucan driving the latter to the I�i her patents. A short dist- an t , e sotith, of Birr on an "SS" torn the driver of the car lost control and the tar struck the abutment of a eafnent ,Ctilvett. A latm block .of Le- nient was torn from the culvert and the car was toropletely denaolislied. I 1 44. .t. • Auc.tioneering7. — U. BET!, se4,4401,4044444041.,..64.0* ii****"**************444.00