HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-11-28, Page 5ursdti oveno0er• 230, 1935 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL ,) IDLE* E. HoLivaiis BARRISTER, ' SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPJBLIC, ETC. O ICEI1yem¢tton Street, just off• .. :the Square, GODERICI-I, Ontario. ;special Atte`'rition to. Councel and Court Work, Mr. Holmes may be consulted nt +Goderich by Rhone, and Phone changes• reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH :Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday, At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. i . H. COWEN L. D. S. I1. D, S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter Ontario VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Put Your Want,' For Sale Lost, Fund, Etc. Ads. in this Column,;. Meeting of The Huron County Council The next cncetirtg of the Huron County 'Colima will he held in the County Council Chambers, Court House, Goderieh, Ontario; ,Comment. ing Tuesday, December 3rd,. 1935, at 2 o'clock, p.m, The ,session to last until December -Gtr. All Accounts, Notices of Deputat- ions, Applicationsand .other import- ant Business requiring attention of Council should be in the hands of the Clerk not later than December 2nd,, if at all possible, J. M, Robertson, County Clerk, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. FOUND O! i 14th eancession, a pair of horse blankets. Owner can rave same by proving property and paying for this adv. Henry Krueger, Zurich' STRAYED, From Lot 8,, Con. 5, Hay Town- ship, a two-year-old steer, square notch in upper corner of right ear. Any information will be received by Asa T. Penhale,. Exeter. R.R. 1. Phone, Crediton 17-34. LOST At or near the corner of the Zurich Road and Bronson line part of an auto transport rack, color red. Find- er kindly notify, Mr. John N. ' Den- oinme Blake. R. R. 2. Zurich. 4Vee tan the Homo a# the: late Dr. J. Routledge. ___, _ _ •_� Zurich one—p6 A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All .xliseases' of .uprnestic animals treated by the most modern principles, 'Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Kennels. Office on Main Street; opposite Town Hall, Phone 116. HENSALL. BUTCHERS •f i:; -�Q .:r �ur i MEAT 'MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- 4ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, £ct., 'always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric R i rigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins .Yunghlut & Som. GARAGE TRADE IN YOUR DANEROUS TIRES NOW! A MOST GENEROUS ALLOWANCE STOCK REDUCING SALE NOW . ON! Phone 60 74t 0 DASHWOOD INSURANCE • Western farmers' Withal 'Weather Insurance` Co. 0F9 WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN'IVTUT. VAL COMPANY DOING Btr'SINESF OF THIS KIND IN. ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec 31st, 1934, 319;613,5311+ Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $235,550.31 Eatee--.$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Year: E. Klopp—,Zurkkb Ant, Also llesler in Lidhinind Buri! liati ta`k & ciliva lon..toor.e FOR SALE Latest mod'eI Ball Bearing DeLavai ZURICH HERALD STRAYED ALSEWS' Mr. J. W. Merner made a business trip to Stratford one day last '.week. BORN—At Zurich, ,orx• November 21st, to IVa;r: and Mrs, Albert G. Hess a son. +` Mr. and . 'Mes.. Davrlt• Duel -tame were visitors with relatives in Detroit the past week. Miss Anna Overholt spent a' few days with relatives and friendrl at Stratford last week. Miss Anna Aatars is holding e Special Sale of Hats do Saturday, in tre Zurich Hat Shoppe. See her adv. in this issue. Messrs. Leonard ,.. Prang, Harold Stade, Earl i'uxigblut, and Albert Heideman attended the hockeygame at Detroit between Toronto °: Maple Leafs, and Detroit Red Wings. Mrs. . P J; . O'Dwyer, who took treatments -at London hospital,. has returned to her home the past week. we are pleased to report much im- proved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Haberer, bridal couple, returned? on Monday evening from their wedding trip; and the im- mediate families were pleasantly entertained to a wedding canner at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Thiel. Last Thursday a lightfall of snow arrived here accompanied- by frost, and on Friday there was a fall. of ;about eigrt inches, but the nice and warm, and ibalany weather has carried it all away again, and we are enjoy- ing the finest of fall weather with to- day, Wednesday e, little . rain. There is not too much dampness in : the ground at presaent as the little dit- ches are running very little. 1 sure looks like an open winter, but no one knows what will be in sfo, in tre next few months. - NOMINATION Hensall Nomination was reld on Friday evening, November a2nd, with a large attendance, and them were plenty ofnominations: Out of the 5 Cream Separator, new, for sale at not iinated for Reeve, only titre have cost. L. A. Prang & Son, qualified, . namely: Owen Geiger, _.„..v David -Robinson:, and Win. Shepherd, One to be elected. There were eight STRAYED nominated for Coureallore, and the From Lot 6 con., 6 Hay Township, follov nig• four qualified: Geo. Brock, A. Hamilton, Rich. B. Shadaick, Win Sangster, no ' 'elec'_ion; fog School Trustees, four were nominated,' and three qualified, G. Hess, r. Manns, Rev. W. A. Young, no election; Pub- lic: Utilities, four were nominated, one, Charles Moore, qua;ifed, no election. An election will be'. held on Monday, December 2nd between hours of Vit.• a re, and 5 p.m. for' the 'Office of Reeve. n::.. S Jame -Paterson„ Pate n C1. Ic sa , five head of cattle: 2 calves, and S yearling steers. Finder . kindly noti- fy, Mr. Win. Alexander, Phone 13-82 Hensall central NOTICE I have been appoini,ed as agent for this district of E. D. Smith .4 Son§r of Winona, to take orders,fer their In raer3T, st as, friut trees .shrub§ 'clitoel,; 'tlo e w ro, , orna'nental trees, etc ' Your patronage solicited. Wm. L. SIEBERT tf13 FARMERS! ATTENTION! We have been appointed selling Agents for the celebrated Viking Diabolo Cream Separator; the separ- ator with a ten year guarantee. Let us demonstrate this machine to you and compare it with all others. And don't forget, the best feature is the unusual easy terms. Liberal allowance for trade-ins. C.:SCHRAG & SON, pt23 LICENSED -AUCTIONEER For Huron and . Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON- duct any ,Auction Sale,, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will snake no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR W .e/BEE—Dashwood Phone 18-57. PRODUCE PRODUCE WANTED We are in a position to take Cream and Eggs at my home at Zurich, for which we' will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, • and pay according to grading. Give is a Trial! First house south of Dominion Hotel THOS. H. MEYERS, Phone 116, Zurich, Ont. Live Poultry WANTED :akent every Day till 3 o'clock p.m. )o not feed Fowl' panne morning when brought in HIGHEST CASH, PRICES —FOR— CREAM FO R -CREAM AND EGGS WM, O Brien /bone, :hale I1,c:s:. 04,, Zurich liaZe Presentation A very pleasant surnris• took place last Thursday evenin , '':feeer i' er at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J: Triel of Zurich, when iene:las and relatives gathered in kronor of their eldest daughter Helen, (bride elect) to; present her with a miscellaneous shower. The presentation was read by Miss Ellen Turkheim. Miss Triel greatly thanked every one for their kindness shown to her. The evening wt's spent with a few contests and social chats. A delicious lunch was served. Wishing Helen a' Happy wedded life, after the guests return- ed to treir homes, The address: Dear, Helen— We, your friends. have gath- ered here this. evening Ito wfsh you much happiness in the . steps which you are about :to talt•N and as. •you. look at marriage trink of itas being a wonderful. adventure in' life for .uui you and your husband. We could not let this occasion passs without showing our apprecint pan of your friendship, Sa we ask you to accept these gifts. Wishing you a long, happy and prosperous wedded life. Signed, Your Sincere Friends. (By Edgar A. Guest) Little Lady at the altar, Towing by God's 'Book and Psalm, To be faitrful, fond and true, Jnto him who stands by you; "'bink not that romance is ended That youth's curtain has descended And love's pretty play is done, For .it only has begun. Marriage, 'blushing little lady, Is 'love's sunny path and shady, Over wrich two heatts should wander Of each growing fonder. As you stroll to each tom -arrow You will come to joy and sorrow And as faithful man and wife Read the troubled books ref life, Bitter cares vrill some day find you Closer, closer they will bind your If together you will bear thein Cages grow sweet when lovers share thein. Love unites two happy mortals, Brings thein here to wedloeks portels -V.tid then blithely bids them go Arm in arse through weal and woe. Little lady at the: altar, Never let your courage falter; 'revel' stoop to unubelieving, ';von when your heart is 'giving. To what come, of wintry weather rlr disaster—stand toeTether; Through life's fearful hours of night Love shall; .b ing you to the light. • From my 'premises, Par Line, a red steer two years old, has straight :lot ns, . rungs or ring slits in right ear. Pinder kindly' notify. Herb. ' Des jardine, Zurich. NOTICE SPECIAL SALE OF HATS We are holding a special sale o'' Ladies';, Hats, on SATURDAY,' NOV EMBER 30th,, All Hats will go a' i'.rom .$1.00 and up, All ladies in terested in new Fall and Winter Hats are heartily invited to attena on Sat- urday. • THE HAT SI-I:OPPE, Zurich. The tourist. 'traffic ' in Canada this year hes i gain shown a large increase For summer attractions it is difficult to find a country that outdoes out own country.;, • $1. a Ton For Peat' ,The farm of Geo. Johnston, 4th coneession Grey Township, has re- cently become the centre of attrac- tion for scores of people from Bhus- sels and locality. The d.' ;coven of a huge peat bog which is proving to be of first -clays quality, is interesting more people every day as the colder weather draws near. Farmers and others, wagons and trucks, have the privilege of doing their own "`inning" by paying the owner of the land $1 a ton and many loads are .. being taken away. • NOTICE We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B.. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our pint. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your Cream Graded Tested and Paid for the same Day. Yours Truly, ZURICH CREAMERY aaar.••oaaaraesesoesceivae000 :CNet* 0(004 00,04 �P �vRA�k i"t�dl6'�Di E e 0•i•47•::44..g.✓r...i..y.y...+4-1.•p.+.F..g.+.g..;.+4-: 4+++++++.1÷.1.4400++++++++++44; 4; 4, • Cut Your Fuel Bill In ALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL a' TIMES.. AND -WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU 4. 2.WAIT. - 4.4. 1. C. • • 4. PHONE 6 Hitch Hikers a Nuisanse + 9 A LBFLEISC', au It is impossible to drive anywhere 4 4.44+++++++++++.2.4444++++.2.4.4 , •�. ,: - today without encountering a pat- ient droop -shouldered chap who stands by the roadside and continu- ously jerks his thumb across his chest. He is a hitch -hiker, one of the .strangest products of the auto age and he is getting to be an un- a mitigated nusiance. He collects a 64 greal deal of free transportation, • promotes the existence of a vagabond class which does the country no good • and creates a new opening for a lot i of old-fashioned highway robbery.---, rut Exchange. BEER TO REMAIN AT 10c. ..Except in certain clubs it is not likely that price of beer would go St lower than 10c a glass, despite the reported ruling of E. G. Odette, lig- 1 E uor commissioner, that no effort will 0 be made to set the price or size of bottle or glass of beer. It is only a le few days since hotelmen: and clubs had` notice that they were not to sell more than a 10 -ounce glass for 10 cents, and to charge no less than 20 .1t e .a -bottle'::., c s Saturday, they heel ix3ti e foxT.aftrntu.Ko;;tixsar5gr dr'r. until •t this order u it fur het ' notice. The i• w cr::al in the regulations Ieft the retail trade wondering what it could' all be about. Just recently, those sell- ing more than .10 -ounce glass spent a good Ileal of money in putting in an entire new stock of glasses to con- form with the new order. Now they are told they- may disregard this entirely. e a • DASHWOOD sr T IM s' qr Sava1foal A`Comnplete Mineral Feed for the In -foal Mare. Ade- quate Minerals makes possible the normal development of the Foal. Get Our Prices on your Minerals for Cattle, and Hogs before buying elsewhere. Cod Liver Oil c. $1.00 a Callon for poultry and Hogs. SEEDS! SEEDS e aei -.t • r he .a xk dor R.ed,-Alli% meet; a k ;`' �irriotfiy Seeds Coal and Coke at Hensall -and Zurich at all T Ines.. Master and Pioneer Poultry and Hog Feeds. L. M s t see000,000ame a83e@imeor tnt.nA"ufR7' oos 3 44WIMItVA VAAM. WW 3i:a��MAa'Cit. Mrs. Nancy Ravelle of Grand Bend f spent last week with Mrs. Jacob Weber. • Rev. S. W. McPalis • attended the f'i"eral of a friend in Sii:icoe, 1••ct Friday where he also spent tre week, end, 'Mrs. S. Ireland and son Laurence of Guelph, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan. Dr. Eugene Tiernan of rlainilton, spent the week -end with his parents. • Miss Ella Martinson, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.. Verne Schatz mot- ored to To.•onto and :pent the week- end with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ev. Heist of Zuricr were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D.' Schroeder. Miss Verna Kraft who has been in the hospital in London, is recuperat- ing at her home here. Mrs. Lane of Dorchester is visiting with her daughter, kb and Mrs. E. A. Oestreicher. - A three -act comedy play will be given in Tieman's furniture store on Friday evening November 29tr. un- der the auspices of the Young Men's Bible Class. Parkhill Male Quartette wail be.in attendance. The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Circle was held in the church basement'on Tuesday evening with Albert Goetz as crairman. The meeting was opened with a song ser- vice conducted: by Gertrude Hoffman.. The scriptiirereading was taken by Lloyd, Guentherfront the 96th Psalm followed by the•Roll Call reading of the minutes. The meeting was then in charge of tre President, Gertrude Hoffman, who conducted a debate "Resolved that Poverty Rather Than Riches Tend to Develop Character." Ella Martenson and Stuart Wolfe. tasking the affirmative side while the negative side was taken by Anne Tie- rnan and Chester Gaisee. Dr. Taylor, Gordon Feeler and Earl. Gaiser acted as judges and after very careful con- sideration ation ;Dr. Taylor announced tre negative side as winners by three points. The meeting was cussed with the 'creed "I would 130 True.'' l :