HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-11-28, Page 1"Vol. .XXXVI 140„ 21. ZURCH, THURSDAY MORN1N ioVd.os.k14,444444.045.0....40.m+.....404444.04.0a44.4isfflasSINS.S.S...... OVEMBER 28,19.35,, Chester L. Smith, Publfshwe $1.25 a yea; U.S. $1.0 in Advailese 41.50 IN AREARS, 42 MAY )3X OW • Let the Acb.. :14. the lier:41 Puts Sanctions fini Foxed Ottawa — The Governiaaent passed an Order -in -Council imposing econ- omic and financial sanctions against Italy, which took effect Monday last. 'When Canada decided to adopt the recommendation Of the League and apply sanctions, Premier 30 -ng • emphasized the cousairy was notcom- • snitted to military sametioniss • Bad Fire at Skraftict A.veri bad fire ranged through the • Beacon -Herald bulding; last Friday night; almost completely destraybig the building and contents. :What the fire did not do the wafer did andthe machinery will all have to be rebuilt Before it is used again. The fire start •ed in the basement and had got a good start before being dis' covered. Do You Need Gasses? top and Think how imporinut. it is that you wear comet gia.sses--cor- • reedy prescribed for your vision. Correctly styled to your face. Your h.ealth may largely depend on teen viion. See C. E. ZURBIGG„ E. 0. • At HESS. JEWELERY STORE pi( e you in your Fall. Purchases The paper has been printed since - then on the St. Themes Times -Jour- nal presses the staff working under great diflicielties bitt managed to get, the paper out each day. 01—+ Bennett Remembers Aged Every Tuesday at ZURICH At Pashwood, Saturday, at Pfile's excellent average of $193. Voter Because Mrs. Richard Ewing, a resident a Teeswater, who is nearing rex centnary, expressed the wish that she might be spared long enough teagain vote for Right Hon. R B. Bennett's candidate, as she did in the last election, the former Prime Min- ister sent to Mrs. Ewing a letter of appreciation and a signed portrait of himself, both of which she prizes Huron County to Buy Truck For Snow Plow The county road commission of the County of Huron have discussed pur- casing a four wheel drive truck for the county snowplow. Tre matter was not settled definitely, ,,but it was thought the purchase would be cheaper in the long run than co-op- erate with the deartment, as was suggested by a representative, T. Eaton, of London. lVIens and Boys Work Shoes We have put in a Stock of, Good Choice Quality *Men' S •••• and Boys Work Shoes, and, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weston, of oL 4n001. were viartois with Mr. and invite the public to come ilig'201.2. Herb Bender one day last week es, and we can, fit you up. PUT IN A SUPPLY OF MEN'S ANq WOMEN'S RUBBERS, MEN'S 't HEAVY RUBBERS; ETC. • IVIiss Lela Witmore and friend of Porest were Sunday visitors at the heene of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Witmore, Babylon lin. r. and Mrs. Garnet Xacobe •at - GARFILED BROWN 4rided the banquet, which was held • lest Friday evening at the Exeter Victoria -Street. • Zurich, Ont. WE GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN4, SHIP IN REPAIRING kiss Ellen Turkheim of Clinton, • visitor at heer parent's home Your Patronage. Solicited t1 ht!eaRev. and Mrs. Turkheim, last • 1....ek t io' 1 r ° NI r. Jacob Wurm and family and Have you seen the New Engraved board and a big black bear on of their car. They had got their thr,, Harry Pethick from Seaforth, Briday Wreath Wedding Ring at prey about ten miles north of P'arrY vikited at the home of Mrs. Amelia $750. Sound and were on their was home. to Cricago with it. The hunteee es: FS8 on Sunday. • sIVIr. and Mrs. Rland Geiger and • I :idly, Mrs. Lydia Pfile and Miss na Hess are at present visiting r latives and friends at various ports in Michigan. BRIDAL WREATH DIAMONDS SPECIAL VALUE! rslls�!P ,11 If llllllllIll 3 D1AMQND$ LET US SHOW YOU THESE $25. ENGAGEMENT RINGS; 14k. MOUN TINGS. DIAlVIONDS OF BEAUTI- FUL COLOR, ABSOLUTELY PER- FECT. stoppen in town for lunch and many citizens had a sight of their kill AS the car stood on the street. The beati was a large one and had a bee -LAMA and glossy coat. Needless to say the hunters -were proud of their bag," Clinton News -Record. High Prices for Ontario Cattle , - A carload of purebred Holsteins, . Stanley Twp. Wedding •' consigned by Oxford and Middlesex County breeders to tre 13. S. National The rome of Mr. and Mrs. George IA a pretty autumn wedding Thurs- E. Thompson, Kippen .was the scena let Vanicesha,• Wis., sold for the day last, when their daughter, Flor-: Elmeee-„Andrew.K..eys,,isnn •of and.7.';c, eentieri, and. the latter. took in the, The auction sale held in Zurich sp ,Saturdy afternoon brought out a lrge narriBaer of people who were • Lime 4 keen bidders. The dwelling operty was not sold at .this sale. 'Messrs Ted. Haberer, Elmore Klopp Job Haberer, Jack Deicher, and bert Kalbfleisch spent a few days Store. emature .cows, three two -year-olds, cake mice Grace, became the bride a er three atterided a beekeeper's Toron•to last week, where the for- ' yearling heifer, one yearling bulland C D • '1, e4e., MMIXIMINIMIMBISSO ne.ASeesse vangeb u a bell calf comprising the loteeesTO13 •bi's 1-soyal Winter Fair. • m`tua', ZURICR OMT. 'A Changeless Chris t fear a r Jog WorId." Friday, 8h—Luther League. Saturday --Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICE: • 10 a. m.—German. Service. /1.15 a.m.—Sunday SchooL 7.30 p.m.—English service. Everybody Welcome to aU Serviees4 • E. TOERICHEM stair. Chang; Price 15f .$27TY STi°71t: a •ntirfelLttiet.4.1:f • :consigned to DOWialutin` Nursery CO., e e Ire ii-' in wed Ing ParzY sand- '11 ^(Y4';'il "Iii•' '11.6's nig before a background of ferns and ThUrsday evening' at 8. o'clock, nil - brought.= average of $220. A year - flowers. Miss Jean Ivison played' the der .the, auspices of the Luther Lea ling bull from tre herd of J. C. Freel The bride wore a gue. A silver .colTction will be tak- a :Sons, 'Thamesford, brought $235, wedding IrrOsie• en. Everybody is heartily invited to an outstanding price. sheer with silver trimming and car- a• pretty gown of gloria blue triple • attend. 4.-4. ried Briarcliffe roses. The only at- NEW CO. CONTABLE . tendant was Miss Maud Keys, einem of the groom, who made a windsome Me. William Thiel of town has re - flower girl in dainty flowered crepe cently received the appointment of end carrying bronze pom-pOm errY- .Huron County Constable, and • was anthemums. Following the ceremony nirCtrII in at Goderich by the Magis- trate. Mr. Thiel is in crate touch with the higher authorities at Goder- ich, and they will be at his service on: very short notice at any time. A check-up will be made on all autos 11Fludters .Gets C..00d Haut Clinton citizens were treated to a rather strange sight yesterday at noon wren, a couple of hunters dinned was served in the diningroorn Chicago, Meal's G. Elting an. u where the color scheme was carried P. R. Johnston, drove into town with out in pink and 'white. The wedding a deer faStened to each running cake formed the centre piece flank- , ed by pink tapers in silver holders. Mr and Mrs. Elmore Keys left on a not displaying the proper markers and lights at night. A close check - blue coal* More Heat—Less Atteatiois The color guarantees quality diet Semet Solvay Coke Miller Creek and Rosedale Alberta Tile and Brick W. R. DAVIDSON • Highest cash prices paid for Hess, The Jeweller Eggs on a graded basis. Zurich Phone 10 HENSAM ••••=Mam motor trip to London, Wmdsor, De- troit and other cities, tre bride. wear- ' ing a travel crepe dress, bleak coat trimmed with seal and a velvet tur- ban with metallic trimming% On their display either a light of red reflector. return they will reside on the groom's et night for their own as well as the motorist's safety. We trust fie public. •will •co-operate with Mr. Tier and observe the laws that be. • Student Constructs' , WE SELL THE REST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Tomato juice 113Y2 -oz • size, special per Gran. Sugar Cwitli order -of .or toster")10 lbs, 4c Fri's Cocoa„ half - . -- -- Tomatoes large 2% size tin, 2 for Kellogg's alibrane per p -kg. Prunes, new Santa Clar, large, 2 Hillcrest Toilet Rolls, 3 for ------ Salmon Fancy Pink Cascade 15.-s, 2 "fins • Salmon fancy piiilk„ Cascade, 1.s, .eaCh 4c Lux Flak.es, smll, 2 pkgs. Bleached Fancy Raisins, per lb. Lexie, Raisins -with Seeds, Sultana Seedless Ra -sins„ Pitted Date,‘ 2 lbs.. 25c Cooking Figs„, 2 lbs. 18c Get your Filias now for-yur Christrnas Cak. We have everything fr.yoUY stales Baking, up wilT arso he made on horsedrawn vehicles not carrying the required' 1ighs at night Bicycles should' also farm in Stanley Township. 4-4. W. M. S. MEET The regular meeting of the W.M.S. el Goshen United Church was held at the home of the secy., Mrs. R. IYI. Peck with a splendid attendance. The president, Mrs. B. Keys, -preSid- ed. After quiet music by the pianist, Miss Erratt, the meetin gwas opened with the call to worsrip and the: 1 n "Our Blest Redeemer'' was Telescope • From odds and ends of metal' end parts of a broken Windshield, Render Cole, R. R. 2, Clinton and a studeeit at the University of Western Ontario has fashioned a telescope wrich tiro-. ught the •• admiration. or uniVersity professors. Mr. Cole who was teather Phone 74 .,e 44 0.44444•00••4•4•04•44 i484044444.440444.40.44040.4.E. :: ' 0 4 0 ... . ", ''' ''."1' E F , ,1 co • 4•,"•, 4' e.• • • • • • o, • . SPECIALS 4.. ., read in unison. A hymn was sung and Of Zurich Continuation School for the Scripture reading given. The des1the school year 1938-'34, wlzile here votional leaflt, "The Spirit's Gift of I die some work on the inaramen,. Power," was read by Mrs. RusselL he deveted eighteen months of spare Erratt. Prayers were then offered bYl time in the construction of the tele - Mrs. T., Robinson and Mrs. D. 3. ' scope, a—T. he also ground the. lens Stephenson and the hymn, "Sprit out -of a. piece of broken witidshield. ', HYMENIArL Highest Prig: Caw Ems. "ovssratrave041.44...“4.t.mum.41.0.4,444 64,04:=40;444AtoicM041.304kwilegtatowsook4e44ik...ane• Divine attend our prayers."' was sung During tre business period the fin- ances were the main topic. The Aut- umn Thenkoffering to be given tlie follewing Sunds,y "The African Pro- i . A quiet but • pretty wedding was gramme" -was given by Mrs. Herb. soIenmized at the Lutheran Parson- Sinith„ Mrs. 3. McClinchey and Mrs, age, Zurich, on Saturday morning; B. Keys. A vocal duet "1.7rifting" isvcernhor 23rd, who. miss midi was Tendered by Mrs. Russell Enratt Olive Thiel, eldest daughter of Mr. and Miss Olive Erratt "Lead on 0 . and Mrs. George 3. Thiel of Zurich, King Eternal," was eung and the became tie bride o Mr. Karl Jacob worship serviee closed with the hen-. Haberer, eldest son of Mr. arid Mrs. retitia4011., Mrs. Nelson Keys and Mrs. Fred Haberer, also of Zurich Rev, IX .3. Stephenson were then called E. Turkheina, officiating. The bride forward arid Mrs. R. McKinley read , looked becoming in brown crepe with te them an address expvessin; reg,TI velvet trimmieg and ',swo, ,,,,,, . — tin behalf of the Anxiliary ie losing ies, While Ur. and Mr. Earl Thiel itwo valued and faithful workers from , attended the bride mei glm oo; me.. onr midst. Mrs. B. Keys and Mrs'. ' —Thil was becomingly gowned in her Amistrong then came' forward and •wedding dress. .A.fer the marriage, presented each wits a tray .as small the bsppy bridal couple ie- l •,,,y motor 1tokens of Lov, from Goshen Auxiliary. Mrs. 1((v" rill reside in Zurich. Tre Herald othr points. They e and Remerabin . tc) Toronto ano 1,131nStheirgcol igaturataatniyouefriend in extend ' end Mrs. Stephenson both responded 0 . . pvt.iy fittingly, Lunch was then serv, ed during F.A, social hien., • . . Thiel—Haberer• -00 4 e0 ' * NEW RANGE AND STYLES OF MEN'S SUITS OND OVERCOATS! These area new Smart Patterns and Moder- tly Priced! FINEST LOT OF MADE TO MEASURE eitN .14. SAMPLES EVER SHOWN fir 44 Caps, Hosiery, • • Also New Sweaters, Hats, • Etc. Etc. do, • 6-, Give us a call and be convnced,' of . • on : 41. of Our Fine Showings 41r- 4. • • 4. IT 1-1`..„, ,j, .2mc„.„.),.,,,,,z 5. 0, 41*- • 1, . ,t. eg - gib • 44- • • EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL MRECTORS. It, • 4k, 40 •• • • ArSOMMINIMINNOMMENTM,14,14R ,tz•D, +I nalio,per, 714 Fall ail , •atsi Ptry ,d.gt WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, IN ALL THE STAPLE LINES, Such as Wool and Flannelette Blankets, Flannel- ettes, Wrapperettes, in New Patterns, Meres Women's and Childen's Winter Underwer, Sweaters, Sweater Coats, Caps, Mitts, Socks and Stockings, Etc., Etc. Men's- and Boy's Heavy Rubbers, Men's Rubber Boots, Harness Repairs, Etc., Etc, Fresh Groceries Always on Hand R N- DOUGLAS GENERL. MEROHAWT PHONE 1.1 -97 • BLJtKi eseer•-le