HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-11-21, Page 8THE STORE WITH THE STOP itting IS THE ORDER OF THE DAY! Let Us Show You Our Assortment of . }Monarch Yarns in a great variety of new shades. These are Guaranteed fast colors; Fine Textures and will not Shrink. Li IES' WEAR See bur new Fancy Dress Pullovers, also. twin.setts in same, as well as sweater coats, toques and, scarfs. BARGAIN TABLE See our Bargain. Table for real values ir} uxxdexwweax • Boy's Pullovers, Men's Sweaters, Etc.' MEN'S WEAR New Men's Windbreakers in Fancy Deerskin, col- ors Cardinal, Navy, Fawn. Also heavy wool Coats for winter wear. Everything in Sweaters. Lined Smocks, and Underwear. GROCERIES! GROCERIES Super Suds, 3 pkgs Cocoa, per lb. No. 1 Sodas, per lb. Corn Flakes, 3 for Oatmeal, per pkg. Red Band Jello at Baking Bran, 2 lbs• for Spanish Onions, 3 lbs. for 25c 14c 14c 19c 19c 5c 5c 10c J. GASC PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 �Seeurity PROVIDED FOR A HURON & ERIE DEBENTURE OR A GUAR- \NTEED TRUST CERTIFICATE' IS AS FOLLOWS: �. E'iI S : CLAIM UPON EVERY DOLLAR OF THE" CORPORATI- O'� S ASSETS WHICH TOT $46,870,000. AuS�TS OF THE HURON THE CANADA TRUST 0 IN ADDITION THE PAID-UP OF THE & ERIE IS 0 ^_, AL OVER THE TOTAL r IT & ERIE AND COMPANY EXCEED $78,000,00 . CAPITAL AND RESERVE FUND HL $7,000,00 . THE SECURITIES, BOOKS AND ACCOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO A CONTINUOUS AUDIT BY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND THE COMPANIES ARE UNDER STRICT GOVERNMENT SUPER- VISION. INTEREST ON DEBENTURES AND CERTIFICATES PAYABLE ,I IIALF-YEARLY IS AS FOLLOWS:. 3z/4% For One and Two year Investments. 4% For Three, Four and Five Year Investments. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AND FULL PARTICULARS CHEERFULLY SUPPLIED BY: Andrew Fm Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETT I 3604104940 06443013036 4108690$00441418 0 OD SOSSOBSOIN3414184:egee so e HARDWARE SEEDS and FURNITURE L and COKE I I Let us fill your re(!uirements of i w your winier's fuel, be it Coal or i e Coke. Prices the lowest, quality c msiderede s • • 4. CS 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. a PAINTS! PAINTS! 1 WRIH 1111111111111111111 Irf111111I11II111111I11IIIIIIIIIIIII11111111III1111111ID1I1111l11111II11111IP I1{Illli 1111111111 111 1111111111 H1111111I111111111111111i 1 1111111 1 11111 1 Il lIli11111U111111IliIIQl grocery. Store All Bran, per pkg..,...... .. ...... Nu -Jell, 3 boxes and Butter dish ........ 25c Figs, 3 lbs. for ... 25c Currants (cleaned) 2 lbs. 25c Oranges, per dozen .... 25c Peas, (Dried, Green) per pkg... •. , ....: Rosman Meal, per pkg. ... .•:, I Oc 33c Branston (sweet pickles) per jar5c, SEE;: OUR BIG PREMIUM. ON S' TEA WI-IILE :IT LASTS! enno Oesch EGGS WANTED. agogiffs urich Phone 165. ill 1 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IlllIIllll1111111111I111111111.111131111111 II1111111111 II11111,II111Ii1 11 111 III1P111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Ward Fritz has had men filling In around his new residence which is soon ready to occupy_ Mr. Arnold and Greta Baker, of Stephen, visited their grandparents, Mr. and .Mrs. Martin Wurm. Miss Olive Witnnore is at present staying with her- grand aunt, Mrs. Jacob Weber of Dashwood. Mrs. J. Mitchell of Hensall, was a week -end visitor with her sister, Mrs G. EiLber. BARN --on Neveniber 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Kuno Hartman, Hay Town- ship, a son. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade were Sun- day visitors with the former's sister, Mrs. Eidt at New Hamburg Messrs. Earl Yungblut and Harold Stade were Sunday visitors with fri- ends at Guelph. Mrs. C. in ber .entertained ;.:,her meces'and nephew,alongwith thew. families, also Mr. and Mrs. J`;ohn ohell 'of Hensall on Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. MorleyWitmer and children Betty and 'Kenneth of .D'e- troit spent the week -end at the home of her mother, Mrs. C. 'Decker. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Twamley and son Robert, Jr., and- Miss Rose Lei bold and friend of Stratford were week -end visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Wrn. Leibold, Babylon line. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wendorf and dau= ghter Crona, Miss Depew, Miss Gladys; Ginger -18i and Miss Ma Smith all of Clinton, were the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith, last Thursday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wilhelm, son Al- win and daughter Diana of New Ham burg, were visitors at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. H. Desjardine. Mrs. Henry Walper returning home with themand spending a week with fri- ends at New Hamburg. • Luther League St. Peter's Junior Luther' League at their meeting at 7 o'piack, ;'this Friday. evening will discuss the topic "Luther . at Horne." The Seniors will have a. missionary meeting • at, which the special feature is a mock radio programme consisting or a play "The Outstretched Arnis of Mercy." A special invitation is extended. to visitors.: THANK OFFERING • The Women's Missionary Society of St. Peter's Evangelioal Lutheran Chun eh are holding their annual Thankoffering Service, on Wednes- day evening, November the 27th; at 8 p.m. ..Several numbers will be giv- en including a pageant, "My Altar of Thanksgiving." Mrs. Arthur J. Aulerich of Detroit spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Prang. w We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes I in all sizes Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses .. 4 4 5" Furniture, Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughiig and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line .)f heavy and shelf 'Hard- ware always in stock. DE WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY -- PRICE SERVICE MOSSO 460400e� 4 LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Futter, creamery 29 Eggs, dozen 32, 30, 24 Chickens, Ib ----------151.6, 14, 13, 11 Heirs, lb. 10, 9, 7 Ducks, dressed lb. ' 13 Geese, dressed ib. 13 Wheat bush- - • - - . 6S Bailey, bush. .. 42 Oats, bush. . .-........ - - - . 25 Buckwheat, bush. 40 Flour cwt: ......... _ ... 2.25 3.15 B•?ran and shorts, ton... 20.00 -Potatoes per 90-1b. bag ......1.00 Live hogs, cwt. 7.001 WANTED WANTED — MEN whoare not afraid to save many dol lars:`on SUITS, OVERCOATS in 'Ca'n ado's 'smallest clothing store.'Suits, Overcoats, $11.95 and $15 ' ` Over one thousand garments to choose 'from'. , FIELDS CLOTHES, 1411:6 Richmond St., London, Ont. (at the Main corner.) STRAYED. From Lot 8, Con. 5, Hay Town- sh'i. ;''a two-year-old steer, square 11. tcls upper ;comer of right ear. 12r, rmation will be received by y . �Pe bale Exeter. c , 'Lone, Crediton ].7-34. i • 4e • • • .. 1 .K 44,04;-. DIVORCES GRANTED At the fall sitting of the Supreme Court of Ontario, held at Goder- ich before the presiding justice, Mr. C. L. McTague, of Windsor, a de- cree nisi was granted Charles John Kellar of Howick township, who sou- ght divorce from his wife, Ufie..Kel- lar -of Kitchener. Mrs. Jeanette Mac Donald of Brussels also was granted a decree nisi in an action for divorce against her husband, Jaynes C. Mac- Donald, Delhi carpenter. BURIAL ATHENSALL Mrs,David Nmol, daughter of the late Mr. and .Mrs. James Bonthron, HEPBURN ARRIVES AT HAVANA Premier M. F_ Hepburn of Ontario arrived at Havana, Cuba, on. Friday, much improved in health from his voyage. He went by way, .of •Miami abdard the yacht Thalia. Premier Hepburn and several others are gues- te- of Thomas M- Howell; owner of tile! Thalia. The ' other'•' guests in- chide Arthur G; Slaight, member of'. the Canadian Parliment, and John I''.: Bickel}, of Toronto. . DMIN.ION REVENUES UP. Ottawa—Thanks to a betterment 'thus far ofk $11,000,000 in ordinary revenues, the Dominion Goveriunentl Will have a surplus on •ordinary ac daunt of several millions for the pre- seiit fiscal year. Total ordinary rev- enue for the first seven months, Ap- ril to October, inclusive. is $226,000,- 000, as against $215,000,000 for the like period of 1934, while total ordin Try expenditure is $205,000,000, as against $196,000,000 in the seven *tenths ending 040er last year, 4 "BILLY". � �� M N17�xsclay, ktri;, '< e`k 214 '93 11110.0,144 Rbc'+° 440104 .316++h° +•k'*+ +de•Y•9N*•A••i•4'4•& °°4 °+tD YO wars an mit re ST RE THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE, ALSO , 4: HAS BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, , AND EVE- OUGHING t SPECIALS! SPECIALS!' ,,EE. Coal Oil, good grade at 20c ISpecial Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon 28c • We also have some very Attractive Prices ire t Furniture. See Our New Beds, Springs and rr d• Mattresses.s •r.•01 4h 4r 4. • USED FURNITURE • Two Good Used ; Chesterfield Suites on Hand; • Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; 4R :' Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. BE SURE AND SEF. THEM! 4. hhnston '� , , I�t a1bfieisch 4,- ,1" , d are f` *italic. Phone 63 •>N ”t:..'.1.444444.444.4.04+4444 fi'4 •4+44.,;•.ABY•+•Rsr4.fir. F444.4.4 4. 4, 4, 4 4. .g. UIII((: 4lIUlldlY l3tt :•'rata + EILIllilllipl11311111111l1111111111111M111111111W111111MIll i �' ILIBI(pill' !!EWUUl lllillIIIOlin(IUIIIllfINIMIMIIIlilUfI111111II1111111111HO THESE PRICES subject (. change without Notice Painting .Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 Paint:', P'g'r (600 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top. . 14.00 and 18.00 - Rerimrning Buggy Wheels Set` 12o00 Buggy Shaft ' ' 3.00 Cross Bar 1:00. - Buggy Reach Buggy Spokes each ... 25c 1.25 HESS, the Repair 1V[an I• IILI- I'��1Romistimp gy ilfGfilllllWlilWnsilintiIIt lilitiki�l iIFD..,?}i'�Y?idGllCi!��111111WIWIlIIIIIIW1111111killE116'tlligMit IIsitic 27, 8.4.4. 4444 F•FBF.04. .444.4.4..044.4441.4^�F'fi�•�r4,44.�F444.4. I•�t•+4.4. F+4.4•�F.0fit �. 40, RAGFE 4. • ZITItICII ' G tLarge next of _ Tires Just Jived Regular $19.00 Healey Service tires at '....,..,..............._:...435 t Regular 10.75, Heavy Service tires a t . ........_•..6.90 t Gasoline at per gallon ...-..... .......23c tLubricating Oils and greases at corresponrag tow prices : Get Your Requirements Here, where Your Dollars + Go the Farthest! 4 Expert Workmanship on all Makes of C� with charges + Very Reasonable! H.Mousseau _ 'i >oo*41,441414 .•G,�tw&�eF+ 4•.$.+6!.&++•i••€+.i.4. d:40 e. ^k 44 +4.4.444 .4.0,14 ++++'.IF444I EXTRA EXTRA t 44 **4764.44++++++++++.14444*** +++++++++++++++++$4'4: LY"• SUNDAY. PASSES The Rev. William A. (Billy) Sun- day, 72, 'well-known evangelist, died suddenly o heart failure, at the home of a brother-in-law in Chicago, ' last week. Sunday who came to that eity several days previous from Winona Lake, Md., dined with his wife; and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, J. Th nnpson,bis; bi"other-in-law and sister. Ile went upstairs shortly before 8 pm., after complaining of illness, and died be- fore a physician arrived.` MUST HAVE TIME of; the Township of Ba:;',~:ed n- . Premier Wm. Abethardt of.Albexta•; ;way in ' ctecia• Hospital,, London talc}his 'f lloweri at the,''\Prophetic, following the Invitation d: her leg Bible Instituae on Sunday., }last twat on the ,Saturday preceding, She was he bad received his fast threatetung in,her ,68th.year.. Surviving are her letter since he announced lfis` refund hi tsband Ona two sons, James. and Ing proposal 'bn November 6th. 'the William; tWo sisters, Mrs. Samuel writer said thatunless the Govern-' Steacy, of Detroit, and Mrs. flaw- meat paid its first basic dividend . by �. thorne of the West; three brother'~„ 'Christmas, Mi Aberhart would suf-, William in British Columbia, and for thee consequences. The Phenuerl John and James, who are railway St essed the 'impossibility of paying conductors on the C.P.R. in the West dividends before 18 months lad elap- The funeral, private, was held from seal after his government had been the Borne at 'lle ►sill on Saturday a.f.1 sworn in; declaring he could not in 'ternoon lit 2.30 with interment in troduce Social 'Credit legislation, gun Hensall Union •'Cernetery: . F cotten.,fouudations.rr'` 4, •4• 4, 4 4 4, .I* 4, MASSEY-HAEtRIS NEWS Now that the harvest is over we would appreciate having an early settlement on Repair Accounts. Manifest Your appreciation for receiving credit by settling at once. 10 per cent. added after October 15th . SPECIAL , on Hot, water Heater. .icor your at for balance`of month, $18.00 heaters, for only $8.50. cash' with :Order.. -. +cl SUPER ' LASTIC TIRE PRICES Again Re- ' duuced and we mount same free T. Use. Massey -Harris semi -steel dear chill plow 4. , Points.., ,g. 1 Til. Shop 149 O. KLOPP SONS Auctk nee 'hire ? U. f; ET ***lib +>} *4P**** « .**tid************************,. Res. 6 . t