HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-11-21, Page 5"trrnrSirxy, Nr{veixrrrer Z1 t 1.9 zLJ BUSINESS CARDS: LEGAL. DiciDLEY E. HOLMES 9RARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC,. ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special Attention • to Councel and Court Work, Mr. Holmes may be consulted at iGoderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed, DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL. SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIE'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: Dr. 11. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: " Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. ;Graduate of Ontario Veterinary 'College, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animalstrt by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night calls: promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Bennels. Office on Main Street, ,apposite Town Halt. Phone 116. HENSALL. BUTCHERS Zuriehs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let, Us' supply' you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, pct., 'always on hand. Kept fresh in. Electric Re2rigeratiorn Highest Cash Prices for 'Wool, Hides and Skins Yunghlut & Son GARAGE TRADE IN YOUR DANEROUS TIRES NOW! A MOST GENEROUS ALLOWANCE STOCK REDUCING SALE NOW ON! . B. 'Wein 'hone 60 DASHWOOD INSURANCE Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ms. in this Column., LOST At orearthe n z corner of the Zurich Road and Bronson line part of an .auto transport rack, color red. Find- er kindly notify, Mr. John N, Den- , omrne, Blake.. R. R. 2, Zurieli. AUCTION SALE OFDWELLING :PROPERTY 'AND IIQUSEHOLD ;1 FFECTS• At the residence of: the late Mrs. Mich. Hoffman,` kxi. Znrich, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER '23rd • At .Lao REAL ESTATE -Consisting of 2 Lots, brick 1% story house with kit- chen, stable and garage 18x24, smoke house, hydro installed in house, good cistern and hard water well, new blinds, storm windows and floor cov- ering will be soldwith house. ALSO a full 'hie of household eff- ects. TERMS—Cash. Real' Estate 10%u on day of sale, balance in 30 days, possession given Dec. 1st. Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. Simon Hoffman, Executor. WANTED Good girl for general housework. Must be experienced, and have some references. Write to or apply at 732 Wellington St., London, Ont. MEN WANTED DIESEL—We want to interview. reliable men, mechanically inclined,. to start; immediate training in this vicinity to install, service, operate DIESEL ENGINES. Tools furnish- ed_ Write today. Schoeck Diesel Training, Box E. Zurich Ont. FOR SALE Latest model Ball Bearing DeLaval Cream Separator, new, for sale at cost. L. A. Prang & Son. STRAYED From Lot 6 con., 6 Hay Township, five head of cattle: 2 calves, and 3 yearling steers. Finder kindly noti- fy, Mr. Wm. Alexander, Phone 13-82 Hensel! central. NOTICE . I havd been appointed as agent for tthis --district of E, 1 '.Smith &• Sons; of Winona, to e'ke orders for their nursery, st;, .. .:;ti as friut trees shrubs, climbers, flowers, ornamental trees, etc. Your patronage solicited. Wm. L. SIEBERT tf13 FARMERS! ATTENTION! We have been :'appointed selling Agents for the celebrated Viking Diabolo Cream Separator, the separ- ator with a ten year guarantee. Let us demonstrate this machine to you and compare it with all others. And don't forget, the best feature is the unusual easy terms. Liberal allowance for trade-ins. C. SCHRAG & SON, pt23 ICH H4RAL NOTICE SPECIAL SALE QF HATS We are holding a special sale of Ladies' Hats, on SATURDAY, NOV- {)14J3ER 23rd, All Hats will ge at t,i;Orri"*1.00 and up, A11 ladies in - Crested in new Kali and Winter Hats re heartily invited to attend on Sat- ,day. s 1' TIIE HAT SHOPPE, Zurich., There was a moving picture snap,' in the Town Hall, on Tuesday even- ing and was a big' attraction. , Mr. Jul. Block who has not ba .�4 enjoying his good health Is: confiii to his bed the past '.few days. Messrs. Josiah Geiger 'and Eldon. Burn motored to ' Brlfalo and WON, and the beginning of the week, Mr. Henry Olausius attended lite„ funeral of his uncle at Clinton and Blyth, last Friday.' ,;; The :grandchildren of Rev., and Mrs E Burn, Buce and 1<.oie ;3urn, who have been for some time here i,n Zuartelij` left or their home in New Yorir.-,F 1ifr Appletpn, an ;employee •of the Kalibiiers,ch flax had the misfor• tune to have;.a piece, of his thumb injured in the breaks, and: will be laid up for a few weeks.. Mr. -Louis Weber, who has 'been on the route gathering cream for the past eighteen years for the Exeter creamery has decided to retire and,, has disposed of his equipment to- Mr Will McAdams. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilhelm and MI Clarence Wilhelm were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C..0. Smith, St. Joseph. Miss Dor- othy Wilhelm who visited there for a time, returning home with her par- ents. Mr. Dennis Corriveau, of. Blake, has moved onto the farm on the 15th concession, Hay, owned by the Wm. Miller. " estate Mr. Chas. Weiberg who has had the farm ceased '.for. some years, has moved to Mr. E. Knift's farm, south of Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. McAdams, of the Bronson line; Mr. and Mrs. Mar-- tin ar=tin Wurm of Zurich; Mr. and Mrs.' Carl McLinchey and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDonald of Chisel- hurst, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Oswald, Bronson line. W. M. S. The W. M. S. of. St. Peter's Luth- eran Chur:r'n he'd their monthly meet- ing in the church basement, con Mon- day evening, November lace., Mrs. E. F. Klepp was in chr rge - and pre- sented the topic, "The Christian Ap- proach, To The Jew." clippings 'were read by Mrs. G. Deiciert, Mrs. E. Datars, Miss G. Welber, Mrs J. flabo7er, Miss M. Heideman, Rel E. Turkheim spoke on conditions as they exit t in Germany today in "relation to tae Jew. Mrs. Foster read the Thank offering thought, Mrs. G. Reichert offered prayer for her prayer part-" ner.• Mrs. Turkheini then gave repor't•':of the.W.M:S:: Cot Kitchener. SHOWER FOR BRIDE On Tuesday evening about thirty. friends gathered at the home of. Mrs. E. Wickie and Mrs. F. Leibold, MIc- Nab St., Stratford and pleasantly surprised Mrs. E..M. Gagenast form- erly Miss Susan Deichert w,r.zri a gro- eery shower in honor of hex recent marriage. The evening was pleasant ly spent and much merriment was caused by a Meek wedding.. Those taking part were: Miss W. Swatridge (bride )., Mrs. W. Lyond, (bride- groom), Mrs. E. Swatridge (parson) Byron Wickie (ringbearer) Shirley Swatridge (soloist). The wedding march played by Lionel Swatridge. An address was read by Miss Mae Schwalm, after which a pretty decor- ated basket in pink and white, filled LICENSED AUCTIONEER with gifts, were drawn in a pretty decorated doll carriage by Ila Ische, For Huron and Middlesex dressed as a miniture bride. The re - I AM IN A POSITION TO CON- mainder of the evening was spent duct any Auction Sale, regardless in cards and music. Honors at as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make .o charges, for Services Ren- dered,. OLDEST. ART The world's oldest art i$ said ,to be irrshitccture. Early dated'a.rchitect MVO remains are those of the 'Baby- lonians, which .date as' far back FOX IS VICTIM' ^• e osit;T no 'only 1 nllo'd a' cat—It tkiited a red fox, reputedly"the' slyest nt animals. James Jewell, of 'Bon - Oilier, was driving along co Blue i'Nater Highway when an animal ran 'fiat in the road and stopper; to stare at the car headlights. It was'struic'- y the car. Mr. Jewell investigated, thinking the 'animal was a aog, but 'i covered the fox dead on the road The carcass was placed in the hands Of a tanner and Mrs. Jewell will have ar nice neckpiece when she and her husband •return from a trip south. HUNTERS INVADE BRUCE AND GREY •-Many hunters are invading Bruce a4nd Grey counties, where the deer ,sason open;d on Monday. Altho- u$h deer are numerous in the bush land of these parts, wardens report the number of hunters is far in ex- • •8M • i i PAGE FIVE 0.1140000110001110001110•114•000000•11•••• 00•0000 NOTICE We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our Plant, Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. Yours Truly, ZURICH CREAMERY • • 0• 1 • • • 1 • • 1 • • •••••••••••••••••••seezeoc000 ma*oc.00.0••••••••••••• Pe++ l.++++++++++++ 4.+++++++4.++*++++++++++++++f. Hele H r f 4. + + + + cess of that of the '-"nted. A few + hunters made good bags, several mot • ,j oring out with two deer tied on their 'I cars. Game wardens are patrolling' + the boundaries closely and a number Of hunters were warned off forbid- den grounds. Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON 1-IAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL' DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. F. C. PHONE 60 MIIIMNImmolIMM /7. OM FLEJSCi ZURICH T `1' 'D"1 -I- III D p7H-{ g.4,+ F"}•'F FF`F¢'+ i p+ '{i+ +'F p i4.4e-ii POSTAL INFORMATION Christmas mails for Overseas— •••••i••1•••••••••03•606600 otosamseeeesooseoseesteeeetse Parcels and other mail for delivery ;in European countries before Christ- �AT �]mar should be mailed within the f Your 1in L d„1 is Fuel next two weeks and at the very lat- est to connect with the SS "Mont- • 'dare" from Saint John December 6th, and from Halifax, Dec. 7th. HURON TAX S ALE HELD 'bf 77 places listed at the tax sale held by Huron County on Tuesday afternoon, 'of last week, 45 wee;'_ paid before the sale, which is con- ,. , ion-si, 'ered a high pc'centage. This in- • cl 'ded much of the larger volume of m ney. Thirteen properties were sold anpunting to approximetly $5550.00. Nineteen places are left and these we,•e mostly village lots. lestern Farmers' Mutual! Weather Insurance Co on WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE' BAL- ..; NCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL.COMPANY DOING BTYSIN:l• SS �F THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amourt of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 3lst, 1934, :19,613,539ti. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $235,550.31 'Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Year; F. Klopp—,-Zurich t MSc Dealer i i Li MsI4, a0106 s. �aill o awl all kiads., t i IK97 saii..tr cards were won by 'Vas. W. Smith, F. Leibold, Mrs. T. Schaus and H. Elli- gsen. Clever tap dancing was given by Eleanor Lyons and Martha Mc- Intosh. A buffet lunch was served Al2'i'lUE WEBER—Dashwood at midnight by the hostess assisted !Phone ,13-57. by her mother and Mrs. F. Ische,-- Stratford Beacon Herald. PRODUCE Presentation The members of the St. Peter's Luther League greatly surprised Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel, bridal couple; on Tuesday evening on the occarion of their recent marriage. About 25 members gathered at the home of Mrs. C. Decher and after a short devotional period the young couple,. both members of the League, were presented with a beautiful electric iron. The eveningwas spent in play- ing progressive crolcinole. This suit- able address was read: Dear Alice and Earl: We, your:friends and co-workers of St. Peter's Luther League, could not Iet this happy event . pass . ,by • without extending to yen our best wishes and our most cordial Gong 'at- ulations upon the occasion of your marriage. We have been happy to be able to count you among our ,,embers and hope that God will grant you many years of happiness in: your married life, and that you will continue to belong to our organi- nation. As small token of our appreciation of your faithful servic- es and of the high regard in which CREAM AND EGGS we hold you, we ask you to accept PRODUCE WANTED We are in a position to take Cream and Eggs at my home at Zurich, for which we wiII pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay according to grading. Give us a Trial! First house south of Dominion Hotel T 10& 11. MEYERS, Phone 11S, Zurich. Ont.` Live. Poultry WANTED Taken every Day till 2 o'clock p.m. Do not feed Pow/ mine morning when brought in HIGHEST CASH. PRICES --FORS- this little gift. May it prove of vie s e-1'7, n Use to you in your new home, and may von, when wino: it rTlnnniher its with the kind and hest of feeling. s'h.una 1.0 L , nee. 94„,, Zurich Signed on behalf of the League, New Appointee lie"x"King decently :anhbuncedl t'' kion. G. Howard Ferguson will carry on as Canadian High Commis - signer in England, until his successor appointed, Mr. Vincent Massey will take. over the appointments. Mr. Massey is leaving for the old land, and:'a big celebration is being ar- ranged for in England when Mr. Ferguson will be leaving. 4:1- Quints Getting Rough Npse. tweaks and kicks which were the.,order of things among the Dionne quintiruplets at Callander, Ont., when LLn�..nn ��tt ` ` agoreit pugnacious several months W���f•i<���i i ��Ih ager are child's play now. While los- sing about in the nursery Anet*e with a • • • • • • • • • 0 9 • i • • Cultivator Points to fit all makes of Cultivators. • McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. • 1 • Cold Days will soon be here again, and provision must be made with suitable Fuel to keep the home warm and cosey. We can supply practically all the called for grades of Coal and Coke with prices very moderate Let us fill your Bin! Master and Pioneer Chick Starters. Tin t rn en 1~i�p a >r' s . L.uSchilbe&i • Son 11100•11111111111000411•0111011106•0•1001,0060001216 ; •6••••••••••!D• socked baby Emile on the nose a wooden play -block, drawing blood. Emile for this of course cried loudly. 1. Drys Win in 36 Times In the_ twelve months ending Aug, 31st, -1935, 55 municipalities in Ontario had local option votes. The drys have won in 36 and the wets in 19,, according to a report issued by the 'Ontario Temperance Federation. Two of the votesconcerned liquor stores. In these each side won one. In 39. places the wets attacked the existing local option law and won in seven. In 32 the drys maintained the local option law. In fourteen places the drys attacked existing beverage rooms. In three they won with the required 60 per cent. majority. 14-4° Blue Water Traffic Heaviest In Several Years 'Traffic over the Blue Water High- way from Sarnia out during the past summer was at least 25 per cent. better than last year, and the season will be found the best since ;1930, it was revealed at the annual meeting of the association held' at Southanip- ton,' W. D. Ferguson; secretary, stat- ed: tated:,oii, his return to Sarnia; The as- sociation re-elected Col. C. S.. Wood- row,, president, Mr. Ferguson is again secretary and Robt Hair, Forest, Charles Lee, of Goderich, and : W.Byres;, of Wiarton, vice-presidents. Representatives on the executive Were .re-elected with the exception of three; ,the vacancies being filled by ]V i ,Lrniiptnati Kincardine; Mr. Fen - t t i,t 1.P:Ort'Elgin; Mr. Bossenberry, di00, Bend. It was . stated that in ,10:80; 57;550 cars entered Canada flop, `Port Huron. In. 1924 mere we- re" 00.51 cars, and this year will shoW 52,688. It is estimated that 23 peg cant of the car8 enteriro at Sar- igh-]nia pas3-atdtn; the l;luri Water High- ] way. way; 1 1 1 Zurich Drug store School Supplies We have a full Line of all the requirements of 1 School Supplies •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. 004100.•1••••••••••••••sass See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfunnizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and ushes. 600000100000000411990.40 061440000 FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. ra' z Dri.A, J. MacKinnon, uric ItMN mm.IWk ' yi V �� ii1 •��}!'} }i ih ��; � 1:, .� �i�l�,� ��la�l M1S ��