HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-11-14, Page 1'Vol. XXXVI t1/41 ,I9 R • ZURICH, THURSDAY NOVEMBER.14,1935. Let the Ads, in the Herald gui IN MEMORIAM Wurm: Annie, IVL, Wurm. Infond memory of our dear Sister 'who pas sed away ten years, ago„ November 10th, 1925: The world may change froni year t� year, And friends, from dny to ,day.. But never will the one we laved From memory pass a.vraer Loving Sisters infl, Brothers. ty*••••••••Ialmweliornarts=1,••••;; ;WOW.. New Governor-Ceneital Our new Governor-General, Lord •Tweedsrnuir, arrived Boa Canada on Saturday last and all Canada, hasbid Trim welcome. Flier to recently being created a Peer, he was plain Sohn Buchan, and won las way in the world by his own elfhals... His writ- Pres., and Dr. G. ings have made him knaiVITE the world forth, secy-treas. :. over, but this was roily part of hie: many :accomplishments. He is mer Member of Parliament for the Scottish -Universities, Lord12Thgh C. . missioner to the Church of Scotia was a Palish Staff Officer in France, and. .a Barrister of high repute. *---+ Huron Doctors Meet A largely attended meeting of the Huron Medical Association was held at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth on Wednesday last, when rnore than Mens and Chester L. Smith, Pubbiehtest S125 a year, U.S. $1,50 in 'ideal:on p1.50 4N A RREARS, MAT sa sassappo Purchases anemia and We have put in a ..Stock of Good Choice Quali„ty,M6417:s and Boys' Work Shoes,' mid invite the public to come en r. 25 doctors were in attenaanee. , and we can rit delivered PUT IN A SUPPLY OF MEN'S Nb testing addresses were by Dr. J. G. Gillam, of Toronto, WOIVIEN'S RUBBERS, ME-Ii/ci. who spoke on acute abdominal emer- HEAVY RUBBERS, ETC, gencies; Dr. Oakes of Clinton, on gangrene, and Dr. Appleyard on per- GARFILED BROWNy. nicious treatment. Inthe election of officers which followed, Victoria Street. zurich, s - SHIP IN • REPAIRING , Dr. Stewart, Wingliant, was named WE GIVE EXPERT WOR* President; Dr. Oakes, Clinton, Vice - C. Sarrott, ea g vie Show THE. PREMIER. TALKIE SFIOW AUSPICES OF VirOIVIEN'S INSTITUTE PRESENTS THE FINEST . • ALL 'TALKING PICTURES EVER MROUGHT TO TOWN -TowN BALL — ZURICH TUESPAY„, its,10V. 19t12,, at 8,1 •,,, `1151.UGIIIRG AT LIFE" WIth Vie!e're MeLanleo..„.„ Labs :Wilson . and a cast of Tweeitar 41 welX:wee ACeee.:-'4,44•44-----'7'77-(reel Feature ?Orl'i-afeCte Italrtcg4340,0 . "Under the 'Cock-eyed Moon" A. hilarious two -reel comedy IVIUSID-NL NOVELTIES SPR. FOSTER. MOTHER MELODIES a delightful story of the Yon Will enjoy this heauttful South, picture ' 'EXTRA AESOP (CARTOON FABLE; "ME IMeUNTED !SHI.te COMEDY The very la.test somid OD. „film ea-du:neut size screen— ...... Children 1.5c Adults 25c, Relief tax 5c, 30c. Is Near ',.Sattonaay,. theinSt :day 4.of 'Our Big Unioading- Bile and; We itave .added :some Inew Specials for the list -days-- We are very. sornr,that .we werenot able to give yell Letter seriice.the first .feitir days of our Safe. As 433,Ke erEd not:expect, to get as7hig crowds as timled,ont,, but come again, the last day and we will do) zerr ;utmost 4:to :same you, Thank 'foul , Pead Naptba Snap„101Bars . - 33r Quick Quaker Oats„ large at . Old Dutch Cleanser, Tin (9e Goldm Copm,„ .2.4tins Cowan's Coma, 1-112. ... . Early Breakfast Coffee, lb., .. ... . 29c Chipso, large pkg. 2.0.c Prunes, new large„ 2 lbs. - • . 23c Raisins with seeds„ 2 lbs. . 25c Raisins, seedless„ 2 lbs.' .--_--____________25c Chickert Haddie, 2 for 25c Corned Beef„,' tins "for _25 c Ready: Cut IVIacrraii, . . --.....5c ER R Highest Pikes for eggs. %one 140 Your Patronage S SEAFORTH REEVE Reeve W. W. Crosoer, of died -on Tuesday of last week at41.,0 home of Thos. Rands at SeafOttlNi)1. his 67th year., having been]:,f, some weeks. Mr. Crozier, caMeg,ta Seaforth about 1 years apH41diP Woodstock and purchased TilltP's blacksmith shop, carrying,',eritthp. '4% 'a -Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Iless and sons motored to London on Monday. Mrs. • J. Routlecige spent a few days with her , daughter, Mrs. L. Birk at Geelph. Mr. Cal.] Burn of Toronto, was a week -end visitor -with his parents here. Mrs. C. Eilber who has been visit- ing relatives and friends at Seaforth and Hensall, has returned home. - of the 14th Mr. Hilton .Truemner tt pA.ss- pleraicnh, last ,:,week and acted as Jury - Con., aye a ended the jury -at God- • business until two .years agO. st summer he purchased a gas s which he operated for a. seert. Since then he had been suq 4.q.11 Mr. and -Mrs. Ed. Grub and fait - hr y Detr6it, were Week -end visitors !less, T at the lieme of Mr. and Mrs. John SAVE THE PikCES Broken Spectacle Lenses Accurately Duplicated in 24 Hours. Any shape and Size. he Jeweller 'blue coolie' More Heat—Less 14..tterntiots The color guarantees the quality Servet Solvay Coke Miller Creek and Rosedale Tile and Brick W. R. DAVIDSON Brenner. Highest cash prices paid Mr. and Ms. Wm. F. Braun and of VOrest were week -end vis- itors at the home of Mr. William Lamont.' - Misses Catherine and Mary Mer- • . ner of Elmira; were week -end visitors from a heart condition.. Was be ,,_ r at the home of their parents. Ai.. ,and Krs. J. W, Merner. Delhi, and leaves two daughtii .:". 1', :..„,_. ,..,... : t • * brothers and two sisters, •Mise li4e4," 'Wilhelm of eeilvertore C. E. Zurbrigg, R. 0. Phone 74 Zurich Eggs on a graded basis. r Phone 10 HENSALL al was largely attended, ;Land; ere.Mre Ross of Brueeteld, . ac place from the Rands hpreeCaT,..i.ir.., on• Arim454e1-... the home of Mr. and • • • day. Rev. T. A. Carmichael 0,0 ed. Interment in Bookton Ocn. i Wyndham 4 twp. . : I • 4, • STEP'HEN . .Arre th, one day last Week %Mrs N. SOME F • LL - -. Louis Weber and two • • • ee ;,...raAlkIldre enotored to London on. ee,... i,,Siattieele:gii,e.te*iss Clara W 'eber, w iho on in the city returned Luther League News • 4A_,..b tile meeting of St. Peter's Lut- • f-daY.:4444P-...4e - the holi- • The Council of thotTowneh9 of Stephen met in .the Tow Hall,- Cred iton, on. Monday, the 4th of Novem- ber /4935 at 1 p.m. All members. We- re present. The minutes of ,the pre- vious meeting were read and. .edopt- ed. ',Lotion, that the Bond a the Tax: Collector, F. W. Morlock foe: *2600 issued by the Dominion or Canada General Insurance Company be ac- cepted.and that the Cleee. file the 1same with tee Clerk of the ,Pace. The following correspondence. was read and disposed off: 1. Letter from Ocean Aecident & Guarantee Corporation, Ltd., re Public Liability, and Property Dam- age Insurance. 2. Letter from The Athletic Field Committee asking for a sight of $15 for the repair of -roof /door of dressing room at the sktatiing carried. 3. Letter from Dcputy Mi'nister 9,440041-hteeMetree,..es At the meeting of St. Peter's Jr. Luther League last Friday evening, the Pastor, ReT L Turkheim gave a very inspiring' talk on the subject, "Az diet at Worms." At this meet- ing three new members were admit- ted to the League. The topic for this week is "Luther's Boyhood." The Senior Luther League: at its meeting this Friday evening will discuss the topic "getting Along' With, Ourselves and Others." You are invited! Zurich junior Institute of Health and Hospitals ass to tools Hartman. Filed, 4. Provincial Auditor's %report on his audit of the Road Exiienditures in the Township of Stephe for the year 1934. Filed. • Motion, that a by-law be passed to authorize the Reeve and 4. le.rk to of the The 'November meeting of the Zurich Junior Institute was neld in the Town Hall, Zbrich. The meeting was presided over by the president, which opened with the singing of the Inititiite Ode, followed by the Lord's :Prayer. 'After the business was dis- cussed the roll call was answered with "Why I am an Institute Mem- ber." The topic "The Dutier of a Farm Woman" .was very ably taken by Edna Mae Corbett, • followed by a contest first prize being won by Grace Gelinas, Miss Ruby Caren -Ian 'gave a very interesting demonstrati- on on how to fold a table napkin when serving soup which was enjoy- ed by everyone present. The sign an agreement on belie meet- • SUITS OND OVERCOATS! 0.44 • These are all new Smart Patterns and Mader- r,.. • ately Priced! • • 7'; : FINEST LOT OF MADE TO MEASURE :. • 4.-", • SAMPLES EVER SHOWN .. o. : Also New Sweaters, Hats, Caps, Hosiery, 0,4 *; ‘ Etc. Etc. .w go, 4,- : Give us a call and be convinced 0f 0. , • ,R. of Our Fine Showings 0- 0., • '.., r, i . ,34. 4.- ...,,, ,a,(4.4 • :: WE II W 0- Li n , 0.1` 4). " , '-'1' & " ' 11' . Kg . '. EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS 4' 0, • .* • * • 0 Township of Stephen for.tc purch- , ing closed with the singing of the ase of 1000 cords or nologral; .Maple L'eaf and the _girls joined the from, Evelyn M. Huston et 'ALI at 40c boys for the joint meeting. a cord during a period of „thiee.. years IVIotien, that the followingOccounts and Orders be passed: "W J: Stanlake id 2' $4; ,`White, id 3 2.53; L. I-1111 rd 4 2.404; I.Smith id 6$5; A. Regier rd 9 90.34; P. -:Regier rd. 1.0 18.90;ditto 76.83:J. McKeever rd 11 36.493 M. 0. Sweit.- zer rd 16 19.95; J. Morrissey rd 22 11.00; Geo. Eilber Supt. 95.56; ditto 15275; J. XlMempl. rd 27 8,739; Gee. Eilber, Supt for Oct. 55,50 eE. ,er, r1 -25 320.40; 1ittograyel J. Zilex gravel 52.75; I), tel'heifie 3.35; J. Campbell ' P. EiSen- bad) rd 26 6 ; Pay sliect 4re 'Ails - ton's ret 552.31; P. 'Mallard rd .16, . OBITUARY Late Mrs.. Hoffman. A very sudden and: unexpected death occurred hi Zurich on Saturday morning, when Mrs. Theresia Hoff- man, relict of the .1a.te Miehael Hoff- -man passed away very suddenly. In the morning she arose as usual, and while she was' going, abet -tit -nee work she was overtaken and fell over and medical aid was at once called. but she passed peacefully away with practically no pain. Mrs. 1-Toffman was_ of a very nice type of citizep. nice' and obliging and bee many fri- 7 non - Trees. of Ontario, amusement taxIthq and 6 days, '1 -ler husband the, e tickets Rioiyo.t1H2o;lt lidost20 ..:,4:). I , ends. Her agwas 74years, Mate 1500 Stamped envclopes 51.38; Dorn. of Ca -n. General Ins. e,,.'r6,-Aloctot's IBTind 13.75; Can. Bank 0P 430mmerce 1 eaqhire, road cheques 1.25'4 Treas. 1Athletic Field, grant 16.901., t C ent. I tingee, acct os iiiilk itee.toe 18.85. i Wes, Leyes, Kitchener; Mr i e , The Council adjoUrm il co 411\4.eet a-', Cupier, Sask.; and Mrs. Mclarguery, gamoinndi!,iy,thteheT.Ogdn Ildalrii,,iel,.retictru,beorn., oonf cmh:nthd:vtn,m,Trnhiengfutnoetrhael wsta.snhoenlid. at 1 p.m. !face R. C. Church and cemetery, -Rev 1 , 41, lienbart, ,K, Bilber, ...wp., uicrit„, , ,,,,, -. . Father, L, 'rowel, officiating, .... I late. Michael Hoffman passe , about two years ago, but she kept CM Staying in her home in town. Surv- iving are One son, Mt, Simon Hoff- man, of the Goshen Line, Hay; Four danghters Mrs. .McCann, Stephen; Y !,11:411% • VV),,, '!G .X4A'4. arts, 411 . Fail ad • WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE, OUR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER, GOODS, IN ALL THE STAPLE LINES Such as Wool and Flannelette Blankets, Flamitel- ettes, Wrapperettes, in New Patterns, Men's Warnen's and Children's Winter Underwear, Sweaters, Sweater Coats, Caps, Mitts, Socks anaci Stockings, Etc., Eft. Men's and Boy's Heavy Rubbers, Men's Rubber. Boots, Harness Repairs, Etc., Etc. Fresh Groceries Always on Hand R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCifi A N T PHONE11 -97' SLAKE /4J .0'41 .414. 4 '1' :44