HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-11-07, Page 8PAI T • ew Fall and Winder GOODS Our Stock is now almost completed, ...and we wel- come elcome your inspection for the followingLines: New Dress Materials, Ladies' . and Children's .Sweaters, Underwear, Hosiery,, Flannelettes, Wool - :'len and Woolcot Blankets. , A complete range of new Monarch Yarns for hand knitting, Men's :Sweaters; large supply of Men's. Underwear in..Penp an's, Stapfields Cornu -ination or separate garments,' New Windbreakers, Leather Caps, Lined Smocks, Walker's Overalls, Mitts, Gloves, Etc. . COMPARE OUR PRICES GROCERIES! GROCERIES Japan Tea, Ib. at 37c Icing Sugar, 2 Ibs..for 19c 25c 14c 25c 22c 1 Oc 15c PinkSalmon, 1-s., 2 for Soda Biscuits, per ib. Macroni, 5 lbs. at Corn Flakes, 3 boxes for - Laundry Soap, 3 for Rex Cocoa, per lb. No. 1 peanut butter lb. J. GASCHO SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 i The Security PROVIDED FOR A HURON & ERIE DEBENTURE OR A GUAR �'NTEED TRUST CERTIFICATE IS AS FOLLOWS:' IFJ!RST CLAIM UPON EVERY DOLLAR OF THE CORPORATI- ON'S..ASSETS WHICH TOTAL OVER $46,870,000. THE TOTAL.'° ASSETS OF THE HURON & ERIE AND 1HE CANADA TRUST. COMPANY EXCEED $78,000,000, IN ADDITION THE PAID-UP: C. ;PJT) +L AND RESERVE FUND OF THE HURON & ERIE IS $7,000,000. • THE SECURITIES, BOOKS AND ACCOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO 4 ,A CONTINUOUS AUDIT BY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND fl4E COMPANIES ARE UNDER STRICT GOVERNMENT SUPER - INTEREST ON DEBENTURES AND CERTIFICATES PAYABLE ITA'LF-YEARLY IS AS FOLLOWS: 3:3✓4'% For One and Two year Investments. 4•c/c For' Three, Four and Five Year Investments. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AND FULL PARTICULARS CHEERFULLY SUPPLIED BY: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY, INIMMISMIleanclaimerrealer WS 614140004611146,1110040414444804616006114444141060444444,44: 1 HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE COAL and COKE Let us fill your reg y uirements of your winier's •fuel, be it Coal or Coke. Prices the lowest, quality I e )nsidered. • ZURI,C HOIALD _ �,...�...... I111111Hll111EME J iTg Hill IIIIHh iiH11 1111111 IIII I lIlwfI11111i1iG;+""'h. NEW: Grocery Store Neilson's cocoa, half Ib , 19c Toasted Cheese Wafers, per pkg. 15c Mammoth Peas, 2 tins x 25c Soda biscuits, 2 lbs. ,25c Salmon, (red coat) 2 tins " , 25c Floor Wax, 1-1b, can: 25c ' Vi -Tone; .Jl lb.. can .:.. 35c Super Suds,• 2 pkgs r • "1 9e : SEE OUR' BIG :'• PREMIUM .ON TEA . WHILE --,,IT LASTS! Menno Desch EGGS WANTED. Zurich Phone 165 111110T; HIIIIIIIIIIII111111IH IIIIIIIH111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi11111111111111HHHIHIHIli111HIl1111 Hi,IIHHiIi Ilililili#IIHIHHl,IIIIIHllliIL;IIlIIIIIliNf11,1111:1i ITEMS OF LOCAL :REST Mrs. McKenzie, of St. Paul, Minn., is the guest at the home of Mrs. Hy. Truemner. Mir. 3. W. Merner, and Mr. Jacob Merner motored to Galt on Monday on business. Mr. Edward Axt has returned from a two -week's visit with his children in Detroit. Mr. Jacob Merner of Detroit, is spending a few weeks with his bro- ther, Mr. J. W. Merner of town. Mr. and Mrs_ Fisher and family, and Mr_ Biannhard of Detroit, spent the week -end with Mr. Ed. Axt. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Horner and family of Varna; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fletcher of Kerwood, Ont., were Sunday visiors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Jr- W. Horner. • On Friday of this week the mer- cantile store of J. W. Merner is putting on the annual winter reduct- ion sale of merchandise, and the peo- ple are invited to take advantage of 'the many bargains offered. 1 PAINTS! PAINTS! „^.... ill We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried - and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, I Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and _ Tubes in all sizes w I Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses .0>.,: r ,- • Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line a`rf heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ISTADE ' ZURICH -- ONT.• QUALITY — PRICE : -� SERVICE 19lAAl�4i* i►�MII iO4i'l�4/I*4 Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Jake Ortwein, Bronson 'line were: Mr. and Mrs. Walker Haines and soca This week We take pleasure in Billy of -Dearborn, .Mich; Mrs:' =Theo: publishing a fevc figures in ' regards Tietz of.Sebwaing, Mich; Mr. and -to 'Zurich's new industry, namely the Mrs. Milton Dietz and family : and Miss Meryl Langford. • LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) - • Eggs, ',dozen ... .. - 27, 25, 15 Butter, creamery... 25 Butter, dairy 24 Wheat,bush Oats, bush Barley, bush Buckwheat, bush 77 27 40, 42 37 Flour. cwt . .. _:- _. _... .. 325, 2.25 Shorts and bran ton 20.00 Potatoes per bag -,. ........ 50 Live Hogs 9.50 Miss Mildred Hey spent the week- end'with Miss Beatrice Menson. Mr: and Mrs. E. E. Weide motored to Toronto Sunday. TIds part of the good old word felt lest Thursday night what scien- tists call earth quake, there -was a et:edematous tremor for 'about a min- ute' and a half shortly after one o'.- clock;; but there was no harm done, but some of us were awakened by the ,unusual disturbance, but things have ;settled down very peacefully a - OFF TO A GOOD START Workmen are busy digging up the deep tile :that affords an outlet Zurich Creamery, which opened' its 'doorsto'the public for business now six months. A great many id that time ` vru every hesitant • If the ven- far some cellars in .front of •Mr H. •ture would be a success and go over on a haying 'basis. However, these Krueger's barber shop. The drain--; age system in town is none too'good and we only notice this 'When -a good shower of rain happens along. Mr. and Mrs. John Hey and daug- hter Margaret and son Austin from Detroit Mr. and Mrs. 'Lloyd ' Hey from Crediton; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stelck spent a very pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bennewise,' near Broadhagen, when the evening was enjoyed with music, singing and games, topped off with a most splendid lunch and refresh- ments. • Mr. W. W. Cooper of Kippers was in town on Monday. Mr. Cooper is out for a week's holidays this week, with his sisters Mrs. Deyell and Miss Melinda Cooper, also his daughter, Miss Margaret Cooper in Toronto. After an eight week's somewhat strenous political campaign for the reconstruction of his native County. Mr. Cooper has enjoyed himself to the full. Junior League Organize Last Saturday afternoon the Jun- ior League was organized a1 long the boys and girls of St. Peter's Lutheran church, the name of the . new organ- ization being.. "St. Peter's Junior Luther League." Mrs. E. Klopp is the Superintendent, and Mrs. Herb. Mousseau, assistant, and have been for some time, making the necessary preparations. 17 members joined the organization. The officers elected are: President, Audrey Foster; Vice., Chelasea Thiel; Secretary, Gertrude Turkheim Treasurer, . Leroy Thiel; pianist, Florence Haberer. It was decided to meatweekly at 7 p. m. Friday evening. + • res we quote here .have been giv- en us by Mr. S. M. Andersen, the manager, and are far beyond what was expected and Iooked for six mon- ths ago. The figures are froth: May 1st to November ist, and indicate the amount of !butter fat taken in each ,month: May 9,963;' June 19,- 337;,3uly 18,154; August 16,423; Sept: 14,130; October 12,293. totall 90,300: pounds, which made the tot- al value .of $18,000.00. After' the business got going it was seen that the 4quipment was not capable of handling the volume of cream that was received, so a second pasturizer had to be added. The quality of butter turned out here is very good, and lve wish -this new enterprise con- tinued success. DASHWOOD a• Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid Enter- tains A 'most enjoyable evening was sp- ent 1p,st Wednesday, when the Lathes Aid ;of Zion Lutheran Church of Daslr+wood entertained the Ladies And of Trinity Lutheran Church. of London. Aibout 25 of the -members motored to Dashwood and Were welcomed by the pashwoed .,Ladies in the church. basement beautifully decorated ,with flower autumn leaves and evergreens The imenabers' husbands of both Aids were also invited and quite a number were present to enjoy the hospitality of the Dashwood Ladies.. e evening was pleasantly spent bywell arranged program drawn up It the Enrteartairnuent committee of tie Dashwoner Aid, consisting of Mrs Louistatter, M"' E aI 1 , rs Ed. W per Hallowe'en was celebrated in the and`Mrs..F Gr Kraft.,Speeehees of old fashioned way in town, last Thur- welOome were given by Mrs. Arnold. ;day evening, and the us> l amount Kuntz, and Rev. T. Luft; responsed ti pranks were ap niu ' euted. ,r1We by #;tevv. ,C- J. Killinger of London were somewhat 'surprised when we Community singing, musical number: arrived at out (Ace the next morn- ' and' readings followed by several ing to see. -the large cement. block', eonibsts kept the gathering;'of 100 that acts as •a step,; in front of out people • interested • uritil'the. committer front door gone. . But we soon learn-' on 'i?eftreshments made' the announce ad by the good neighbors that the ment that lunch would "lie served boys had a lot of hard work to carry' +The committee in the persons or it to 'a neighboring garage, and it Mrs;" Jacob Schroeder, Mrs. Fred was a very easy matter to get it ba& Schxl tndt and Mfrs. P. Fassold served into place again, as the good garage- • a very tasty lunch of sandwu hes. man put a chain around it and hook- raid; pumpkin pie and cof'cee. At : ad to the rear of our auto and with late'hour this evening of f'eilowsship • I, Iurstia NOVOToibbt litil 193$ •4t+ 1. 4. I YOUR Hardware and Furniture I: . .. STORE THIS .SEASON CALLS FOR G ` Oen NEW FENCES ON- THE FARM. LET US SUPPLE'' • + YOU WITH BEST OE'. WOVEN • WIRE, •' ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOU' t NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE.. +.* TRI OUGHING .. *. SPECIALS! 40: grad at . Coall Oil, g ood SPECIALS! 1 Special! Gasoline for Stores, at per gallon 28cc 20c + W e also haveery 4+ Furniture. See Our New Atm Pricesin Beds, Springs and 4a USED!FURNITURE 1 4 Two Good Used Chesterfield Suites on Good Used Dressers born $4.50 up; Hand; : + Kitchen Chairs, Etc. Al!Bi Bar Dining kSale. Tables; � ;g gains for quick .�; +>P BE SURE AND SEE - THEM! I Johnston & Kalbffeisch Hardware & ' itare Phone 63 4 4 ++++++++++++++4+44441.4•444.44+++++++++4++++++++444444: r'+44444$t4++F4+•Ft•t4441.4•4 44.44 .•!F•l..I.,I,.F.N.F.F4++++++++44444 0 : 4110 (i iN61lf IIIIlll6l(N IEUVIM f lllplryU yl NIII118N1INIIrMINEINIIIIpIUIII IIIINAN THESE PRICES subto change without NotiCe Parotin Wagon agon .......................... $7.00 and 10.00 — Painting Buggy. '• 6.00. and Recovering Bu .......... 10.00 g� Top 16.00 and 18.00 Rerimrning Buggy Wheels Set Buggy Shaft ...:..........,..._ . i 2.00 _ 3.00 B Reach 1.00 - Buggy Spokes each .._....�... 1.25 --------- 25c insur HESS, the 1018II 111111i1uI11tlt itggllINIM Repair Man ,o;,1 IIWH111111 aNla�m;iiii I9iIllBIINM #Nidi +++4+++44+++ ++4+ +9+4 4•,t++i•+ 4.4.9•d•+t 4+41•+ir•I 44.44P++d•4t+}t fi++ ++i ++ ++01 •t44.4.4 Nig 4. •4. 4 4 4 • 4 i 'RICH ' GARAGE EXTRA EXTRA w Large Shipment of Tires. Just. Received IRegular $ 1®x:00 Heavy Service tires at 635 t Regular 10.75, Heavy Service tires at 910 Gasoline at per gollon • .....».23o Lubricating Oils and greases at corresponding low prices • : Get Your Requirements Here, where Your Dollars. c • Go the Farthest! ' - I Expert Workmanship on all Makes of C-,:trs with charges itVery Reasonable! ' I Mousseau Zurich t444+44 ++&+f,+9 +++I+t'+++ + +t++k+i++o+I++E• Nllr++ +.IIs44+IP+ +d++t+1F44+ 4+1+44!•4 +44'464 0444 t + 44**0'+* •t•d d,++44440 , f++ •*iI+****44+ +i++t++•+:444ft, t MASS]3Y-HARRIS NEWS =1 -Now that the harvest is over we would • appreciate,- having an early settlertient on t Repair Accounts. Manifest your appreciation dor receiving credit by settling at once. 10 per cent. added after October 15th . SPECIAL on Hart water Heavers for your car for balance of 'month. $1.8.00eaters for only $8.30. Cash with. 4 i SUPER LASTIC TIRE PRICES Again Re- * &arced :anc1 we mount same `free t. Use Masser -Harris semi -steel deep cbill .plow Points. Tel. Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 6 I t a few ounces of gasoline we had it drew to a close, an occasion enjoyed AuClioEtleertlll •-•--- r in proper position; and with a great by all present and with the repeater' d' teal less eno;y r�than' She bays took 1y expressed desire that the future 4' to bodily carry it away. maybring more events of this nature+h+l+++6ti+a5r*a;1+4,>$e+++*,^,,,F++Ir+4k+lk"