HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-11-07, Page 1Vol. XXXVI to i ZURICH. THURSDAY MOHNIN'( Let the Ads. in the Herald NOVEM 3ER7, 1935. New R, " anted,ths- M. Notice has been. received by local! Judge T. M. Costello, Code icln, town clerks thet.tho lets Hi y y' 'owns a beautiful Englishsetter, who -will continue through all towns and villages under 25011 papulation- This brings the • licensing of •gasoline pumps, service stations, signse •, in many of the largearoBtag urncieer the Department of Higlieworys. t-4 • Bannig of Male The Canadian G:oent has not .yet considered the banning of uickle lo Italy, untag it is known what the ,United States wdt ciao about it So far .the President seems inclined to -work in harmony wale the League, :although not a member of Seat body. Do You. Need Glass es? , seems to have an inordinate fondness for milk and simpiy no conscience whatever, when it comes to satisfying his ,appetite for same. Tod Reeelc ghbors missed theirs early morning milk deliveries and suspected trans lents until, quite by accident, the slog Was seen with a bottle of milk held carefully in his mouth, scurry- ing home in the grey dawn. He was followed and was e,ught in the act of removing the cap from the still undamaged bottle, obviously* about to have his early morning "eyeo-pener" Two other bottles were found, empty but undamaged, in a neighbor's yard. -God. Signal. REMEMBRANCE DAY HOLIDAY N 11th statutory holiday thr- -Your Patronage Solicited A�Iens.and Chester L. Smith, Publhabr ;r $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Arbraneof o1.6O =ARREARS, $2 MAX Mr UStlitOltl► ou in your Fall Purchases We have put in a Stocl Good Choice Quality Men's and Boys' Work Shoes, and invite the public'to come in and we can fit you up, PUT IN A SUPPLY OP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S RUBBERS, MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS, ETC. ' GARFILED BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Ont. WE GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN- SHIP IN REPAIRING . Next Monday, Remembrance Day, ov. , is a oughout Canada but there is no Dominion Saw whish calls for the have been sold throughout the din- compulsory closing of 'factories and trict. Friday last police recovered ,1 Mr. Charles Bartlett, spent the week -end at his horn. at St. Marys. ;,Mrs. Wm. Rader and daughter Miss ,Lydyan•„ spent a few days in Detroit the past week. Miss, Ross of Sebringvifle is at 'present staying at the hone of Mrs. John England. }Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rau, who have `spent a few weeks at Detroit, have returned home . :Mrs. Fred. Turner of Goderich, vis- :Mrs.ted her sister Mrs. E, E. Weido the Past week, G Mr. John Hey spent the past week With his sons Milton and Austin. , at etroit. ' Miss Helen Thiel, who has been for • Stores, generall public recognition, ton of onions stolen from the Usti- one time in Hensel], has returned to orne Twp. farm of Chas. Montieth er home. on the night of Oct. 13th The onions f' Mr -and Mrs. Wm. Reith and fan.-. were found at a sideroad neat IVlo fly visited relatives and friends at teith farm. -His worship amended `alt Alvinston over the week -end. though, usually is given to ad holi- days prescribed by Dominion. statute. A ruling of the secretary of state de- partments "states, that throughout Canada in each and every year. Nov 1.order made in 1931 whereby J. R. :Stopand Thin how itt is 11 shall he a holiday and shall be Mr. and Mrs. William D.iebel o McBurney, of London, formerly of Kincardine visited`;at the home of Mr bat you wear correct kept and observed as such under the , Goderich, was told to pay his wife rectly prescribed for your visioa. ! nnnae of Remembrance Day. Re- tirJius Thiel over the week -end. 1$10 a week. The order was made i Correctly styled to your face. Your membrane Day is therefore a statu- under the Deserted Wives' and Clair - Stealth 'r Mrs Harry G. Hess and Mrs. Stealth may largely depentt on, keen tory holiday the same as Sunday, lien's Maintenance Act by C. A. T'honias Meyers are this week-atten- vision Christmas Day, New Year's Day or ding the big Women's Institute Con- ' magistrate. Mc-' Reid, who was thenSee C. E. ZURBItfreee R. O. Labor Day. Under the statutes of Burney apps oed with default : ofvention at London: At HESS JEWIiI.ERY.STORE the Dominionand the provinces, Sun ayment .:I pleaded guilty. He said,Mr. and +Mrs: Len. Hoist and babe Every Tuesday at ZURICH day is the only day which is com- that as a railwayman he was earning pulsory observed by the closing of only a small part of his salary of .At Dashwood, Sat ay, at Erik's factories and stores. Nevertheless, 1931, at the time he and his wife Storer. ,throughout Canada, general public• tinted after two years of marri- ed life. His Worship orders McBur- r, Joseph Doerr and holidays winch are prescribed I ney to give his wife one-third of; his f Detroit, were week -end visitors at he home of Mr. Heist's parents, Mr nd Mrs. 0. Klapp. ��__, recognition is usually given to all separated, d MB M and 1VIrs oda h h bdbythe ST. PETER'S e'S i statutes of Canada. • pay, in which 'case sentence wait', be ,,'Evangelism Lutheran Church suspended. -Jas Lindsay, of Hullett In Magistrate's Court Twp. pleaded guilty .•to be ng drunk sporr.-,:_.,a x in at Blyth and:, )vas. taken t, ;. the_ ,la i 1. bikt i; ar, • , .. , <w� .. n--: u of Parkhill, held yt .,,,. 1 .... � ...,a�:,aa� .�, , �� x, -: �.:.:' -. .': Jail` at Gode'ricl'vnc�c- qua viro'vnci,rra- "•x..� o * '�6` Yy'�' Reay • �•TtWeiri, -was0���',' "A Changeless-' Chaise lien a Ciwises- vin and Ken 1Vlbrley, for their .a11eg $10 fine. Roy Scrimgour, of Goderich of Milton Dietz of Zurich, on Tues- °aughter-Muriel from Laird, Sask., d Mrs A. Wery and children from enn:, visited the past week with Mr id Mrs. Elmore Thiel, is&arEd_�, ezY perpetration; a€�a Stephen Twp. paid $10 and costs for driving with day evening A delicious supper was Friday, 811 -Luther League.. Saturea3r- coir Prime. •StrNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. ,. "m.:-GerMan Service. ,the, is said to have confessed to Proc.Constable McCoy in which he admits :fifteen Huron and. Middlesex thefts. Ills confession involved Mor- lley :in 'len thefts and his brother in cone ponce state. The theft's cover a 015 a.m.--Sunday % { 'period of the last year, but the maj- ''7.30' m. En lislni serafce.f oiity mere carried out in the last Everyb dy 'Gtr N ocme e„),r 'Nei oomt :Tour :months. The loot, which alleg- , wily consists of calves, pigs, hens, � E. TUERKT•I.EII61 , Pastor. grain, seed anal honey, is reported to WE SELL THE BEST -FOR s'4 SS 'r Our Large ..ales Circulars 'SAW HE MOST -ASTONISHING - VALUES IN THE HISTORY OF.'THIS COUNTY:. l QSLBR.-i.iconiris. MILL L HAVE .ALMOST DOUBLE .V.AILIEL.. BE SURE :A1`i'!• • MERNI3R Highest. Pr Elm. Phase 1.40 improper brakes; Stan. Campbell, of: served, the centre of the table was Palmerston paid $10 and 'costs for i decorated • with a beautiful Birthday reckless driving, and Harry Edwards Cake. • of Clifford paid $5, and costs for driving with improper fights: HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly, meeting of the Council of the Township of Hay met in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, November 4th, 1935, with all the members present. The minutes; of ,the October meeting were adopted as read. Motion, that accounts covering Ziuxich, so the Police Trustees advise payment on Township Roads, Teleph- us, and then all places of business one, Charity and Relief and general! will be closed. Wnhle the darK war accounts be passed as per vouchers: clounds are being hovered parts of Township Roads -J. M. Richard- Africa., let us observe this occasion son rd 5 31.06; G. Jeffrey rd 15 by being thankful that our nation is 34.75; W. Farrell rd 18 5.00; G. J. not. directly involved in any conflict. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hey of the Babylon Line attended the Hartleib -Pevler nuptials at • New St. James Presbyterian church, Lndon and the reception at Glen Allen Villa, on Wednesday last. Miss L. M. Hart- leib 'of Dashwood accompanied them. MONDAY; A' HOLIDAY - Monday, Armistice Day, has been proclaimed as a public holiday in Thiel, Zurich P. V. 19.02; T. Dins- more rd 18 22.50; F. C. Kalbfleisch• lumber rd 13 46.62; H. Steinbach road Supt. 21.70; W. Fisher rd. 11 106.90; W. E. Turnbull_ rd 12 27.47; A. Reichert rd 4 2.50; H. H. Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gascho of the rd 5 101.14; G. Surerus rd. 9 6.30; hinge, when on Thursday, October 4th, Thanksgiving Day,• they cele - rated the fiftieth anniversary of Meir wedded life. Both Mr: and Mrs Pascho are i very active and quite ale and hearty It was fifty years go in Ellis Township, Perth County then Rev. John Gerber united in eddlock" Miss Barbara Erb, of that lace, to Mr. Joseph Gascho of Hay ownship. 'After ,the wedding they Pok up farming in Hay Township, iving, on the farm on the 14th con- 'essian, now :owned by Mr. Henry �.rueger, until twelve years ago when ley; sold out and moved to Zurich, Fiftieth Anniversary (Intended for last week) A special honor from Providence has visited the happy wedded life of J. Oesch rd 8 3.20; P. Schade rd5, 49.451 J. Green rd 5 58.82; N. Fos- ter rds. 6-15 '•'T0 25; 0. Greb rd 6 . 7.00; C. Aldsworth rd 3 3,,30;. Hay Tel. poles rd 3 2.25; J, 'M: Ziler rd 10 157.88; S. McArthur rd' 1 7.20; A. Mousseau rd 3 61.75; P. Camp- bell rd 14 6.30; G. Hess 'repairs gra- der 2.75. - Telephone Accounts -Zurich Hy - two. ,office 2.50; P. Mclsaac, balance ttb,or 12.10; Zurich Central weeks 66.0U; H. G. Hess labor etc. 90.55; Bell Telo, Co., tolls Aug. to Sept. 184.27; Northern Elec tris Co., material 39.22; National ReItg, the residence . they nolo occupy. venue ,tax tolls 77.3'6; L. Schilbe & ribring these- fifty years this grand Son, coal, 40.96. •couple have seen many changes in Charity and Relief --Ont, Hospital, t� vicinity as well , as in general indigent 4.6.00; G. J. Thiel act. 2,116, world conditions. No automobiles, Williams Bros. 3.00; ,J: Gascho ' Son 11.17; J.. W. Merrier 20:21; J , snit'"the good reads we now enjoy. M. tichar'dson •w wood indigent 8.00, •the day was .spent quietly a. home, in the form A.. Melick acct 2.45; M: Oesch act. of •a family reunion, and their entire family were present with 6:12; C. Fritz 11.65. _ the grandchildred. This happy union General Accounts Zurich, lights is blessed with eight children, who hall, 3.39; Waterloo Fire Ins Co. on are five sons. John E., Joel and 'Ed - hall 20:00; Underwood Elliott supe- will of Zurich; Norman of Byron lies 7.70; Win. Bieber inspector Wild Hospital, London and Samuel of fong dxn. 2.00; J. Gascho Son R�arriston.; three daughters, Mrs. 0. brooms hall 2.00; A. Melick sel. jur- Surerus of Zurich, Mrs. .r. Clarke ors 2.'00; W. I- I, Edighoffer do 2.00 of• Windsorand Mrs. Peter Ravellc A. F, mess, 3.00; W. S. .Johnston, oef Grand B,end, all being present on ;Osn-act: 19.36. the occasion. We join the many fri- The The Council adjourned to' meet a gain on Monday, Dec. 2nd, a.stili of Mr. and Mrs.. Joseph Gascho t 1 i in 30 Wishing thein many more years of ;o',clorlc in the afternoon• health mid happiness of married life, A. F. Hess, Clerk , , .... SAVE THE PIECES Broken Spectacle Lenses Accurately Duplicated in 24 Hours. Any_ shape and Size. Hess, The Jeweller. C. E. Zurbrigg, R. O. Phone 74 Z ri h The color guarantees thift quality Semet Solvay Coke. Miller Creek and Rosedale A.1.b3rt t Tile and Brick. W: R. DAVIDSOM Highest cash prices paid .f� graded basis EENSM.. Eggsona Phone 10 • ,•••••••••••••••••••0•••E••••*••••••••••q•••••••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • ..w...,.......E2. ..w.,..:. `.%.LR],L�.,... _.,:; 'xe'L,itail .si:. • .�,Y� _.. •.idiL4a'a: ", -fi r`i:..::w�+.,s:.altrt- NEW RANGE AND STYLES OF MEN'S • • • SUITS OND OVERCOATS! • •• • These are all new Smart Patterns and Mod • ately Priced! • FINEST LOT OF MADE TO MEASURE ' • • SAMPLES EVER SHOWN • • • • • • • • • • • SOME FALL SPECIALS • • • • • Wm IL roffmaii & Soma •• • • • • • 4.A,/.••.. .........4.4•••••„.„,,,,,,/..,,,,..................,,1„,...,.:, 4s Also New Sweaters, Hats, Caps, Hosiery, Etc. Etc. Give us a call and be convinced of t of Our Fine Showings EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Fall and Winler Goods WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, IN ALL THE STAPLE LINES Such as Wool and Flannelette Blankets, Flannel- ettes, Wrapperettes, in New Patterns., Men's Women's and Children's Winter Underwear„ Sweaters, Sweater Coats, Caps, • Mitis, Socks . and Stockings, Etc., Etc. Men's and Boy's Heavy Rubbers, Men's .Rubber Boots, Harness Repairs, Etc., Etc_ Fresh Groceries Always on Hand R. N. DOUGLAS t ,ENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 -97 BLAKE