HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-10-03, Page 81,10.11,111 THE STORE WITH THE STOCK :.., ......,,waw°-"'.'�. s Continue on Many Lines OF SUMMER GOODS, SUCH AS: Underwear, Hosiery, Curtain Materials, Rem- nants of every description, Men's Sox, Shirts. New Fail Goods NOW ARRIVING New Hosiery, New Sweater Coats, New . Under- wear, New Monarch Knitting Yarns, New .::Flannelettes. We welcome Your Inspection! GROCERIES! GROCERIES Prunes, large, 2 lbs for Rice, 4 lbs. for 23c 25c Sugar Crisp Cookies, 2 lbs. for 25c Peanut Butter, per Ib. 15c Oranges per dozen 25c35c Cooking Apples, per basket Tomato Juice, per tin 5c Everything in Canning Supplies at Lowest Prices. J. G PRODUCE WANTED SOFT PHONE 59 v More and More IVIOTO7:1STS ARE REALIZING THE NECESSITY OF HAVING AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE FOR :SSS THAN $1 EER MONTH YOU CAN HAVE UP TO $10;.0'013 PROTECTION FOR LEGAL LIABILITY FOR BODILY NJITRT OR DEATH TO OTHERS AND $1000 FOR' LEGAL LIA BILITY FOR DAMAGE TO PROPERTYOF OTHERS' AND FOR A FEW CENTS MORE PER MONTH YOU CAN HAVE UTNLIMITED PROTECTION FOR' PUBLIC LIABILITY AND $1000 FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE. WHY KEEP PUTTING 1T OFF? IT MAY BE TOO LATE! Andrew F. Hess, o Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 1 111 21Taann 1 IIIIIIH 11111111111111 IIIIHIILI IIHIIIIIIIIIII 11111 111 Iffi1l1111 111111111111111111 111111 11111111 IERALD 1111 11 1111 1111 till 111111 1H 1111 HIIIIII II 11111IHH1HI11 H NEW grocery Store Tea Rose Baking Powder, 1 -lb can 15c Sunlight Soap, 4 bars for .,.,.,. 25c Dutch Clenser, per can .:.w 10c Soda Biscuits, 2 lbs. for 25c Corned Beef, 2 cans25c l'✓luffets, whole wheat biscuits, per box IOc Spy Salmon, Cohoe, 1 -lb. can 25c. Falcon Brand Sardines, 2+tins �. 25c SEF, OUR BIG PREMIUM ON TEA WHILE IT ,LASTS! Merano Desch Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 1111 HII111I1111IIIIII111111IiIIII 1111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111 H111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IH111III11 HIH11111111111H11t ITEMS OF LOCA!. INTERESI Ms L. H. Rader was at Ingersoll on Friday where he was horse; judge .at the Fall Fair. Mrs. Minnie Welker of W. Wal- worth, N. Y., visited with Rev. and Mrs. E. Burn this week. Some hard frosts visited these sec- tions the beginning of the week„ and the more tender plants are ail "cook- ed". Heavy stoiims with some rain vis- ited these parts over the week -end, on Sunday the old lake lokked real rough, and the sailors heeded the storm signals and pulled into ports. A goodly number of boaots kere in shelter at the Goderich harbor. Word has been received here of Theodore Heideman, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Ileideman, passed away at McTutosh, Minn:,, . on Friday, September 27th, at the age of 52 years. He leaves" 'Do; 1111112111 his- loss, his widow and eight children aalso two brothers and three sisters. The remains were laid to rest in Mc- Tutosh Cemetery on Monday, Sept-, ember 30th. With the exception of a few la,te ones, the fall fair season is; ever"' -a- gain for another year. The public, in general have shown a keen inter—, est in these events, and in most ca?; es the event was successful financial ly, and vaost will carry a nice bai ante over, into next year, which is always a nice thing to.ha,ve. attoo;o 96000tti0ES8m0aStiall 6S +t Dash eia HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE iiiekt4atr*V444416190 CO a 0 Let us fill your d 0 4. i' uirements of your whaler's fuel, be it Coal or Coke. Prices the lowest, quality c')nsidered. PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line o£ the Well Known and Tried ilD and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, • Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor walt. Goodear Balloon T' d Tubes LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs, dozen . 27, 25, 15 Butter, creamery 25. Butter, dairy 24 70-72 431 23, Buckwheat, bush 501 175-3.00 Wheat, bush Barley, bush Oats, bush Flour, cwt. Shorts and bran ton .........20.50 Potatoes per hag • +++++++++++++++++++++++++WI+++++�•++++�.�...��.�.. +++,, ,�,it. Live Hogs ...... 9.50 • 44+i^++++++++++++++++++.% r1rW.u'4 + + +i+ • STORE 1,litaih+ar Mrd, i971.r -. . Hardware and Furniture g THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY i' YOU WITH TIIE BEST OF. WOVEN WIRE, rr; ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE, SEE US ABOUT NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE- . TROUGHING f SPECIALS! SPECIALS! Coal OiI, good grade at Special Gasoline for Stoves at Z�c per gallon 18c t>ti We also have some very Attractive Prices in Furniture. See Our New Beds, Springs and it Mattresses. 4 4 4 4 USED FURNITURE F. Two Good Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; I: Good Used Dressers from $4.50 asp; Dining Tables; t Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. Z BE SURE AND SEE THEM! • .! Johnston& & Kalbfleisch t and are Sg Furniture. Phone 63 I 4. ©runt N ti e Frank Donnelly, Conservative Candidate for the Huron - Perth Constituency will hold the following meetings: October 4th, Bayfield. • C cto r Sth, Dashwood. October 9th, ZURICH Oct. 10th, London. (Hear tiie Prime Minister, Hon. R. B. Bennett.) With last Wednesday, bhe annual halfholiday season is over again for another summer. With .this week the places of business will be open every day except holidays and Sun- day. It will seem only a few more weeks and the annual Yuletide sea- son. will ea-son.will again be upon us. How quick- ly the seasons roll along. Mr. Edwin Kalbfleisch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kalbfleisch of the 15th concession, had the misfortune the other day to fall headfirst off a load of grain standing on the barn floor. Mr. Kalbfleisch was consider- ably injured, having fractured a col- laa none and other injuries. While the election is creeping a- long very quietly, but it is surely coining, and next Monday will the day of nomination when the candid- ates will appear on the same plat- form with their arguments. There are 245 constituencies in Canada and for this number there will likely be a- bout 900 candidates. The people of Canada have never had so many- to • choose from befors, and. the Govern- fgo ment treasury will likely benefit • thereby. Each candidate will deposit ▪ $200 in cash or marked cheque. and • unless he wins or obtains half as • many votes as the NY,uincr he won't • get it back. The forfeit deposits will go to swell the federal treasury. October'1lth, Drysdale HEAR THE FOLLOWING SPEAK- ERS: Hen. Paul Poisson, Windsor. One of the best French Orators in { the Province Lyle Le Sueur, Sarnia Iifi sident of the Western Ontario Conservative Association A R Douglas, R. C., London Past President London Cons. Assn. ii . R. H. Taylor, Dashwood 1 4. s a 0 0•• �a I511n and Cord fres anu in all sizes a Furniture, Springs and, Beds. Felt, and , Marshall Mattresses 4 IPlumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- : ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Ha - is ware always in stock. at w • a DE & Y EIDOI •, m • ZURICH ONT.• QUALITY .- PRICE SERVICE 0111 .0 011006+A7ifMl40110,11.0.16i111A410111004 4 Jnaes Morley, Exeter. Huron's Own) AND THE CANDIDATE FRANK DONNELLY- ' ALL ARE WELCOME GOD SAVE THE KING IIIIII11111 llU11I9tlId!& 6i2111111111111$1,l� 111111111W1ll21111M1111't?JLiI2 ,�U ili11IINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL' N M111111121111111111111111111,11101111111111111111111111'111111111111111 {fRi 11111111(11111111r THESE PRICES sasbject to change without Notice Painting Wagon Painting Buggy Recovering Buggy Top Rerirnrning Buggy Wheels Set Buggy Shaft Cross Bar Buggy Reach Buggy Spokes each $7.00 and 10.00 _— 6.00 and 10.00 16.00 and 18.00 1 12o00 3.00 -57 1.00 1.25 25c air. vian aismagolliommurnonimam 11811111111111111111111111' 11111111811=I1LIN;1I1111EE 111111111111111111111111111:11111 1111111,11111111111 1+4.+++++fr+++l+++++++++i++++iri+++Eek4I+14+....1.1..1... ,1..1.++++t+++i++ ++l+ .414RAVitej 441 tM 4. 04, f •* • 4. 4. ZT32 IC 1 EXTRA EXTRA Large Shipment of Tires Just Received Regular $10.00 Heavy Service tires at Regular 10.75, Heavy Gasoline at per gollon + ILubricating Oils and greases at corresponding low prices q Your Dollars Go the Farthest! • Expert Workmanship on all Makes of Cars, with charges Very Reasonable! 1IL Mousseau Zurich 6.35 Service tires at 6.90 23c ; 1 Professionals Out Get Your Requirements I-lere where 4 + + 4334+++g++t.+1!{++I;+d++++E++++I+++E+++t+ +J++l ,>i++i+++f++f++I+4+++a+sE+q+ri++Q++l+i++4++!'+ 4 1 ++t++a++++ +w+ ++ ++ +ate+++•r++++1•a4 .+ ++++++++++++++++++++++4444 E •.The directors 'pf the Mount Forest I• Faall. Pair have ruled that no one liv- . ing outside a radius of seventeen T. miles frfom the town may exhibit 4- 1sdies' work and art at the fair. The 'uling was necessary as numbers of professionals from a distance have I. been in the habit of sweeping their 'Tr prize lists, to the discouragement of local people. + +. h This is the week of the big world's series baseball, beginning at Detroit this Wednesday, with the Chicago Cubs of the National League. The produce station of O'Brein & Son, of town have a large loudspeaker in .stalled and this amplifies the doings play by play all over town. It wi11 e another of those big moneymaking, affairs that prevail across the line so frequently. Accused Of Theft When he was arrested on suspicion Bean Growers to Vote. Decision to proceed with a poll of 6,000 bean growers of the district With a view of getting their approv- al of the bean marketing scheme, and the amendments which were proptxs- a week after a theft at hie employ- 1 ed at a recent meeting at Rodney; er's home, James Gormley, Stephen yea made by the local bean market• township, had the stolen articles, a ung board, according to an o gold watch and two rings, in his merit by the se�ey., W. E. Raid.annunce e Th pocket. Constable J. Ferguson was, suggestion of the vote was made h. called by Mrs. Nora Maloney, Stela- the Dominion Marketing Board. Be• `len township, to investigate a week- fore the bean growers vote, a seriet old theft which occurred when she: of meetings will be held at which the eras away from home. The officer ar- sohemr, ant! amendments will be ex rested Gorrnl:ey on Thursday after-, plained. The meetings to be held m 4. noon last. It is alleged the hired man this district are scheduled for Hen -1 oke open an attic trunk and stole call, Crediton and Drysdale on Oct lhe rtinkets during Mr Maloney's.:2nd; Varna, Zurich and Dashwooe ' absence. l on Oct. 4 Alvifston Oct b. ., + + 4. + + IVIA.SSEY-IIARRIS NEWS Check your Haying Machines New and avoid dis- appointments in the Field. .. Order repairs early. and save Express Charges... Massey -Harris parts are Best! How bout ' a Creaml ,.., Separator Demonstration. ' , + .F Several 'Used Machines. Very Cheap AUTO TIRES If in need' of any', • bring your Catalogue along. We will not be undersold by mail order houses and we mount the same Free! A FEW CHEAP USED TIRES Plow Points for all M Plows Tel, Shop 149 O. KLOPPSONS Res. 67 Auctioneering? — U. BET! E, b+i^i+ icd",f 9 ++ 111••+I' .. iii