HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-10-03, Page 4r
Treasurer's Sale of Lands foi for Taxes
County of Huron
The Sale will Commence at the Court House, Goderich, on TUESDAY,
EMBER 12th, at Two O'Clock in the Afternoon.
Robinson IL Dick Blk. 28, Con 3
Chris Anderson . , , . F. 3, Lot 21, Dashwood
Mary Boyle Estate . , . , ... Lots 103-4-5, Centralia Village
Daniel Vincent . Pt. Lot 23, Con. N. B.
jos. Lawson Estate. , , , Lots 192-3-4, Plan. 24, Grand Bend . , .. ,
W. B. Springett Lot 244, Plan 24, Grand Bend,
P. C. Hooper . , , .. , . . Lot 81, Plan 22, Grand, Bend
Adjourned Sale if necessary will be held at the same
578.46 16.46 594.92
65.85 3.63 68.98
6.92 2.25 9.17
12.24 2.31 14.55
24.80 2.62 27,42
12.42 2.32 14.74
35.87 2.90 38.77
time and place on:
TUESDAY NOv EMJ3ER 26th, 1935.
All Lots as described are patented.
A. H. ERSKINE, Treasurer, Huron County.
Bayfield Fall Fair
/Continued from Page one)
Blk Hamburgs-Pullet, .. O'Br
stock and hen, 0. Battler; cockrel,
{Tame Bantams -Pullet, L. O'Br
aleClymont; cock, L. O'Brein,
Donbrook; hen L. O'Brein, C. Do
• '%rook; cockrel L. O'Brein, J. Galin
Pair rabbits -C. Donbrook.
•Pigeons -Dr. MacI{innon, C. Do
10 -lbs. salt butter, F. McClymm
ark Battler; 5 lbs. butter in print.
Aires F. McEwen, H. Neeb; 5 1
node butter, R. Geiger, Mrs. McE
.en,; 1' lb. fancy print butter, airs.
^Corber, H. Neeb; 5 lbs. homentad
•cheese, H. Neeb; Cottage cheese,
Neel), Ed. Foster; half ham, hon
.cured smoked, H. A. Puss, R. Geigy:
lbs. home rendered lard, F. McC1y
:moat, A. Battler; 3 lbs. cured bacon
H. A. Fuss; Pr. dressed chickens,
rlcClymont, J. Sterling; heavie;,t wh
Wagners, Laithwait & Son, J. Ster-
ling;; Golden Russets, J. Sterling,
/ Miss Brownett; Blenheim pip en C
Middleton, J. Sterling; Snows, C. Mid
dleton, F. Middleton; Ontarios, Miss
Brownett, E. Porter; Wolf River, C.
Middleton, J. Sterling; Basket of
fruit, J. Sterling; Wealthy apples, F.
Bushel early potatoes, 0. Battler,
J. Sterling; Late potatoes, M. Rader,
F. McClymont; Heaviest mangolds,
Miss Brownett, H. Disjardine; Long
red mangolds, Miss Brownett, H. A.
it, Fuss; lVIangolds, globe, T. Snowden;
,, I Intern. mangolds, Miss Brownett, H.
hs. A. Fuss; Field carrots, 0. Battler, F.
�v- Barker; Table carrots long, N. L.
N. Carter, F. Middleton; Table carrots,
e short, N. L. Carter, F. Middleton;
H. Table beets N. L. Carter, 0. Battler;
e Table turnip beets, F. Barker, P. CI -
r eave; Parsnips, J. Cameron, A. War-
_ i ner; Market turnips, P. Cleave, N. L.
, Carter; Heaviest turnips, T. M. Sno-
t',; wden,_H. Desjardine; Sugar beet man.l
la golds, Miss Browned, A. Warner
•taggs, E. Foster, 0. Battler; .Heat'
*est brown eggs, R. Allen, E. Foster
Loaf homemade wht bread, E. Fos
• riser, N. L. Carter; Loaf Graham brei
hN Carter, E. Foster; Loaf Boston
`brown bread, E. Foster; Loaf nu
:tread, N. Foster; Six graham mu
ins, E. Merner, F. McClymont; Lay
Saar cake, light E. Merner, Mrs. Howie;
'Parts, variety, F. McClymont, E. Fos-
ter; Scotch short bread, Mrs. E.
ward, N. L. Carter; Layer cake, cro
,aolate Freda Schonals, W. R. Steph-
en; Layer cake soic . W. -.R... St -:
n Winter radish, 0. Battler; H. Desjar
Ii dine; Salsify, N. Carter, F. Barker
Cabbage, N. Carter, H. Puss; Caul-
- flower, N. Carter, T. Snowden; wht.
d . celery, R. Geiger, 0. Battler; Musk-
t (melon, 0. Battler, T. Snowden;, Wat-
ermelon, H. Truemner, 0. Battler;
stet E. ear Six ' buns;
T�erner; Sis tea biscuits, E. Merner, t
W. . L. Carter; Six ginger hermits, E.
Foster, Mrs. Howrie; Plate cookies,
IE. Foster, F. McClymont; Sis plain
-muffins, F. McClymont, E. Heard; 6
:scoins, E. Foster, F. McClymont; Ap-'`
r1e pie, J. Sterling, E. Merner; Lem- I
Ion pie, W., R. Stephenson, E. Mern-
rer; lb. home made fudge, ,p. Fatter,
IF. Schonals; Cold lunch for one per-
son, Mrs. B. Pfile; Pickles, pints, N.
L. Carter, 0. Battler; Marmalade in
;glasses, N. Carter, H. Desjardine;
,'Catsup and meat sauces, N. Carter,
aa. Battler; Canned fruits, H. Desjar-
dine, N. Foster; Canned vegetables,
N. L. Foster; Canned meats, D. Bat -I
tier, N. L. Carter; Display bee pro -
abets, P. Cleave, J. E. Pollock; Qu-
art strained honey P. Cleave, J. E.
Pollock; Quart maple syrup, M. Rad-
er, Western Flour Mills Special,
.Mrs. N. L. Carter, E. Foster.
Tush white winter wheat, H. True -
miner, T. Snowden; Red winter wheat
M. Rader, H. Truemner; Spring wht.
�. Snowden, H. Truemner; Field
peas, H. Desjardine, M. Rader; Bar-
Iley, M. Rader, H. Truemner; White
'oats, A. Betties, M. Rader; Red clo-
ver seed, E. Foster, J. Sterling. '�i
Mush sweet clover seed, 11.. Desjard-
:"ane, T. Snowden; Timothy seed, H.
a rnemner, M. Rader; 6 ears yellow
acorn, 0. Battler, H. Desjardine; 6
dent corn, H. Desjardine, E. Porter;
'Sweet cord, H. Desjardine, 0. Batt-
ler; Pop corn, N. Carter, H. Desjar-
Bunches grapes, Miss Brownett,
:Laithwait & Son; Coll. of grapes, E.
'17Tid4i1eton, Laithwait & Son; Peaches
. 'Sterling; Plate plums, Laithwait&
Son, Miss Brownett; Prunes, E. Por-
ter; Miss Brownett; Yellow crabs, H.
Desjardine, E. Porter; Red crabs, A.
'Varner, C. Middleton : Partied pears
leleClymont, J. Sterling; Flemish
Beauty, E. Porter, J. Sterling; Clap -
P's Favorite, 0. Battler Coll. of ap-
ples, J. Sterling, Laithwait & Son;
'Winter apples, 4 var. C. Middleton,
.J'� Sterling; Hamplier McIntosh, 3.
„Sterling, C. Middleton; Hamplier Nor
/tern Spies, E. Middleton, 3. Sterlinr-,
fall apples, 4 var., J. Sterling, Laid;
wait & Son l; Talinan sweets, E. Mid-.
:rlleto'r, J» Sterling; McIntosh reds, E.
Middleton, J. Sterling; Baldwins, La-
Ithwait & Son; F. Middleton; Mani
apples, J. Sterling, Laithwait &
Son; Northern Spies, J. Sterling, C
Middleton; King of Thomkins, J
sterling, C. Middleton; Greeninn;s, Yr
. ^rr is-;;, lii','son Pippen, J, Sterling,
Citerons,. A. Warner; Table pumpkin
0. Battler, A. Werner; Table squash
H. Trueznner, N. L. Carter; Feed
Pumpkin, A. Warner, H. Truemner;
Largest squash fes- r
er, F. Bail*e• • eed, H. Truemn-
; English 'potato 1'
M. Rader, 0:onions
Battler; .Wli'te . o J•
ions, F. Barker, 0. Battler; e ow en-
0. Red'to-
Battler•, R. Allen; Yellow
tomatoes, N. L. Carter, E. Foster;
Largest. tomatoes, N. Carter, A. War
ner; Plate Gherkins, 0. Battler, A.
Wainer; Cucumbers for team use,F.
Barker, N. Carter; Small fruit tom-
atoes; 0. Battler:, N. Carter; Head.of,
sunflower, 0. Battler, H. Desjardine;
Coll. of garden herbs, N. Carter Mrs
B. Pfile; Plate peppers, N. Carter, A.
Warner; Vegetable marrow, A. War-
ner, F. Barker; Green Hubbard squ-
ash„ H. Truemner, F. Barker; Yell-
ow Hubbard squash, A. Warner, F.
Barker; Egg• plant, A. Warner, N.
Carter; Miss O'Neil Special, N. L.
Bouquet, large, N. Woods, F. Par-
ker; Bouquet, small, F. Barker, .N L.
Woods; Coll. of Sylvia, N. L. Woods;
R. Allen; Coll. of dahlias, F. Barker,
N. Woods; Coll of ferias, F. Barker,
Coll. of pansies, N. W. Woods, R.
Allen; Coll. of tuberous, F. Barker,
N. Woods ;• Coll. fibrous rooted beg-
onias, R. Allen; Coll. of geranium
ingston, N Woods; Table cloth an
serviettes, M. Livingston, H. A. Fu:.
Tea cloth, cut work, Freda Schoe
hals, N. W. Woods; Tea cloth, em STANLEY ,TOWNSHIP.
M. Livingston; Tea cloth, crochet,
Woods, E. Merner; Tray cloth, env Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ronson of
M. Livingston, F. Samna's; Centre . Thomas, a bride and groom of re -
piece over 18" for dining table, airs,ntly, spent a week camping at
B. Pfile, J. W. Merner; Luncheoriiowden's beach near the Blue Wa-
set, Mrs. Pfile, H. Neeb • Buffet set;r Highway. Mr. and Mrs.. Snowden
Mrs. Pfile, Mrs. Howrie; Tea cosy,'id daughters entertained them one
Mrs. Livingston, R. Allen; Bridge seteening.
emb., F. Schonals, H. A. Fuss; Bridge;; Messrs Gladwin Westlake, Milton
set, appique, F. Sshoenhals, H. Fuss • i lbot and Robert Turner spent a
Buffet set, emb., E. Merner; Hemst- easant week -end at Niagara FaII's.
itched sheet, init., M. Woods, E. Mer The Misses Maribel and Jean Gar-
ner; Pillow cases hemstitched, H. A. le are visiting with friends in St.
Fuss, N. Woods; Pillow cases, emb., arys,
F. Shoenhals; Mrs. Pfile; Pillow cas- • McClinclrey-Gingerich
es, H. Tough, M. Livingston; Curtain '.A pretty wedding was solemnized
lace trimmed, M. Livingston, H. A. Brownsville, Ont., on Friday, Sep -
Fuss; 3 towels, emb., M. Rader, F. mer 20th, by the Rev. E. A. Pou1-
Schanhals; Towel, croochet H. Neeb„r; when Ida Alvina, daughter of
H. Fuss; Dress table set, F.nSehanlrals lr. and Mrs; Christopher Gingerich
A Warner; Fancy ben lamp shade, Stanley, north of Blake was un
ed Livingston, N. Woods; Enb. tea
towels, Mrs. Pfile, J. W. Merne,;
Chilr,'s dress, made from old `garm-
ent, J. W. Merner, H. Fuss; Child's,
play dress, J. W. Merner, H. Fuas;
Baby's jacket and bonnet, M. Rader,
J. W. Merner; Baby's bootees, J. W.
Merner, M. Rader; Baby's bootees
crochet J. W. Merner, M. Livingston.
Smoked dress for child, J. W. Morn-
er, H. Fuss; Baby's rompers, J. W.
Merner', M. Livingston; Apron, work,
J. W. Merner, H. Fuss; House dress,
H. Fuss, M. Livingston;. Ladies u'nu-
derwear, H. Fuss, M. Livingston Lad
. and Mrs, Thos. Meyers of Ztur
visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey
Jim. Johnston spent a few days
his sister, Mrs, E. E. Weiclo in
r. Harry Howard and 1VMr. George
tglas of Hensell called on Mr.
N. Douglas recently.
r. and Mrs. Ross Johnston, ac-
panied by Mrs. Edighoffer, spent
few days with friends at Fullar-
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Gascha and
o i Clarence, and daughter Laura,
isited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Desch
n Sunday.
Miss Mildred Heys 'spent. Sunday
kith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Miss Jessie Tough of Clinton, sp-
lit a few days with, Mr;. R. N,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Bechler. and
Emily visited with Mr. and Mrs.
mos Gingerich.
to group of young people of Poole
last,, held Young People's meeting
,r the Bronson Line church. Sunday.
re Mrs. McKee of Toronto, Mrs. Car -
line Oesch and Mr. John Flarbird. of
Zurich, spent the week -end. on the
Sparks Homestead.
Miss Browne R.
t, Geiger; Asters, J.
Cameron, R. Allen; Petunias, F. Bar-
ker, R. Allen; House plants, F. Bar-
ker, Colens, R. Allen, R. Geiger;
Gloxinia, F. McEwen; 4 var. annuals
R. Allen, F. Barker; Cosmos, R. AI -
len, E. Merner; Zinnias, F. Barker,
R. Allen; Verbenas, R, Allen, F. Bar
ker; Gladiolus, R. Allen, F. Barker;
Sweet peas, R. Allen, F. Middleton,
R. Cunninghaine Special, F. Barker.
Landscape, original, oil, M. Living-
stone, H. Fuss; Still life, oil, M. Liv-
ingston, Landscape, water color, E
a underwear silk, H, Fuss; Smccr„.
W Merner, M,Lrn
f t , -
;:ed in marriage to Ernest Manning,
icond son of Mr.,.and Mrs. George
cClinchey, of Varna. The ceremony
ras performed before a bank of
;ratty autumn flowers. The . bride
Jas charmingly, gowned. in a frock
f petunia ,transparent velvet with
lolorful ; . shotilderette. The brides-
naid; Miss ; Gertrude McCIinchey,
,vas smarttly dressed in a frock of
ut; brown-•, crepe with transparent
e1 et trii'nniing, Mr. Ephriam Gin-
Oxtcti, brother of the bride, acted as
roomsman. The groom's gift to the
ere -
Co servati
Town Hall, •
ctobe r 9th
At. & 15' o'clodls,
The FollowingSpeaker's:
A. R. Douglas, R. C. London
Past President, London Go e vn Association
.tan ,es Morley - Exeter
God Save The King
i . ..n�;,hf4iO4,U' Jx: r L'."sr'•Nrr.k, .1 -•'N
Truemner, Gerald Mason; Piccolo,
Donald Oestreichere Drums, Addison
Tietnau,. Gordon Eagleson, A num-
ber of new members are in practice
and are. expected: to jour. shortly. ,
re broken, and he was carried to the
hospital nearby. It took about 100
stitches to close a gash in his arm,
received when it went through a win-
dow, and he was also bruised and.
hurt. The son also was injured, his:
back. being wrenched.
H E N S A L L { Died at Exeter
1 Geo_ F. Winegarden passed away at
Miss Mary McGregor visited.
her sister in Goderich_
Miss Gladys Luker has returned
after spending a few days in T
Mrs. (Dr.) Reid of Port Rowe
spent a few days• visiting with 1
parents here.
Albert Passmore left Tuesday I
fee. Hamilton, where he will atter.
wrbh his home in Exeter N. in his 70th
year. The deceased had been ailing•
; for about two years. He had been:
To confined to his bed for five weeks..
Was bona in Blenheim: Twp and spi-
n' ent practically all his life in Park-
er hill before moving to Exeter 13 yrs.
,9 age. He is survived by his wife and
two eons and a daughter.. • ae
d ' • Detroit Lady Injuredi ' s r • a
bride was silverware, to the brides: � sehe'err
In id:`a 6asserole and to the g'roo s-1 ,yrs. Ruth Paisley, Mrs. E. Rennie
turn 's"•n ancon was served,e
Mrs. Howrie; Be'd 'jacket A. g ' after watch the
N. Woods; Pullover N.Warner happy couple left for Port Huron
: W000ds,: H. land Detroit.. The bride travelling in
Neeb; Apron, fancy, F. Schonlals, as frock of brown sheer crepe, with
E. Merrier; Fancy handbag, M. Liv *fie stitch trimming, brown tree
ingston, H. Fuss; Ladies' dress made ;bark suede fabric coat, with seal
from old garment, 3. W. Tierner;; H. ;trimming, hat, shoes, gloves and
Fuss; Home dying, • .0. Battler,. H,• 'purse, to match. On their return they
Desjardine; Man's sport shirt, Mrs. will reside on the groom's faun on
B. Pfifile, H. Puss; Pyjamas,'' M., the. Bayfi;1id Road.
Livingston, J. W. Merner; Pullover . '
sweater H. Fuss, F. Schanhals; Mitts . '
heavy, Mrs. Howrie 0 Battl !
Socks, heavy Mrs. Pfile, II Fuse;
, fine, M. Livingston, H. Neeb 1;
Specimen showing patch hemmed, H. .6Dashwood C. E Band, Anwar EI
Neeb, H. Fuss; Filet crochet, H. Ne -action
eb, M. Woods; Tatting, M. Living- The Christian Endeavour Band of
stop H. g Dashwood Evangelical Church held
Neeb; Fancy knitteng in ;their annual election of officers in
cotton, Mrs. Pfile, M. Rader; Drawn Timan's Hall recently. The treasur•-
thread work Mrs. Pfile, M.
Living- er,eMiss Phylis Reid reported the
stop; Hemstitching, Mrs. Pfile, H. 'total amount raised during the year
Fuss; Cut Work, F. Schanhals,
Woods; Tapestry work in petite, N.
N. $151.73 and a balance in the trees -
Woods, H. Fuss; Cross Stitch, To tiry of $30.15. Addison Tieman,the
Schanhals, M. Livingston; 3 -cornered president was re-elected for another
darning, H. Fuss, Mrs. Pfile; Darn- year The other officers are: Vice
ing on woman's sox, H. Neeb; Bed Pres''- Mrs. Thos. ; Secy,-
spread white, E. Foster, A. Warner' Treas., Miss Gertrude Hoffman;
Leader, Rev. W. S. Henrick; Asst.
Leaders Harry Hoffman, 2nd Asst.,
Howard ' Klumpp; Librarians, Rose
Guenther, Murray Wolfe.
• The following committees were ap-
pointed: Membership, the Executiveni
Engagement, Addison Tiean, Mrs. Klurnpp, Harry Hoffman; SocialIVlrs. A. Kellerman, Mrs. A. E. Oes.
treicker, Garnet Wildfong; Program
V'icec Pres. and leaders; Purchasing
the leaders; Transportation Mervyn
Bed spread tufted, 0. Battler, Mrs.
Mowrie; Quilt oppique, E. Foster,
Mrs. Howrie; Quilt, cotton, 0. Geig-
er, M. Rader; Compforter fancy, N.
Carter; Compforter, goose down, E.
Foster; Afghan, R. Geiger, J. Ster-
ling; Hearth rug, M. Livingston, H.
A. Fuss; Hearth rug hooked, Mrs. B.
Pfile, Mrs. Howrie; Rug mat braided
0. geiger Mrs. Pfile; Labor saving
device, Mrs. Pfile, Mrs. Howrie; Gra-
ded mat, Mrs. Pfile; Bestessay on
Bayfield Fair, Clara . Clark, Jim
Brandon; Drawing prospective, Clara
Clark, Jack Murray; Drawing still
fe, Clara Clark, Bob McLeod; Bird
ouse, Robt, Sterling, Rona:ne Gei-
ger; Taffy, P. Maxwell, P. MccCly-
niont; Coll woods, Jimmie Cleave,
ab McLeod; Dressed doll, F. Me-
Clymont, Elsie McLeod; Paper flow -
ors, Romaine Geiger, Mary Snowden;
Education pictures, • F. Middleton;,
Drawing birds and pets, Mary Snow-
den, Mary Stephenson,
er, M. Livingston; Fruit, water h
color, M. Livingstin; Flowers, water
color, H. Fuss, M. Livingston; Pen
and ink drawing, H. Fuss, M. Living-
ston; Drawing crayon on lead, M. Liv B
ingston, R. Allen; Painting on silk.
M. Livingston, H. Penhale; Hand
painted china, Id. Livingston, Mrs.
Howrie; Stencling on fabric, H. A.
Fuss; Fruit and flowers: in oil, . M.
Livingston, H. Fuss.
Skein twisted yarn, M. Rader;
Skein, woollen yarn, M. Rader; Corn
'tusk door mat, Miss Browonett, M.
lacier; Homemade article of furni -
ire, Mrs. B. Pfile; Homemade haat
'oap, F. McClymont. H. Fuss;
J,iviail 'room acce; ;grins -.-:'table
'entrepiece, M. Livingston, XZ. Neeb;
' ie i,ea.,, sr, M. T.ivir,. ton, .A, War
'ter-; Cushion. einh., 1.1. Neeb. A. ,
swrne.r; Citr'7:i c:o;r,,r„,„ re
de, DJ, Rader; ;tt.wp sharia, la. Liv
Rev. and Mrs. Conner and Elane
i I;lane
of Embro called on friends here last
week and in the vicinity,
Mr. P. McDonald • of Stratford:,
visited friends one afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Huxtable o1' Can -
testae visited Mrs. Love on Sunday.
are and 1V.Crs. W, Davidson were
..:.ted wide friends .from 1VMontrton.
sties a 4, -Ce Co rr:i� o C1.101).
t:siUing hor sister, Mrs. H. lamcy:c.
Tiernan, Wesley Wolfe, Thames
(lurnpp, Floyd Wein.
I This group of young musicians.
which was organized one year ago
has made remarkable progress since
the majority hod never playea an in-
strument before. Rev. Henrick de-
serves much credit for this successfrom 8 to 10
140o ll;,? Caartetan,. Mrs deo. Rem
ed, after a pleasant motor trip to +Citr
illia and Callender.
Mrs. Bingham, Formerly A•imie'
McEwen, died in Dr. Moire alospita.1
last Thursday morning. The funeral
was, held private fromher brotrlier'ss:
home, Hugh McEwen
Katheryn Drysdale of St. Thomas
visited for a week -end enat her. home
3Vrt C dial of Detroit had the
taxtickv a ker back strained while:
hem. .fin McLeod and Ruth
i io
ti . r euni;teCZ .11ed in -
Ijury when the ear in which they we-
re driving swerved on the road be-
tweensc +lsh and Ripley. The car-
took to the ditch when the rear left -
tires biew out. It was travelling for •
about 50 yards in the ditch, turning:
over°:ince and finally coming to rest
against .a telephone pole. It was bad
ly damaged -
'Mrs AlenMeM'artrie spent. a. few
days with her sons an Stanley and
Hay Twps.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boxithron were
camping a few daysat their cottage
at Grana Band'..
Mr_ and Mrs. (l eral'cl: Colvin and
Mrs_ John Colvin of Lobo Tp., visited.
with Mr. and... Fred: Corbett.
Rev. M.. las and. Mrs.. Parker of
• Morpeth visited with. friends. iar the
Mr. ancX:, Mrs. John . Passmore vis
ited for a few days with their dau-
ghter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. McLean in Hamilton.
Mrs., Malkinson is. spending a few
weeks in Lakeside atthe home of
her brother, J. Young.
Florence McDonald has returned to
London, after spending a week with
her .mother, Mrs.. .;pies McDexceili':.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Goodwin and dau-
ghter spent a weekend- with relatives,
at Lakeside
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shelterr left fur.
Port Rowan where they will visit .for
a couple of weeks with their daught-
er and son-in-law, Dr .and Mrs. Reid
Little Glatoline• Palmer; dauglit•
of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Palmer, who
was operated on in London Hospital,
two weeks ago for: •mastoid trouble,is
improving nicely and will soon be
able to leave the hospital.
The Ilensall Public- Library Board
intend holding a tea in the council
chamber an• Friday eve, Oct. 4th..
through his untiring and efficient
leadership which he has so freely
riven both in public and private.
The personel ofthe band is as
follows : Cornets, Harry xtofman,•
Maurice Klumpp, Mrs. Betty Taylor;
Kenneth Wein, Mervyn Stade, Hu-
bert 1 estameyer, Sheldon Wein,
Elwood Truemner; Trombones, Miss
•Florence Baker, Mrs. Alvin Keller-
man, Floyd Wein, Garnet Wii<i.fong,
Pearl Witmer; .Baritones, Mrs. Tham-
es Klunipp, Wesley 'Wolfe, i'wTi7Tiam
Iileinstiver;, Altos, Miss Gertrude
Iiofffman, Mrs. A. E, Oe: trcicker,
Ross Guenther, Milford Mason; Bass
i.hos, Klunipp,'Lloyd Bagleron, Alb-
rrt Goetz; Clarinets, Miss PTiyiiis
lead, Mies Jean V)'eber, Stuert Wolfe
vowa,,d Itlumpp, Murray Wolfe, Mie
yil P1eman, I ted Hopkroft, Hilton
Mrs. Kirkby of California was in
town recently visiting her cousin,
Mrs. Jack Tapp and Mr. Tapp. Mrs.
l' rkby has spent the past 8 months
Ion a cruise to: the. Orient, visiting the
;Holy' Land; Turkey; Italy, Swifter -
land, France, England. and''S+cotland,
She is: visiting • with her brothers,'itob
'and James Ca.rnochan and their wave
es of' Seafarth. She will be :returning
to, Califisania• slieortly,.:
Murder Charge Dropped.
Owen Sound -Johan Taylor, charg--
I ed with the murder of Arthur Gough.
1 -who died from knife wounds, walked
front police court a free man. Taylor'
.appearing before Mag. Spersman,.
lreattd Comely Crown Attorney Birnie
ask for withdrawl of the murd'er-
I charge. The withdrawl followed the;
'aerdiiet of a ncoroner's jury that the
manner in which Gough lost his life
was "purely accidental." Gough.
',came to the Taylor home entered the;
back Boor where Taylor was cutting'
bread, and threw his arms around'
Taylor's neck in a greeting. In thee
innocent but hearty greeting they
Ionife iu Taylor's hands sank into
Gm's body and he died in the hos,
pita' the following morning.
Storni at Kincardine
The 'sudden and violent storm oi."
Tuesday night, Aug. 27, wreackeeli
havoc in many parts of the clietisibta
Iia: icardine a fishing tug• was badly -
damaged an spite of all-night. efforts::
on the part of her crew to save her..
Many fish houses were damaged: Line -
es them the tug were not sufficient'.
strength to withstand the force of the
violent blasts and the boat was dash-
ed 'against the harbor wall. In the
town many trees suffered and on
farms in the ,adjoining district fa i-
ers had to work hard to save Weir
stades from hying away. The sttuxca
was felt as far south as taegelil'erica
north to Southampton with trees ane.
other movable objects suffering.
Scalp Nearly Torn Off
With her scalp nearly torn from her -
head, ,.and -with her body bruised ands'
bleeding Mrs. John Stewart, of Us -
femme, phoned for medical assistance-
ssistancefollowing an accident at her homer
They reside on the Thames Road am/:
zaao operate anotherfarm: Threshing•;
operations had been in progress ort
The distant farm and` 1VIts. Stewart
had been over providing meals for
the threshers. She had driven home ins
i I
COUNTY TTY NE1 S an auto after sapper and had parketi'
en the driveway
y near the house. She -
gone to the barn and tied up the •
cows and returneing had • taken some
things from the car into the house -
With the fast Ioad she was carrying-
,,:_,• '^y 9h e' q•!hep grade •
at the spot and Mrs. Stewart passed'
mart Of the car when it startedia
Accident at Clinton
A scaffold' on which N: Kennedy
'arta soli Jim, were at' work at a honk
at Clinton eallcpc;d and they crash- -
ed to the ground: The older mane was
Livere1 tial.;, alloy*noI, hones eve-