HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-10-03, Page 1Vol, „XXXVL No. 13 • SUR•CH.. THURSDAY MOI*NIN'O; CTOBER 3 t935 Chester L. Smith, Publishert $1.25 a year, U.S. $1,50 en. Advent* $1,60 LNARREARS, $2 MAY BB ONJUitenno Let the Ads, in the Herald you in your Fali Puretiases 101,d, W. Decker, H. Penhale; 1 yr. old ,.BiYFIE.IiT FA11$ --; Team, W. Dee- �B'. Decker, N..Keysa ilex, Manson. Bros. The annual fall fair *MT held cin r, Manson Br yr_ old, R. Snowden, the Agricultural grounds; at; B'a o � yfield T, Snnowden'; 1 -yr„ old, A. Melicck, last Thursday with a fairly good at- tendance, although the weather pro- ved. rather inclement in the afternoo11 as shortly after one &clock a driz- zling rain appearedl andat times during the afternoon it rained ate heavy. The exhibits wend verybeingwell od, the inside depart fille as the prize list will shOvt high • outside exhibit's were of a very standard, and some very good live stock was exhibited. Owing to the unfavorable weather there was no baby show and no &Miele contests. The .prize winners;_ HORSES Wagon Class—Brood mare,, accom- panied by foal, Jr. Gelinas, A. Efeliek; .Foal, J. Geliaas;, W.. Decker; r; 2 yr - Bo You Need Glasses? R. Geiger; Foal, T. Snowden and ..n Agricultural Class—Brood are N Keys, T. Snowden, Foal, N. Keys, J. Gelinas; 2 yr. old, N. Keys, E. Web - sten; 1 yr. old, N. Keys; Team, E. Webster, Miss Brownett, Heavy Draught Class ---Brand mare Miss Brownett, F � Miss Brownet , E. Webster; 2 yr. Team, M. Webster, N. Keys. Roadster Class=Brood .mare, R. Geiger, E. Kerner; Foal, E. Merner; Single roadster, H. Truemner. Carriage Class—Foal N. Keys, R. Geiger; 2 yr. old, R Geiger, E. Gar- ter; Single Corriage horse, J. Man - tin; Lady driver, II. Truemner. Hailey Special, 11. Truemner; Best heavy horse on grounds, N. Keys, M. Webster; Merner's Special, J. Gelin- as; Best colt on halter, .Jr Gelinas, N. Keys. CATTLE Grade Cattle—Milch cow, Miss I3rownet't, F. Car -heft; 2 yr. old heif- er, Miss Brownett, T. Snownen; 1 yr. old heifer, T. Snowden, J. Etue; he- ifer calf, A. Warner; Two yr- old steer, Miss Brownett, T. Snowden; Steer, one yr old, J. Etue; _Stop and Think how important it is Dunham, Class— Milch cow 2n •calf 1that you wear correct glasses--cor- B. Peck, W. Oestreicker; heifer one erectly prescribed for your vision. `and two yr. olds, B. Peck, W. Oes- LCorrectly styled to your fora Your treicker; Heifer calf W. Oestreicker ihealth may largely depend on green B. Peck; bull calf, W. Oestreicker,B. vision: Peck. See C. E. ZD ZURBRIOG, R. O. Herfords, F Gorber't took 1st and 2nd in all these classes. Polled Angus P. Dearing took all. prizes in this class, Jersey --Milch cow, A. E. Erwin, Geo. Little. Sparks took Holsteins Class—Wm. Spa alt prizes in- this class.' .Bab Beef :Special -•a • ylestreickex ea - At HESS JEWELLERY STORE • Every Tuesday at ZURICH -At Dashwood, Saturday„ at; Store. ST. PETER ;vangehcal Lutheran Chur ZURICIL corr. "A Changeless Ci riot Ear a Chang- ing Friday, 8h --Luther League. 'Saturday—Choir Practice - -SUNDAY SERVICES: • -:10 a. m.—German Service. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—English service. :`Everybody Welcome tai- all Services.. E. TUERKHE1 M, Pastor. Aliens and. Bob; Work.S..tio EXTRA SPECIAL We have put in a Stock';o, Good Choice. Quality Mens! and Boys' Work Shoes, and; invite the public to come in' and we can fit you up. GARFILED BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Ont, WE GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN- SHIP IN REPAIRING Your Patronage Solicited inas and 2nd; Wether lamb, T. Sno •'c w.,,t .leas, T:eicester—Shearling $?m, C. Law- son, .A. Warner; Ram lamb, C. Law- son, :and 2nd.,; Ewe, C. Lawson, A- W.arner; .Shearling ewe, C. Donbrook C..Lawson Ewe lamb, C. Donbrook, C. Lawson. Lincoln :Sheep --Ranh J :Stephen- son, T. Snowden; Shearling ram, J. Stephenson; Ram la.uih, J. Stephen- son, T. 'Ssuow.derr; Ewe, J :Stephen- son, T. Snowden; Shearling ewe, T. Snowden, J, D; Stephenson; Ewe lamb, • J. Stephenson, T. Snowden. Shropshire Class --Ram lamb, J. Gelinas and. 2nd; Ewe, T. `Gelinas; Shearling ewe and ewe lamb, J. `Gel- wden, C. Donbrook. Dorsts sheep—Ram, C. Donbrook and 2nd; Shearling ram, ram iamb,, ewe, shearling ewe, and ewe lamb,; 1st and 2nd, by P. Dearing. PIGS Berkshire --Brood sow, T. Snowden young boar, C. Donbrook; Yo.iig' sow. C, Donbrook T. Snowden.:. Yorkshire—Agen boar, A. Wm her Manson Bros;, Brood sow, yo ng sow and younrboar, A. Warner =nd 2nd. Reg. Pigs—Aged boar, Maio Bros., T. Snowden; Brood sow nd' young boar, Manson Bros, and Young sow, T. Snowden ' and Best boar, any breed, A. War Best sow, any breed T. Snow, Best pair bacon hogs, A. Warne POULTRY BrahmaS; aulletty L tO'Bre Mrs. Wm. Brown left for London where she has taken a position. , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hey of the Babylon Line, spent Friday at Forest on business. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jacobe and son Laird visited relatives in Park- hill ..o1 Sunday. Miss Clara Weber of London was a week -end visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber. There Will be Holy Communion service .in the Evangelical church next Sunday morning. Preparatory service this Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Eli:nck of Elmira Were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hilton True - inner,' 14th con. A number of villagers d.ttended the Kirkton Fanr on Wednesday, the day was ideal, and some of our local ex- hibitors had some things there. Mr. Wm. Lamont, Miss Jane, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont motored to Forest on Saturday, where they attended thenannual•fair. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oliver of Lon - d; don, and Mx:'and Mrs. William Cole rid; of Windsor,. were week -end visitors er; at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Weber. '' .The 'Ziuric>,'Brageele of the Zurich Mme 'sAnetitUt'er wilfaltela + ! , •p;�Bnr $8.95 $8.95 Beautiful Gents' 15 Jewel WRIST WATCHES You'll be proud to own! Ness, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich CRASH! Fuel Prices are do WD. Put Cur your winter supply now when,:. Coal is at the lowest pike fop this Season. COAL IS TT -TF. HIGHEST GRADE O1 COAL MINED The color guarantees the quality, wee have all sizes. Also: Comet 5 -' vay Coke. Miller Creek and Poca— hontas Briquets. T•.ile and Priell. W. R. DAVIDSON' CASH paid f, r Eggs on a Graded' Basis. Phone 10 HENS � . • .1.4.04• 0.0440.0••••••OOOati014004>*.***44t4Q>414,41• 2, • • Sp ecial SAL o•. ifiSMEI • a WE. SELL TITLE BEST FOR LESS SEE. OUR !LARGE BILLS :FOR MONEY SAVINGHARVEST SALE. We are putting •on .this ,SALE Far.' this Week to Enable all House Wives tolag 'in a Stock of Eesti Croicerim At 1:o vest. 'l'rlr COME! AND +GET YOUR SUPPLY ERNIF Highest Pikes f Eggs, , 4' 4 .xa is ekelially invited. Dr. MacKinnon. Couchins—Cock, and lien, J.' Koc- I 1V x, Leonard Klopp and family; kens. i DrKlopp and daughter of IUit- F. Langshan—Pullett, coag, and coc- then r and Mr. Horace Klopp of St- krel, L. O'Brein and 2nd,; ratfoxd were recent visitors with Barred Rocks—Pullett, C. Don - their mother, Mrs. Wm. Klopp, of brook and 2nd; cock, .F McClymont, town s` hen, F. McClymont and 2nd; cockrel •'; The'' Hydro power was off a few, C. Donbrook, F. McClymont. Ilar e limb Plymouth Rocks—Pullet, T. Snow •:hours hon Monday, a g den, E. Porter; Cock 0: -Battler, H.. *•as blown a at lou e e some e . Harryy Truemner;. hen H. Truemner, 'I'. Sn- 'Hess' shop, .owden; Cockrel H. Truemner, T. repair the line and clear away the Snowden. debhnis. White Wyandottes—Pullet, G. Don '?:. The annual -fowl supper of Varna brook, H. Truemner; Cockrel, H. Tru ,United Church will be held on Thurs corer, C. Donbrook. da evening, October 10th from 6 Silver Wyandottes, hen L. O'Brein '`to 8 o'clock. The program following and 2nd. ,, Buff Orpingtons—Pullet, J. Kock -the supper will be given by the Lam - ems and 2nd; Cock, F. Kockems, H. beth Concert Quartettes, and comes highly recommended. The public are Truemner; hen, F. Kockems, T. Sno invhted. wden; Cockerel F. Kockems. Silver grey Dorkings—Pullett, 0. W. M. S. MEET tler, 3. Kockems; cock J. Kock - and 2nd. hen Kockems and 2nd; . The twenty-seventh annual Conven- erns Cockrel, 0. Battler, J. Kock:ems.. tion of the Women's Missionary So - Brown Legborn --,Pullett H. True- 'ciety of the Evangelical Lntheron True - inner. C Derhroole; rocs' and hen, C. PITT. ,i 1 of Canada wae held in Filet Donbrook; Cockrel C. Donbrook, H. English Lutheran church, Kitchener, Truemner. I the Rev. A. G. Jacobi, pastor, on. White .Leghorns—Puhilet, C. Don- September 25th and '26th. The brook, A. nettles; cock, C. i:onl�rook j theme of the convention, The Missi- Miss` Brownett; hen, C. Donbrook, onary Benediction" was ably present - Miss Brownett; Cockrel, C. Donbrook ed in the three devotional periods. E. Porter.I We have been blessed. We shall be 'Rhode Island Reds—Pullett, J• a blessing, and greater blessings are Kockems and 2nd; cock, J. Kockems still in store for us, and all the world C. Donbrook; hen J. Kocl:eins and .Splendid addresses were relivered at 2nd; Cockerel, J. Kockems and 2nd. each of the sessions of the conven- q.roo gas—Pullet, L. O'Brein took tion by Sister Louise Stitzer, deacon- ;aIl •prizes in this class.ess from Rochester, N. York, and Air; Oampines—L. O'Brein tok all pri- A F. A. Neudoerffer, a missionary= zes in this class. I on furlough from India. A sketch Mk : C ants—PLillct. H. i'au- ""The Circle", was used for the pre- -emner and 2nd; Cock, J. Isockerns sentation of the reports of the De - and 2nd; hen H. Truemner, J. Kock- partment Secretaries' Reports show - ems; Cockrel, H. Truemner, C. Don- ed progress was being made. A me- brook. mortal Service was conducted for the i Light Sussex—Pullet, C. Deihl, J. departed members by Mrs. J. C. 7Loc'kems; hen C. Diehl; cockrel C. Casselman. The following:. officers Diehl, J. Kockems. were elected: President, Mrs N. Wil. - j Guineas—Pullet. H. Penhale and Lison, Hamilton; lst vice :fires., Mrs. Bra, 'Cock, H. Penhale,T. Snowden; i J. R. Collins, Montreal;' 2nd vice hen F McClymont, H. Penhale,coc- pies., Mrs. J. C. Casselman, Morris- krel. H. Penhale and 2nd. burg; Secretary, Mrs. W. Klinck, Blk. Spanish—F Kockems took all; Elmira; Treasurer, Mrs. i+. Vale, in this class. ' Hamilton. A banquet in the Sunday 1311c. Minorcan --Pullet J. I°ckeXns School rooms of the church was fol - C. Donbrook; cock, H. Treinner, `J. lowoed by a very interesting• pro- Kockems hen H. Truemner, J. Ko- giramme •arranged by Mrs. Huener- ckems; cockerel, J. Kockems s lid 2±tt gale; and stressed the importance of Andalusians—Pullett, L. 0 4,x se y r young people's work in the church. 0. Battier; cock, C. Donbrook 1986 Convention will be held in Battler; hen, L. O'1.3rein4.1•90 aildSt. Paul's church, Movriehurg. e ,nil o� h°�,a•be1 cockrel, 0. Battler, L. O'Breni. An hr,ct oih l - Silver lYaiu:burgs - i'ullet, L. 0':- Brein, Dr MacKinon ; cock, L• Oy eels will be held at the, hour to Mr. Charles Weber. Zurich, on Saturday Brein, Dr. MacKinnon, hen, lin Maes Afternoon, Cctober 12th. Further Kinnon and 2nd; cockrel, ]Jt Mac- announcements next week. -0 Klopp I in.:nen and 2nd. Atict%ezhnet. _, '(Concluded on Page Four) 4 • • • • • • • • 0 • ••9 • 6 $ • • • • 4 • • • • • • • • a t e • a 4 e • • e. P?9CpdL da {.+ • M. ONLY Suits and Extra Tro elee secs t MADE BY THE OLD WELL KNOV FIRM OF BERGER TAILORING CO. Clothes of Quality • 44, 440 404 414 444 El#4BRIMERS ,t ND FUNERAL Di RECTORS f, WON.. 0.31•111.1.1=0•13••1310111MICKESI seaussmomsszamerssustsmanomeassmossmemetscassomaTzesmasso•L e uce ices WE ARE OFFERING THE FOLLI GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES WHILE THEY LAST: Children's and Grown-ups Running Shy Canvas Shoes, and Men's Harvest Shoes, at Men's and Boys' Light Weigtit Overalls, au Shirts; Boys' Tweed Pants and. Bloomers Sit able for School Wear; House Dresses,, Print.% Curtains and Curtain Goods., �Y Na �z w GENERAL MERCHANT pHQN+ 11 97 ry,J4fi . rr'aJ R,;...n