HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-09-19, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL .DUDLEY F. HoL E "BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPLJBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just coif the Square, GODERTCH, Ontario. Special Attention to Counsel and Court Work. :Mr. Holmes . may he consulted .at ^RCodericix by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL D�. H. 11. OW L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIA.N A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. *Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of 'Toronto. All 3iseases of domestic animals treated 'by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night malls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Fennels. Office on Main Street, opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSSALL. BUTCHERS Z Bic is' Popular .EAT MARKET T Let Us suprpiy you with the, very Choice of Fresh e,nd Cur- ed Meats, Bologr;aas, Sausages, Put Your Want, • For Sale I,ost, ' Found; Etc. Ads.. in this Coluinu. .41 AUCTION SALE Of STOCKERS ANI) FEEDERS To be Sold at FRED ELLERINGTOl'S FARM 3% Miles East and 2 miles north o Exeter, on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th Sale to start at 2 pan, 120 Head Steers and Heifers, 600 to 800 pounds. TERMS—CASH J. McArthur, Proprietor. W. Nairn, Auctioneer. from. FOR SALE Second hand heater, Good as new, Ten Dollars will buy it. See it at office of A. F. Hess; Zurich. Plums For Sale . Blue PIums for sale. Apply to Phone 98 r 15, Hensall central. FARMERS! ATTENTION! • We have been appointed selling Agents for the celebrated Viking, Diabolo Cream Separator, the separ- ator with a ten year guarantee. Let us demonstrate this machine to you and compare it with all others. And don't rror.•get, the bed feature is the unusual easy terms. Liberal allowance for trade-ins. C. SCHRAG & SON, .pt23 LOCAL Y Mr. and Mrs. A. Brand spent Saturday with Miss Mr. Harry Talbott of Ba his Zurich friends a friery Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Holly, Mich., visited for 'i left;•; with Zurich friends. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brisson Windsor, called on friends Inc parts over ;Sunday. Rev. J, J, Maas of Detroit, w- liver sermons in the Lutherancis. on the coming Sunday. Monday morning was the .c:t morning this fall and there wasr' of frost in the lower swamp It Misses Mabel Wilson anu l Schade of Wilton Grove visite as friends on the Blue Water over the week -end. Miss Gertrude Schade is spending a few weeks her home on the Blue W way, south. Next Thursday is the da annual l3avfield Fall Fair ;';1 a great many from these tend this annual event, we the public to keep the date Sunday visitors at the ho and Mrs. Rudy Sehwartzen the Bronson fine were: Mr. Fred Grell •and Mr. and Walsh of London. 0 ;ny rr :t•t ligh- Mr. and Mrs. George Ke Ohio, who visited for some the home of the latter's pai and Mrs. Conrad Schilbe, „h turned to their home. The United Church of Va es to announce that their sexy services will be held on October 6th, this will be foil the annual Fowl Supper o day evening, October 10th. lie. pre -asked to keep. these mind. the at bad. Names Candidate N. Huron At a. meeting held in the town hall at Winghain, W. J. Henderson, Win- o+' 111or,.;;. Tp,., was selected to represent the M �EJIa 1.4tA.U11.4. tie LAW). par 6y in N. rluron in the coming federal election. r, I'1 rrieon. of Sarnie . Re.eoneer action party organizer, was present axed prier co the election o>: a cand- idate, a Stevens Club WAS formed for ;he riding. f ;,ere were de' .. eepresenting all parts of the riding ,sresent and a number of the genera, public. Mr r of ,Mrs. Social Credit is the only remedy **000000***000000 • i r 9 e 0 A Outlines Party Creed Like Premier Wm. Aberhart, of Alberta; another native son of Hur- on County, who is planning to lead a new political party- in the .Dominion is visiting Ontario 'i`he .tan is David Ross, native of `fuckcrsmith Tp. and a graduate of Clinton Collegiate In- stitute. The name of Mr. Ross' group is the National Party. Ile is a farmer of Strasburg, Sask., where lie bee. lived since 1903. He is a son of the :,r.e Rev. John ltos-., who was the first Presbyterian minister in the i.luron tract. The father died in 1887 at Brumfield. Mr. ltoss was at Str- atford the other day. Native of Huron NOTICE We Pay .a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at ow Plant. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteeul• Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. Yours Truly, ZURICH CREAMERY lQ1eatUeWJ4Atik9QCoeseQetee**GS00egmt, a r.z*ax, w,�R••;� Jim for the pre:•'ent economic ills, and if the people 'efuse to accept the re- 1 medy they will see the streets ran - of ning red with blood, Hon. William Aberhart, p:•emuar of Alberta, told a '- c.ongeeguiiola o: re-- than 1,200 it`, re- people who crowded e,ury avaiiaeie . - corner of First Presbyterian Church Z at aSeforth on Sunday evening, to, + taffiweaPeam..02E0 hear a former resident preach a ser-1g..3.<I.p3^3r.g..I..q.•g...§•,1.4••1••4•4••€4.4.'r%e.e3-d•4'4.e.e.e.e..•.e+,+8•• +++ •4+:•+++•f• -ib mon in which he combined religion and economics, and held that the two should go hand in hand. The school teacher Premier, who gave Alberta the :ir.si Social Credit Gov- ernment in the world, not only prea- ched the sermon, but he preached a 11 Mr. and Mrs. Nelson 'klchan children ]Bobbie and. Doroth • and Mrs. Erwin Dedels and IUI all of Kitchener, were Sunday. ors at the home of Mr. and M Date Sr Cut Your Fuel • Bill a HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. PI -!ONE 69 vish- iver- day, d by r,urs- nub- s in NOTICE Ect., always on band. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration J -liglxest Cash Pr{ it 3 for Wool, Hies and Skins,{u , un b l t & n r GARAGE. ' RES NO A MOST GENEROUS ALL,OWAE STOCK REDUCI^iM SALE NOW ON! 'Phone 60 DASHWOOD INSURANCE atm Fanners' M t l 'Weather his°i OT's WOOD TOC HE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- .AN'Cl OF ANY CANADIAN N MUT- 113AL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO „;mount of Insurance et 'Risk on Dec. 31st, 1934, $19,613,539. Kit +8» Jr �r >r and <ermonettt fti ronnt•etion with the 06b0***NDG3�600Eseroac'oome E�594enet w i4'r• reading of the lesson. "I know what ion.' Tam go r ; i:o de,” the Alberta prem- ys sr'= ier asserted. `Thr Ontario people are l Ed. the strongest in the Dominion, and: G.oy elioald be :„ht on their toes, if II might be permitted, use that ex -1 0 147rc., l;araar.a Ger` er of the ran , for pre~sioni Laek ee up anything e.e. , • vent € son li •e, who hue recently tend i pee " ilia ire . welfare of pie. �l a 'n a position to do expert, alt op r,+or tti I��t h` .z1 ho.rztfrl, • ' B' l n s reco red( It c: re x wheat cleaning at our mill. ting are 1' :vice to state G• you wheat and have it well cleaned. sufficiently thnt she could be bre gl;*� Hense li i Feer foo1 110 ,u, and is now' stays L. Schilbe & Son, Zurich. the leano':' h: r b:•other, LI . C Swartzntruba:. Su 'ay ane the cele] ,ratiin o FOR SALE ri e 1 The enneal seheel fair held here' fl vas one r the ini5' uce:•' -f i 'into i the establishment of the feature. In , the Gist ea-elveni y of the e,ur;.L' 1 airt ,eta;ug by pupils of the village and, �•� <9. parade of ptlp `:re class there vr' . un e cellent +a • manuel Evangelical church, am district: Thele was services were held in the nior A Rubber Tired Top Buggy in and eve�i n there were large good: conditiee-' '''so: 3 Turner Pur- encs present, and the day goes Wan coal c with oven.:.2 bur- history as a big success i3. ' dr'u.: ...x van.' ' .pp y' to 3TMYd* " ee, or ehener, was the annivc ave n e.e,. rnn� x14 wirh their teachers, headed by the 1fIi 1 ::I ' Band. Schools taking part {'*e+x?eomersaTni, "i:Ko. 2, flare, ,:J;0 1.,..; "§borne. Each was presented . •itis , p ;?. A p;,b1'c speaking con- cit ve,sn ..on a, follows: A. Morgan, neo. 10 ileboint,; J. Paisley, Ileneall; R. Thaiit eon, 'Jensen. A trophy was if won by Miss 'Blanche 'Thompson, hav-1 ep, ing 61 paints. bet bt won it la t i �) yc r the ruleA reveiving it to the second year ::o . i'c• xVL; awardeed', 6 phone 99' r 21, Ilensall oentxal. and preached two very goed sena- FARM FOR SALE ons. Liberal offerings wore A special feature were the,et<'n i.d chorusee by nearly forty men. W. M. S. MEET,: The Womens' Missionary Society her second prize. Jc'a,ir i'aislev anri� Consisting of 75 acres of choice of St. 1'cleis' L' . L•uther n church Helen Selves arh Lad )r, points, farming land, situated one quarterheld their monthly meeting on Mon < O.". i„ drawing J< - mile south of Zurich fudge limits. day :,v, a .ng in the ,,i :,•eh ba +- making it a f' c mn t<, _'l and Helen 1C'•• Good buildings, well fenced and dra.- The topic "Our Church r�oartls, roved thiie won el prier:. t TiG l`1<J�$;`t `e fined lent of good water. Farm l ,. < eude were: ;4.0 ,.. ,p Yu<^ �.',,..d,,,,:.ri '.' I.IiIcT + 1 otic w • a�.W is in good state of cultivation, 10 iliDs A. Ila4 i ,.,. u , `, a ei I, e , e r '..'.I,.1, i red ; acres of good hardwood hush. For; llatars, ioirss (= VYc aei 1 1. ve; Robt 1‘.1e1.7.0 i further particulars apply to prop- l Krueger. Mrs, Edward Datai , resit McDonald t i, , ri, P. Watt. Yowl? Wi Cold Days will soon be here again, a: al p: ovision must be made with suitable Fuel to keep the home warm and cosey. We can supply practically all the called for grades of Coal and Coke with ;prices very moderate Let us fill your Bin! Master and Pioneer Chick Staters. a) e l4ei -. �<.. �`: ._:.,.. Cultivator Points to fit all makes of Cultivators. McCormich-Deering. "Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. e t� +rte i at rietor: p8 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $235,550.31 : tes-.---,$4:50 per $1,000 for 3 Years: ' . . .1cpp—baTfic It Adeat,,Also healer in Lhith wind Bads and all kinds of Fire insurance PRODUCE Live Peuitzy. W A j n LOUIS WURii , Zurich red a poem entitled "When Evening comes.- NOTICE Thankofferiirg thought, and Mrs. i:. Turkheim offered prayer for the Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. young men and women entering VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the lat Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. Zuric e h .Taken every Day till o''cl;ock pen. Ind not feed Fowl seine rooming when brought irrt Iid t ° Chesq Pfu.CP —FOR -- Used Cars For Sale We are offering the following used Cars for sale: 1-1927 Ford Coach, mechanically good; 5 new tires; good upholstering good in paint, etc. See it! 3 Good Bicycles for Sale. ALL AT REDUCED PRICES L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich PRODUCE WANTED We are in a position to take Cream and Eggs at my home at Zurich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay according to grading. Give us a Tria11 First house south of Dominion Hotel THOS. IL, MEYERS, Phone 116, Zurich, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON- . duct any Auction Sale, regardless s IVO, size or =tic.. to son. I solicit CREAM AND "` lib Iniebness, and if net satisfied will W make no charger fon • Scrraices Ran - 9,r „ tiered. J nen . . ARTHUR'. 1 ' 1ERDashwood 104 Itese 94,, Ziasncti, r f204U7". Y.... . Colleges. Rev. Turkheim spoke on the German foreign Missions, and their financial difficulties. x. hymn concluded the program. 3 Killed at R. R. Crossing Lives of three men were snuffed out almost instantly in a level cross- ing crash on the G.N.R. line at the; 6th concession of lBosanquet Tp., a- bout a mile west of Thedford the other morning, The men were Thos. Crawford, 64, storekeeper at A114, ford, near Owen Sound; Jaynes Shei<- riff 53, of Allenford, farmer, and his son, Austin ,Sheriff. All three men were thrown from their car by the impact of the crash and the car wee reduced to a pile of junk, with three doors and roof torn- off, the radii,:or thrown about 30 feet, engine broke in half and the body a twisted nieito• of wreckage. HYMENIAL - Pleteh—Black A wedding of interest took.placq in Crediton on Monday, Septembeix: 9th, when Jeaii Macintosh Black, off, Kitchener; youngest daughter of the&i late Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Black, of Gorrie, was married to Hamor Louis, Pletch, B.A., Chicago, eldest son of,! Rev A. E. Pletch and Mrs: Pletth of; Crediton. The bride who was unat•n, tended looked winsome in a gown o French chiffon figured in Autumee shades and matching brown access; ories. Rec. A; l0. Pletch, father of the' bridegroom, performed the ceretnonyi Immediately afterwards a buffet lune! aeon was served. Mr. and Mrs„Pletch� , left by motor for a, trip north. For travelling the bride wore a green woolo suit and Siberian cross fox fur” gift of the bridegroom. They side in Chicago. FOR EXCHANGE • Would like to exchange a alte model T. Ford Coup.', for a good buggy. Apply to Herald Office. Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIIB'S ]BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday Wednesday. and Fall Fair Dates The folowing is a list of the Fairs in this district with their dates. Dates of some of the fairs listed, however, are subject to change: Ailsa Craig, Sept. 19, 20. Bayfield, Sept. 25, 26. Blyth, Sept. 25, 26. Brussels, Sept. 25, 26. Dungannon, Oct. 3, 4. Exeter, Sept. 16, 17. Goderich, Sept. 17, 18. Kincardine, Sept. 19, 20. Kirkton, Oct. 1, 2. Lucknow, Sept. 26, 27. Milverton, Sept. 12, 13. Mitchell, Sept. 24, 25. Parkhill, Sept. 26, 27.. St. Marys, Oct. 9, 10, Seaforth, Sept. 19, 20. Stratford, Sept. 16-18. Tavistock, Sept. 6, 7. Wino'h'n. n. et 9 10. :,..Woodstock, Sept, 23, 24,. ZURICH Sept. 23,, 2.4,. •easeeereoetpteo Suv We have a full Line c all the requirements -of School Suppiies 030020000000,00*0000090000009) ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. **6d* 00a;•00 **00900000004, 44 See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, P'erfumi ers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. ®ROID0000000000$600P00000 * iroc FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN FENS, etc r.�AC We also have, Saphine A.nti••Moth Discs. iDr. A. J. 'MacKinnon, Zurich! &imrAlwmpwa,RivmmpilveRplymp FA,Niqw mwokilk w'Ii;