HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-09-19, Page 1A ' • • A • • ^`• [P.*, *VOL X,XXVI oit es: 4 , . • •• ' • • ZURICH. THURSDAY MOHNiO SEPTEMBER 19, ‘935. ••••44.^4l4II • Chester L. Smith, PublietkaCg $1,25 a year, U.S. $1.50 iss Advasseee ;Loons 411ZREARS. 7iLfti.7: ric Fall air da*-, Official Candidate Word has been received last week from Reconstruction Headquarters in Toronto, that Mr. R. J. MaciViithin Seaforth WW be the official candidate for the StevensParty_ •Campaign Now in Full Swing Before this week ends., all political • leaders will he on the firing lines.rn the dlection campaign. Premier Ben- . nett is on his way to the Prairies and Liberal Leader Macke/tele King vrill In Magistrate's Court se-ee Jim Collins, of Ethel district, paid $10 and costs for his fun at Goder- ich Police Court. He was charged -With 'being drunk in public at Brus- sels. "Did Collins do any damage?" asked Crown Attorney Holmes. "No' replied the constable, 'but he woke ip half the town urban he rang the fire bell at 2.30 a.m.' 3. A. Lawrence C. N. R. agent at the Goderich office appeared before the Magistrate with fraudulently converting to his own use more than $1,800 of the comp- any's money. He was not asked to leave for the 'West Tuesday. Iron. H- plead or elect, and was remanded un- -T Stevens, leader of the Reconstr- til Sept. la on $5,000 bail:Lawrence left Goderich on Aug. 29 leaving word that he would be away a few days, ehortly after his leaving the com.pa-ny's auditor paid the annual visits and discovered a discrepancey. •10.*".".""'ma"4. Lawrence was traced to Chicago and sa. arrested there. For 30 years he had Do You NPed gasses? ....,- been a valued employee of the C.N.R. , in the Goderich office, Three times IN MEMORIAM ,' ' the voice of Chief Snell of Seaforth called the name of Fred Beacom, Miller -,In ever loving.. memo)02 charged with reckless driving. but my dear husband.. William Mir, Fred was off to Montreal and a bench who passed away one year ago-M4y, warrant was issued. Dave Munro; of September 15th, 1934, Brucefield, pleaded guilty to a charge - Stop and Think. ho-----------------------------------------mportnof leaving the scene after a collision hin mheart he liVeth stillA,,I,•,', God called him Horne, it was Ili `Wdl, ne ''GS -action party, after a swing through the Maritimes is returning to Central Canada; J. Woodsworth, nead of -the C. C. F. is in the West. ember 23rd arLd Mons and Bo \IorkSh We have put in a 51°6'i:of Good Choice Oualitv of lians and 13ovs' Work Shoes,;•7*. invite the public to COL' i1 and we can fit vou up. ARFILED BROW64 Victoria:- Street. Zurich; C'41-it:i;;;5' WE GIVE EXPERT WORE:104LN! SHIP IN REPAIRING er, l'vliss Hazel, of Stratford were Your Patronave Sol 'Mrs. W. H. Hoffman. Vmel.,-end visitors at the home of Mr. Mr. and ?Jr. Wm, Hey of the flabylon lino epent Friday and Sat- - aeday at Blyth, where Mrs. Hey was • ,Indge for the ladies work at the iqyth Fall Fair. Rev. E. Burn, W. II. Edighoffer, it: -flay Church, andPearl Gabel at- teeded the Evangelical Young Peo- ples' Assembly in Kitchener, last sittek. It was a great gathering. e'.4LTZ*. s'es'eSasseenese Mr. Oliver Johnson of Goderich, visited at the home of Mrs. Thomas Johnson on Sunday. Miss Jessie MacDonald spent the week -end with her mother near Kin- cardine. Mr. Wm, Beaver of Kitchener, ac- eompanied by Mr. Farquhar of Hen- sall made a friendly call in town on Tuesday. Mrs. W. F. Finkbeiner and daught- inoo • *that you wear correct glasses -ear- kectly prescribed far your Life, 3.dary, e vision., any m the front ee,acost G. S. lifitirly styled to you'r face. Your Love of Walton $10 and costs. J. N. Giddy f L d aid $5 and costs Mrs. William Mier, visan. rgsgi May largelyietletend eet keen. , 0 OD 021, p for speedbig through Clinton and , ' ' .-eese.--e---------- rett, of London„ was sentensed. at eat to be charged is one-haif O,f- §a'nt,.., 1935 after which the statetoryi1 ';kt: 1. \ ..,, returned from a •pleasant visit with '11-71r. find MrS. '' Conzad Schilbe have • See C. E. ZURBRIGG,„ R. O. . . Murray Grainge:r paid the same for . having Ito trailer license. s'Gord Bar Tuesda.y at ------------- - -L,Oialon to 12 montbe defleite. 12 in- per eenturn per. calerelar nionlf At HESS JENITELERY STORE Pr' s Latlier'League at their lonary meeting this week will discuss the subject "Suttee". Next week:the League -will observe "Luth- er League Day." . fraction thereof and that a by -la 'friends Cleveland and other parts milk or cocoa climate isitlinnenie; leheWeena ' „ preparea for the general. les ye, Detroit where the.,4003.$0 visited IL' Wiles Ffin. itein the On L. eforinatory, on - Ohio tate, coming home by rey Or se4stira ess .. laid by C -cnof Usborne 5' collection of the, 1935 taxes, Motion, that by-law - ' being found guilty of *eft Of ; ,SPAttleaneeesetok..34es, rgyiete, fgfz,m.. " '.1.1k11,140.1el U.Sb" ; twfAr, . . 011 tgASI*C1 ing child. VALUABLE USES OF s)... IEgg having been wad thee, , • passed and signed by the Rc s . STE..PHEN. COUNCIL Clerk and the Seal of the Cunnon attached. A s - To -a gas-ese*H - I.Mes. W(.. Kneohtel 'ot• ' were Sunday visitors at the e of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. I'5'! Mrs Flora Brown, of Kitchener, who, 4th EXTRA SPECIAL $8.95 $8.95 Beautiful Gents' 15 Jewel WRIST WATCHES . You'll be proud to Own! es:, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich CRASH! Fuel Prices are down. Putf.o. your winter supply now when. Coal is at the lowest price kr this Season., D L SAN SCRAW er$ COAL IS THE HIGHEST GRADE Or -COAL MINED The color guarantees the quality, have all sizes. Also: Comest iFe.-7-:- vay Coke. Miller Creek and Pvmse-, hontas Briquets. Tile and Brick. W. R. DIS) CASH paid L r Eggs an a •ta--,...e.ea, Basis.. Phone 10 PIENSALM et,e,-c0.0.044,10.004,4100+012.Vg4444.A,-44$??...-Pe.4,::ttli,frIPpiffiktimilg4t-04.4w.'., (1•0•1:•••.4 Ste "A ChCheese For aClarsg- The Council ef. the Township of Stephen met in the Town Hall Cred- Ron, on the 3rd Sept., at 8 .in. All members were present. The minutes . 1 -,s -YL" rd '' Last Friday evening another of of the previous meeting were read Eisenbach rd. 20 38.45; A. and adopted. The Clerk was instruct- 18 11.20;S. White rd 3 10.2 these mysterious and unexpected 4, .1 ., re ed to write thonc se econtitors esl,o Aams 11)-(Ia:0 r'l 16 072•2(` '".'0. ellings 'Winch maks:4 easebali such a : had received the contracts to draw Ellber, Snins sollt'Y for, Augilt,- sI, ".4?; .toptiltir spert he P1',“ it • .1 ie S" an ‘.. l 4 . gravel to finish their wark at once. P. Eisenbach, ensnel 9.6r,, e wean the Znrich stehvei I ,,; (11 .i`Ktti 11 . - 1: P• Mollard rd I °., -: A the Seaforth team in the third and : pay- spent the past week at the Siebert Motion, that the following WoeFirt.." sheets and ovders be passed: , • home, returning with the former to Pay Sheets -L. Hill, rd 4 $111.7fie Kitehener. • Friday, 8h-LutherLatie L. Finkbeiner rd 8 8.75; I. Teireau Zi Saturday -Choir Pra.ctice- rd 14 4.35; h. Holt rcl 20 15.e;:n urch. Wins Championship P, SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m. -German. Service. • 11.15 aan.--Suriday School.. 7.30 p.m. -English sezvice. 'Everybody 'Welcome to, all Services. E. TUERKEEIN, Paster. 2ki Motion that a penalty of t charged on arrears of taCOrn- xes froro the Orders -Exeter Times -Advocate, pr - 15th of December tel the 31st of Dee. ing acct -111.90; Can. Bank of . merce, ceshing ,,cheeves 2.30;.•rydro . , lie -4: WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials. for Thursday, Friday and Saturday 'Peas, Standard No., -4 Sieve,.2 tins - .... --......-19c Macroni loose ready cut, per lb.. . .5c Ammonia poader, per pkg. . - .. . 5c Salmon pink,: half -ib. tins 2 tins . ........ --.19c _Aylmer Soup:, 3 tins , ....... . . Cowan's CoCoa51-1b. tin each ... ...23c Hillcrest shortening, 2 -lbs. .. Sultana raisins, 2 lbs. ,...... .... . . - 25c • Choice- Blue Rose Rice,, 3 Tbs .. ... - 25c Peanut butter jar, 'eadlt Miracle whip,, ;.sala,c1 dressing . .. .... Oxydol large; pkg. each - 23c Princess Soap Flakes per pkg -. ... . 1 5c Bovril corned beef,' tins 25c KelIoggs corn flakes, 2 pkgs. _15c Brooms„ Med. -weight each . .. , . . . ... .. 29c Brooins &Rad heavy weight each ...-... Rose baking powair per IBM sseeeseeeeel 5Et W i!jois vim Leet, gi :-.) a It 41:v1 lase. 144, qi, t '' ' 4,1? iiilli: La i i.:, '', 4 : 14 Pbeste a 9 i ,, '' Film% faz Egoi„.. ...............................................------ • Electric Coin. acct (3.79; Treas. Co. Huron, indiasee nect $n(75. The Council adjourned to Meet a- gain in the Town Crediton, on Monday, the 7th of October,' AD. 1935 at 1 p.n. 7 deeiding game to the tine score el and thereby winning the Sup- ertest trophy.e Zurich came back very strong in these playoff eyries and the boya showed just whit sluff they are made off. After losing to Seaforth 7-2 in -the first game at Zurich, they thoeght is wass abort 141 t41: 1) H. K. Eilber, •it1,2 scrio,„ , 1 veiled, and when the locals \vela to Z. BE SURE TO COME IN AND . SEE OUR NEW RANGE AND' STYLES OF 1V."'EisrSz. SUITS OND OVERCOATS! These are all new Smart Patterns and Moder, ately Priced! FINEST LOT OF MADE TO MEASURE SAMPLES EVER SHOWN Also New Sweaters, Hats, Caps, Hosierv„ Lrt 1 ll ::' I.. ::l. I.,i.• C.:I. ,i -=r-zr'-'="--------'.----=r----r--'''":'-'-',- '-- I "final gainco', Zeri cb de r,,et, .1 411. ee ‘.-les•h. n '.. t.1, • l': I 1 W „,ix i .. ies. ,e.: .4. , i t• • I ' • 1' • 1 • .' .., • L 1 411 l'i V' the iirst inning, svong: ritw-n runs, , Solli!oi.th Ci11211' hatlic ill Or, :tcon,I bl e. :44 is fit • • ' Etc. Etc. a call vrizi e attending F A I tg,0"4 fthe- PA IT A A..' n.,;1!„ 1-4t In the interests of W. H. GOLDING, Liberal Candidate in the Riding of Nuron•Perth, at i:AI.,e ,..ilielia r..I‘i ••• ,...-,, ::..II - li (Dished the Iced. Tile Zeirsee eoes i pounded no lese than 1.2 solid hits off I the offering's of the ;:wn,1,,..t:Ii st:rir pitcher %:41.cr -!"3 3I Si.v...1 forth collected 9 alt Albert Ileble-1 1: • man, the 'Zurich youthful Nes, How-• 1 ,,;,,Z1037,:=7,17.1.771.7.1."=.7.7=1,17.717171i="27,7,7,71V-,-..,:.-Znr,7.,%7N,M11,1""MEIZIk o.er, ov-s Aeo fled support - and deserved Cm, victme., This ends the baseball for the seasoll! and the boys say they will have even a s'Toeiser team next year. The Lineup: ZURICH ab. h. r. E. Gascho 1-b 5 Milt Ouch, 3-b 5 Lee O'Brein, 2-b 4 H. . Stade, s.s. 4 E. Yungblut c. 4 1, Vungblut c. f. 2 Sebilbe, r. f. Prang 1. f. Len. O'Brein 1.f. Heideman, p sr.IAFORTH Willis 3 b Muir 1'. f. D. Kerslake, c. 0. Kerslake p. E. Rennie 2 b. Taman, 1 b R. Rennie c f. rreeor 1 f lledsle:and s.s. Score by =Inge: Score by billings Weaesday Sep.z as e r at 2 p.m. SPEAKERS- John Francis Pouliot , before dissolution, for Ternis- eouata, one of the onti,tanding French orators of to -day. R. C McLachlan raident of the Twentieth Century Club. W. H. Golding THE CANDIDATE issued by the Huron -Perth Li' onit Pal to Hear These Spea l 'They have n measage for you LADIES WELCOME "God Save the Klag" 01f arS4 441 2 2 2 2 21 2 1 1 0 2 1 3 0 1 2 0 0 2 1 0 3 0 0 8 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 0 4 1 0 4 1 4 3 2 3 1 0 310 2 0 0 r el zurieh 2 0 2 1 2 1 0-8-12-1 Sevfeith . 0 2 0 1 2 0 0.54 .2 Association. i • WE ARE OFFERING THE FOII.OWING. GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES WHILE THEY LAST: Children's and Grown-ups Rurmirag Shoes, Canvas Shoes, and Men's Harvest Shoes, also Men's and Boys' Light Weight Overalls and Shirts; Boys' Tweed Pants and Bloomers Suit- able for School Wear; House Dresses, Pr - Curtains and Curtain Goods. ., A L OijGUU ka" N',EZ: IR' AL 1�EOffiNT HONE 11 -97 EILALitiv., 1k 1E' 4 333 433:,•83 333 •.; 4