HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-09-05, Page 811,••,•••••.•Fle," " 41. PACE 1111TI"T onoent,o, m••••••••••••••••,... THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Continue on Many Lines OF SUMMER GOODS, SUCH AS: Underwear, riants of Hosiery, Curtain Materials, Rem - every description, Men's Sox, Shirts., New Fall Goods NOW ARRIVING New Hosiery, New Sweater Coats, wear, New Monarch Knitting Flannelettes. We welcome Your New Under - Yarns, New Inspection!.. GROCERIES! GROCERIES Prunes, large, 2 lbs for Rice, 4 lbs. for . 25c 25c 1 5c 25c 35c Tomato Juice, per tin 5c Everything in Canning Supplies at Lowest Prices. 23c Sugar Crisp Cookies, 2 lbs. for Peanut Butter, per lb. Oranges per dozen Cooking Apples, per basket G PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 ‘1.92M0111=116. dii6M1121.121 2211291.12:1=283,2162=16126011911021. .11•1•SalosOWICOMMIZIMUSZONME0 More and More MOTORISTS ARE REALIZING THE NECESSITY OF HAVING AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE FOR InILSS THAN $1 EER MONTH YOU CAN HAVE UP TO $10,0Y0 PROTECTION FOR LEGAL LIABILITY FOR. BODILY .11 ENJITRY OR DEATH TO OTHERS AND $100 FOR LEGALLIA- il BiLITDFOR DAMAGE TO --,E.Roptiar OP-OTBEE'ES.: - ' - AND FOR A FEW CENTS MORE PER; MONTH YOU CAN HAVE ..i.:, UNLIMITED PROTECTION FOR PUBLIC' LIABILITY- .AND $1000 FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE. .-• • WHY KEEP PUTTING If 'bit? IT MAY BE TOO - Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AN15. SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 1 I.0.60e4m14004104044+46419 ososogiaoeoesgoes 8611411004MEKLIES a • HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE Wire Fenc- ing If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this II year, be sure and consult JO? Us... And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! FROST FENCE . . . for long life. Come in and see our stock of Frost Farm Fence .. the finest we've eve: had. Heavily galvanized by special Frost process. Wears for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. TIGHT deb LOCK ZINC BONDED an exduare FROST feature thd SAVES YOU 114014113., PAINTS! PAINTS! carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried • 4. • 4. 4. 4. ZURICH ." • HE. 1.415 ThursdnY Oth, 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111 1 11111111111P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 Grocery Store mlinillorPi, Cheese, per lb. 1 4c Puffed Rice, 2 pkgs. 25c Sodas, 2 lbs. for . 25c Lyles' Golden Syrup, per can " . .. ,, .. 25c Clubhouse Catsup Spice,: per pkg.. * .... .10C .• Red Rose Salmon, . .. i o Toasted' cheese Wafers, per. pkg. 15c f Golden Spray Cheese;. %Ls; 2 for Walkers1de Quality Ice Cream in all Flavors. Special flavor for this mouth is Burnt Aftitond • Menno Oesch - Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 af1101111 I I I 11101 I 11 111111 11 111 II I 1 111 111 11 11 1)11 1,11ir. 11 I 11111 1 111 1 11 11 lib, KEES OF LOCAL iNTERESI Mr. Will Siebert attended the Tor- onto Ex. the beginning or tne week. Miss Gertrude Weber is this week a guest with friends in Toronto, also attending the Exhibition. Mrs. C. Eilber has returned home after visiting with friends in Sea - forth and HensalL Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rau of Detroit spent the week -end at the home. of the former's parents, Mr. and IVIrs. J. P. Rau. • Miss Grace Meyers accompanied her friend Miss Gertrude • Turkheim for a week camping at the Benxi. , Rev. and Mrs. E. Turkheimi and. members of their family were: camp- ing for a week at Grand Bend)... • Mr. and Mrs. John Deckert and family of Pigeon, Mich., were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Ernest Rader, Goshen south. , ,Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siebert, eand. fam- ily and Miss Barrie of Detroit were week -end visitors at the heme Of Mr and. Mrs. W. L. Siebert LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected eery Wednesday) Eggs, dozen .... ... . . .... 20, 18, 14 Butter, creamery 25 Butter, deity 24 Wheat, bushel 60 Oats. per bush 25 Barley, per bush. 42 Buckwheat, per bush. 35 Flour, cwt 175 2.50 Shorts and bran ton - 20.00 Potatoes per bag 50 Live Hogs .... ..... ..... . 9.50 • Mrs. J. S. Burn of Pembroke was visiting at the homes, af Mr. and Mrs W. lir Siehert'and Rev. and Mrs. E.. Burn, last week. 'Mr. and Mrs. Mambas Toepfer and sons Leonard„ Meyr1 and Perry, from Halfway, Mich., visited at the home of Mrs. Lydia Me over the week- end. • I • Mx- and Aim Meadorf of Palmer- ston and their daughter Miss Dorothy Melderf, nurse at the K. -W. Hospital • Kitchener, visited with Miss Ida Brill Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and on. Lalior -Day. family of Forest, were week -end vis- itors. at the home Of Mr. Wm. La- •atie and Mrs. Wilton Williams, Mrs mont. y • ?online Willkuus and daughter of nfot4..spent the week -end at the MrseEe*Stoakopf of .6.1tch.4- - f ziaud ,Gae t J -Obe ener, and the Misses Minnie and - Iv . Amelia Brown of Shakespeare, spent Labor Day at the home of Mrs. Thos (Mg. those attending the Clinton . Collegiate from this district are: Miss Johtiston. ' • ' Shirley Koehler of near Hensel; Miss. Mr. and Mrs. Amel Witt and. daugh- Gladys.Gingerich of the. Goshen line ter Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Kepper of south, and Mae Smith of town. Buffalo, N. Y., visited at the.home of Mr.. and 1Virs. Ernest Rader of the Goshen sbitli, and and .-31.b5s.: L. H. Radere,•ofetne 14th concession, sonth, over the weekeende • Mr. and Mrs. Oiler Blough and daughter and Mrs. Henry Faust of Detroit, Were week -end Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman. Mr. Slough rendered a very fine solo in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening. Mr. Fred Rader of the Goshen line south, Mrs. Peter Haberer of town, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Laub, of the Babylon line left on Wednesday morning on a month's motor trip for the West, and will call on Mr. Laub's parents, in Minnesota State. Many Politicians To Visit Goderich Residents of Goderich and vicinity will be getting their fill of politics this week. There will be a meeting at MacKay Hall Tuesday night to or- ganizze a local Stevens Club, and se- lect a candidate. On Wednesday, Liberal women will gather at the same place. Thursday will be the big day, for in the evening a Liberal gathering will be addressed at Mac- Kay Hall by Hon. James Gardner, Premier of Saskatchewan, and R. J. Deachman,Liberal nominee in North Huron, ad a George Spotton rally will be held at the pavilion on behalf of the Conservatives. Disbands Farm Development . • Mrs. Racey, Mrs. Edward Bren-, ner, Mx. and Mrs. Oscar Heimpel and. daughter Bernice of Kitchener; Mr: andi Mrs: --And.tew " Moir af 'Herieell Mr:;and MrS. Bill Gra,' of Stratford were' week -end •visitors at the.home alit and 11/Ers. John Brenner. ' Camp at Point Farms Huron Regiment, which has been. in training for some time went into can* at Point Farms, north of Gode- ricla on Aug. 31st. It was thought that.no camp would be held this year but a short one, from Aug. 31st to Sept. 2nd has been held. Forces Engage Counsel At a meeting of the executives of the Perth, Huron and Peel Temper- ance Federations held in Stratford last Tuesday, it was decided to re- tain the services of N. W. Rowell, K. C. Toronto, to represent the temper- ancec forces of these counties in the appeal Premier Hepburn is asking to the Privy Council against the ruling Of the Supreme Court that these counties are still under the jurisdict- ion of the Canada Temperance Act. It was also decided to take other le- gal steps with a view to haVe beer authorities cancelled in these counti- es and with a view of taking action following Premier Hepburn's recent announcement that he. :would not cancel the authorities. Talks of Big Economies • Sault 61e Mare-Econonslies $22,000,000 and revenue increases C+++++44,64.114.04.tri.1.44.+.0,1*0+41.a,.V1.-1.,imr,t4.,"rt,-4.11is+++++++4.0.. 46 o F atr • are and Furniture STORE THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW Sr FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY + :you WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE, 1?.: ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE, SEE US ABOUT :r NEW ROOFING, PLUIVIBING, AND EVE- • : • • TROUGHING • SPECIALS! SPECIALS! ▪ C• oat Oil, good grade at ;Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon 4▪ : We also have some very Attractive Prices in Furniture. See Our New Beds, Springs and USED . FURNITURE 28. 4. 4. 4. Maftresses. Two Goad Used Good Used Dressers ICitthen Chairs, Etc. BE SURE Chesterfield Suites on Hand; from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; All Big Bargains for quick Sale. AND SEE THE • M • johnston Harr ware & Friinituxe. Phone 63 s„,-- MASEMEISERHEIMUIIIIM111101111111111111IIIMMUIVEMIMENNEENIIIMNINIIIIIMMIMININNERNI1111111112101* THESE PRICES subject to change without lgoitice E. Painting Wagon ,. .... $7.00 and 10.00 -m=-,, Painting Buggy t,..1.., ,... 6.00 and 10.00 -E-1 .7.= Recovering Buggy tibi .., ... 16.00 and 18.00 g ., Rerirruning Buggy Wheth Buggy Shaft Cross Bar . ..i. Buggy Reath Buggy Spokes each 1.. =-7 0 3.00 I .00 5 HESS,- -".... 25e. .•••0=1.1•1•1000... We �f from $10,000,000 to $12,000,000 Willi b d d the On.tatio G ern -went by the end of .the year, Preniiej Hepburn said at a meeting on his way. to Western Canada. "By the end of this ;year he, will be" $34,000,000 ahead .by the application Of our pa Thies." he 'aid. Coupled with the pre-. mier's statement came the announce merit from Hon. P. Heenan, Ontarie Minister of Lands and Forests, that mere men -would be employed in On- tario's forests this winter than at any time An the last seven years. With fevv days, he said, operations would be resumed at the Carpenter-Bixoi Lumber Co. About 600 men froth that area wiuld be put to work inflate hush. Timber cutting operations, on the Bono Jtiver depends aline eredrely for employment, have been lat a standstill for several years.. and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes,, The.,aiiii,jo Government ended its ,• • Board • Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax el Goodyear, Balloon and Cord Tires and • Tubes • all sizes Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. • !STADE & ZURiCH - ONT. Vatio...6404010*******40.40440.401000. QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE 'r4 AV.1, decadeLand-a-half career as a farm 'load agency with the announcement of the dissolution of. the .Agrictdtural 'Development Board as an econemY movo. Therd, will be further loans and we will liquidate as quickly as we cin," the Premier said. The Premier, however, emphatically de- nied the suggestion that any short- cut would be employed to collect the outstanding $49,400,000 before it falls due according to the terms of the individual loans, These run as long as 20 years or more. At the pres ent rate the Government figures that it has 16.500 loans on its hands to - tailing $49,500,000. The Premier revealed that more than 500 farms are currently back on the Govern- ' meet's hands. ff e (tit • • 4. 4. 4. 4.4. • 4. 4. 4. .1 ,:EXTRA... 'EXTRA Large Shipment of Tires Just Received Regular $10.00 Heavy Service tires at 635 Regular 10.75, Heavy Service tires at Gasoline at per gollon 23c Lubricating Oils and greases at corresponding low wises Get Your Requirements Here, where Your Dollars Go the Farthest! Expert Workmanship on all Makes of Cars, with charges Very Reasonable! H. Mousseau Zurich 44. 44.4.444,44444•44444+++41-*** 4.44444.444444.444.44444.4444.*, 4. 4. + • Check. your Haying Machines New and avoid dis- : appointments in the Field. .„ Order *repairs early if and save Express Charges... Massey -Harris parts ,... are Best! laSSEY-HARRIS NEWS t t`4414;10..: t: dHow about a Cream' Separator Demonstration. 1 'Several Used I'Vlachines. Veryl'efieap • AUTO TIRES 4. 4. If in need of any, bring your Catalogue alone'. We will not be undersold by mail order houses and we mount the same Free! A FEW CHEAP USED TIRFs • • • /*IOW Points for all Plows 4. T.LZ1ep149 0. KLOPP & SOTO Res. , Auctieneering7 U BET!