HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-09-05, Page 5trrsaar Soprontier, 4 19 .BUSINESS '''CARl, S LEGA%, Dt L X. i $oLMES £ARRBSTER, , " SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY "PPUBLIC, ETC DF.FICE—Han1ilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special Attention to Councel and Court Work. lir: Holmes may be consulted at 'Goderich " by • Phone, and Phone Charges reversed„ DENTAL Dr. H. H. C O W E N L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL. SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETE'RINARIA.N A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All adiseases of domestic animals treated ly the most modern principles, Charges. reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- er of Scottish terriers; Inverness iiflennels. Office on Main Street, opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. BUTCHERS urichs' Popular MEAT lYl liE P Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always . on>.haiid.:_ Kept ifiresh in Electric Refrigeration l Highest Cash Prices for and Skins . Yungblut Sou GARAGE s 3 h in TRAITh IN YOUR DANEROUS TIRES NOW! A MOST GENEROUS ALLOWANCE STOCK REDUCING. NOW ON! Phone 60' — .:t Your Want, For Sale Lot, Found, Etc. Ads, in this Column.: ,: NOTICE We are in a position to do expert wheat cleaning at our mill. Bring in you wheat and have it well cleaned. L. Schilbe & Son, Zurich. FOR LAL1 A Rubber Tired Top Buggy in good condition. Also: 3 -burner Pur- itian coal oil stove with oven. 2 -bur- ner New Perfection oil stove with oven. Apply to Herald Office, or phone 99 r 21, Hensall central. FARM FOR' SALE Consisting of 75 acres of choice farming land, situated one quarter mile south of Zurich Village Limits. Good buildings, well fenced and dra- ined, plenty of good water. Farm is in good state of cultivation. 10 acres of good hardwood bush. For further particulars apply to prop- rietor: p8 LOUIS WURM, Zurich. Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Horne of the late Dr. 3. Routledge. Phone -96. Zurich Used Cars For Sale We ' are offeringthe following used Cars for sale: 1-1927 Ford Coach, mechanically good; 5 new tires; good' upholstering good in paint, etc. See it! 3 Good Bicycles for Sale. • AT,L AT 1IEDUCED PB,ICES L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich Y J Sheriff's Safe • Of Lands, .0 j;.. ounty of Huron 'UN'DER AND BY VIRTUE of an U Mr. and Mrs. R. Oliver of were guests 'at the home of M Mrs. Chas. Welber over Labor; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webs 1a. returned after ,enjoying a reur d with friends at London Mr. Gerald Bedard, who spent holidays at his home here, left Toronto to resume teaching there Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas : of town line, are spending a few d'. ys with relatives and friends at Townto Mx. and Mrs. R. Welsh of Exet visited with Mrs. C. Decher and .fa -. ily last Thursday. Mr. ' and Mrs. Orval Reinheimi, Detroit were visitors with Mr. a Mrs. Jacob Howald. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Schilbe; IV r and Mrs. Ferd Haberer and dough,- ers spent a few days at Toronto E-. last week. Mr. Ray Morningstar, the Fo dealer of Watford, called on his end, Mr. C. L. Smith in town, of day last week. Mrs. L. W. Hoffman and daughte• Marjorie who spent the past wee l at Forest, have returned home. The pupils from town. attendtn High School at Exeter are: Quiinb,, and Paul Hess, Fred and WiiI Brown who at present motor back andforth each day. id ve A he 0. c d Miss Meda Surerus of the Torontot teaching staff, and who spent the vacation with her mother on the Bronson line, has returned to resume, Mr. and Mrs. A. Eckel and son Walter and Mrs. Spenler all of Plats- ville were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert on her position at Toronto. The Zurich school re -opened on Tuesday morning for the year's work with the same staff as the past year. There will be about eleven new schol- ars starting in the junior grade. Miss Jessie MacDonald who spent the holidays at her home near Kin- cardine, has returned taking charge of her position as teacher of Room III, Zurich School. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sipple and son Wilfred, Mr. Philip Sippel and son Alvin, all of Milverton were. Sun- day visitors at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. • Smrith, and 111r._; and . Mrs. Philip Schade " .o#, the Blue Water Highway, south, Execation against lands issued out of the Tenth Division Court of , the :,:,ioixnty of Huron'; to me directed -,.i ri an e„atia-a tete.: -r" j75i_ .T, J•ornstone• , the plaintiffz.:.:2....Its. Eliza Rebecca Baird ' (wife of John Baird, Grand Bend) is the defendant, I have seiz- ed and taken into execution all the 't. gl t, title and interest, and equity of redemption of the said Mrs. Eliza Rebecca Baird into and out of the following lands and tenants, viz: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of SALE Stephen in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, and being com- posed of a portion of the south •half of farm lot Number One in the Lake Road East Concession of the said Township of Stephen, which may be MOM particularly described as fol- lows, that is to say: Commencing at a stake planted on the road allow- ance of the Lake Road East Cone DASHWOOD INSURANCE 'Western Fanners' Mutual es- sion and at a distance of twenty-two rods north from the south-west angle of said lot number one; thence east- erly parallel with the southern. boun- dary a distance of thirteen and one- third rods to an angle; thence south- erly parallel with westerly limit a eatR distance of three rods to an angle; er lksurance Cu:. thence westerly parallel with the northerly limit a distance of thirteen and one-third rods to an angle arriv- ing at the said road allowance; thence northerly along the said road allow- ance a distance of three rods arriv- ing at the place of commencement, containing by admeasurenien: one - .quarter of ' a* acro: .Of land be the same more or less. All of which I shall offer for sale by public auction at my office• in the Court House, GODERICH, on Saturday the 14th day of 'September, 1935, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Robt. Johnston, Sheriff, County of Huron. Sheriffs Office, Court House, Goder- ich. May 30th, 1935 On WOODSTOCK TRE LARGEST' RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND,,IN ONTARIO .;count of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st,; 1934, $19,613,539. . Total Cash in Bank and J3aands $235,550.31 Iia.'kes—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. Klopp Zurich *lent, Also Dealer in Ligh@nisi Rods and all kinala. ,I Fire Insurance PRODUCE Live Poultry WANTED :'Waken: every Day, tial 3 o'clock pm, gar not feed •samne mourning when brought in :HIGHEST CASH PRICES C'RFE.AM AND EGGS Wm. O'Brien 4Plens; 111111, Rea:. 94, Zurich PRODUCE WANTED We are in a position to take Cream and Eggs at my home at Zurich, for which we wimp pay highest "Market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, amid pay aeeorclipg to grading. . Give us a Trial! First house south of Dominion Hotel THOS_ H. MEYERS, Phone 116„ Zurich. Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron, and' 1I►Iitddleset 1 AM .IN A POSITION TO CON- duet any Auction Sale, regardless ;aas, to, size or article to sell. 1 solicit 1. our business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren i1firtLtlt Armen " RE".6a':•-:-Dashwood MALI:a_su ci i M • Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich, Rev and Mrs. C. Schra e•• ' 11 and 11h acob Gingericlit and family attended he Mennonite General Conference at Kitchener last week, where about four thousand' delegates assembled; for the occasion. Mr. Elzar Mousseau, who believes in keeping. things neat, has cove e d his garage and house. with shingle oat' Calvanv., R,.__ ..—e tens ..ahnrnh,.,•..Ki nom fi; `and previous . - to that Mr_ greatly to thea appearance both . of lathes was the popular minister of his buildings and the village.—Kippen Zor afuungelical church, Kitchener News in Clinton News -Record. for .a Null term of seven years. The services will be at 10 a.m. and 7.30 Miss Catherine Merner, who spent p.m. Special music will be given by part of her holidays at her home here the choir and men's chorus. left on Monday for Elmira to res' 'e her duties as teacher in the public Suspects Arrested school there. Her Younger sister, A series of thefts in this part of Miss Mary also going to EImira, wh- ere she will attend High School. cleared up with the arrest in Carrick township of Earl Peglo and Wilfred Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wurm of the O'Brein, former inmates of the On - village ; Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClin- tario reformatory and Kingston peni- chey and family of Chiselhurst; Mr. tentiary. The pair face 25 charges and Mrs. A. C. Levy of Clinton, we- for theft .within a radious of 40 ere all Sunday visitors at the home of miles of Goderich. The arrests were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Oswald, Bronson made by Prov. Constable 0. McCievis of Walkerton and Co. Constable A.E. Ferguson. , a +RALD The weatherman greeted these parts on Tuesday night with a fine rain. The' various Directors and Officials of the Hay .Mutual Fire Insurance Co held a business meeting at Crediton On Saturday. Mr. Jos, Campbell, of Fairgrove Mbch., accompanied by Wm. Lamont and Ward Fritz of town motored tc 1'oz•onto Ex, on Monday, Thursday. Mr, and Mrs, Milhausen of Kitch• ener and Gertrude, Shirley and Joan Siebert of Montreal, daughters o Mr, and Mrs. Albert Siebert„ wen, recent visitors at the home rf 14In and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. The farmers of this community have their big harvest practically al in and it is the heaviest cron knowi to most of us, and the sample of the grain is good. The fanners are now busy with the bean harvesting which are also a big crop. The dry weather has been very favorable. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon and on Archie, accompanied by two men from London, motored up to Kirkton Lake last week, where the Doctor is interested in a mining claim. On their way back they stopped off at Calander and took a look at the fam- ious (quints. The local Health Officer, Dr. A. J. MacKinnon. advises us, that unfor- tunaeely there is a case of infantile paralysis in Hay Township, and while it is now necessary to be quarantin- ed according to Law, we trust that no other cases will break out of this unwelcome disease, 1 s'o tr"st that the one case now under quaran- tine, will soon be recovering. A very happy family gathering was enjoyoed at the home of Reeve Alf- red and Mrs. Melick, at their fine farm just north of town on Sunday, when their entire family gathered, the first time in ten years, and had a most pleasant time together. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Geiger and family of Pigeon, Mich; Mrs. Morris Neil of Bad Axe, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Lennis Callfas and family of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Melick of Kippen, and Clare Ielick at home. The entire gather- ig consisted of "twenty in all and "very appropriate time was spent. Anniversary Service; • Anniversary, services will be obi' reed in the Emanuel Evangelical hunch, Zurich this year, and the date ii a l.ce is Sunday Septem.er 15th. This is the sixty-first anniversary of the congregation,. and special efforts are :being made to make it a success. The • special speaker for the occasion being :qv. G. F. Barthel, who is in, charge PAGE FIv0 ifismorososoogeoseeaseireesaii••••••smiaeolsoaeosesoimmossal 1 _NOTICE 9 We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. • Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant. ► p , p Highest t Service and Hi hest Caash Price Guaranteed Your CreamGraded, Tested and Paid for the same • • 's Day. ... El y f •► e ► ••410000 1•al••0000•••••••mo*** Yours Truly, ZURICH CREAMERY f i woo•••••••••••see Cut Your' Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doers LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A ,',1,' LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL 4- 'TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU e ,I• + • Fe 00 FLEISC • PHONE 69 - ZURICH WAIT. • 4. 4. 4. 4. ••••••••••••••N•••••••••• D000•••••••••••••••••••••• • Your Winter's' e • • • • Cold Days will soon be here again, and provision must be made • - suitable Fuel w keep ire home / warm and cosey. We can supply practically all a the called for grades of Coal and Coke with prices • Line, on Sunday Margaret and Wil- bert Levy, who were visitors for a time with Mr. and Mrs. D. Oswald and Mr. and Mrs. M. Wurm, returned with their parents to Clinton. St. Peter's Luther League after the regular 'meeting this Friday even- ing will hear reports to the Worker's Conference -held at St. Matthew's church, Kitchener on. Labor Day. Those attending the conference were: Vera Decker, Marjoiie Gellman. Veola Klopp, Albert Deichert and Charles Thiel. PRIZE LISTS OUT The Prize Lists of the Zurich Fall Fair havebeen printed and are in the hands of the Secretary, Mr. E. F. Klopp, who will be pleased to let you have a copy. There are a number of changes in the list this year. A 3rd Prize is being given in some of the cattle classes, some poultry has been added, and then we must make men- tion of the fine list of Special Prizes that are being offered this yer. To our estimation it climaxes all prev- ious years in Specials. All those in-' terested in exhibiting should get busy and line up their exhibits, as without a doubt the competition will be keen. .2,000 ,Daily See Babies The Dionne quintuplets have be- come an amazing drawing card, Dr. A. R. Defoe, their physician said at Toronto: • hTe doctor said automo- biles arriving at the hospital home • of the babies having averaged 500 daily since June,1 and 75 p.c. of the cars come from the 11 S. He believed the total by the end of Sept. would be 60,000. American cars have an av- erage of four persons and the benefit to Ontario is in millions. The doctor was, asked when, regardless of legal ^estrictians and health questions, the .ltildreii could go on public view in n exhibition or show. "Oh, not be - Attempt To Better Record Sir Malcolm Campbell, British auto speedster, arrived at New York last week, and is looking for a 300 M. P. H. record. The speed test will this time be mad-, in the salt flats in Utah, where the sand has been wash- ed exceptionally smooth. On a trial test on Monday he made 240 m.p.h. with_ considerable ease. If he can- not attain the 300 m.p,h. mark, he is confident he can better his former record. CANADA ON TOP Canada led the way over other countries during the first six months of this year in exports of many of her products to the United Kingdom. further indications that trade con.di- tions are continually getting better. The 'commodites with which Canada topped the list were wheat, oats flour, lobsters, copper ore and rods, crude zinc, non-rerrous metals. Fig- ures from the Dominion Bureau of Statistics show that, holding first place in sales of wheat to the United Kingdom, Canada .sent over 16,214- 262 hundredweight in the first six months' of 1935. Argentina Was sec- ond, .Australia, third•. and Rumania fourth. Stevons Favors Inflation Hon.. H. H. Stevens, back in Ot- tawa .froin Western Canada, saw in the Albeita- political upheaval, a re- volt of the people against . private control of the nation's credit, and advocated the adoption of an "easy Money" policy. The Reconstruction Leader wviuld inflate niorey to the extenet permitted by the dictum of the World Monetary Conference that 25 p.c. gold coverage of notes is adequate. This wiuld mean an addit- ional. $100,000,000 or so that could be put out by the Dominion Govern - :are they are 10 or 12 year old" 'h r anent without jeopardizing the nai- ad =tiling,. on's credit. • very moderate Let us fill your Bin! 1 Master and Pioneer Chick Starters. LarpieilleD:t C cpalrs Cultivator Points to fit all makes of Cultivators. McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points I and plow points to fit any make of machine. L.ShJJb & Son 1 wwwv.wimhsviumw.644wwiim.liw Zurich Drug Store 1 Sebool Supplies We have a full Lige of ..all the requirements of 1 School ,Supplies 1 1 •s•a•••••• oureaoise••••••• ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS IN STOCK. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. 00411.010•••••••••••••••••••• KEPT See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. amosees ••••••••••••••s••••• FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. 1 Dr1 Al J. MacKinnon, llurich* Mt9IMM14,01WIYAMP MRSA F js ? •