Zurich Herald, 1935-09-05, Page 4ANLEY TOWNSHIP, Man Minnn Vurry o. Muncey, ape emitiieWeekeend witle Mt, -lead ttn, ateP10118011. Weave **a Mrs. E. A, Poulter, of Vereasnisvelle.: called na molas hi this wientay ten Monday, ala, George Pout eter wine has spent the past two ansattles here, returning with them to nanownisville. Nis" ses Dorothy Pan, Syble Keys Marafhabei Robinson went to Clinton ttbia aveek to attenh":0ellegiate there. • Mins Grace Robineen left on Mon - to Tormatence her duties as teach - nee S. S. N. 5, Usborne. rass Olive Eveatt is spending a •week at Hamilton with her aunt, Mrs ZL Linvders. Duncan Shepherd of Hyde Task visited on the Bronson line and 'San -field. Wien Peter Gingerich is back on the nittniasen line with his threshing me- an/nem There 'is a shortage of mach- ines te handle the exceptionally heavy eareps this year. HILLSGREEN Rev. E. E. Chandler was in charge arn the service in the Hillsgreen Un- ited Church on Sunday after return - ;nag from his holidays. Services will le,e. withdrawn here on Menaday next as j-oint preparatory vies at Kippen, church on Thurs- eilay -evening and communion together nen enippeet church on Sunday morning 11. a.m. Anniversary. services will, be held dia the .Hillsgreen church on Sunday enerstember 22nd, at 11 a:m. and 7 aiin. The guest speaker for the day veal be Rev. IVIr. Page of St. James Exeter church. Music is being apeovaden for the .occasion. Mattes—Holiday visitors during the ameek-end and Labor Day are: Mes- e-ann.-7as. Cochrane of Toronto, broth - r Wm Cochrane of Chicago and enenter Mrs. Robt. Hopkins of Hindale with. Mrs. J. Cochrane and family. Misses Armelda and Eunajean Aubin ten Ilieysdale with relatives. Relataiv- ms from Buffalo with Mr. and Mrs. W. Weido and family; Master Clarence Love returned C"217111 his holidays with his cousins smear Hensel. Mfrs. Ashman and son Douglas, of ellillsonbung visited her parents, Mr. t earin ars. J. Richardson. • I nelae John Decher of Zurich, spent neeatarelay at the home of his daughter d atr. aud Mrs. Wilfred Weido and'y • I., ' ' " • " tt)11,1, • btrxily, Miss Mnenaret Mousseau Of the Zurich attand spent a • day in he Nr, Wm. narrott and daughter Annie visited Yin and IVirs. W. Heart Mr, and Mrs. C. Robinson visited friends in Logan. Mr. and. Mrs. F. Farquhar 0.0.11 eon jam of Hensall visited Mrs. Jas. Love and family. Mrs. M. Tully and sons Neil, Ger- ald, and Roydon, spent a fe W days with friends near Brucetield. Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson were visited by friends from Stratford. Scholars and teachers aesuneed their duties on Tuesday after the mid -summer holidays. • 13AYFIELD The time for fell lairs is now on and very soon the far-famed Bay- field fair will take the attention of many. Some are already busy pre- paring exhibits. The aomnaittee ap- pointed for that puneasse have secur- ed for the evening's entertainment a. splendid play managed by Mrs. Mutch of Goderich. The mention of this name is enough to assure all that there will be no disappointment. Re- member the dates—Wed. and Thum. Sept. 25 and 26. Death came suddenly to Mrs. Wm. Hinde, one of Bey -field's heat known residents. She was born in Goderich Twp. where she lived till her husb- and passed away when she moved to Bayfield. Later married Rev. Wm. Hinde, who died in 1931. Since then she lived alone. Deceased has been infailing health this summer. She was very fond of flowers. The funeral was held on Saturday the services being held at Trinity Anglican Church, Rev. Gale of the United Church, it, Dougan, Presbyterian and the rector Rev. W. G. Bulger officiating. Anniversary services were held in St. Andrews' United church Sunday last. The pastor, Rev. R. M. Gale, was present, just returned from an extended trip to England and Scot- land. He made brief reference to the delightful experience he had, referr- ing to the various church services which he attended in smile great cath- edrals. He spent most of his time in England with his brother and family, Dr. Gale, lat missionary to Korea, low living in the historic city of Bath. Rev. George Oliver, B.A., of Oil Springs, was the preacher and elivered two.'stirring sermons. A oung men's quartette from Main Long Service — Satisfaction Cream. Separators mean both. That's any many of our original machines .are ,still in use and doing full duty. Iareffeffsarentorm.=,..• When you buy a Renfrew product you deal with Ren- frew's own representa- tive in your own neigh- borhood. lie is resporisible to you. Investigate all the features of the Renfrew before buying— the waist -high supply tank— the interchangeable capacity features — crank just right height—rapid, perfect separa- tion—adjustable cream stand— and the record behind all Renfrews. 4 sizes—for small or large herds. THE tensaaffeef a aftsezenrge STANDS THE TEST OF TIME HUGH THIEL, District Representative Phone 93 r 4, Zurich, Ont. 41 .4.401.10,4•,0•te•e.*4•00,e.,0.4.00.ew.../.+1,111 8 18 IP' _HERALD OFFIO Do You Know? Mr.. MERCHANT! You know thoroughly well that you have power in your store, to influence the decision of your cus- tamers in regard to what they buy from you. Your customers rely on you to give them products which in use oronsurription, will give thein complete satisfacfion. If it is right to use big city dailies and nationaly- circulated Magazines then, by the same token, it is 4 i*-ight to use local weekly newspapers! 44 - - 4 4 I am the Master Salesman of this Community, and my name is .exiiner S ADVERTISE .4 4 s.: feenn4naailea++4.444-$40+444++.enater eann++++++,esso./.. St, cbureh, blneter, gave toile line selections, A.lso the choir, There wa a line attendance at both servicen •Olt Monday everting Rev, Mr, Crew of London gave a varied progrant, OF.,••••••• DASHWOOD„ Mrs. P. Humble of Sarniaspent a few days with .he mother, Mrs. Fink 'seiner last week, Mr. and Mrs. Burns ,of Port Huron spent a few days with her mother Mrs. Witzel. Mrs. May and Miss T. Ehlers of Kitchener spent the week -end, with Ma. and lies, Saan Oeetreicher. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tiernan 'of Ham- ilton are spending their vacationwitn his parents, Mr.. and Mrs. E, Tiernan: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther and Mr.. .and .Mrs, Melville Guenther. of , Windsor, were week -end visitors with Mr. 'and Mrs. Ches. Guenther. , Willis Mcisaac who spent his va- cation in Detroit has returned, Dr. Lorne Tiernan returned to New York on. 'Tuesday after spending his vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher spent a few days at Toronto Ex. last week. Miss Gestemile _Hoffman is visiting friends in Kitchener. Dr. Eugene Tiernan of Hamilton, spent the week -end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mcisaac and family who .spent their vacation here returned to Windsor on Saturday Mr. Harry Hoffman spent a few days ,at Toronto Ex. this week. School re -opened on Tuesday with Mr. G. Keeler as Principal, Miss Pep- per and Miss Martinson assistants. Quite a number of scholars from here are attending High School at Exeter this year. Mrs. L. Bender is spending a few days in Brantford this week. HENSALL Jean Bonthron of London, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Bonthron Lloyd Passmore visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight gad children • of Kitchener visited with her parents, Mr. and , Mrs. R. Hig- gins. Mr.,. and Mrs. Wilson , Carlile, Mr. • and Mrs. Walicer Cerlilewere visit- ors with with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Green‘ of Poet Stanley. - - en., of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith, Mrs. J. m H. Smith and daughter of Toronto, er Mrs. A. Cook of Waterloo, called on to Nr, A. Hudson and Mrs. Logan. ea New Theatre Haan Sutherland has leV tbee'aon- tearet' nor the erection of '4'.hiiner Mov- tbout rtain- will rimed arys le theatre at Clinton. It will be t the size of his last place of ente silent sleuilt iri Seaforth. This make the fourth" of the nuetie striug,_ the others being in St. M Seaforth and Goderich. Wins Scholarship Allen Keys, student last year Et Seaforth Collegiate Institute, ha en awarded a tution scholarship, ue $250, by the University of ern Ontario. It was announced in the summer that he had also the S.C.L Alumni Association M oriel Scholarship. R. King At Brussels Robt. C. King of Toronto, has ed- the American hotel at Brits and has taken charge 'of it. kr. some years ago was in- the hotel inessh Goderich. He is returnin his native county, as he was 11 • • born 131avale. Fractures Arm ura • LaElliott, Exeter, while st ing on a chair, had the misfortun overbalance and fall to the floor breaking the fall with her left she had the misfortune to frac both bones•midway between the we and the elbow. Bank Building Altered The Bank of Montreal buil Clinton's Flat Iron building, wh has always lad its entrance at point, facing the corner, has b changed a bit, and the entrance naw on Victoria st. and the front been, bricked up, only leaving a clow. The inside has also been cha ed. Store le Entered Sometime during the early ho the general store of Jones & May, Exeter, was entered and after forc- ing the cash register a small amount of loose change was stolen. As far as could be learned little nothing else had been disturbed. Entry was made through a man -hole in the roof. To Have Manual Training . eThe Dungannon school board m at the home of the secy., Mrs. Day son. The requisition from the tw was placed at $950, the same as f some years. This means a levy of on- ly $200 upon the section, the remain- ing $750 coining as a grant from the township. The board decided to have instruction in manual training com- mence with the autumn term. New Caretaker Kenneth Clarke has been appoint caretaker for the Exeter cemetery subteed the late John Ford. Th. t the s be- vel- West - early won ean- leas- sets, King bus - g to at and - e to . In arm ture wrist ding ich the een is has wine- ng - urs et id - p. or Many Guest* At Dinner Godeeleha--Nearly 600 relativee2!na friends from Ontario and V. S. points were received at Hetet Sunset by Mr • and Mrs. Michael Creiily, who on Sunday celebrated the golden jubilee ef their wedding. 65 persons sat aim% to dinner ire the spacious dining; hall of the hotel at 2 At the head table, which was centred by a beau- tiful golden. cake, and decorated with bowls of pretty flowers, sat tiara cou- ple, their children next. Died in Goderich Twp. Henry Baker, one of the older native-born residents of Goderich Tp, died Aug; 22, in hie- 84th year, after an illuesa at. one month dhe to septic sore throat and complications. He was of Irish parentage, as a • youug man he married Thirza Nes- bitt who predecesaed 30 years ago. They fanned in Goderich Tp, after which they lined in: Clinton and later on a farm on. Base Line:. For the past 15 years he lived alone on small farm on the Blue Water Hiegh-, way near Hayfield'. He' was- a Method- ist, later a United attending St. An- drew's, Bayneld. H. A. Hovey Passes The death took place after air ill - ness of some- years, of Herbert A. Hovey, one of Clinton,s best-known citizensz.-He was born in Clinton 58 years aga, and spent his entire life in that town. Had never enjoyed' ro- bust health and for the past few yee ars had been confined to his home most of the time. Exeryone in Clin- ton and the zurroundirig community knew and liked him. He was fond of the outdoors and spent emelt of his time in fishing; hunting and taap- ping-. TreenealaySeptenshee 5.44, 190S Fall Fair Dates • • The folosviseg is a list 01 the Fairs,. lz ifistriet with their dates.; Dates • of some of the fairs rioted, however„ . are ,sedinect to change: s, Ailsa Craig, Seat- 19, 20 - Hayfield, Sept 25, 26. • Blythe Sept. 25, 26. • Brussels, Sept. 25, 26. Dungannon, Oct. 3, 4. Exeter, Sept, 1,6, 17, Goderich, Sept. 17, 18. • Kincardine'Sept. 19, 20, Kirkton, 'Clet. 1, 2. • Lucknow, Sept. 26, 27. Milverton, Sept, 12, 13. Mitchell, Sept. 24, 25. New Hamburg, Sept. 13, 14. Ottawa • (Central Canada Ex.),: Aug. 19-24, • Pa.rkbiR, Sept. 26, 27. St. IVIarys, Oct. 9, 10. Seaforth, Sept 19, 20. Stratford, Sept. 16-18. Tavistock, Sept. 6, 7. Winghara, at 9, 10. Woodstock, Sept. 23, 24. Westerri VW* „ London, Sep. 9-14. Toronto National Ex., Aug. 23rd,. te Sept: 21.1RICFe Sept. 23, 24. ZURICH HERALD" Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPI'1ON RATES—$1,25 sr Thief Active in Goderich Twp. A sneak thief has been warking in, yarn., abeeny in advance; $1.50 ©r he Goderich Twp. for the past week. Go- arenam a n2.00 may be charged. life ing along the Bayfield Road on Wed- S. f1.59 he advance. No paper discon- Besday last the man, driving a green tinned until all arrears are paid un - most every home. If anyone was at of ilvideli every sedan with disc wheels, called at al - Subscription is pale twee at option of publisher. The dater, the house he would ask if he was an is denated on the Label. - the right road to Exeter. While the, ADVERTISING RATES' "neel farmers were busy at the evening chores the houses were ransacked, Dank* advertising made knowet drawers upset and anything of vataa en application. was taken. At the homes of G. Har- Miscellaneous articles of not more wood and Mrs. Marlaret McDonald than four lines, For Sale, To Rente drawers were ransacked and srerael Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One insere- awns of money taken. At the home of tine 25e, 2 ins. 40c.,8 ins. tigtev. Chas. Bell, 3rd con., money and a Farm or Real Estate foreseadeneelle diamond ring were taken. At Emere • for first month, $1.00, firr- sack, flak ed son Bros., on the 7th con., a large lowing month. . - , . . , to !sum of money; • •a gold Vateli; rings Professional Cards net exceeding s e and a breach, a keepsake, were X41 4% inches per rear,•$.5•00. :•'• ' g mcovo,. 1 in Memoriam, one:verse 60e, af,ia.: for each additional ifirso; Card ot. S. he was taken.to - Seaforth. di:1ring the afteranen, his homelle was in ha„/.., 59,e_ ; ,„ . ?I'cl-142,'' 21;Znien. 144i -4010e : iiii. AO* e started to walk the half nada home. S ter receiving a ride as. far'- as Kippen; insertion if not over four inehea Is appointment was made at a meetin :the Taoard. The appointment we. ode from a list of applicants numb ing some twenty. The new dutne •commence Sept. ist. Mr. Clark 11 occupy the residence at the cern etery which is being vacated by Mrs. Ford, who is meting to Landon. S Beuegle On Estate Chutches; inissiorle and benevol- ent soc4Whehent under the will of Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and daughter Dorothy of Buffalo and Mrs E. L. Baughman of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harris and son of Ailsa Craig *ere visitors at the hoine of Mr. antlesgeeneerieehlitdi s" Margaret and Elizabeth .Sla•vin, ent a few days at Varna. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Palmer and tie daughter are moving to Winds where he has been working for so months. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young a son and wife of Rochester, N.Y., re. visitors of Mrs. Anna McDona and Mrs. Lepier. Florence McDonald, of Londo visited with her mother, Mrs. Agn McDonald. Miss Mary Stewart of Seaforth, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lai Mickle. Dr. and Mm. Campbell and chi dren left last week for a motor tri to Nova Scotia and other poiont-. Mr. and Mrs. Cornie Cook and so Harry, who have been on a moto trip through California, Vancouve and other western parts for a fe months, returned to their home her Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Douglas, o Hyde Park, visited with the latter' mother, Mrs. John Johinstone, an daughters, Miss Margaret and Mrs John Parke. The ever efficient village Clerk James A. Paterson has been on th sick list for a few weeks sufferin from extraction of teeth to reliev neuritis in one of his arms and whi ch also affected his face, but we hope he will soon recover. Misses Helen Swan, Irene Douglas Ada Gram and Ihobel nianson have returned from a pleasant few weeks camping at Keswick Camp and report a very fine time as well as instruct- ive. Returning To EnglanDi-d . andMrs. James S. Tapp, who have been spending the past two months with their respective parentMr. aitd s Mrs. J. E. Tapp, Hensall, and blends at Wiarton, intend re- turning to London, Ertgland, sailing on the nth of Sept. on the Empress of Australia, for Southampton. Dr. Tapp has been. two , years. lit England going on a schalarship given by Gin University; ,and conducting rn sepaele week lirsthe Imperial College R'SCiinsee, London. Sp- lit - or me nd ve- Id n, OE is rd 1- p n w e. f d e g e Fra acorn • COUNTY NEWS Unfortunate Accident An unfortunate accident befell J. nlyslop, 14th con, Grey, while he was axing the knotter on the binder. The ones started and was tirtnevn lan era anti twieting hi wrist badly, -- •, enee.--anneeesenananee.- Yoaage e, o arida who died on, July 28,4ex:sing personal property to the value of $8,375. The amount was made up of cash, a mortgage, notes and goods. The will provides beques- ts for a number of relative § and fri- ends and " other beneficaries. Lock Your Car! An epidemic of petty thefts frona parked' autos has motorists' nerves on edge and local police at a loss. Fancy radiator caps, and gear -shift knobs, even headlights, have been disappear- ing. steadily and mysteriously during the past week: The main "stamping - ground" of the thief or 'thieves seems to be the Capital Theatre. In the meanthne police are on the lookout for a clue -that may lead them tattle cache—Goderich Fractured Arm On Highway No. 4, two mike south of Elginfield, W. R. Jones of Wing - ham had a narrow escape from death when his Plymouth car turned over three times, landing in the ditch. His left arm was broken and he received a cut over his right eye. He was a- lone in the car when the accident happened. For The Western Harvest Two Colborne Tp. boys set off on a motorcycle to lend their efforts to- wards the reaping- of the West's gol- den harvest. They are Jim Farrish, 22, and Bill Farrish, 19, sans of J. Farrish, Lake Shore Road. The boys. are going to the farm at Dinsmore, Sask., where there are /200 acres of wheat and 200 acres of oats to be harvested, They will have a nice spin on their cycle to that far away field of harvest. Visits at Exeter nk Willis and two daughters panied by Mr. and Mrs. Matt. n erson, all of Springside, Sask., who have been visiting at Grand Bend and Exeter have Ieft for their home by auto. Mr. Willis is post- master and received a medal from the governMent for 30 years Of con- tinuous •service. • Retain From Trip . After travelling between seven an eight thousand miles in an open oel T touring oar over a period ef three months during whfch time they crossed the Western prairies' and' the Rocky kountaing, Miss Annfc Sim- mons of Exeter, in company- with a other young ladies have returned home having eajoyed a trip that will long ne rereembereci. Accompanying Miss Simms were: Miss M. Smith of Watford; Miss E. Copeland, of Lis- ewel end Mee A, Pennon of London .01 erano nurses of Vietcoria, Inora-i pital. 1 1 The driver of a Stratford truck', who',,14.-zIgt‘AtiNdTess- ail conununicationa to: knew Cooped gave him a lift, and as he was leaving the truck at his gate flia ,Th he stepped infrorst • of' a car heinge driven by Mr.nanlaypte_Tareesea 1,ZURf3 - ONT.. eSNAPSI401- GUIL You Don't Necessarily Need An Expensive Camera 4S4 , „,netenen* ennensea a** -annals esse asse• You don't need an, expensive camera to net eine pictures. The one abovee„ taken with, an inexpenenee camera, won the grand prize in an Internationale contest nr*IIERE seems to be thee belief among many people, that it necessary to main an expensive camera to take good, pictures. Pages couldtbe wrftten, describing the limi- tations of some and the versatility of others but as our space is limited the subject roust be discussed rather briefly. There are, many types of cameran to meet every requirement et the, photograpner, -whether he is an area - awarded• the picture 'taken with an, Inexpensive camera, which goes t• oe prove that Intelligent use of an. caraera Is the first requisite for goat neettrres. Tile sane rule applies to movie,: canierae—and here is the prof.. Each year the American Cineraaa- • togra,pber, a Magazine published primarily for professional movie-, phatograplaers, conducts au amateur mcnrfe. contest and receives entries. tram practically every civilizede itseurca'imerbzoof;tassikoilenagaartypt noea, caorperain-12441321enlrYderbAitellecrilvti7ala.1 eyes elf 110119n tures, -ander all' conditions, It is true wood % ace cinematographers, whets that some cameras, are more nersa-" acted as judges, small, inexpensive -- tile than others. One may have an 8.3111fi. encode cameras Won a brilliant, extremely fast lens vithieh Derraita victory tot -11101r owners in winning.; the taking or snapshots under ad- drat and second a -wards in the 1934, • -9 vise lightYng denaltiOns and If It competition.. The final decision of.'" also has a veryllnit &atter yon can these icriticaleudges should convince: • take aletties of subjects moving at the w�' a worsapessimist that he, extreme speeds. Othernameras have need not 'wait until he thinks he eau. lenses and,shutters,oilvarious speeds afrorri an expensive Movie camera., to take pictures—and, good ones— berme enjoying the thrills of ama.--- vrilvtitteeri watainntlitrniorinpandress,;counpflotioynos..n Itettryzanerove.lare me aiihsionugs. a, lids. of people -.. is thisr---rett do not necessarily wale are denying themselves one of''' hive to own an expenstte csanera the great pleasures of ,life in note. to take good pictures of the usual owning a camera of some kind— srme of subjects: Irbr' instance, fir an ‘%/.1.1r,or movie --for there ere. mode. . ,. naternabenal amateur seeps/eat con- els pieced to meet the limitations or - testednductednotioagagabyalarge capacity of every pockethook ande inameneturer of eameras film and all of them take good pictures— photographic supplies of all kind,. %Wanes y< wilt caner re e tiPri in r the Grand Prize. of $10,000 was •yearn to oome. • a • a