Zurich Herald, 1935-09-05, Page 1r • • Vol, XVI No, 9 ZURICH, THURSDAY IVIORNIN ,if, EPTEMBER 5, (935 Zurich Fall Fair dates; QUINTS ACT TWICE DAILY Callender—The free little Dionne gmrls are not yet sniffefently grown up 'to do without sleeps and asa result Dr. Allan R. Deforz,,their pesysician, has decreed their- ptrblic appearance must be reduced imam four ',bay to 'two showings{. {+- A LIFE WORTHWHILE Life is sweet fast became of the friends that we make And the things width Be eoamnors we share, We want to live on,not because; of ourselves, But because of the people; Nolo care_ It's in giving and. doing far somebody else, On that, all li=e's pleasures depend And the joys of this: life when, you've summed them all up Is found in the making of Mends. Ilio You Need Glasses? .,Stop and Think how important Zia 'that you wear correct glasses-- cor- rectly prescribed for your vision_ Correctly styled to new face. Your health may largely depend Cama keen eaision. See C. E. ZURBEIGG•p R. 0_ At HESS JEWELER" STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICH ;I At Dashwood, Saturday, et Ffileez Stare. TieF 'tern ' 'Gfieri;