HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-08-22, Page 8PACE ETC -117T H IERAA I THE STORE WITH THE STOCK e We are again holding our ANNUAL SUMMER CLEARING SALE, beginning SATURDAY, AUGUST 17t1x, and Ending SATURDAY, AUG- UST 31st. Our Customers know that a Sale here is a real Money Saving Event... And we are again i'. offering Exceptional Value-3inall lines of Summer t Goods. We can only quote a few items here. See large Posters for more particulars. New Voiles, i eg. 49c to (i5c, yd. now Rayons and Voiles, to clear at yd. All Cotton Broadcloths, 36 -in., yd. 4' pieces 30 --hi:., prints, at yd. Prilled Curtain Serimms, per yd. Ladies' Cotton Hose, at Men's Navy Work Shirts. at Mens Smocks, Redback, at Men's Work Sox, 3 pis. for Men's Straw Hats, 2 for Men's Fine Shirts, white at GROCERIES! GROCERIES 39c 15c 17c 10c 12c 15c 49c 1 25 25c 15c 79c Certo, at Oxydol, large et Green Tea, Japan, per lb. New Cheese, per lb. Rio Coffee, per ib. 23c Zinc Jar Rine, dozen 20c Sugar Crisp Cookies„ 2 lbs. at Oranges, per dozen Vinegar X X Extra, per gal. We will have other Grocery Specials during this SALE! 29c 22e 39c 15c 25c 29c 40c G A PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 I 11 11111 111 1111 111111111 VIII 1111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 11111111(1 110 ►h'i p+ 1110111 III 111 111111111111111 H 11 111111111111111111M11111 011 1 Stsreroceryi St re Aeroxon Fly Coils,: 6 for , ` i Oc Bran Cream Flakes, 2 pkgs. for 25c m CreaAlmonds, per lb 1: 25c Reno Cookies, per lb 19c Happy Vale Catsup, 2 bottles 25c Heinz Cider vinegar, per gal 55c Orange Pekoe Tea, per 11). 55c Minute Tapioca and' Pyre* glass, 2 pkgs. ..25c Walkerside Quality Ice Crena in all Flavors. Special flavor for this month is Burnt Almond en (0 Oesch Zurich EGGS WANTED* Phone 165 +I+4+4.04,': 4. 4. 4. + 4. 4. 4 Thursday, "i,Xi~`u�71C�,11 44044+44444+144F44;..i.ry ,3. M,„ I.t 't <r..�••f6 . &^+4.+ .I.. ; tro 44 THIS SEASON ,CALLS FOR GOO'' J NEW r di FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US : SUPPLY E' 7. YOU WIT.I °iI ; "E BEST OF WOVEN' WIRES ALSO HAVE ARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE- ,.. TROUGHING •I• SPECIALS! Coal Oil, good grade at Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon 11111111 H11IIIIII 1111111111 II11111111HIIIIII 11111 IHHIllHIIIIIIIIIIII1l11 11111111111111111111 IllI1111111111H111111I0lilll 11 11111111111111111111(11111111 1819=6,21.4 ragtE01.44NIMI ore an ore MVIOTc-'w;=S ARE REALIZING THE NECESSITY OF HAVING AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE FOR LES..; TH.' x $1 EER MONTH YOU CAN HAVE UP TO $70,000 rROTECTION FOR LEGAL LIABILITY FOR BODILY 1NJIJI x OR DEATH TO OTHERS AND $1000 FOR LEGAL LIA- BILITY FOR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OF OTHERS. AND FOR A FEW CENTS MORE PER ir1ONTH YOU CANHAVE 1' UNLIMITED PROTECTION FOR PUBLIC LIABILITY AND $1000 FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE. WHY KEEP PUTTING IT OFF? IT MAY BE TOO LATE! Andrew F Hess, Zuric MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Hrltve You MADE YOUR WILL? !HMS OF LOCAL I TE S1 1\Ir- :George Crozier attended the funeral of a relative at London on Sunday. Mr. Wallace Ross of Brucefield, was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith. Mrs. Edith Clarke of Florida, and Mrs. Clara Grey of London spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs Henry Brown, 15th concession.. Mr. and Msr. John Snider of Bru- cefi.eld, also Mrs. Stiles and Mrs. Bonar Law, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jul Block. A large number of the villagers are awey to the Bend this�Wednes- day afternoon, attending the Evan- gelical S_ 5. picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O'neil and fam- ily of Hamilton, were week -end vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rader of the Goshen Line, south. Mr.' and Mrs. Jacob Smith, and Mrs. Henry Magel of Detroit, and Mrs. John Ramseyer of Elkton, Mich were visitors with relatives here over the week -end. Mrs. Mina Tinlin of Winnipeg, who has .been visiting Miss Ethel VMillians, the p_ast few. weeks,`" h left for a short -visit, •with friends'! Toronto. Two of the Huron -Perth candidat- es in the forthcoming electron were in town Thursday, namely, Mr. W.H. Golding, Liberal of Seaforth, and the "'hitch hiking Independent, Mr. W. W. Cooper of Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Howald and Child from Cleveland, Ohio, were visiting with their aunt, Mrs.- Cyrus Colosky and other relatives and friends the past week. `30000)%%t'waoc;i4zC".le ri.,:- coo v `Cx. :x'+.!.:! ,,c4 -,Loc.„. ? a• atN;Itz en :iT "vKviu"•.• HARDWARE -^ SEEDS and FURNITURE Uri If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this year, be sure and consult Us... And be sure it is the pious Frost Fence! .. . , for long life. Coyne in and sec our stock of Frost Farm Fence ..the finest we've eves • had. Heavily galvanized by special Frost process. Wears for a Lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. TIGHT ` - LOCK ZINC BONDED an erefusive FROST feature fhd SAVES ¥OU MONEY PAINTS! PAINTS! fWe carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, I 0 Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall 1, e 4. 4. ip 6s 4. 41a 4. 4. 4. 5 4. LOCAL MARKETS SPECIALS! ! 20c 28c We also Furniture. 4, 4* 4. + + (Corrected every Wednesdays •i< Eggs. dozen ......... _ . 20, 18, 14 4. Butter, creamery 25 .t. Butter, dairy 24 4* Wheat, bushel 60: + Oats, per bush 25:. 4* Barley, per bush. . , . 42 Batckwheat, per bn'lr 35 4. ,E•. Flour, cwt ...............175 2.50. 4. Shorts and bran ton ........20.00 .q, Potatoes per bag 50 1 Live Hogs 9.50 The annual summer sale at J. Gascho & Son's mercantile store has niet with good success and many are the happy shoppers who have visited Mildew Control this store these days. Don't forget, " Saturday AugustMildew now appearing on roses may visit this 31st is the last day be -controlled by using one teaspoon of the Sale, so store as earl; ai, you can, befor, ., too late , aul of baking soda to a quart of wat- r. Spray in the morning. Also dust The rebuilding of tli,' terra, of Mr.:iNith sulphur when foliage is wet. Ed. Beaver of town is now completed r' Weekly Crop Report and it gr•.'<tly add' to the epneeran.ce • Fall wheat is ripening and cutting oi' t . west- (.•lid of twee, " ie house is now in progress. Barley is filling i:: ...01y . 1.p. -:Fra i,,X'-r °iny .well and maturing rapidly. Oat chops house look attractive. :iii Deaver is give promise of better than average moving his effects therein. The new `yields. Haying is now generally past. hriek r .$li1 ice that I: l i; Corn and root crops are marling sat- erE.ct.ing is going alov tic •tl; ;isfactory growth. Early raspberries plumbers are now putting in thei . and sweet cherries are being market - part of the work. ed, with prospects of a good yield. All fruit conditions continue to show The very warm weather the past'good promise. Growth of tobacco has week has made one think that the 'been. rapid and indications point to summer is still with us. t is ideal,. an6 early harvest. for the big heavy harvest that the -• Insect Control farmers are struggling with to get''Numerous complaints indicate a stored away in their barns. Many heavy infestedation of insects in farmers who have not had a straw" Ontario gardens. stack out in years, are this year seen,: Cutworms may be controlled with with one or two about the place. ,, a poison bait scattered around young stook threshing has become very pop-, plants in the evening. Use 1 table-• ii]ar this -year with the long and en .. s • poon of. Paris Green, 1 tablespoon tangled sheaves. Another week with' favorable weather will see most ofi! the farmers through with the ordin-: ary harvest. , it FARM FOR SALE FO SALE -75 acres good pasture never failing water. Lot 16, Con. n,., Hay Tp. -W. C. Pearce, Exeter. Court Cases Less In July of 1934 there were 68 cases in the Goderich Police Court. This year there were only 43 during that month or 25 Iess than a year -ago. It is to hoped that we are be- coming better in obeying the law, or are the local authorities not so strin- gent in inforcing the laws. Which is it? • Wearing Bigger Shoes This athletic age' 'apparently is xiot so complimentary, to the feet. Ruth Kerr, of New Yory, the only woman in the U.S.A.. who styles shoes for both men and women, said that shoe sizes are getting bigger and bigger every day. The average woman's foot has expanded from 51/2 to size 7, and the average man's foot size is 101,a, as compared with 91/r in the old days. Women are getting more conservative in their shoes, while men's shoes are running to colors. BUSY FARMER NEWS have See some very Attractive Prig n t Our New Beds, Springs Mattresses. USED FUURNITURE Two Good Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; Kiera Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. BE SURE AND SEE THEM/ Johnston & Kalbfleisola aid wary ' k r ti culture. P o .. a 68 V 4 4 ; 0 000+0 44+00++++++4.04.+++++ . +++++÷÷444.00044.044++++' 4+++:++, 01111E1111llPdH{iIH':PAIIIiIHIIIHHIHIHHHH!&%TIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111,111111111HIIHISHHiH":H'!{i&:il11III1111111H111H1111iHI11111WIIIIIIIIIIi11111191111 FIs 1111Iii1110111111ERNIIIHIIIIIiHIIIIiB THESE PRICES subjee to change without Notice Painting Wagon Painting Buggy Recovering Buggy Top Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set Buggy Shaft Cross Bar $ 7.00 and 10.00 I 6.00 and 10.00 16.00 and 18.00 a 12o00 3.00 1.00 Buggy Reach - Buggy Spokes each 1,25 25c HBSS, the RepairlYtan 11711iII11111HHHlINHll;iii 1111 lI1NIHIIIIIIHIH 4111IIIIII111111 Hfi I . L7llifAJiH IN.1I1H111111111i11HNii&TI'JHVfL'IIUkallilliHlliilHPdi 111111111Hi11HIHIIIIIm01HllH111111IH1HH1aira 14+++++.1..H.++++++++++++++14 •4,•,L.*1.4 4.+++�+4++4.+4++4+ + •R New Midget Cars What is probably the smallest aur tornobile in Canada is being demon; grated to dealers in Toronto by re EXTRA EXTRA Large Shipment of Titres Just Received Regular $10.00 Heavy Service tires at 6.35 Regular 10.75, Heavy Service tires at 6.90 Gasoline at per gollon 23c Lubricating Oils and greases at corresponding low prices Ai Get Your Requirements Here, where Your Dollars Go the Farthest! �T Expert Workmanship on all Makes s of Cars, with charge Very Reasonable! 4. Mousseau Zurich 44444'R.44,++ 14.5++6+4,41. 1++++11+L+4 ;,,,s;it1 • .0419£ +I+.�f4,4 + 4.14++> 4+:2,+4+•4• .+ +4441. tip +G4.4,ger+a+. +440.01 4.+++++++44+ 144, 14 14•4,444,44,4'•4++5.+•4++•4.+++4,l4,0 t. 1VRSSBYHABTS NEWS + + of Molases and 1 quart bran. Mix all_ into a fluffy mixture.. Ants in. ;';awns may be 'eradicated by pouring a small quantity of Carbon x Bisulphide into the holes and plugg- i ut },ts•me : This forms a gas which r works down the runs, killing the in- 't. Se¢is. Snails and slugs' may be removed by sprinkling fine, well -slaked lime w 1 resen a vgs Of a renc 1 ino„ pr ea liveN the ground surface just be ore Mattresses 701' designer. ae This midget car, Uri zili 3tic the i'arlirn t •dark., d` � Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- . ell I3nil rigs, we igh,:, 0 ;only 1,.100 lbs, and is powered b ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- e 1 -cylinder motor which develops 2 3 ii. p. at 4,000 rev, per minute. It ware always in stock. w m 4. will be marketed at $325. Negotat£i,' EIbDs D F: &- : ons are being conducted to float P d, j,.E Ess are with ing a spited of ,$75,00✓t f. Ery � , 3.1 . ival„le eylindE.r power plailit, Z U w 1-1 - NT. which is mounted directly over t1r QUALITY -- PRICE - SERVICE rent t.x1Cprovides 411 front -wheel tr 'ann. Capable of 65 °a!"A+ 44hmiasoimook aisetoo v,,;o91t 4 Nb ' milnudescpr t rgj Iion,nS a5olin miles lenge of The Canadian Apple Crop The preliminary Apple Crop cstirn- mate of the 1934 crop is 3,890,643 barrels, as compared with 5,478,238 barrels in 1933, a decrease of approx intately 29 per cent., says the report just published by the Dominion. De- partment of Agriculture. All produc- ing provinces, with the exception of I British: Columbia where the crop up „proximated that of last year, record eddecreases, due rh%efl„y to frostiy, Check your Haying Machines New and avoid dis- appointments in the Field. .. Order repairs early and save Express Charges.., Hassey -Harris partp- a are testi • How about a Cream Separator Demonstration. r Several Used: Machines. Very Cheap AUTO TIRES ; , i ,: L 4; If in need of any, bring your Catalogue along. We will not be undersold by mail order houses and we mount the same ;Fee! A FEW CHEAP USE!) TIRES Plow Points for all Plows Tel. Shop 149 O. SLOP?` SONS Re -s. 67 4- t. Auctto 'teeri ? --- U. E31E.T! • 1