Zurich Herald, 1935-08-22, Page 1Vol, XXX No.7
„se seseenSan
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ZURICH) THURSDAY MON Q AUGUST 22, (935. Chester L, Smith, PulkWeef
$1.25 a year T.T.s. MN in Athena&
*1.00 AR )1B.4.$B (3,*2 laMir BB gEBTABIBB4-
bet the. Ilerar tell of all you summer Visits and Visit
Our Holiday Trip Ito make a living mostly by trapping
or hunters or fisherman's guides, the
fertile and tillable land being very
limited. At Callender we were dir-
ected out to the famous Dafoe Hos-
Your pub/ishee lies been repeatedly
•appeoachecl readerz of' the Herald
duriug the past week ti give an ac-
count of our holiday trips so in our,
humble way we vein try and be very
brief. • -
Lea.ving home, Wed -ay noon, July
31st we made Orfila for the night.
pita.% -which road winds about for a
few miles till finally one reaches the
hospital which houses the most pop-
ular and most talked -about babies in
the continent at present. The locat-
This is a very thrifty town and their
ion of the' Hospital is very suitable
amp, one of the finest in that SC for the occsion. Two heavy iron
tion is situated on the southeasushore
of pretty Lake Couchich" ag. It in fences surround the hospital, which
have several strans of barbed wire
rine years since we last xrisited this
on the top. The five Mt% girls, who
camp and notedwonderful develop-
Thuradaa Iook much prettier than any photo
enents. Next morning,
Y" we have ever seen, are shown four
times a day; 8 and 11 aan. and 1 and
3 p.m. We happened to be there for
the one o'clock showing and about
three 'hundred visitore were present
then. But we met some people at
North Bay the follOwing Sunday who
stated there were about two thous-
and there on that day, as autos were
parked a mile back from the Hos-
pital on the Highway. When the show
ing time comes, the visitors are be-
ing let through the iron gats to the
outer yard which has an iron fence
about forty feet from the hospital,
the babies are then brought nut one
at a time and a large card with that
particular babys name thereon is
being placed up on a rac'k. The bab-
ies are good performers, waving
the visitors and dapping their hands,
to the highway runs parallel with tie
sets everybody in a clapping
this Ottawa river, along here is so e
wonderful scenery, with the we
mood. They are then put in their
river and over on the Quebec
'health may largely depend on keen caggiages and two big SUM umbren
Pas put up on the roofless verandah are the outstanding Lahrentian Ch,
See C. E. ZellBRTGG R. G. Ituider which they are wheeled for
ghts, which compare vferyti favoir:
At HESS .TEWELERY STORE in beauty with any o eas e,
Eve& Tuesday at ZURICH
we went up the late on the Pergussem
Highway, arriving 0.,t the much talk-
ed -about Callander„ a Mee after 12
oclock. The country alone- this road
is very rocky and the bu;land is
mostly secondgrowth, wth. here and
there a settler along the way trying
DO You Need Glasses?
:Stop and Think how- important it is
that 'you wear correct gasses—cor-
rectly prescribed for your vision.
Correctly styled to your face. Your
Shoe Repairingi'
1 wish to advise the Public then
am. in a position to do all kinds
shoe repairing, and solicit ydur p
ronage. Give us a trial for gap,
Victoria Street. Zurich, Qntis
The bereft family of the late Ja
Weber wish to greatly thank t
neighbors and friends for the assi
ance, kindness and sympathy sho,
during the illness and passing of
departed, and also to those who lo
ed their cars at the funeral. ntE
.....,.........................,...—:.-= ... : ..::..:.
t ?'
motored up to see the Quints, st,
then took a run up to North His. ,
and we spent a social hour toget1P
after which they left for Owen Son: cf
for the night. -:- -
Monday we journeyed by way On,
the new Trans Highway to Otta as
250 miles. This road is in excenset
condition and is unique for scene ST,
especially from Mattawa on, vils re
sehs nes as
Mr, Daniel Koehler of Kitchener,
was • unto/ in town on Sunday.
Mr. Ross J. Scott, of Brucefield,
made a business trip in town on
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams had
an enjoyable motor trip to Niagara
Falls over the week -end.
Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Zimmerman of
Bridgeport, were Tuesday visitors at
the horne of Miss Anna Hess.
Mrs. M. Eilber and Mrs. Gibson,
are spending a few days with friends
at Hensall this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Allan of Lon-
don were week -end visitors at the
home of her grandfather, Mr. Ed.
Fuel Prices are
your winter sup
Coal is at the lOwe,St Tv
this Seson..
Beautiful Gents' 15 Jewel
You'll be proud to own!
Mr. Hugh MacKinnon, of the High-
ways Engineering staff, now working
north of Goderich, spent the week- Hess 'The
end at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Truemner and Phone
family; Mk-. Conrad Truemner, Mrs.
S. Jacobe, and her sister, Mrs. Hoff-
man from the West, all spent Sun-
day with friends at London.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kalbfieisch, ae.
their re,st. And so the show goes on mountains We have seen. It is 1..t.oeinpanied by Mr. and Mrs. Louis
'Prang were on a motor trip to Nor -
day after day. And here to oisr sur-
prising the amount of logs and th144 em Ontario recently enroute they
prise we met Mr. Elgin McKinley of
Line. north-, who -was up wood that is being floated down he
'had a pleasant visit with the lattens
At Dashwood. Saturday at Pfde's e s "
to North Bay making a denvery
of various rivers that empty into te
Store. sister, Miss Elizabeth Truemner.
Pentbr91 - TIoney Harbor, Georgian Bay.
poultry. The Dionne home is locate-dOttawa along the line.
1Renfrew and Arnprior are all
about twenty rods -away and has theline s
towns of about five thousand et1,1 t Dr. and 1VIre. H. H. Cowen and
appearance of a prindtive settler and and the fertile and wealthy look essishArjaenoVt.54t4itei;uvhitxol4ehaotl4ff:it
there seeme to be a rather indiffeaesit te . zeal.,..c4., tige,,otewe te4q. •,,
1.e'eling Iletwenla .%,,PaYeltts,'Vg4-atlf-4,00.4,0144,,,,,g. "1 74
'.11..":" 'GlYre'll'it4t°49fWais'I'llt04.- s.:7V1Org'f'A-Pkinestibee 6allea,.,. ...,,, ;,:ihe 0,,,ireig,,,witvAtrog.),„ '
adopted and full control of the girls
till they are 18 yearsof age. and Mrs. N. E. Dahms, for a few week and. will occupy the house va-
hours. Mr. 'Dahms was a former atell by Dr. Cowen. While we re-
- rin.cipal of Zurich public school, a- gret the loss of one family, we most
bout thirteen years ago. Now, just heartily welcome the new comers.
a few words about Canada's Capital,
Miss Elizabeth Esler of 1V1inneap-
Ottawa,• and our little story is over.
-------s-- olis, Minn., accorripanied by Mrs. A.
Those of us who have spent a few McConnell of Varna, were Tuesday
days at Ottawa think it is the finest
city we have ever visited with its
hundreds of acres of well kept parks,
here in Zurich. It erns here that we ono can drive eome 35 miles seeing
met Rev. and Mrs. Albert Deters of the lovely sights. Of course, the most
Deboro, :and son of Mr. and Mrs. outstanding is the Parliament Build
Edward Datese, -Sr. of Zurich, who !ings which arc grouped on a bluff
risieg 150 feet above the Ottawa
viangeli Lutheran ChUrCh
"A Changeless Christ Gar AL albaig..;
lag Wrld." • '
Friday, 8h—lither League.
-Saturday—Choir Practice.
10 a ni.—German Serice.
11.15 a.m.—Sunday SchooL
7.30 p.m.—English. servce.
Everybody WeIcaree to. Services.
We anent the balance of the, week
at North Bay, caraping on the shores
of Lake Nipissing which is about 60
miles long and offers good bthing,
and very cool nights. North Bay is
a very fine little city and outside of
gasoline which sells at 30e.c a gnion
things are about the same in price as
river, surrounded by some 28 acres
of park. 01 gothie architecture, these
buildings are of great interest. In
,............................--..p the Peace Tower 240 feet high, is the
beautiful Memorial Chmber, as well
as Caneden carillon (of 50 beils) we The August meeting at the nutit h
were privileged to hear those one sea- Junior Institute wee held in the tewe •
ening for an hour of phteiree the Hall. Zurich, with e ,titi:t 1:r::., :J..
Parliament Libary, the only portion tendnce. The m(ting was opened.
of the main building pet &atlas -el with the singing of the Inn-nns. e-' , 4,
by flee in 1911. is i(,00 11114:'10. followed by elle Lo, : -; se s i st
.Among Otte'.. en otter 7,..I.,'• i . :r., ! ,-..,-... -, .,ro t -,,i1 T.- -1 !•;, ,,..:,:..-z se
the Chateau Laurier hotel; Victoria The roll call was answertd to by .Uy
Memorial museum, Dominion Arch- Favourite Vegetable," Miss Mary
Ives; National Art gallery. 'norninien, Con nem was in chorge sn the
0'servatory loeeted at ti' l,1344.4: ory poweremme, which emensted of
es , mental Farms of nearly 900 acres. demonstrations, contests. nal At this this Observatory there is consid- ings of the Maple Leaf. The a;r1s
erable to see and learn, as this is then joined the boys for the beet
where our time comes from, taken meeting. •
from the stars with some very deli-
cate and accurate instruments. There
is also Ottawa's large filthering plant",
the only este - of its kind in Cs -n.104,
where the muddy water is taken from
the river and filtered to 100% pure;
the 'Royal Mint; Rideau Hall; the
Goveror-General's estate. .e,:lao
many other fine homes occupiedThy
the leaders of the country. After 'e -
ending four days at the Capital n:fid
across the river at Hull, Que, Tea
cannot help but admire the fine cn its
esy and the general dignified attitehde
el the testae city. Truly, it is wej0y.
to .he celled the capital of a grAt
cttntry. Ottawa prvide, one efthe
finest teurnst camps found anyeviiee.
runtang weter het ' or cold, sh6,7ar
rirah's, 'Ate kitchen, etc., and after
bdingguests with the popular kee ea
Mr. and mr.,p. H. McLean nor is ew
days, one cannot help but have de -
dire (of going back again in the sear
Ttture, Saturdays we metal? - n to
Whitby and Sunday back hp*, f,0
Zialia. On a trip like this one egos
many nice thing d and nice pleee,
hut when it is all over we are alWaies
lloll to get back to little hhselens
1Ileee we have our home, our tenth.
'• elan- ,
Special's for Thursday Friday and SabzrAay
visitors at the honie of Mr. Win. La-
mont. Itliss Esler is on an extended 4:
meter trip with another lady frisnd,
who is visiting. at Toronto. They
left the middle west State and jour-
neyed on to the Atlancic coast, go- •
Mg by way of New York and Boston
and returning by the Mew England •
States, to Montreal and Ottawa, and
are now on their way 'back home. •
Zurich Junior Institute •
Peas, Na.Mersts„ 3 tins ler .--_w---.-e'
Quaker Puffed; Wheats: per 'pkg. e — — 8e
Choe Red Samoa, Tiallnlbs tins, "2 far
cadhoe Reit Slisam, 'large Ms aeanh
Cheese Half pkg. 2 far -------- -25c
• Factory cheese,. -per The ....
Red ,Patte 'Granulated Sgar, 10lbsa — 520
Rice, lane 'Rases heat %May, 3 'Thes-
Royl Inerkgoffees, I-1 se
RoYsil •Yerle Teas pkg..28e
• Sultitsandisiies, (neve mon) 2 ilse.. 25c
4gyaYork Baking Parisder, nan. .23e
ennfifereot rap.ers. trifle s.s. 25a
Paine Olive soaps, 3 ceker, .
Broeinse, 311etil. eataght aattli.
Voile, reg.. tier 2.5"es Speehil 'Prices-
Sockse Sress..s 5 Yes linateer..... see- ....lige and 10e
0. \kis
oar business, and here is where k
Highet, Pik l far Eg% nom 140,.Inake tint. liviug, and Huron ConiOt,n
I is about as nice a place to live
one would:find in a Week's travelSt;
Ilre421,...4110 .voramikiiiiitie=ftttetrialinatignes
The August meeting of the Wom-
en's nissionery Society of St. Petr's
7,v. Lutheran Church took the form
of a very pleasant Out -door eveeina
eting at Duchaeme's 'Beech. Mi
Gertrude Weber had charge of the
topic, which was The Beard of Am-
erican Missions. She was assisted by
Mrs. I, Kalbileisch, Mrs, Geo. Deich-
est, and Mrs L. Prang, Mrs E. Det-
ers gave th-e Thank Offering thought,
and Mrs. Elmore Klopp offered pray-
er for her prayer partner. At the
close of the devotional exercises, Rev
offered prayer, and fain-
• finer hymns were sung around the
calyip fire. In eonaeotion with the bus
inweeplans were niade for the annu-
al WM. S: Convention to be held at
irse English Lutheran Church, Kit-
nthener, September the 25th and 26th
the .delegates chosen were Mrs, Turk-
heim, Mrs. E. P. Kpp, Mrs. 3, Hab-
eree, Mrs L. Prang, Miss M. eHicle-
num, After enjoying some lively con
tests refreshments were served be the
eo'iiftc' in clue -pm; Ives 1 Kens-
ilinseh, Mrs, H. Krueger and Mies An
na Deters; A hearty vote of thanks
was tendered the committee, and fol
left for their homes feeling they had
vent a ham and profitoW evenines
74 Zurich
The color guarantees the quaity we
have all sizes. Also: Comet Se:-
vay Coke. Miller Creek and Pease
horrtas Briquets. Tie and Brick-
CASH paid ftr Eggs on a Gradesik
metes Anna,
,S)4 -411,440•04:44/1,004440,i44-4244.40 '0
aw Hats
Keep Cool in a new smart Straw
Priced $1„ to i.75
:Helmets at 39 cent.
Splendid RE
ge of
$2.50 Up
Men's Flannel Trou.srs
• f*,
41t -
sof! te
. slew a
Your 8 rin
We are well supplied with a Genera) Sin& of
Staple Goods, consisting of Prints Broa.dcroths,
Curtains, Curtain Materials, Boys and Girls'
Summer Sweaters, Boy' Tweed Pants, Blomers',
and Shirts, Mens Shirts and Pans.
Groceries, Hardware, Paints, Varnishes ani
Oils, Shoes, Rubber Boots, Harness Repairs,
Etc.„ Etc.
1935 Garden Vegetables and Flower Seeck.
.• Also root Seed and Sorgum.
r:)ouc) moot
OENER.41. NifiROHAitir
HONE 11 81
• •