HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-08-15, Page 4..
' Three Swartzentr"a"•l ar, accomp-
M,r., and Miaa.'David Oesch
is aly spent Suu'nd.ay with fri-
xdi a near 'M.t. Cariahel.
and Mrs. Sana. Gesell and fam-
,shelled on his mother, Mrs. Caro -
0e -se Sunday afternoon.
ass Jean Rey is holidaying at
-.home in the village.
'gr.and Wire. Jake Swartzentrube't'
zed Milan; Mr, and Mrs. Roy Ging=
eby. and Mrs. Amos Gingerrch
Bend Jean, were Sunday visitors with
Mfr. and Mrs. Ed. Oesch.
Pleased to report that Mrs. Barb -
=era ,Gerber who underwent an oper
seitldaxi tit 'Kitchener Hospital, is gett
,ring along as well as can ee expected
Vile Annie Oesch of the Goshen.
Mine is holidaying with her aunt, Mrs
"'alaudy ` Oesdsh.
A group of young folks of 1 avis-
spent Sunday with friends on
lzeBrollS011 Line.
EMx and 'Mrs. Chris. Gingerich and
=embers sof the family spent Sunday
°eeffile, Mad. and Mrs. Chris. Erb.
Mr4 . nd 1$1'h'i WPIN 'NIlrer of W.in
dsor 'were Visitors With Mr. and 'Mrs
Geo. 'Caias bell.
Stook -threshing between •slrowere
seams to be the Older of this day at
present, There as a tremendous buck
of ,,straw and ,a good average yield of
:Miss 'Margaret Erratt of Mount Elg
" *sn Residenal School is spending a
F. Stew ;,lays -,with her sister Mrs. Henry
►. ,alt.
-isses Dorothy Peck, Syble Keys
ke end 'Isabel Robinson are spending 10
;:days at the Girl's Camp, Goderich.
:Miss -(Grace Robinson has returned
Moine after taking a course in Agric-
eulturre, at the O.A.C., Guelph.
Mr. Geo. Boyd of Niagara is visit-
i i at Mr. Roy Lamont's.
Rev and Mrs. H. G. Bandey are
:ay ton their vacation.
Ma" 'r..J. H. Laverty of Toronto, is
.srecterl to take the services in the
;Z;oshen church on Sunday, August
Threshing and harvest ere the ord-
er of the day,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Love of Ailsa
Craig visited the former's brother,
Mr, .and Mrs. G. Love and family.
Ma. and Mrs. E.- Smith and fam-
ily of Kippen visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. Weido and family.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Davidson spent
the week -end in Mitchell and Listo-
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and Mr.
Robinson and son all of near .ditch-,
all visited the former's son, Mr. C.
and Mrs. Robinson.
Peet .is beginning to move faster'
now as the winter is approaching
.and most likely the •f re will be ap-
preciated oncec again. So get your
.order in early folks!
Miss Vera Colbert of Kippen, spent
,Sunday with Miss Annie E. 3arottr`.
Mr. Thos. Black returned to his
duties in Detroit, after a week's vac-
ation here.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Sounders of
London visited friends here on Sun-
Rev. A. Sinclair of Hensall, was in
charge of the service on Sunday at
the Hillsgreen church. H
Mr. and Ivlrs. A. Black of Detroit,
and Mrs. Love and members of her
family spent a day at London and
Goderich, also Sarnia.
Several folks attended the military
service of the late 14Ir. Ernie Meyers
at Blake on Sunday from this vicin-
Mrs. Ward Forrest is being visited
by her sister Marjorie and niece Mar
alt, Misses "Annie and .Aggeres
Cochrane of Clinton with. friends;
Mr, Jas. Cochrane end Mr. and Mrs,
Ross Mk and son Douglas; Miss,
Gwendolyn Eller, all of Toronto. with
friends; Mr, and Me. A. Black and
son Thomas of Detroit, with Mrs.
Love and family; Mr. and Mrs. Mae
Tully and family with friends of St-
ratford; Piss Gladys Coleman of
Egrainalville with friends; Messrs,
Filshie and Passmore of Hensall were
in •charge of the service in Hillsgre-
en church on Sunday in the absence
of Rev. Chandler. who is taking his
holidays now. Visitors away from
this vicinity recently were: 112r.. and
Mrs. Robt. Stephenson and family,
and Mrs. L. Troyer with Mr. and Mrs
George Stephenson and Bobie at
their summer cottage Kincardine.
Mr. W. Jarrott and daughter Annie,
and Miss Audry Kelly with Dr. and
Mrs. Moir of Huron Springs, Hensall
Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson with fri-
ends in Mitchell; Mrs. L, Eiler and
Miss Edna Cochrane at Georgian
Bay and Owensound; Quite a num-
ber took in the 1G1st celebration in
Clinton from this part.
p.£ th at 11 o'clock, his subject will . garet of near Chiselhurst.
'Ibe The Power of Prayer. (intended for last week) •
„Zr. and Mrs. T. M. Snowden and The Hillsgreen church are holding
ala 'tees were recent visitors with
dieresis at Newmarket.
Miss 'Irene Scotchmer has returned
'oane from Toronto.
Mrs. J. A. Carne attended the
Allan -Drysdale family reunion held
eat Poet. Huron Saturday last.
Miss :Isabel Manson, R. N. of De-
troit, as visiting at the hone of Mrs.
A_ Manson.
Mrs. John Shantz of Waterloo,
- sisited 'with relatives on the Bron-
their regular anniversary services on
Sunday, September 22, at a.m.. and p
m. Rev. Mr. Page of James Street
church, Exeter will be the guest spe-
aker for the day. Special music will
be supplied at the services.
Recent 'Visitors in the vicinity we-
re Idrs. Lydia Troyer with Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Stephenson and a°rienrle!
.Liss Mary Hagan of London with
her sister Miss Dolly and brother
Frank; Miss Audry Kelly of Toroote
Fresh Air Fund with Miss Annie E.
Lortg Service —
Cream Separators mean both. That's
why many of our original machines
are sill in use and doing full duty.
When you buy
a Renfrew product
you deal with Ren-
" frew's own representa-
tive in your own neigh-
borhood. I3e is responsible
to you.
Investigate all the features of
the Renfrew before buying—
the waist -high supply tank --
the interchangeable capacity
features—crank just right
height—rapid, perfect separa-
tion—adjustable cream stand—
and the record behind all
Renirews. 4 sizes—for small
or large herds.
HUGH THIEL, District Representative
Phone 93 r 4, Zurich, Orit.
Mrs. Peter Fisher visited with her
daughter, Mrs. Walter Moffatt, in
Mr. and Mrs. Ilarold Scruton of
Port Dover visited in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick and son
Douglas of Toronto visited his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Dick.
Eleanor Fisher is spending a few
weeks with her brother at Graven-
Mrs. (Rev.) Young•and little dau-
ghter returned home from Seaforth
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie of
Toronto visited with his mother re-
Me. and Mrs. George Iless and:
family are camping in the Pinery
Robt. Higgins has returned after
two week's visit in Kitchener.
Mr. and • Mrs.' Fred Hess and Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Hess and children vis-
ited over a weeke-nd in 3lichigan.
Rev. Gordon of Cavell Presbyterian
Church,Exeter, took the services. in
Carmel Presbyterian church.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Thompson, Mr.
Sid Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. F.
Thompson of Carduff, Sask., • were
recent visitors at the home of Mrs.
Wm. Luker.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Joynt ,of Tor-
onto are visiting with Mrs. Joynt's
mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt.
Rev. and Mrs. Sinclair, and family
have returned from Camping near
kith IVIr. end Mrs. I. Ms-
Steiiahagefl of Tbvistock
vier ' parents last weep.
'Mrs. T. Hoperoft and Mr.
azd,lVi '''L. Bender spent last week-
end' titrystal Beach.
Mrs,. R. Guenther as visiting fri-
ends dt ,Grimsby.
Ml ail(' Mrs. McGregor of St.
Marys wore last Sunday visitors with
Mr, and 'lirs. Otto Resterneyer.
Mr.' and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan spent
a few 4.ay9 with' Dr. and Mrs. Taylor
at Wasaga Beach last week.
Mr. end MTs. Jack Griffith (nee
Lucile ,Mcisaac) and Melvin • Vernon
of Detroit spent the week -end with
Mr. and 11Irs. P. McIssac, Jean • Mc-
Issas returning' to Detroit with them.
Mary Maltsam who has been visiting
with her grandparents during the
semm.ma has returned to Detroit to
take a trip with the l3ishof's to Long=
lake ,tstaaeugh Mich,
Mr. Diincan McDougall of King-
ston, renewed old aeuaintances here
over the ''week -end.
Miss Rise Guenther of Windsor is
spending ;hr vacation with her par-
ents he•e'a�d at Wasaga Beach.
Rev. and Mrs. A. Kellerman and
family' of aterloo spent a few days
with relatives.
Mir. and Ars. Milford Mcisaac, and
Willis, Mrs, P. Mcisaac and Mrs
Hartman ;enjoyed a motor trip up to
Midland and Wasaga Beach. q
frons cl _mooing. After they had been.
brought to .shore the woman wee in
an unconscious condition and first
aid methods wera resorted to for a-
bout bout ten: minutes before she regained
Passes Away Suddenly
1• After being down town in apparent
good health, John Ford, who for a
number of years has been caretaker
of the Exeter Cemetery, returned to
his home on the lake road, and pas-
away on Friday afternoon, after
complaining to his .assistant that he
was not feeling good. A doctor was
immediately called but before :his
arrival the patient had passed' away.
He is survived by his widow and four
Stealing Pigs
Thieves have been carrying off
young pigs from several fauns near
Milverton. Eight .were lifted from
two different owners. They weighed
between., 70 and 80 pounds each, a
third fanner also losing six.
Sale of Taxes
The town of Orillia is advertising
288 properties for sale for arrears of
taxes, some of whieh have been accu-
mulated since 1918, and total over
a hundred thousand dollars. It is
little .wonder municipal councils have
difficilty in meetingtheir financial
A ;charming : wedding was solemn-
ized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.
Golling, Thames Road on July 30,by
Rey MIs A. ' Hunt, of Exeter, when
their youngest daughter, S. Bernice,
was united in marriage to Lloyd
Shiers of Bryanston.
Dynamite In Coal Pile
Saves ,Life
• Jumping into the Goderich harbor
at the risk of his own life, Capt. P.
MacDonald, of the tug Forrest, on
Thursday last, saved a' young boy
from drowning or by being crushed H. Golding, M. P.
between the tug and pier. Joe Webb Wino will be Liberal Candidate ei7r.
a member of the crew, assisted in
e i the new Huron -Perth constituency,
the rescue. The lad, Jerry Smith, the
tug Forrest was sidling in to the pier
when Jerry essayed a jump to the
deck, in spite of Capt. shouted warn-
ing. The boy leaped, with the tug a-
bout four feet from the pier, missed Established 1900
his footing and fell in the water, a ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY
bout fifteen feet deep. The boy was
not a swimmer, went under, but Capt NOON FROM THE
day:, All
MacDonald rushed from his cabin
and dived over the rail., fully clothed
to catch the lad as he came to the
Old Resident Passes.
Death claimed a pioneer of Huron
County and one of the oldest resid-
ents of Goderich, in the person of
Mary B. Gunn, wife of Wm. Lerman
She was in her 88th year and ill 10
days. Was born in Goderich Tp., au;
ghter of Pat Gunn who settled them l
in 1846. After her marriage they
farmed in Ashfield Tp., coming to
Goderich 13 years ago where two
years ago they celebrated their gold-
en wedding.
Work at Swimming Pool
Work on :the Lions Club swimming
pool, Seaforth, is under -way, a gang
of men have been working cleaning
out the slime and silt that accumu-
lates on the bottem. A cement bottom?
is being put in and leveled up. Gray -
el will be hauled from the golf course
pit. The swimming pool was constr-
ucted in 1925. The Lions had a bee
and cleaned out what was known as
While loading the Goderich Salt the quarry. The water flows .in. from
Co's" truck at the; coal yore at the Silver Creek, which rises .close by
harbor, J. E. Huckins discovered a and is fed by numerous springs. The
stick of dynamite, apparently me mater is clear and cooL
Toronto. ! leaded with the last cargo of coal
Mr. and Mrs. Penrose of Toronto from Toledo. Tjre dynamite WEIS cap-
ped, b'dt,, was damaged so that there
was odanger.of its exploding. The
s as thrown in the harbor.
spent a few days with their relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs, Alf. Clark and chil-
dren, also Mr.: and Mrs. 'coy White
of Lon don. are c, n i• t thg: � •.. r 1•
.""lin is, o n Elder, Pearl
and Lorne left for Drummondville,'
Quebec, .where they will spend the
next three weeks.
Mrs. Connor of Muncey has been
visiting a few weeks with her aunt,
iiirs. H. Harmon.
Ma. and Mrs. Orme McKenzie and 3iieny interesting and novel events
have been, added.
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Do You Know?1:1-
You know thoroughly well that you have power
in your store, to influence the decision of your cus-
tomers in regard to what they buy from you. Your
customers rely on you to give them products which
in use or s givep consumption, will thern complete
If it is right to use big city dailies and nationaly-
irculated magazines then, by the same token, it is
Tight ,jpise local weekly newspapers!
1, am the Master Salesman of this Community, and
my name is y
t ?,t *4 9++.04+++#++3,'11 M+
oa•:. or the Seaforth Fa.
Fair have Bien issued, the far comes
this year on Sept. 19th and 20th,and
is a little more than a month away.
A. number of changes have been made
11,y. :the Society this year, particularly
in the sports .and attractions, where
children, and Dorothy McKenzie of
Kincardine, visited with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Drummond. -
Mrs. John Parke is visiting at the
home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Parke, Goshen Line, Stanley.
Geo. Douglas and daughter Irene,
were in London on Monday attending
the funeral of his nephew and niece,
the late Mr. and Mrs. L. Mc Ash, who
were drowned on July 31st.
Harold Bonthron, Bob Drysdale
and Ken Manns are camping at Pike
Bay for a few weeks.
Harvest Home services will be held
in the Lutheran church next Sunday,
Rev. Killinger of London, will be
the speaker in the morning and Rev.
E. Miller of Cleveland, formerly of
this place in the evening. Special
music will be rendered by the choir.
Last Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. A.: E. O+estreicher were: Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred Doupe, Miss Roxie
Doupe and Master Howard Hodge
of I\lr11t on • Mrs. John Anderson
and Miss Mary Anderson; ;•sir. and
Mrs. Wrn. Arthur and Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Hodge of Anderson.
Miss Mary Ellen Vincent of Lon-
don spent a few 'days with her par-
- Miss Zeta Nadiger, nurse -in -train-
ing of Victoria Hospital, London, is
spending her vacation with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Nadiger.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schroeder of
Windsor and Miss Selina Eifert of
Detroit, were last week -end visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schroeder,
Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Biesenthal of
Pembroke are spending a few weeks
with relatives here.
Dr. and K.rs. Taylor are spending
two weeks vacation at Wasaga Beach
Miss Grace Guenther of Kitchener,
spent last week -end with Mr. and Mrs
E. R. Guenther.
Mr. Gordon Goetz and sister Mrs.
Donehey. of Chicago are spending
.'ieir vocation at their home here.
Mr. Milton Cook of Kitchener cal:-
al-lcd on friend, in town last Monday.
ra. eili?'or:l Mcisaac and
family of Detroit are spending their
To Meet. Premier Hepburn
tratford—A deputation represent-
iii;,the temperance forces of Perth,
Ifon and Peel Counties, affected
let she • ruliiig of the Supreme Court
tilt the old Canada Temperance Act
is'stiil .inforce,'; wilI meet Premier
Hepburn in Toronto shortly, accord-
ing to President Fleming of the Tem-
lierance Federation.
Eight Poles Mowed Down
A coupe owned and driven by Mr.
MacAstockei son in law of C. E.
Allison, of Goderich, took off eight
telephone poles and guy wires when
it was crowded off No. 8 Highway.
The driver received deep, Iacerations
to the back of his scalp and across
his forehead and also concussion of
the brain. -
Contractor Injured
When working at the construction
of a new residence for Russell Siinnp
son, near Moorsvilie, Wm. A. Balk -
will, well-known Exeter builder and
contractor, had the misfortune to
fall from a gang plank. He received
medical aid and it was found he had
three ribs,fractured in addition to
receiving a bad shaking up.
i Auto Shine
Rooster Ruins
S. K, Keine parked his 'shiny new
car at his brother's house and went
into the fields to helpthresh wheat.
When he returned he found an ex-
hausted rooster and, one side of the
car in need „of paint. He'figures the
rooster must` have fought his image
in the shiny ;surface.Durham CrOnicle
Wins High. Honor
Dr. Ernest Appleyard, son of Can-
on and Mrs. E. Appleyard, of Sea -
forth, has been successful in passing
the exams. for admission to the Roy-
al College, of Physicians, Londonthe'
highest standing awarded in the Em-
pire. After graduating from the med-
ical school of Western University.
Saves Couple from Drowning
Town Clerk A. W'. Blowes, of Mit-
chell, while in swimming at Grand
Bend' Suiaday last noticed a man and
his wife in difficulty shoat 100 feet
from the store. The water was very
rough, they had gone beyond' their
depth -and as they were holding on to
each other both were- far danger ief'
• rare,aa real another
man who was bat.aniaz:; recti d thr.•
couple Su$t. tit tittle: to, save: them
Herald Printing Office,
year, strictly fm advance; $1.50 in
a arrears or 82.00 may be charged, De -
S. $1.50 in advance. No paper discone.
tinned until all arrears are paid un-
less at option of publisher. The da'ta,«
of which every Subscription is paial;
Is deaaaated on the Label. .,
I3isplay advertising made knowire
on application.
Miscellaneous articles of not more -
San four lines, For Sale, To Ren,
Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One fuser.
tion 25c, 2 ins. 40c., 8 ins. 60e.
Farms or Real Estate for sale $2.9a
for That month, $1.00 for each fele
lowing month. -
Professional Cards not exeeedin;
sr>rr inches, per year $5.00.
In Memoriam, one verse 50c, 25e
ter each additional verse; Card ef.
('hanks, 5Oc.
Auction Sates—$2.00 per single.
insertion if not over four inches h,v',
Address all cpmmunications. tee:
Make; the Camera
Your Traveling Cio:mpanion
Let your camera be your
favorite traveling compan-
ion. Your vacation and
travel snapshots will serve
admirably in illustrating
letters you write later to
relatives and friends.
AMtEMBERof the Snapshot
returned recently from a rather
long journey after visiting relatives
in many cities: "I had a lovely time
visiting and enjoyed the traveling,"
she wrote, "but one thing took a lot
of joy out of my trip, i did not take
along my camera. No, 1 didn't forget
it I simply didn'ttakeit and thought
no more about it until I reached my
sister's home. Then T' discovered
something. I have been reading the
Snapshot Gelid, have taken quite a
number of good pictures by follow-
ing instructions, but didn't realize
that I had unconsciously developed
an eye for pictures," she continued.
• "When I arrived at my sister"s
home—my first stop—I saw unliiza-
iced possibilities for interesting,
story -telling pictures. I hadn't seen'
sny little niece Jeansince she was a:
month old and here she was toddling
around and getting into all kinds of
mischief_ I could easily have taken.
six or eight snapshots of this cute
youngster doing all kinds of inter-
esting things."
With the coming of wanner
weather and more sunshine we are
''reaching that time of year when na-
ture is diseardirg her drab, winter
clothes for the bright colors of
spring :and. summer. It is a glorious
tame of the year.
As the sun becomes brighter and
the skies clearer, rentember that
more and better light will be enter—
ing the lens of your camera an&
reaching your film.. Your exposures..
should be somewhat shorter than'in-
the winter.
Suppose, for instance, that on a:.
dayin February you took several
pictures of your child as she played ..
in the front yard. If you had a fold-
ing camera and the day was of aver -'-
age brightness (with sunlight) for •
that date, you probably set the lens,
opening at f.8 and the shutter speed,:
at 1125 of a second, and got a prop—
erly exposed negative. Again, sup-..
pose you are taking such a picture:
todary. Then what? If the sun is
sh iningbrightly and the sky is clear,. .
instead of having the diaphragm set
at f 8 and the shutter speed at 1/25:.•
of a second as you did in February...
you should do one of two things.
If you leave your lens opening at;
f.8,your shutter speed should be set -
at 1/50 of a second. Or, you might .
set the diaphragm at 1.11 and prob-
ably get the proper exposure, under
average sunlight conditions, with the,
shutter speed of 1/25 of a second...
Personally 1 recomrnend the smaller -
aperture, or lens opening, and that
slower shutter speed for the smaller
't'he diaphragm opening the greater
the depth of focus. Take advantage
ef the brighter days. A.t home and
traveling have your oanaor eeadly
for instant use:.