HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-08-01, Page 5{'t jr Mc 4:ttlrsdye, etagaist. i.st, 1935 BUSINESS CARDS -.EGAL IiDLEY E. HOLMES iBAItRISTERPP SOLICITOR. TC 11 o'I- 1F OR SALE ARY ' Rubber Tired T Bu • y tin F ,p ,ICE — Hamilton Street,Just o °3- Buggy on. Also. 3 -burner Pu the Square, GODERICII, Orrt.airie. good conditir, it coal oil stove with oven. 2 -bur - 'Special Attention to Couxneel andher New Perfectiono Herald oil stove with Court Work. oven. Apply t Her iii Office, or Mr. Holmes may be consulted at phone 99 r 21, Hensall central. Goderich ,eby , Phone, and Phone -- M,+ Put Your Want, For Sale Lost Found, Etc; Ads, in this Column. Charges reversed. DENTAL Or. II. II. C O E L. D. S. D,. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON' At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH 'Every Thursday, Friday, Sat oxday At HARTLEIB'SS BLOCK DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINARIAN A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All .diseases of domestic enii is -treated ley the most modern principles, 'Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Runnels. Office on Main Street, lopposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. BUTCHERS FARM FOR SALE Consisting ' of 75 acres of choice farming land, situated one quarter mile south of Zurich Village limits. Good buildings, well fenced and dra- ined, plenty of good water. Farm is in good stateof cultivation. 10 acres of good hardwood hush. For further particulars apply to prop- rietor: p8 LOUIS WURM, Zurich. Choice Honey For Sale 'We can again supply you with No. 1, Clover Honey at 8 cents a lb. Over 50 lbs. 7c. ib. Amber honey at 6c. over 50 lbs at •5c lb. These prices apply in your containers. J. HABERER & SONS, • 2 Blocks south of Hotel. ZTJRICH. Dr. W. E. COXON, E.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone --96. ' Zurich RICH HERALD Mr, ]Philip F.assold of hwood was in town one day last ls. ` There will be no eexviee ,! in the Evangelical chure'h next Sun S Y, Members of the family of, r. band Mrs. Wm. Waiver : of 9'Ii,KI+r; are visiting with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G'Br,clit'and Miss Olive, , were ` visitors wqh the former's brother at . Staffs.,. Mr. and Mrs. Walter .mise., of De- troit, spent the • past week rip the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rau. The local fire brigade, had"; , the engine out last Friday evening and bad everything in good working ord- er. August 5th, will be observed,thro sight Ontario as civic holiday' and practically . every town will observe this day in that way. Rev. E. Burn preached at the De- coration Service on the cemetery at Rostock; last Sunday afternoon, There was a large attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Tetreau of 1'r. Ilurbn, and Mx. and Mrs. Schumacher of Detroit, spent the week -end at the home of Mr, and. Mrs. Wm. Far -i. rell, Town Line. Endorse Grain .board Ottawa-;adorsation by the wheat pools of the Government's proposal co s:reate a Dominion Grain Board which would take complete control of the Prairie Province crop marketing, was rounded ofI' by Geo, Bennett member of the Alberta Wheat Pool Board . He declared one of the lies. things in the proposal was the elim ination of future speculation. Person Sees Ghost Residents on Brock St., Goderich; were awakened ,during the night by groans and moans which they cane{ ght were made by some person who had probably been hurt in a car acei- dent. As the night wa:, :he citizens turned out in a Iong wht, nightgown to give help as he might. Tracing the noise to its source, he found a man sprawled on Ms back on a neighbor's laws with his head on the sidewalk. In reply to, his giery, ' the moaning person opened his eyes and seeing the white robed roan, decided it was a • ghost, with a yell that sounded like a boiler explv ion, he bounded to his feet and struck of down town. COUNTY. NEWS Dr. H. IL ,Cowen, the popular den- " tist of Zurich and Dashwood; ha re- Albert Radford, Londesboro, fell Gently purchased the dental practice, from a 1 6 -foot ladder, breaking . his of the late G. _Atkinson at Exeter, Tight arm. Just. when Dr. Cowen wilt open the Edward A. Howald, Exeter, Who office we knoic not of at,pres- ent, but we,lids been quite ill in London Hospitat , sure all regret to ,.loose following an operation, is improving the Doctor and family as residents of Zurich. Retiring From n -'llic Life The heavy crop of wheat is be}ng Hon. James Malcolm, form, r 1:::11,hauled in and threshed as the 'weath-' aster of Trade and Commerce in the erman. is quite favorable. Much: of Liberal. Govt., and at present memb- the barley crop is also cut; and - the er for Bruce has announced his re - oats are coming along fast. It will be tirement from public life, fie was a very short time and the season's popularly known, had the respect of harvest will be in the barns again. all parties, and his retirement is re- Zurich's' e- O u,.1ed �' 1 While in many: sections in Ontario-. gretted. + r�C� S � are very wet', here in this pant it Fractures Ilip }�,�' MARKET very dry, and a good shower of rain John McClure, Goderich, was the ALEAT r 101 A.1 K1 We are offering the following -used is badly needed for the late ,crops. victim of an unfortunate accident Cars fox sale: and pastures, when he fell from a load of hay and Lig (f g su ply yD via i=1927 Ford Coach,mechanicall=y fractured his hip H3 was taken to pHOLIDAY TIME Alexandra hospital, and his. condition and ti Carr - good;; 5 new tires; good uliholste'in very Choice of F good in paint, etc. See it! As mentioned last week your pub is reported as satisfactory. Good Bicycles :for Sale.usher and family are taking a few Work Farm or Lose Relief ped Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, 3E holidays beginning this Wednesday Listowel --The To -::n Council has qct., always on1 d• Kepi'. ALL AT REDUCED PRICES , noon, and your paper may reach decided that any man refusing to fresh in Electric Refrigeration L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich You a clay earlier this week.But work on a farm will not be given rnF Highest Cash Prices for ----•- 'next week please do not look fo your relief. Should he accept far:n work, - • - t paper, as it will noe be printed. A -his family will be protected by the Wool, Hades and S4 as bout the time we usually get the we- authorities during his absence. PRODUCE WANTED ekly edition out, we expect to be at 11. Yli 1 ] g5biut & S t A I the capital of Canada, Ottawa, anal we know our -readers wish us a good time and a good trip. We are often being 'approached how we can get enough material''•.togetller each w to.. ,>hli�ii PTA'. ti P ..m � e` �� ii, Often �..x. AAAA �3i' .r. it often 'is tci"u" alio, 'hut these dew holidays we trust will leave foiiia memories with us as in the past. We will likely have a few remoras to make on our return. • HYMENIAL GARAGE. 7T-11A))7.Li IN YOUR DANER 'US TIRES NOW! A Yv1OST GENEROUS ALLOWANCE STOCK REDUCLIG SALE NOW ON1 ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. ■ phone 3O — DASHWOOD We are in a position to take Cream •and Eggs at my home at Zurich, for which we will pay highest ,market prices. We will grade your eggs as e. receive tliamx slid, iia}t- aisaordiag �Eo gxdiBang, Give us a Trial! Firet house ee - ''. of Dominion Hotel THOre ie. MEYERS, Phone 116, Zurich, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered. INSURANCE Western Farers' Mutual limber Ilisn a ce CO. 09 WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- `UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .Amount of insurance at Risk on Dec 31st, 1934, $19„613,539. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $235,55:0.31 Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 fon 3 Years E. F. Klopp--- UT C la 3ildent, Also Dealer in Lightning Reds „sand all kinds of Fire Insurance PRODUCE Live Poultry PilTANTED 'Taken every Day till 3 o'elee p,.m. 13o not feed Fowl same morning when brought in HIGHEST CASFI. PRICP=S —FOR -- CREAM AND EAS, `W:*. ('Trim hong ]_ill Ria4 9, uita ic&5, r Exeter Reunion Week From the four corners of the Con ' tinent people have gathered at Exet- er for the Old Home week. Throngs of people are there daily and the programs put on are of the very best Sunday and Saturday eve saw thous= ands gathering and greeting each other in fellowship. Tuesday and Wednesday will see large .gatherings, at the fine programs arranged. Heale--Fee A pretty wedding was solemnized on Saturday last at the home of the bride's mother, when Eva, only dau- ghter of Mrs. G. W. Pee, and the late Wellington Fee, of Seaforth, and formerly of Zurich, was united in marriage to Thomas R. rleale, of Sudbury. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. W. P. Lane, of Nort]' St. United Church, Goderich, in the presence of the immediate relatives The bride, who was unattended, wore a beautiful gown of white frosted chantilly lace with white ae essorie'r- and carried a bouquet of briarclifle roses and baby breath. The wedding music was payed by Miss Marjory BickelI. Following, the wedding break fast the couple left on a motor trip through southern Ont., the bride tra- velling in an ensemble suit or yellow silk crepe with hat to hatch. On their return they will reside in Sudbury. . Long Service-- Satisfaction Cream Separators mean both. That's why many of our original machines are stilll in use and doing full duty When you buy a Renfrew product you dear with Ren- frew's own represonta- tive in your own neigh- boyhood. Ho is responsible to you. Investigate all the features of the Renfrew before buying— the waist -high supply tank the interchangeable capacity features — crank just right height—xapid, perfect separa tion—adjustable °team stand— and the record behind all Renfrews. 4 sizes—for small< or large herds. 711E a .1�.Tgn° R" R,. d r.I.i JE STANDS THE TEST OE TIME HUGH THIEL, District Representative Phone 93 r 4, Zurich, Ont.- Under Load o Lumber A horse was completely buried un- der a pile of lumber at the God -rich Mfg. Co., yard. Te horse was one of a team that was pulling,,a load of ,:i•too short turn and the load Of lumber collapsed, falling on one ani- mal. The lumber was quickly remov- ed and the horse struggo d to its feet badly bruised and cut. Speed Campaign Ends The anti -speeding campaign of the Seafortii town council was brought to a close when Constable Ryan's vigil at the corner of Main and God- erich Streets,. came to an end. Coun- nil had instructed him to stand at the corner .for two weeks. The first of the cases which were laid were aearod at Goderich, Thursday. Loses Two Fingers A very unfortunate accident befell Roy McCulloch, Cromarty, when us - .ng his motor operated planing mill. The wood being planed suddenly sli- pped and the knife severed two of his fingers and severely injured a third finger of the right hand. He was tak- en to Seafrth Hospital. Crich Reunion Saturday last the Crich reunion of Tuckersrnith was held at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield. The family of five brothers and one sister settled in the vicinity nearly one hundred years a- ge, and the descendants of these pio- neers have increased and by marriage have taken into the family many other pioneer families of the district Circus Has Splendid Circus Exeter had its first circus in a number of years when local troopers staged a one -ring performance in the barn of Rod Ellis. Posters invitedtho public to see the animals—Cats, dogs squirrels: and• turtles, Lemonade and candy were on sale. True admission was le. minus the gay. tax. When the proceeds were totalled at the end of the afternoon the treaibry was found .to contain the sum of 510. NOTICE Voters' List 1935 Municipality of Township of Hay ' County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that I have .complied. with Section 7 of the Voter's List Act and that I have Hosted up at my office at Zurich P. 0.; ori. the 25th day of June, 1935, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And ,I hereby call upon all voters to take` immediate proceedings to have •any error or oinriiissioiis cor' reeted according to law, the :tact day for' appeal being the 10th day of August, 1935. ANDREW F. HESS, Clerk of fray Township, Zurich, Ontario. Dated at Zurich, this 2lith lay of July, 1985. • ► i ••r • ► ► a Yours Truly, a� 9 QW ZURICH CREAMERY 1 * ►�i 6lsyrrrebeia6aa>aaavema0060aac o 00000e000a s;a g*esoareasaaa► aamee PAGE FIVE ••rrw••00•••••M•••M•'0sWi0•!If►•IrlRli YItlk000 NOTICE We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. Fat for Churning Cream delivered r .,_er ed at our plant. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your 'Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. .17 4. PHONE Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YYOL? REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. tesaltriMEMIta it•'+++•*+,++++++++++++4..3.;.+4-!- s,.; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 69 ee 0 w a 6 t 0 0 a 0 2 a e SEEDS e0-00000000 00000 3a See Us about Red Clover, Alfalfa, Ah il;e, Timothy arced Sweet Clover Seeds Save Money by Buying Your Garden Seeds from Us! Garden Seeds in Bulk or Package LET US SUPPL YOU WITH SEED GRAINS! FORMALDEHYDE Bring in your Bottles to be filled. We have a supply. 606e8E100 1Vlasttrartera;sectarers. impieruel)t _iepalrs Cultivator Points to fit all makes of Cultivators. McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. edeo. *seemgaagaves-me raaaaeattmessmaseassaasesat mews rwwwww ww AVM ii alW;5' ,I Zurich Store I se tici We have a good st ';ck of IIrugs and preparations to destroy all kinds of troublesome Insects W00000000000610 00000 000 0 THE FLY SEASON Why be pestered with Flies and Insects when they can so easily and rapidly be destroyed with either FLY TOX or FLY - O - CEDE •*1 00413060 i•: Sea SOXII0800420as0 See Our Supply of Toilet Pi.cpara,tioils Perfumes, Toilet Waters, ers, Perfumizer8, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and ;:brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also -have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. eac Dr. A. 1 MacKinnon, ZuHc 4N9mRpowyMMONOMP PAWPAW RAKV MMA#144