HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-06-27, Page 5CARDS EGAL DiunLEY E. HOLmrEs s'I-VARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. <OIa FXCE Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODEZ ICH, Ontario. :Special Attention to Councel and Court Work. Ithe Holmes may be consulted at iGoderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D: S. DENTAL SURGEON. At PEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At. HARTLE1B'S' BLOCK DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINARIAN A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All rmseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- leder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Bennels. Office on Main Street eapposite Town Hall. Phone 116. TIENSALL. BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bologna;, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices, tear —Wool, Hides and Skins Yungblut & Sou GARAGE TR4PB Hsi -YOUR DAIROUS TIRES NOW! A MOST GENEROUS ALLOWANCE STOCK REDUCING SALE NOW ON 9 Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc, Ads. in this Column, . A quantity of good feed, fiats for sale. Apply to: Mrs, Mabel ' Snider, Zurich, or to Oscar Ducbarme, phone 2-98, Zurich. t47 NOTICE I will be taking orders for Binder Twine up till June 27th. Let me have your order as early as possible. E. Blake :Horner, Secy:, "unique Club. NOTICE There is on my premises impound- ed a .medium sized white sow. Own- er please call for same at once. Fergus Turnbull, R.R.1, Dashwood, Blut Water Highway, Hay Tp. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that no obstructions of any kind will be all- owed in the bed of the West Branch Drain which will stop the free flow of the orate;:': All interested parties please govern themselves accordingly HENRY CLAUSIUS, Inspector 43-3 Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Horne of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -9 6. Zurich ,Picnics are becoming the ordi the day, and most of these are 1 field 4 the lakeside. Mr. Herb Wein of wood was a business visitor to tt on Wednesday. Miss Louisa Hartman '•ten for, troit on Sunday to spend a 3.• vacation, Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Troyer of T onto spent the past week at the lion of Mr. and Mrs.. J. W. Horner' town, returning on Friday. The Evangelical Senior, League meet on Friday evening instead of Tuesday eve. A social evening will b "pent and members are.. requested to' remember the business meeting whieh will be conducted first, 11r. Percy Rowe Who took his fatty er, Mr. Thomas Rowe, up home ' to the Manitoulin Island last week, has returned to town and is presiding, over the Entrance Exams. rr. Rowe advises us that up on. the Island it has been very dry, no rain for six weeks, till recently. He returned by way of Tobermory, and the steam- boat route. The annual ' campmeeting of the Evangelical Church, at the Carrie Campgrounds, near Mildmay, is be ing held this week, commencing on Tuesday evening. The special speak- er for Saturday and Sunday is that well known Evangelist, Rev. Gorge W. Soerheide, Superintendent of the City Mission, Cleveland, Ohio. Rev Soerheide is a Popular radio preacher and is on the air, daily over W.J.A.Y, Cleveland, every week day at 8.30 a. m., and Sundays at 2.30 p.m. W. M. S. MEET The Women's Missionary Society of St. Peter's Ev. Lutheran church held their monthly meeting hi the church basement recently with Mrs;. E. F. Klopp in charge, who presented, the topic. '"Holding out a Helping Used Cars For Sale Hand." She was assisted by Miss G. Weber, Mrs. H. Krueger, Mrs. E. Datars, Miss Inez Yungblut, who We are offering the following asecf read Scripture passages. Miss Ifo" Cars for sale: enee Ilaberer favored with an in 1—i 932 V8 Ford Sedan shrum.mtal- Clippings on the topic Rix'. E. Turi herrn of town re to be McT iar key's Baby Chicks,,T935 t�tgrattalatecl upon .his lino. ;achieve- I " dent of wJn?aing a ,'f 50,00 prize from ,i' Lifesaver Gum Company* of SPECIAL NOTICE! amiltor for having the best written ragiiaph in a 'contest.. $ After :April '1 st, one high grade of Chicks only will The Decoration Service on thei s be sold. All eggs set weigh over 24 -oz. to the orison Line Evangelical Cemetery ,o d,and Sunday afternoon was largely p ►and average about 26' ounzes. ended . White Rocks. S. C. White Leghorr+s 7 preeiated, The Dashwood C. E. • 7e. 4t the Hatchery c led supplied very appropriate mus- * 8 and the program was much j Barred or Delivered • 'on. 25c 4 Weeks old Pullets Se r for the occasion. Se ♦,. JUNE 30th, LAST D.'''• 0 2 weeksold, chicks 311 c extra. 4 weeks old chicks 9c extra p and Zurich.— Stratford Beacon Her • • J. Wesley Beattie, Iiep;:,tr. c:' HATCHES TWICE WEEKLY. • Electors for l:Iuron-Poa,'th, has coin- Come And See Us, or s .: ialreted the revisal of the lists of elec• • Phone:. 97 r 11, Hensall• Uwe for the l district. However,, ed • ALL BREEDING ,STOCK GOVT. APPROVED • roes may still be added, corecrted, • AND BLOOD- •' .or ohanged. from ane polling division.. ,: •. - TESTED. OVER 175 R. O. 1'. MALES HEAD OUR FLOCKS • o another, • ar from one electorate • district to another until June 30th r TERMS—Cash on Delivery • midnight We understand'that any- p Two Dollars per 100 chicks must accompany mail orders. Chicks • 2.ale whose narne is net on the Est • delivered when reasonably possible or expressed, Express i then will not be able to vote at the p prepaid. 100% Jive arrivals guaranteed p forthcoming election. All applicati-• •J. ELGIN McKINLEY -- ZURICH, ONTARIO p ons must .be made in writing and sig -Tied by the applicant. :Proper forms°'.••♦0r•s•0+e►•+•O+•r10ANrr•a�+a•w 4•a•�oro•as•s�.o�r,►♦,�rl, may be obtained from Mr. Beattie at Seaforth. Successful Rally The Christian Education Rally of the Stratford distric`. held June iii and 19th in the Evangelicals Church, in McKillop was largely attended and proved very interesting and in- spirational. Durinw the Tuesday ;;eeeion a reember of very uplifting addresses \ `ere given including one by. Rev. E. Burn on `The Teacher." I s: Preparation and Presentation." -M4;++++++++++}.}..¢..f..¢»1..4..;.�..,,:.1",' ++++++++++++++++÷÷÷-1-H.++++! Buy Storm Windows and Doors T. + 4. F. REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A .g t LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL 'i' On Wednesday, a very interesting p 'debate "Resolved That the Wo -11 is TIMES.. AND WILL. DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU Advancing Spiritually" was well re- T. eeived. The affirmative was upheld T. WAIT. + by Mr. W. H. Edighoffer whose points were well given, while the negative r.ALJFLEISC was takenby Rev. W. E. Reese, ofYa C• - oci� Tavistock who also presented some + splendid points. The Rally was dos- p PHONE 69 . as ed with a sermon and a -prayer by + Slev. W. Y. Dreier of Milverton. A Bad Accident wee••••eeeese etwo teeocees e ige4soseseesaviessee.eseleee What might have been an even more serious accident, ecnhere on _• SEEDS the Zurich Road, between here and .SEEDS F3ensall last Wednesday evening short ly after dark, when Mr. Hary Roca°, 0 aeeempanied by Mr. Charles Meyers a See Us about Red Clover, Alfalfa, Alsike, Timothy and 2 of the 14th con,, and Blake res ,,esti- elm • very, were returning from ._Iensali, Sweet Clover Seeds 71'.,,1 in some way .'..sir c^r slo-: eel IP and took the ditch, end nearleg g one Save Money by Buying Your Garden Seeds from Us! :af the culverts took a chunk of tieEli Garden Seeds in Bulk or Package abutment along. .Mr. Meyer:, it is e ;aid went out through the windshield t LET US SUPPL YOU WITH SEED GRAIN.': i Fortunately two men from Grand Bend happened along and pulled the : 4 :ilea o It of their di f1culty and sum- ! 6 m.onpri ,medical aid, which was sup- peee a'e :soon as possible. Both men i: i a bad shaking up, especially y -eri, who 'was unconscious for Cut Your Fuel Bill i HALF! LET US QUOTE YOU! 1-1930 Chev. Coach 1-1931 Ford Coach 1-1930 Ford Coupe 1-1928 Ford Coach All these Cars are in Condition L. A. • were recd by Mrs. J. Ilaberer, Mrs. .l G. Deichert, Mrs, I. IKalb!leisph. The Than,: Offering thought was read by Mrs. L. Prang. The grte:t speak Number One er of the evening was Rev. Jettnez, who spoke of his work as city Miss- ionary in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Prang & Son, Zurich WoinSI ® Phone 60 — DASHWOOD INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather liitut mice Co OFi WOODSTOCK 'THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN lVIUT- VIAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1934, $19,613,539_ Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $235,550.31 •dates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years . F. Klopp—Zurich Vent, Also Dealer in Lillhtnini Rods ene All kinds et Dire insurance PRODUCE ..�. Live Poultry ANTEb *oxen every Day till', 3. o'clock p.m. Me not feed Fowl' same morning; whenbrought in 31GHEST CASH PR.I 3�FO - CREAM. AND EGGS Wm.O'Brien kton.1;04, , Rego, q4,, Z nici*i ss +, •,► ,y' II.4.4.'I"44++++++yi -4-1-e+e- t,° .. +++++++++++++++++++++++++41 VI are 1 in 1svo>• lranmsg`. .:::::E::::- a00 i■�iiriiv iiilIllIllIlIlhlgllaMIUIP 11111111611.1t ra1111111111011111101110>!10r ; .1rWIRI iIII1IIII/i� ■�� 1�/fir o eiliallik:_ iI11vi m‘, it rk%%/.,. ■ ,ri�!� r��•�rl.a .s 'ii 11 How would you like this Bathroom in your hone? Don't live in just a "'house" — make it a REAL HOME by install- ing a new, modern bathroom and a Duro Automatic Pumping System. The Duro-Special Pumping System, all Canadian -made, having a capacity of 250 gals. per hour, complete with 30 gal. Galvanized Tank, 25- or 60 -cycle 110 -volt motor, costs only $82.50. Look at these prices! Three pieces --Bath, Shower, Lavatory and Toilet— as ailusisrated, with all fittings,....., $120.0o Other complete Bathroom equipment as low as. ....... $73.00 Hydro's Free Gift to Rural Dwellers Electric Current will be provided—Fre• of Charge—for operating electric pumps to provide wafer under pressure for Household Sanitary Systems. Write for Free Booklet FOR SALE BY: STADE and WEIDO • , EMPIRE BRASS MFG CO., LTD. Duro-Special' henelon•. Hamilton Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver le? yai� Mme ,lite r,eax,.. ,-a,. is a complete wrec.. and is p off I repairing. • FORMALDEHYDE • Bring in your Bottles to be filled. . We have a. supply. • - W. T. GATHERING The annual S. W. T. p;cnrc, con- isting of the descendants of the late ice. and Mrs. George. Wilhelm of Wive:te on, including relatives of the Sehade and Truemner families of and plow points to fit any make of machine. uundon and Zurich, was held on Sat- uday at Queen's Park. The guests, • �" •p r� -�► some thirty in number gathered be- • fore :dinner and spent e memorable • Master and Pioneer Chick Starters. Implement Repairs • Cultivator Points to fit all makes of Cultivators. McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points 1 lay. , in "this beautiful park. During •00• •• •8•®•e1.•elei0elea•eP®IB itte* p ••••••fi••et0•BIBI11114 p the business session it was decided that the picnic next year will be held �ggt t Gzand Lend on the second last 4 3atttrday of June. A fine program of 7� sports was run off with the following Sesults: One legged race, TMaeZurich Saitith,. Mrs. H. Truemner; peanut race, Mabel Shade, Elwood True- mner;• egg shell race, Isreal Wilhelm lae' Smith; thread and needle race, Belta Truemner and IsreaI Wilhelm, !ohm Schauta and Melvina Sehade; eau contest, team captained by vVnllace Ross; spelling backwards, thenie captained by Clarence Schade. Vii'ei the program, members of the •"uriele Evangelical Church orchestra, ltd are members of the H. Truem- ner and C. L Smith families favored :he gathering • with some musical anthers which were accompanied by community singing. At the close of the day all left for their respect- Ive .homes terming the picnic one of the "best ever." Guests were present f.rom Stratford, Brucefield, Milver- ton, Dashwood, London, Grand Bend old. PRODUCE WANTED We are in a position to take Cream and Eggs at my home at Zurich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we - receive them, and pay according to grading. Give us a Trial! First house south of Dominion Hotel THOS. IL MEYERS, ';Phone 116, Zurich, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For'. Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A 1'oSITION TO CON - d.0 any Auction Sale, regardless as ? to, size or article to sell. I solicit yotr liixsiness, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- delved, AR HIJR Wii.B,ER._DaS wood PhOn,e• 13.51'i. " • 1 Sch ualies We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. 000 tdW66490eI16060 0.000e 00 See Our Supply of Toilet e Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, PerF mizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. N•,•,/f111•i•011160 IA••!A•e••el• FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. Dr. A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich IffoRmmwmplimmv !MOWN WM Ftp,m1POT