Zurich Herald, 1935-06-27, Page 1Kf 'Vol..XXXV , Chester L. Smith, Putdiaiz $1,25 a year, u.S. $1.5aa 9n AdVaniZet 11.50 INAERLARs,12 MAX 8EofiaBWPA; .10 To See Ourselves Man is that pecoliT10 aleketai Tao can get a good 'hearty laugh ont of pictures in an dd. famffyi aram then look in a. mirror w,,:ith ; •asenn elt as a grin.—1 4---4 Prosperity? It is estimated! that •€Tie United St- ates has spent 16 billi coe dollars in order that prosperity In. their basin- ess world might be braught. hark' That's the price.of1ered! so far. Along -with the price: goes tEie fo .words, "Price subject to change 'with- out further notice:" Yet the throted States still is far from: prosperions" The . ,taxpayers are due to nxake up • :mat 16 billion dollarsk Imo. CATNNrNG DEIVIONSTRATION A demonstration on canning and :the use :of vegetables in the home will be held in the Library basement, , Seaforth, on Friday, ,June' 28th.Th:e morning. session from 10 to 12 o'clock is intended for members of the Sea- ; forth Girls' Garden . and Canning. Club.. The afternoon. `sessions %fiord. L30 to 4 p.m. is open to the 'public. This meeting is in charge of Miss FI ra Durnin of Dungannon and me- mbers of all Junior and Senior In- stitutes in the County are cordially invited to be in attendance at the afternoon program. :Do You Need Glasses? Stop and Think how important it. is - that you wear correct glasses --cor- rectly prescribed for your vision- - Correctly styled to your face.. Your ' Eiealth may largely depend on keen vision. See C. E. ZURERI , R. O. At HEF,iS JEWFL1`1Y'STORE Eve•. y Tuesday- at =RICH . �t Dashwood, Saturday, at PN4 fir•--+ SUCCESSFUL SYNOD MEETING Special services marked the 10th anniversary of the merging of the Canada and Central Canada synods were held at Sebastopol near Tavis- tock, on ,Sunday, as the annual ses- sion of the Canada Synod. of the Ev- g angelical Lutheran Church were con - 1 eluded, which was most successful. On Saturday's session a ,committee of the pastors of Kitchener, and Water- loo, was appointed to raise a fund in the form of a thank offering to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Canada Synod, the objective is to be $10,000 and is to be used to reduce the debt of Waterloo College. Rev. E. A. Tapper;; of the American Board of Missions, New York, Friday‘ night addressed the synod ou the ac-' tivities of the 'United Lutheran Ch- urch of Axmeriet stressing the work in Canada. Rev. L. R. Ka1bft inch, Elmira, presented the home mission, report, declaring there are past- ors serving 32 missions with a mem- bership of.7"5,361 in the territory be- <»ts Y r the So '+1T,,, Shoe Repairi I wish to advise the Public•' am in a position to do all kin' shoe repairing, and solicit yoi ronage. Give us a trial for workmanship. GARFIELD BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich WE BUY ORASIII Old Gold AND 'PAY YOU SPECIAL ON TIRE 25,000 mile Tires, 12 mont antee for $5.70. We also ha. ••e third line at $5.45, and $3.99cctr trl Superlastic tires are- best di" low cost of advertising and ine sales, prices are lowest up to 29th, at 10 p.m., will give abs free one new tube with eac order of two tires and mount free of charge. 0. TZT,0Pit & SON. Zuzach to breaking and entering a o' at. Grand Bend and stealing el •and kitchen utensils. He said 1a drunk at the time. Tidemann,s e pointed out he was the father o children and had just begun A home brew permit owned by maxim's wife was confiscated. Hera was found guilty of pais rr`ubber check" on W. W. Cr Seeaforth merchant. The check,, $1.25, was uttered when O'Hai* eighty cents in the bank lie :p costs, which included restit'tltiQ - ,t,_,I, r..' ZURICH HYDRO. 1 Sal Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frank and fam, lyr of .Waterloo were Sunday visitors in town: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin 'Hartman sp- 7 ent Monday at the home of Mr. and airs. John Hartman, Seaf orth.. Mr. Sampson Colosky of Dashwood p'is spending a few days with relatives !in town. • Miss Jessie MacDonald spent the eek -end at her home near Kinear- x� ;line, te`( Monday, will be July 1st, and a ; public holiday, known as Dominion 1:1Jay, and will be observed through - :out Canada. Mr. and Mrs. George Fee and. little -X m�' harles, . of Hensel' were Sunday vis- ors at the home of Mrs. H. Lipp - 14.g; hardt. ipp- h ng'hardt: Mrs. Lydia Troyer of Brigden vis - ted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner and other, friends over the A' week -end. (By H G fs; Mr. and Mrs. 3. Preeter and dau- ghter Muriel of Kitchener, were we - 'eek -end visitors at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. W. L. Siebert. The topic at St. Peter's Luther 'League for this Friday evening will be/'discussed about "Inner IELissions, Mir and What. You are invited. and Mrs. John Albrecht and ke;hte> Rose, accompanied by Mr. '• Chas Seetahmer of Bay - Fuel Prices are down. Plaint,. i your winter supply ngikr Coal is at the lowest price F, , this Season., » " • Cash WHY NOT TURN YOUR DISCARDED OLD FASH- IONED JEWELLERY INTO ` CASH! Such as Rings, Brooches, Chains, Watch Cases, Etc., Gold Coins Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich COAL IS : THF HIGHEST GRADE O COAL MINED The color guarantees : the quality, we have all sizes. Also: Comet Sia-• vay Coke. Miller Creek and; >'taen...,~ hontas Briquets. Tile and Brs.e% W. R. DAVIDSON CASH .paid f, r Eggs on a Gra- Basis. Phone 10 ION. om r0e•a•••••••••••9•••••• k•44"••••••••••••••:•;•••••• 41,9 • • f. !' 000L-IIEA t, • ED I: ST. PETER'S. `:Evangelical Lutheran Chuff ZURICH— Changeless Christ for a. Chang- ing World _Friday, 8h—Luther League- - .Saturday --Choir Practice. - SUNDAY SERVICESe . G 10 a. merman Service_ 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School - 7.30 p.m.—En gIlea service :Everybody Welcome ea all Services - mittee was appointed to look into ilii matter and see what could ,be done in extending the work there. In Police Court 'Goderich, June 20—Convicted on a charge of receiving stolen goods, Wilfred Graham, Goderich truck driver, -was sentenced to 30 idays in jail by Magistrate Makins. Graham A7' Y e critics are: cent, tausly„ knee our present system and Oupans.•;of notifying the consumers :when an unnecessary high peak lo4d is creat- ed or an unnecessary volume of by dry power is purchased` for a fell* minutes on Tuesday and Saturday for which we have absolutely no use for during day or night and must be. paid for 'throughout the 24 hours. By controlling this peak load on Tuesday and Saturday nights which was charged with .receiving five cases is due only to the co-operation of the of beer stolen from the cellar be- consumers themselves, we are able to neath the cellar the Bedford Hotel show a bank and cash balance of The robbery was committed in- day- $1,800.00 in spite of the increas in 'light. Sentence was suspended in cost of power to us, and the exchan- 'the case of, Gordon Q{imriarr,a-.ttn- '�7i_ ge on bonds and various other E TUERWEIENE.„„ Pastor of 'Grand Bend who pleaded. guilty items which had to be taken care of WE SRI jaiE BE T FOR LESS • Sale SIXTH NIVERSI. RY Brooms„.'5, string,. each Bovra Corned Beef. 2 tins Granulated SuLiary with your order, is and Reang,, Tatgp tin And other Specials. 'See ourlDodgem, and itaire advantage of our 'Five Day ,Sale Highest Prices for um 7140 dnring these last two years, and a- mounting to approximately $950,00. Imagine taking care of this, with the svsteni in a financial condition as in 1932 when we were unable to take care of the bare power bill at the end of the month. Here is the sad „state of affairs during the Iasi two years of uncontrolled power nanielY 1980 and 1981, we ptirchased from the 'Hydro CommiFsion in 1939 a total of 1,004 horse powar, Iyhieh ,cost =$5,470.40, we collected from the customers $5,713.78 which leaves 't.is a profit of $243.88, to pay our yearly expenses steh as interest•tand debentures, operation and m4nten- :mice, billing and collecting and, mot- , proximately $1,150,00. 1.931 was stili, worse, ,1932 we started control- ling the power AVO purchased during the month of Oct., Nov., and Dec-. ember and at the end of the year ere lad a profit of $750.00. 1934 we purchased a total h. p. of 840 which cost us $4,350.29, our collo cti on s from the consumers $5,734,67 whieh gives us a profit of $1884,38. The,e are the figures that 'seem impossihke' not only to the critics but also to our -Hydro Engineers. Namely, in 1980 Purchased 1064 h.p. and calk cte d Irani the consumers $5,713.78; 194 we purchased 842 h.p. and collected 3'5;734.67, which is positive prckYt that you are not cuttinr down on ithe consumption when you cut dawn, , on the pear load, but just'the ext;;.ye 1 irip opposite in this case—we h*:n ipurchased 222 hp. less and sqk.t - $21.80 more current. 222 h.p. woyli. cud of your hydro dependS enthI?iir en your cooperation in cuttinj; (1°1'1' on yonr consumption during ,, peak load hours. You ate warP when this takes place and if is;' the beat you can do is net to 11, (I pcy for the HYdrc, I use) and member, you are only paying pa K. W, Hour compared to ' ver kAvIl. in some municipalities, Miss Helen Sreenan, who spent the past winter months with her nephew Mr. Arthur Sreenan, near Blake, has returned to her home in Zurich for a few months. Mr. Louis Schilbe, oftown, who has been confined at London Hospit- al for five weeks undergoing a very serious operation for mastoids, was brought back home on Sunday, and although Mr. Schilbe has not re- gained his dull strength as yet, but he is able to be up and around and is convalscent nicely.South Huron Junior Farmers AND Zurich Junior Institute HOLD PICNIC hT annual picnic of the South Huron Junior Farmers ttnl Junior Institute was held at Turnbull's Grove on Wi;dnesday, June 19th. There was a large attendance and a good time enjoyed by all. The win- ners of the sports :woe Tollows:: Helen Kunn, Mary Coleman; boys open, ,Har. Schoch, Harold Elder, Leonard Merner; Girls 3 -legged race Helen Munn and Mary Coleman. Pat- ricia Ducharme and Joan Colinas, Edna Corbett and Irene Moussnau; boYs 3 -legged race, Garnet ATousseau and Ed. Corbett, Lee Gesell and Hari Scoch; Girls peanut scramble, Pat -1 Irene 11/4/fousseau and Mary Coleman; Boys wheelbarrow race; Geo. G'ren- Mousseau and Ed. Corbett, Jack Tin- nay and Bill Schraa.; Boys and' girls .cardboard. race, Mary Coleman and Jack Tinney, Horner Salmon and Irene Monsseau, Harold Elder and Helen Munn; Boys aed girls team race, Geo. Ducharme. and Irene Mo- usseau, 'Reg. Bedard and Helen Mun Girls exeeutive race,' Irene Moasseau Mary Coleman, Edna Corbet; Boys Helen Mlunn; Geo. Ducharme and Florence Denomme; Boys hop, skip and jump, Harold Elder, Homer Sal- mon. Byron Ducharme; Girls runnig ,broad jump, Mary Coleman, Patricia Michas/tie, Helen Munn; 'boys run- ning broad jump, Harold Elder, By- ron. Dutharine, Garnet Mousseau; .Girls rnn, hop, skip and :rump, I at- ricia Ducharme, Mary Coleman, Hel- en Munn: Girls running race, Mary softball W4$ played in which the 'W'est beat the East 13-9. There was LAiso a tug -a -war alai boxing in bar- rels which everyone, enjoyed, s • • • • • • • • Keep Cool in a new smart Straw • • • Hat. Priced 1. to $1775 • • • • Sun lloimets at 39 cents • • e • Splendid Range of Men's Flannel Tr• ;'�u er. • • • • • •• 177. •• L•hABAI[lAAi: H7. Q1 A. na • _ i+sa+.easxae�a 04.000Lia,e 40*on).a.0.-e4+ rms-. *.tA4;,4�.,n.,Fp�.ar4A ^5 raw ts ND 4. FUNERAL 1C:`R DIRECTORS Atit- • 46, our o „,, g We are well supplied with a General Stock of Staple Goods, consisting; of PrLnts, Broadc13.02s, Curtains,. Curtain Materials, Boys and Czirle Summer Sweaters, Boys' Tweed Pants, Bloomers, and Shirts, Men's Shirts and Pants. Groceries, Hardware, Paints, Varnishes and: Oils, Shoes, Rubber Boots, Harness Repaim 1935 Garden Vegetables and Flow r Also root Seed and Sorgmn. GENERAL A PHONE 11 97