HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-06-20, Page 5,;Tfrrrrsday, .Jiang 2,41k,, TWIT; • BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLMES BARRISTER, .SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY )PUBLIC, ETC. Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ms. in this Column. NOTICE 'OFFICE—Hamilton Str€et, Just off the Square, GOT►ERICI1, Ontario. Special Attention to Couneel and Court Worts. Air. Holmes • may be consulted at aGoderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. IL D. C W E . L. D. S:' D'. D. S. DENTAL ` SURGEON' .At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Avery • Thursda* Friday, , Saturday At HARTLEIE'S BLOCK • DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINARIA.N A. R. Campbell, V.S-„ B.V.Sc. 4raduate of Ontario` Veterinary College, University of .. Toronto. All diseases of . domestic animals treated ,aaey the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night aealls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness ennels. Office on Main Street, ,hppasite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. BUTCHERS. Sit Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the 'very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept .fres1 in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Shins . , •Yungblut & Sou GARAGE IN YOUR. DANEROUS TIRESN , W! A MOST GENEROUS ALLOWANCE 'STOCK REDUCIi EG SALE NOW ON! Vap There is on my premises impound- ed• a medium sized white sow. Own- er please can for same at 'once. Fergus Turnbull, R.R.I, Dashwood, But Water Highway, lay Tp. . NOTICE Notice is hereby givers that .no obstructions of any kind will be all- owed in the bed of the West Branch Drain which w11I stop the .free flow of the water All interested parties please govern themselves accordingly HENRY CLAU'SIUS, Inspector 43-3 Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. •Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home • of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. Zurich Used Cars For Sale We are offering the following used Cars for sale: 1-1932 V8 Ford Sedan 1-1930 Chev. Coach 1-1931 Ford Coach 1-1930 Ford Coupe 1-1928 Ford Coach A11 these Cars are in Number One Condition L. A. Prang & Son; Zurich NOTICE I am authorized agent and dealer for the Renfrew Products of Cream Separators, Stoves and Washing Machines. Also have some used Separators always on hand. If in need of any of above articles, kindly arrange to see me. HUGH THIEL, R.R. 2, Zurich. Phone ,93 r 4. pt45 LOCALN MISS Anna Overholt ha; after spending a ,week em. 'I. Mr: and Mrs. Ed. Stela' Mervyn of the 14th con,; day with friends at Centra: Mr. and Mrs.• F. L. siQb' son Donald of Detroit sPent with the former's parents,. A Mr;. and Mrs. Jacob Mey Mr. and Mrs. Herb Meyer a of Kitchener were Sunday vi the, home of Mr. and 1VIrs,e Gingerich of town. Hay Township crusher is leu gaged these days in prepaain material that the Harvey cru' putting on the various roasts': township. With the increase at which the auto is travellz the present time, it is becomes. even .greater difficulty to ke: road surfaces in good conditie Mir. and Mrs. Fred .Sei High River, Alma., visited old in Zurich for a few days 1 Mr. Seigner conducted; a blas business in Zurich about 40 ago and has not visited here'; years when he left,for the We notices many changes especi' the new dwelling residences, as the business places in • tow; Mr. John Weido of town ught in the village' a weed along the big drains that Is s as an antidote for poisonivy ion. The weed, which is esuli tinguished, if known, grows vets lificly and the treatment is by squeesing the sap out of th; and applying it to the infected of your body. This is a very e and ea'v remedy if it doee itq and it is said to have proven thus. OBITUARY Late Mrs. Fairbairn The death occurred at Scott': talin Seaforth on June 6th of: Green, wife of William Fairbai Hensall. Mrs. Fairbairn ente?k hospital for treatment the pri day but failed to rally. She rued on un - and dad nil baby Ts at ,evi d the arc the ped at an of 'finds eek. ith ars 37 He in el] rig id ect- 0- HERALD Mrs, Flossie Brown, who has been it London for some time, is spending • • ,he week at her home here, Mrs. John Hey has returned from week'svisit with friends in Tor onto and Detroit, Born-At.St. Joseiheon June 18th lei Mr, and Mrs. Napoleon Cantin, a 9 ;on. • 10, and Mrs. Regis Denorlame of. • the 14th con., have returned horne after spending a week with friends in Detroit. i • r • M!r. Mervyn Stelek motored to Lon- don one day last week and while there helped the teain of Foster and Hewitt on one of their radio broad- casts. Mears Emile Hendrick and Leon- ard Snares of the Blue Water High - 0.76 "Tent the week -end at Wiarton and Lion's Head, in Bruce Peninsu- la Misses F. Schantz, N. Mills and C. Mills and Mr. F. Jurges of Ubly, • 4 4 • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • 9 Mich; Mr. and Mrs. ()seer ' , • Dashwood were Sunday visitors with Mrs. C. Deoher and family. 'A aril lee sr McKinley's Baby Chicks, 1935 SPECIAL NOTICE! After April 1st, .one high grade of Chicks only will be sold. All eggs set weigh over 24 -oz. to the dozen and average about 26 ounzes. }tarred or White Rocks. S. C. White Leghorn 7c. At the Hatchery is 8c Delivered .25c 4 Weeks old Pullets 30c 2 weeks old chicks 8%c extra. 4 weeks old chicks 9c extra.,.; HATCHES TWICE WE2KLY,' •: Come .And See Us, or Phone:. 97 .r 11, Hensall ALL BREEDING TESTED. OVER y STOCK GOVT. APPROVED AND BLOOD - 175 R. 0. P. MALLS HEAD OUR FL0 s„S TERMS—Cash on Deliver. Two Dollars per 100 chicks must accompany mail orders. Chicks delivered when reasonably possible or expressed, .lti'r*press prepaid. 100% live arrivals guaranteed;, • • 9 9 J. ELGIN McKINLEY -- ZURICI, ONTARIO • 94**•••••9♦*••••••••••►••••rnrAs44.e,84o.41,e9.a naa.0,41, tt,*40'B*en Mr. Harry G. Hess, .the local Hydro es++ a..�-s+e—e `-'-a' -eseaa e...`.,.., Superintendent wishes to appeal to the Hydro user to not eat any great- er load on the line than necessary during the time oz 11.45 to 12 at noon and then at quarter to six in. in the evening. No one is asked to get off the line at this time, but a i� + LET US QUOTE + little co ope:'ation is asked for to ` '+ control too freak load, Please! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A t Providenchas favored this part . LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL t of the continent with plenty of rain , for the present. Cao •-,^'•'"" / ' a TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU 9 wonderful growth. Many of the + Cut Your Fuel Bill .H Buy Store Windows and :Doors , :9 wheatfi.elds, owing to the heavy rain i .. WAIT. are , somewhat down, and it looks 4+. very much that some ref the summer 1 ` �� Pi x:roes, owing to the rail: giow::h.they •r . I r* J17 �' Twill also lean over. Some farmers . are fearing damages to their bean * PHONE 6 ..- 4 "'LJrt i • fields. where in the low places the �.�.. 1 water is on the surface. We are hot- • i ever told by people who recently we- • 4"14• •••+++4•++•;•9•+M444• } +.;,4 :.++++.y..k.+++.3.++.€.4.. >,.4.x.g. ;..;..s..p..y..c„ re .down Stratford and Kitchener way that mucli more rain has been experienced at those districts:. . Welcome Visitor e xpositor had a welcome vis- a • daughter of Mr. and Mrs Q' rus Th E icor this week in the parson of 3..ir. is tac Moritz, f Hec.,w, Minnesota.' Mr. Mor tz''s father was a former, tanner and shoemaker iii Zurich. hut tat; was his first visit to Seaforth in was held Saturdaylast with Rev; A, 02 :'ears, ane' ,.,t ;'ally i re Sinclair <i� irbws in this town as we i as in Sinclair of Hensall l; charge. Inte;.- this;';Maga of Zurich. Mr. Moritz! ment in Hensall urd;e4i: cemetery # , +):;conipaniecl by his brother, M. ei'lioritz, of Cavalier, North Da- ? ---Huron Expositor. oflj.stsC�-ate Green oc Grand Bond, where shell a. born 35 years ago. After her m rrt age they came to Hensall. Beside her husband, she is survived by one ea- ghter and one son; her parents; 'and five sisters and three brothers. The Phone 60 — DASHWOOD INSURANCE `Western FannersMutual/ gear ii WItIIC Co. On WOODSTOCK Mite LARGEST RESERVE BAL- . ICE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- VAL COMPANY DOING BU, 1NESS OF. THIS .KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of ,Insurance at Risk on Dec. ,41st, 1934,, $19,613,539. total Cash in ,lank and Bonds $235,550.31 Mates—44M Fier' §i,61301 led. Years . P. Kiopp--Zurich Aim; Also Dealer in Lightning Boas aid all kinds of Fire Insurance PRODUCE dive 'Poultry ''aaen every bay till 3: o?elock; p.m. riot feed: Fowl saine morning When. brought in; i•GHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM AND EGGS ;ui �Tl� peri. otie;1A1 l e; ;,_9.44 , Y$triehh. Duro-Special Capacity 250 gals. per hour with 30 gallon Galvanized Tanlc. $82,50 mile i5agmeuts iii desired. just think of being able to turn taps and get running water throughoutthe horde, the barn and dairy — to have a modern `Emco" bathroom in- stalled and be able to use unlimited hot and cold water froIU hardy faucets.. "Duro" Water -Special. Pumping System aII Canadian -made, complete- 3 -piece "EMCO" batlirooxn ;with all fittings ready for installing R;n 0 Pump ...$82.50 $73.00 Hydroas Free Gift to Rural Dwellers Electric current will be provided Free of Charge—for operating elec tris pumps to provide water under pressure for Household Sanitary, Systems. FOIL SALE BY: STADE and WEIDO Write for free dtrastrmtd booktei's. at once -rind' start on the roars' to modernizing your. Borne. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO, LTD tendon. Hamilton. Toronto Winnipeg . Vancouve 34 ,ate tlias :•fioxu concluded for ' 1!nipose of amending the federal' fffi { •ote's'lists which were prepared fol- • 'lows:.(. an enumeration last fall. The I a lisfs,'as corrected, will be used for, a t.: ck: wing federal election. Most' i„' the work has been the striking' fl'om ,.lio lists of naives against whi- ch objections were filed during Ap-1'' ril, most ofthese are people who have recently died. The objections are made chiefly by the political parties! 8 who have been scanning the lists. in. order to remove the names of those a whohave died or moved away. atiS4611111-26 015711,0 0.Q 000 01)0(1) ao 54)4:001 ...2;.Do-Aagaooeveoelteoeco* • a e SEEDS - SEEDS See Us about Red Clover, .Alfalfa, Alsi ke, Timothy and a9 Sweet Clover Seeds Save Money by Buying Your Garden Seeds from Us! Garden Seeds in Bulk or Package LET US SUPPL YOU WITH SEED GRAINS! • • an I!0T!C1; I will be taking ordure for Binder Twine up till June 27th. Let me have your order as early as possible. E. Blake Horner, Secy., -Unique Club. TENDERS WANTED Separate tenders for scaffolding, painting, cavetroughing an.: caulking 5 is are asked for in eonneciion with repairs to Court House, Goderieh. Tenders to be in by June 27th. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. Specifications and fur- ther particulars at County Clerk's Office, Goderich. J. M. ROBERTS, - - County Clerk. FORMALDEHYDE Master and Pioneer Chick Starters. Implement litTairs Cultivator Points to fit all makes of Cultivators. OffeeeCO F McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. alseessmoseeemomvermogimatvomeeseemin For Sale A quantity of good feed oats for sale. Apply to: Mrs. Mabel Snider, Zurich, or to Oscar Ducharme, phone 2-98, Zurich. t47 PRODUCE WANTED We are in 'a position to take Cream and Eggs at my home at Zurich, for Which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay according to grading. Give us a Trial! First house south of Dominion Hotel THOS. H. MEYERS, Phone 116, Zurich, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER 1 For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON- duct ONduct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit , your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- e a d'_ ZuriohPrug Store p Hes We have a full Line oof all the requirements of 'School Supplies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. 81114.145 *0305090 (9 0) 84 ENDO See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Ve aters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. 011111009011111909090900119011100099 FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. I - -1 IT, lifaciiimion,. i : dered. ARTHUR WEBER. -Dashwood i Phone 7.3--5Z., l'` " � � i A PAW P, i t fkil AR i'