HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-06-20, Page 4E A ATR, STANLEY TOWNSHIP WA:, and Mrs, John Reid and fam- ' 1y ,of Detroit spent a few days last week with friends in Stanley and Mr. Roy Lamont and family, Miss Jane Lamont and Miss Grace Rob- inson spent Sunday at Forest with :Kr. and Mrs. W. F. Braun. :amiss Isabel Robinson is visiting at :11=0ton with her aunt Mrs.E. Low *den. Hiss Olive Erratt is spencring a few days at Brownsville, the guest of Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Poulter. HILLSGREEN The Woman's Missionary Auxiliary -•was held at the home of Mrs. H. Tur n.r on Wednesday Jam., Pith with the president in charge of the meet- ing. ?Quiet music and response op- ened the meeting and hymn 360 was sung. The scripture lesson from St. '23,1,lt. 16 24 to 27; 1 Corr 9:: 24 to 27; Ephesians ' 6:10 was taken by Annie ;Jarrett.. The devotional Leaf- let The -Circle of. Friendship was giv- en by Mrs.'R. Consitt. The Secretary and Treasurer's reuorts were read and adopted. The business was taken. The July meeting ;s to be held in the church and :invittiig the 1ppen ladies to be with. them on. Jutva31at 2.30. The Temperance Pro- 'sler ;' ".A. Challenge to C.aristians", was taken by Annie Jarrott, Helen Anderson, IViina:• Stephenson, Irene Turner, Mrs., Robt. Stephenson and Ednar Cochrane. ' Hpnn 513 was ;sung:. The' topi., "A Challenge to 'Youth" was given by Mrs, W. Tur- ner. Hymn 629. The W.M.S. from 2925 . to 1935 "Do You Know That Ten Years Have Gone." The meet - closed with praker. The Webster Reunion was held on ,Saturday at Goderich Sumner Camp Grounds. Wa are sorry to report at date of writing that Mr. Robt. Stephenson is quite poorly. Mrs. W. Huxtable of Centralia and Mrs, M, McMurtrie of Hensall visited Mrs. Love and• family recently. Mr. R. Rowe and friend of Strat- ford called on Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Davidson, Mr. Wm. Jarrott and Annie visited Mr. and Mrs, Nichol in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robinson visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. J. Dodds in London Mr. John Soldan had a bee and moved his barn over a short distance, Mr. and MTs. Albert Keys and sons of Exeter visited Mr. and Mrs. Rosss Love and family. The bridal couple, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott are getting nicely set- tled in their home. •7477.• 747.7744774-4744177**-744*44." BLAKE Mr. Donald Turner of London, sp- ent Sunday evening and 1Vfonday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R. N. Douglas. Mr. Jim Johnston returned home on Friday evening after spending a few weeks with -his sister, Mrs. Fred Turner of Goderich. Mr1 Lloyd Jantzi and Mr. Grant Turner of Goderieh called on Mrs. Clarke Sunday evening. Miss Gladys Douglas R. N., accom- panied by her aunt, Mrs. Bell of Hensall, called on Mrs. R. N. Doug- las one afternoon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Baechler and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oesch Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gingerich, ac- companied by Mrs. Dave Oesch, Mrs. Jake Kipfer, Mrs. Chris Gascho and Mrs. Seth Amanns, spent Monday with relatives and friends at Tavis- tock. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich were: Mr. and Mrs. 111311 11111INIIIII1111111i1911111111111111111111111111i1IIIIII111111111111911111111111111111.11111! l lane, SO, THREE BANDS Parades, Midway Attractions, Athletic Events, `Prada, Midway Attractions, Athletic Events, Ba e .11 otb 11, Aerial Stunts, Id, (Anyone who can furnish beds or meals for the O d Boys please notify Miss M. Johnston at Post Office or telephone Hensall Central.) Oped Air Dancing Saturday Evening June 29th. 311111113111111�141118�i����fI11911�1111111911111111111111I111111111111�1111ii19'111911111111111II111911I1 ZURI HERALD Tho rssaay, NLY +1 Vai d,ain laFL @/.Y mietwnio tir Be ciffizzt • S.t� :a' . ` ,a adz „ TP 4 4 •4 4 4 44. 4 7,-,alligteadiseitil tits detielosec6 ace' 410aiol,*cograce+9a+oeIimeeisecie s We Pay a Premium of Two. Cents per Pound B. • Pat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. Yours Truly, ZURICH CREAMERY a a a +++++++++++++4'++++:1'+ ++4++dr•ir+++ ir• +•3+^h+ +++* +++ ++,94 i WASS: Y-IIARBIS NEWS Check your Haying Machines New and avoid dis- p•arintments in the Field. .. Order repairs early and save Express Charges... Massey -Harris p3arts are Best! How about a Cream Separator Demonstration. Several Used Machines. Very Cheap AUTO. TIRES If :n,need of any, bring your Catalogue along. We will not be undersold by mail order houses and we mount the same Free! A FEW CHEAP USED TIRES Plow Points for all Plows Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 Auccgonnratw" _ x B '°. 4 7 i +'F 's l 1 w 4 .,, b v • • +' $•'�" +�+ ' 4 4 •a .ti w 4 4 4 By concentrating on only one motor fuel, economies are effected in refineries, warehouses, delivery trucks and gas pumps. That is why we are able to give you Nigh -Test, Knockless Power and Long.Mileage; . at regular gas price. a;t For Safe ;13? -:--1_, Aaron Gingerich and family, M:s. Lydia Gingerich and Mr. and Mrs. Tenno Martin and family . Mr, and Mrs. Sol. 13at>ehler and members of their family motored to London on Saturday. w Mr. and Mrs, R. Swartzentruber spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Erb, . + . •• - Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jbh:riston, spent a day in Zurich with their traughter, Mrs. E. E, Weido recently. DASHWOOd Misses F. Schatz, N. Mills and C. Mills and Mr. F. Jurges of Ubly, Mich., visited with IVLrs, C. Rader, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rader and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Farley and dau- ghters Mayme and Meta of Si, Thom- as were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman. Miss Grace Guenther left for Kit- chener where she has secured a pos- ition with Silverwoods C.o Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan and Miss Anna Tiernan motored to De- troit on Friday. Miss Ruth Tiernan who has been. at- tending Collegiate in Windsor, has returned home, Mr. and Mrs. Hartman Elsie and Thelma are visiting in Sarnm. 143r. and lVirs. A. E. Oestreicher and family visited friends in, Kirkton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bender and Mr. and Mrs. T. Hoperoft motored to St. Thomas on Sunday. Mrs. C. •4'Vildfong of Arva is visit- ing her mother, Mrs, Hamacher, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Itassoid and daughter iieta.; Mr and Mrs. Milton "'ata c.nd son Tack vi4tc:d with Mr, 1..: .1 711 "fl Routledga at Kin - ..3.c.! on Sunday wj Prang Sr. Son, Zurich; H. S Wein, Dashwood. Hisses .Jean and Aletha Ogden and Ma. Harold Sutton and Mass Zeta Nadiger of. London, spent Sunday with Ur. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger. Decoration Day will ha _17n ;µ 75nn the Goshen Line Cemetery y onSunday, June 30th. A. Strawberry Social will be given under the auspices of the Ladies'Aid and W.M.S, of the Evangelical chu- rch, Dashwood, on Wednesday June 26th; A varied program will be giv- en and the C. E. Band will be in at- tendance. The Strawberry Social given by the Ladies Aid of the Lutheran church will be held on July 3rd. Quite a number from here attend- ed the Band Concert in Exeter on Tuesday night. 25th Anniversary The daughters of Mr.: and Mrs. Wm Held entertained about 60 guests in honor of their parents' 25th wedding anniversary. The rooms were pret- tily 'decorated with spring flowers, and a three story wedding cake made by Mr. Held's oldest sister, Mrs. Mil- ler. Progressive Euchre was played prizes going.'ta Mrs. B. McCann, Mr B McCanit, Mrs. ' Wm. Held and Mr. Geo.. Mennen. A mock wedding was staged, the 141'isses Jean Held and Leona Fisher representing the bride and groom and Lorne Kleinstiver acted as clergyman. During the co- urse of the evening aonge popular 25 years ago were sung by Mr. Sanford White and Miss Ruth Kleinstiver ac- companied by Mrs. Smith. . en the piano and 14Tr. Herman Debus on the violist: Refreshments were served by Miss Evangeline Held and five fri- ends the Misses Grace Wein, Jean l Heide Leona Fisher, Ileen. and Mona Stebbins. Guests were pre:,ent from De'7n;t, Ailaa. Craig, Grand Tien:d ar < tie;is waw • • re received from r-el.atiuesfront: Be- - ti fKMr. and Mrs. G Walter Lancaster of 11 Vancouver visited with Mr. and Mrs Geo. Fellick • • • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hudson, Mr..- Thos. Hudson and Mr. and Mrs. St- anley .Hudson of Pontiac, Mich., mot- ored over ;and attended the Hudson picnic at Hayfield. Thos. Hodson is visiting mother here a few days. il }did Vs. Peter Mciltatughtcsea -' The death occurred in London Hos-- pital f Lillian May Se1` 66,' wife of: Peter .MeNaughton, of Hibbert in her 36th ,year. She had been in poor health. for some time and was taken to the hospital for treatment but pe-- it as away, as a daughter of J. Set--• res ;of the boundary, ahem T2 years: ago she was married to Mr. Mct au- • stir ght Siad they lived on 'a farm nary.•• clti'selhuxst. Besides her husband she !eaves one little daughter,:five, her parents, three brothers and one sis- ter. The funeral was conducted ' by:,' Rev_ A. Sinclair, lls ate James S. McLean•' James B. McLean, one of the best's horn n� Melly respected' farmers :8f£ 'i uckers:nitlI, passed. away, at his• home just north of Kippen, He has been seriously 'i11 for over a year.He. was a son of the lateR. B. McLean - and was born 5S years ago on thee, same farm where he died and spent Iris •whole life, was a successful farm- er, Iatonored and respected by all+. Outside of his family, he was' best known -hi his church, St. Andrew's at happen., • 7hicb lie served faithfully all his life. He was Sunday' School 20i rintendent. for Ap �r 8_9_,Iwm s Mrs. Roy liner; who underwent an operatiaxt fox' throat trouble fin a Toronto hospital a month ago, re- turned to her home much improved in healtE 1875-19351 Old Boys and Girls Reunion, June 30, July 1-2-3. Just think of it, four big days in Hensall where you will meet all your friends Thos Simpson and 1iis• n•aother left for London where they will visiitfor a few days before returning to their home in Straffordville. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hemphill of Wroxeter visited with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Smillie: and SUM of Toronto visitedthe formees; smn Dr. Smillie. Mr. and Mrs. Archie 1'1Tshie are Traninto •the' hone they renter frown Mrs. W. C_ Davis, Already over 1200 imitations to the Old Boys Reunion have. been sent out Mr. and Mrs. Win. McLean, of Haux ilton are spending a few days 'with ber parents,. Mi: ands Mir: j,, Pais - Mrs. Sam Werner, who has spent the past, week• visiting• relatives• in aeaforth, returned to her home here Geo. Forrest, son of the late Coop- er Forrest late of Hay Tp., and lat- er of town, is here on a visit from the. West +After en absentee of - nearly, 5:1 years and notes many chaniea in Loth: the. village; and, rural.: district. and up till the tinlic,f hiss illness he w Sundays, was also ° missed only a votive. isa..tlnoir work. He is survived; by .kris widow, formerly %Telli:ey Craw- :.. 7 ♦ ° j -... - "'" Herman aid .four sons and three ce. dau. 0. •