Zurich Herald, 1935-06-20, Page 1ry
XV 1,40.45
nize t
,e home Mer
j u N E20, 11935, Chester 1G. Smith„ T: lle
$1.25 a year, U.S. 81.50 Irs Aelim :
*1.5o INARREA,RS, 32 MAX BX fJ , gPlittr..
rd. read t e local Paper
A Titoefr MV tr'ara
e minutes, ark. Huron Coenty
of 'the XIMP P aeSsiozrl we are
g a motion, that would be of
enefit to the people • of this
in ,the winter months as fol-
"Melick-Westcatte That all.
d rail fence be removed on
9 known; as the %u ei
that more snow fence .be
or this reted.—Referreg to
arried, Life?
are always deploring
f of' the marriage zap:
tkme eases of women
their husbands anal of huss-
killing 'their. fixes;,, we think
d be a let, better if' fol. "wonid
'redly into marriage, and only
ng sure that they have found.
e with whom they wi:1T+ be
to spend the remainder of
tural lives:. ---Clinton News -
Do You
Nteg Glasses?
Family Re Unio.
Some sixty members of the Troyer
family held their annual picnic in
Jewett,'s 'Grove,, Hayfield, oil . Satur-
day, June 8th, A fine program of
sports was run off, which was en-
joyed by all present. Next year the
pienzr,;:1V1I1 be held the second Satur-
day in June at Bayfield. Committee
for 1'936: Mrs. Hyde, Mr. and Mrs.
George Troyer, Hensall; Mr. Cecil
Oke, Russell Coleman,' Seaforth; Mr
J. Troyer, Toronto; Chairman, Elmer.
Webster, Varna; Secy:, Mrs. George
Johnston, Varna.
Bruce Temperance Forces
Awaiting the decision of the sup-
reme court concerning the validity
of Canada Temperance Act, Bruce
county temperance forces rallied in
Port Elgin to lay preliminary plans
as to what action should be taken to
curb liquor traffic in the county. A 13—Five young Ind
all first offenders,
favorable decision by the court will .Gotierich June rs; after having td
probably result in a vote being tak=det to thefts of clue;
en throughout the county to have it day pleaded guilty
placed under Canada Temperance kens and auto tires, were told th
Act, by which beverage rooms would they were starting out on a life of
be closed, brewers warehouses and crime which might easily lead to take
Ii uor stores closed down. plight in which Archie Hyatt fin
q himself today, Three aeaforth aoa�a
ths, Wilson and Geo. Little and Fri
nk Case and Gordon McKellar, a
mitted raiding barns and steak
chickens. They were given suspen!
ed sentence with severe lecture an
ordered to report once a week .for
year to Mayor Sutherland of Se
and Chairman of the Ontario parole
forth, McKellar's driver's permit Vat,
cancelled for the balance of tih+
to the people, a clergyma,n also spok
of their previous good record. lee
cording to Geo. Young, not the fee
'and they will make better mothers Chinese eeeturantli
mer, but a
s'ee C. E. •ZURBR1tF R. O. rboard declared in arx addsess� to e,
year. The report that these boys �co'c
Shoe a airin
I wish to advise the Public that
am in a positiou:'to do all kinds'
shoe repairing, and solicit your pe
ronage. Give us a trial for ge
Victoria Street. Zurich, OgiOriy
We wish to greatly thank the pub
tic for their presenc and fine co
duct staring our "Open House Nits
on Saturday afternoon and evenin
June 16th.
Heist's Bakery.
r. and Mrs. Roy Oliver of Lon -
,were• Sunday visitors with Mr.
11rs. Chas. Weber.
r. and Mrs, Henry Krueger of
14th Con., and >: 'Mrs. Herbert
ager of town spent the week -end WHY NOT TURN YOUR
friends at Kitchener.
e two classes of the Zurich Con-
�' ation school held their annual DISCARDED OLD FASH-
7* is to Ipperwash Beach on Tues -1
sia afternoon.
r.. and Mee. W. L. Siebert re-
ed to their home here on Sun -
after spending two weeks in
I s. N. Gascho, Mrs. W. Reith,
JVI� rt J, MacDonald, Miss M. Lang -
"'end Mr. Dave Swartzentruber
1;ut ed to Lucan and London on
t day.
In Police Court
'that you wear correct glasses cor-
rectly prescribed for your vision.
Correctly styled tO} your face. Your
'health 'fa.ay largely depend on keen
lo -
Canada Has Less Crime
Canada today has less crime, less
immorality, Tess social disease and
less evilness than at any other per-
iod of her history, Jundge J. T.
ilircKinley of Ottawa juvenile court
Te Main village drain paesing a-
iie.Lyictoria Street is at preeent
and needs diggiug lip. IVIr.
ties -tiler 'who has much experience
ithis line of work, has the job
.tning the same.
TeeSrs John Moritz of Cavalier, N.
,,,iteette, and brother, Isaac Moritz of
Minn., who have spent a very
ea.* inoeth visiting friends in
aftild Ontario, left on Friday for
ective homes in the West.
rcy Row, principal of the
eon sell& Zurich, accom
his will Mr. Thomas
re in this busines was a big shoa
10 times the temptation we ever had,
Every 'Tuesday at LTIRICE the young people of today are clean
Store. ations that has gone before," he said,
:and fathera than we have done." 'said Nelson Naylor, Blyth you*.?,
. on „June 5 ordered a meal in '110,
"A Changeless Chriikt fen- .a 'Chtuag-
8h—Luther League.
10 a. en.---Gerrnan Service_
7.30 :p.m.—English. service.
EverYbody Welcoraft Ito 01 Services.:
TUERICHEffel,, Pastor.
Such as Rings, Brooches,
Chains, Watch Cases, Etc.,
Gold Coins
Phone 74 Zurich
Fuel Prices woe dov,ittt.. P.4t
your winter supply now wherb
Coal is at the loWest price for
The color guarantees the quality, we
have all sizes. Also: Comet Salt-
vay Coke, Miller Creek arride;Pietaie-
hontas Briquets, Tile and BrZeke
Phone 10
Defoe anntiMiced the 'other day, the *ere blint for fellows "jUst likeeeet • „,
Dionne -puintuplets will be the equal the magistrate warned. Jasj.Ward, y . IC
t.. F. Moen) are representing St. Pet -
of any normal baby their age. "I feel Howick Tp. farmhand, admieted ste-,
ei's Lutheran congregation at the
the babies will -be norinal by August aling two auto tires from J:.'McEwan
annual meeting of the Canada Synod
--Temeniber, they were seven months was given another chance' and paid
of the. Lutheran Church at Tavisteck
babies and they had to catc:h up" thel$10 costs. The McArthur and Ban-'
this week. There will be no services
genial Ontario- physician said at New . nister families, neighbors, related de -
in the local church next Sunday ow-
'Yakk en route back from Atlantic tails of a three year old fued. When 'ing to the absence of the pastor, Rev.
City and the convention of the Med- ' Agnes McArthur, 15, reached °vet.
;11 Turkheim.
ical Association. "'In Some ways, the line. fence and picked a Dannist-e •
'they are more advanced than ordin- er lilac, Wm. Bannister, Jr., is allege] -.The Open House Nite crenionstrat-
ary babies—they are more intellig- ed to have ran at and took a kick atiion held on Saturday afternoon and
exit." he .saide 'their intelligence is the girl, missing by a hairbredth.The
. evening at Heist's Bakery was a most
-,exceeitiofiail, you just ought to zee families promised him in u ure ey seilendiel. success, and was -my large-
would keep to their own side of the
fence and mind their own business.
Specials for June 20, 21, 22nd
Sugar crisp cum- flajrek, 4 -pkgs. ...
Rice Rangoon, 4 lbs.
Molasses Gizjger Snaps, per lb. . .. 10c
Pealnirt butter,„ 2 lb. jar
SalmOn, Tier tin .
I 9c
1 Oc
Miracle Niniir;„iper jar . .. 22c
Children's kna Short Sleeve.Sweaters
Boys wool pullovers 4 to. 8 yrs.
Boys all wool Zipper Front 10 to 14 yrs...... -1 .25
Mens no -sleeve Sweater'Paillover 25
Mena Work Shirts .. . 59c, to 95c
Meng fancy dress shirts„ extra special --..--1
Highest Prices few Egg&
111034sa 140
were rendered by local talent.
lys attended, crowds of people visited
the' place during the evening' especi-
ally, and much praise is given to the
way in which it was carried out. In
the evening special musical numbers
Deem-at:ler Service t,
of the Township of 'Stephen was held The second annual Decoration Ser- ,,.
. 1.1th of June 1935 at 8 a.m. All cemetery, just south of town* on 4,1
' members were pre-ent. This roinntee &mom. :,..„,..reee -Tee, e leen. ;
• having leceived *4.25 from i.ii, Tre- I able program WaS earried one with
liZ; id ;.tii..::r tim co:wile-action of The .Tho other epeakprs v:ere fees. ill.
. Colwill Drain and which is to be, 'Mosiee, of New Hamburg and. Rev.
rebated pi o rate to th'" w." ''''i °3 '',Trtettner. of Witini e,s, k fries will
1 lands and roads in the Township of .. .
conering was taken up whien money
, Stephen. I.Will be used in the upkeep of the
Motion, that by-law No. 496 to cemetery
asurer . of McGillivray among owners . Dr, A, J. MacKinnon o I' town Wa P
; of lands and roads in Stephen as,,ee- taken to London Hospital last week
sed for the construction or the Col- ' and a miner operation performed on
will revile heelless heen nee! 1.1:r.,, the Doetm's nose, and mre are pleas -
times, be passed and signed by the , ed to report that he is progressing
Reeve and Clerk and sealed. 1 'v -el y' faeoialdy, and is exeected to
Tenders for hauling gravel on the ' return home on Thursday of this
' several divisions on the 10, 11, 12 ,week. There is probably no class of
, and 1.3th concessions as well as the professional men or any other occu-
side 'roads were received and .con- ,pation that is as essential as our
, tracts awarded. llocal physicians, when we need them,
Circular letter. from Crops, Seeds , and when they themselves heroin ill
and Weeds Branch as well as the why it is only too bad for the rest of
amendments ef The Weed Control :us,. Here's hoping that Dr, Mac -
Act of 1935 were Teed and 'ordered Kinnon will soon be restored to his
. filed. A letter was read from F. Ehi usual health again, '
Johnston of London,. asking for the/
'opening of King Street, plan 24e; Mennonite Gospel Chorus
- {Grand Bend). Matter referred tol'
The Mennonite Gospel Chorus of
the Police Trustees of Grand Bend.
' Kitcheeer, under the Direction of A
Motioe, that the following pay-'.
0, Kolb, will render a saered pro -
sheets and orders be passed: • '
e. grain at the Zurich lllennonite
ellUreh 021 Sunday, June 23rd, at
7,30 pan. A very appropriate and
Celevill Drain 1.62; W. Huxtable do
well chosen program has been select-
'Ttaesday, the 2n.d day of jute 1935'
gain it, the Town Hall, Cre,cliton, en '
2.03; I?, J. Wicicwire printing
The Council. adjourned to meet a-,
4.5 0 ;,..id.Tior, the occasion, and the singing
. and other interesting items. The
this sacred feast of Song, Invite your
numbers are interaiwrsed by readings
public is heartily invited to attend
There new Fatr.le.s, picture, dee--
harmony of perfect dress.:
The new patterns made from BrEtis'i,
,twoolens and tailored with the free. „
*dem of style, give you the easy fee.l-.
ng 01 always being well-dressed. —
All Suits
splendid range priced
Your In lin 11c1
We are well supplied with a General Stock of
Staple Goods, consistiug of Prints, Broadcloths,
Curtains, Curtain Materials, Boys and Girls'
Summer Sweaters, Boys' Tweed Pants, B1 °mere,
and Shirts, Men's Shirts and Pants.
Groceries, Hardware, Paints,' Varnishes and
Oils, Shoes, Rubber Boots, Harness Repairs,
1935. Garden Vegetables and Flower See&
Also root Seed and Sorgum.
PHONE ti - 97
mamma 40"EilfAMEMESPFA