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Zurich Herald, 1935-06-13, Page 5
"3C61rrrsd'ay; Tia.rc'owty,' BUSINESS CARDS LEG.L` iihotEi R. HQLMES sitti.RRiSTh .. •Sf1l'.IC)iT©jt,'' 'rNOT-. ARY PPUSLIC; ETC i' OFFICE—'HanziIten; Street; - J'iust off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. ',Special Attention , to Carne' Court Work. . • Sir. Holmes may he. cons,Olte4; at' syoderich by, Phone, and ,,.11'hone charXes pevgiesed , "DE E NTT A I: t { ...` •i pi R.• I •" CQ,WEN{ ".! ''DENTAL SURGEON "' At DEITZ BL r(1 C'•I{ ZURICH Zve'y Thursday, Prid xy, Saturday At HARTLEIB:'S BLOCK DASHWOOD £v jt Monday, Tuesday and ' Wednesday. VETERi;NAR1A.N' A- R. Campbell, V 4Graduate of Ontari'ax,<<4 4.• 't • rinary' 'College, University of Toronto. All adiseases ,of domestic animals treated by the most modern ...principles, Charges i r; .,pinable. Day or night [calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Hennels. Office on Main Street, apposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL BUTCHERS' , urich& • Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Aide. in this Column CARD OF THANKS The family of The late William Bassos 'wish to thank their many 'friends and' neighbors for the kind- ness and' sympathy shown them dur- ing their recent "bereavement; for the beautiful:' 3ioral tributes and those w]iia 'sn''kiizdly l'oaned their "cars. • 1,4'.;14[rs assow aq{1 Fiimily 114.14.r u ,••.4 iioTICEr1t Terre s. o7e,n?Y j?i'! ea,im q i 17 ;act a medium sized White sow , Own- el- please call' forsante at once. Fergus Turnbull, R.R.1, Dashwood, Blut Water. Highway, Hay Tp. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that • no obstructions of any kind will be all owed in the bed of the West Branch Drain . which will stop the free flow the water. All interested parties please govern themselves accordingly HENRY CLAUSIUS, Inspector . 43-3 Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the . late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. ' Zurich Popular Used Cars For Sale TEAT MARK.E T. We axe offering the following used Cars for sale: Let Us supply you with the 1-1932 V8 Ford Sedan Pp y1-1930 Chev. Coach, 1-1931 Ford Coach ,very Choice of Fresh and Cur - c5,1 Bolognas Sausao'es, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and Skins H. Yungblut & Sou Jac GARAGE T A iJ B c. r IN YOUR DANEROUS TIRES NOW! A MOST GENEROUS .ALLOWANCE;: STOCK REDU(It NG SALE NOW ON! cin■ Phone 60 — DASI4WOOD Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OFI WOODSTOC THE LARGEST RESERVE BA- L-ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT lar COMPANY DOING BUSINES.tS, OF THIS albI r IO;I TARIO '' treat of 1.' 7 ' ce •at' .Itisk on Dec. 31st, '193 , p,$19,613,539. t i x f Total Cash int ane and Bonds $235;., 9.31. °tes—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E:" F, Uopp--Zurich • a t,. also Dealer'ielightnind Bods mod all kinds of Fire lnsuirance PRODUCE.lJ Elie Po try ....,y '4t'v' "aa,j: .. F. V. 'Melon every Day til X ow'clock -pan. 1Do not feed Fowl • same reorning when, brought in RICHEST CASH PRICES. FOR-- CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien "me: 11110 BM. 9411, Ziarichr 1-1930 Ford Coupe. . t-1928 Ford Coach • All these Cars are in Number.Ono Condition L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich N O T l,am authorized agent and dealer for the Renfrew Products of Cream Separators, Stoves and, Washing Ma, Mees ; .giro haw, same used Separators 54.va^'s- on -T md. If in need of any r r' .e articles, kindly arrange to ...,.. HUGH THIEL, R.R. 2, Zurich. Phone 93: r 4. pt45 PRODUCE WANTED ' We •are in a position to •take Cream and Eggs at my home • at Zurich, for which we: will ;pay..highest, market. prices• ,We• will -Fade' 37,919'. receive! 'theta; acid pay according to grading.'" 'Gine us a Trial! First house south of Dominion Hotel THOS. B. MEXFRS, Phone 116, Zurich, • Ont. -•-r LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit y.our business, and if not satisfied will Make , no charges for Services Ren- ti.ered ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. 4, 1,0CAL The pupils of , the cfmth:1041011 School are writing their ert, this week. :t 8 Mr_ Lawrence Rau of Detest, spending the week with hia:par.' ktst• Mr. and Mrs. J P. Rau , t '' Mrs. Theo. Steinbach and';tgltter Norma are spending a week rwith. •e- latives in Detroit. Pleased to report that Mr, Louis ,Schiibe, . who is taking treatment' at London, is progressing, nicely'. ` :Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Aulerich •? f a! t ietroit, silent ,tom YveejS-+e ci. nt , i e hoh>,te of Mr 'arid :Mrs. T. A,''ykan 1114,.x, and r,Mrs. Edwin tlartipanpd. daughter, t,Mionica,. also Mrs,.,Vaui 14edard - motored to petrort,'.pntl 0tp,.: e#iplucep'the past: wee]t•as i. G^-. Miss! 'Rath T'urkheim, B. An-, Who has' recently 'graduated, • is spending holidays with her parents at the parsonage. An outstanding Sale of Summer Dressesis to be held at the local Hat, Shop on Tuesday, June 18th.;, An invitation is extended to all the, ladies of the community. Mr.. Morley Witmer of Detroit, spent the week -end with relatives here. Mrs. Witmer and *family. who have been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Clara Decher, returning with Mr. Witmer to the city. A number of villagers are brighten ing up the appearences of their `'re- sidences with a coat of paint. This acts as a wood preserver and is a very good investment. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gascho, Mrs. Norman Gascho and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gascho motored to London on Sunday, where they called on Mr. Normae Gascho at the hospital. Next week will be the annual ses- sion of the Canada Synod of tl+n Lutheran church, and will be 'held this year at Tavistock, when about 100 pastors and delegates will •as- semble for the anual business. Always give your car Blue Sunoco Knockless gas, the hest grade of gasoline on the market. Do not, be misled by other brands who claim they are'just good.—L. Prang ish North American Act so'as to ab !B Son, Zurich. LARGE HYDRO SURPLUS ♦ Total reserves and surplus of the , • municipalities of the Ontario Hydro System in ,1:934 reached $64,177,000 At-is•revealed• in the annual report re- leased by Chairman T. Stewart Lyon. Total assets of ,$140,192,00.0, as' com • pared with totaal.liabiljt es of. . 46,659 000, stablished a percentage of net I • debt to assets of 35.9. • t« ' Annual Meeting • Ilurop County Educational Assoc- at; ration of Trustees and Ratepayers met in annual convention in the aud- ♦ `orium of Clinton Collegiate Instit- I ute, Saturday'. last, when matters of _. :vital lnter$`st wore' disci sed ,Sn 'tie*, Of the'' i+op osed-chan' s'to ,be made • P Q. by the' De airtfirierit' of du'ea`trsro;i:' tl e; 9 i Meeting a `' h im ortance. s. of 'es ec all ,.,r ' P , p e " A co v., rnemb' • has mmittee' of seven els been appointed by, the deliartmezht'of .1,, edsication'for'the ur ose'of n akin ♦ p I? • a 'survey of 'Gthe' cost of education, • 'PAGE FIVE McKinley's Baby Chicks, 1935 SPECIAL NOTICE! After April .1st, one high grade of Chicks only will be sold. All eggs setrtweigh over 24 -oz,- to the dozen and average about 26 ounzes. Barred or White Rocks. S. C. White Legiioirns 7c. At the Hatchery 7c 8c Delivered 8c 25c 4 Weeks old Pullets 3.0c 2 weeks old chicks 310,c extra. 4 weeks old chicks 9c extra HATCHES TWICE WEZKLY. "Cos et,`;`And See Us, or 1 r k Ph ,r -e•'- , 4' ei.97 11, 'leers'' ALL BREEDING STOCK dOVT. APPROVED AND BLOOD - TESTED. OVER 175 R. O. P. IV )ALES HEAD.,QUR,FLIQC TERMS—Cash on Delivery Two Dollarsper 100 chicks must accompany mail orders. Chicks p and to receive suggestions for a re- • p y vised curriculum, a committee with • delivered when reasonably possible or expressed,. . Express,• the educational Committee . of, the Co- j prepaid. 100% live arrivals guaranteed unty council in formulating propos- J. ELGIN McKINLEY -. ZURICH, ONTARIO els to present to the department's ` , , Yr F oo•••••••••••••••••••••••iro+nfe+, as .e4s io+s.sa '.'rA•4 committee when it convene. an Clin- ton Mayor Holmes of Clinton, de- plored the fact that so manytyoung teachers are unable to secure empl- oyment and suggested that a rearran- gment of superannuation might be the remedy. E. C. Beacom, inspector siurori, expressed the desire of the department to get the view- point of trustees and others. Chang- es are due, he said, and now is the time and h ---e was an opportunity to express ourselves. Huron County Council Huron County Council was in ses- sion last week at court house, God- erich with all members present. At the opening meeting, on Tuesday af- ternoon, after a few words from Warden Sweitzer, two hours or more were spent in dealing with communi- cations read by the clerk. A number of motions were presented, one . by Reeves Scott (E. Warnanosh) and H. A. Keys (Grey) creating quite a • commotion as follows: `T`hat this! county council invite the other` co- s 111.11400011011110111011111410004116800**3411400110001111111110611/00111400111.000.. • ¢+++++++:.s +- r r, _:: _t .+4•++++++++++++4-1•+++++++4•44 + + •1- + + + 3. r. t1/ i'7r' llf n /1'rt r. Cut Your Fuel Bill In .HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors; REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A .t. LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON .HAND AT ALL + TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. LET US QUOTE YOU! + (I` ▪ • • `' 'per , 1 I A1. P 69•. - . ZURICH, +• 4•44++++++++++++++++44+++++q +++++++++++++++++++++4.+f+4' unty councils of Ontario to unite in s requesting the Imperial Parliament of Great Britain to amend the Brit- • People having any departed relati- ves of , the 1d1• cemelories should avail `themselves- of the decoration Ha''relief to the tasps.1ers of the co- days appointed; for' the occasion 17'n 'entry, and 'have our public business' the coming Sunday, June 16th the conducted 'as it is in the Old Land; ? deco-.ation will be at St. Peter's and, that a copy of this motion be'. • Lutheran cemetery. and •a week lat- sent to all the county councils of er, June 23 the Evangelical church Ontario. • The motion was received by ' + will hold their annual day. some of the •meiro-:s with a certain I! degree of levity, but it was carried, I e olish the Provincial -Legislatures throughout the Dominion of Canada On the grounds' of economy and as SEEDS SEEDS See Us about Red Clover, Alfalfa,-Alsike, Timothy and e Sweet Clover Seeds Save Money by Buying Your Garden Seeds from Up!r Garden Seeds in Bulk or Package LET US SUPPL YOU WITH SEED GRAINS! FORMALDEHYDE This part of Ontario h1 dui,>, without debate, by :a unanimous vote the past week been blessed with On •W,e, nesday morning the work of 1 • Bring.in your Bottles to be filled.' We have a supe% •plenly,.o± rams: and;;: the gi:Jwth,•;,.44 file °t•]I d 1 1St.;:r5`.tan tom, Was.takon - -, _.._.. —, most r o-adcrfiil .in all lines, an;i with hp.' In the afternoon deputations mow„ continued weather there should he .'were heard. Lt. -Col. H. B. Combe . an abundant" crop Of -'13). this'rear. and `Lt. Shaw, of Clinton asking for • All, other crops look wee' including a grant of $300 towards the expense Implement Repairsthe fall wheat which will. soon be in Of 'a reunion of the 161st batallion • - s` Cultivator Points to fit all makes of Cultivators. McCormich-Deering. . Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. li; •1,.:Schi.lbe & Master and Pioneer Chick Starters. heads_ Accused of Robbing Mail Boxes 6 1•year,ioldi.gir who has been. I. Gamble, clerk of Howick, present- ed the claim of municipal clerks for remuneration for their work in con- nection wit'' old' age pensions. The various mat err, were all sent. to coin 'robbing:' the rural liter'"*.•boxes in a Mittees Or_ .consideration. Thursday sectioinof Howick TT.,.,appeared be- the" tax rate was set at five and a fore C. A. Reid, Goderich, juvenile half mills, a half mill lower than last court judge at Gorrie. The young year." It was decided to grant one offender may be committed to an in -dollar to mtfiucioal` .clerks,: for each dusti'ial'home, but meanwhile is be- ld"` `age' 'pensidn applicant dealt ing kept at the Children's Shelter, with„ and with this was passed a recommendation that the Province Hensall Resident Passes .. make proper financial provision for Mrs. Sarah Dick, widow of Thom- as Dick, and one of the oldest resi- dents of the Hensall district died on Sunday morning at her home in Hen- sall. She was in her 93rd year. Mrs. Dick had always lived in the district and moved to the village 31 years ago, where she since resided. She was a respected, member of the Her*: sail Presbyterian church. Predeceas- ed by her husband 28 years, she is survived by four sons, John of Or- illia; Charles in Saskatchewan; Geo.: and James of Hensall; also five dau •Tarte of Toronto, Mrs, R. N. Douglas of Blake;* lake ; ivirs Cold - well, Parkside, Sask; Mrs. B.dell'; of Hensall, and IvItr4 ,, (.,Dr,) Caw- thorpe, of Tavistock: 14b,ere °;lite also two brothers, Edward Sheer. :of Hensall and Chas. Sheffer of Marlett ghters, M O'Brein—At •Zurich, , on May 26th,,.Mich-, there are 19 grandchildren.. ,.to Mr. and Mrs.; Lloyd O'Brein;'a .daughter • O'Brein—At Zurich, on June 7th to Mr. and Mrs. Leeroy O'Brein, a Late Wee. C. Spreait y yy (yjWrh' t. 1. , .-.•i rl ,HSal G '[nest, widely brown and suirc ulfOritiv ,ets, ef,`TRfk'rs*lutli llit1 died in `t ozl4 *MI Iospt aI,xf'o11,1r0 !g,an operation; 5 4 "s,:Akr st e t fan-:PPAF' ween'. for' the removaa i► Alis left leg. Vein* the ince;: Doused V r ene, Wad}' irebveiiYfg` "sulficieYltl b `lbe • a bout The 'disease 'US net arrested, and the other leg us removed: • At first he seemed to rally but a change 'set in and he sank very rapidly. Born on •the Kippen road '77 years ago, he was: a:. son of the late James Spr- oat, one of the first settlers in the district, and his early life was spent'. on the Sproat. homestead. Nearly 50 years ago he purchased a farm on the iseeond: contession. et Tuckersinith, hear 1Cippen, where be continued to vr:;al hi. aefir-eineiit soma yo- ago„,. o- agog private funeral service will be held on Tuesday afternoon ata her home. Interment was made in!:%fensai! Un, - ion`. Cemetery. , HYMENIA:L Towle—Kleinfe1171;;, A pretty wedding was soemnized at the United Church' parsonage in. Centralia, Saturday at noon,,,whea .r eev:,:, N. Stewart officiating, when Verna Beartice, dapghter of Mr. and Mrs.rJohn Klenfs#dt of Usbo •ne, foi`-. :niei13r df Hay T 4,ibelpame the bribe of Harry C. Towne,' icily son" ""of Mrs. Towleirnd the; late; Wm -Towle also •7t r5 (tof; Usbarne. ' ' Batkin, Trewartha'" .0n Saturday, June .lst, at the Uti ited Church Parsonage, Hensall, quiet wedding was s olemnized Whtn Rev. A. Sinclair united in matx one- ony Miss Myrtle Trewartha, R N. A of Clinton to John W. Batkin, a highly respected farmer of Goderich Tp. After the marirage the bridal couple proceeded on . a honeymoon trip 14 motor to the Pacific Coast, stopping at points on the way, On their 4- ' ' ern the: y will reside on the groonhfs farm, Goderich. Township. this work. The report of the county road commission, provided for an ex- penditure of $96,950 occupied the greater part of an afternoon. The following will be made county roads The road south of the town line of Stephen from Corbett's easterly ' to' the London Road; road between cons 8 and 9 Usborne, from the Thanes Road southerly to Whalen Corners; .road through Varna from Zurich Rd to. Holmesville; Cambra Rd. in God- erich; road between cons. 8 and 9W. Wawanosh; road between cons 8 and 9 .McKillop; the cut line, Goderich Tp., road north of the town line of T:urtilklikryk, f"roiih.1highway No. 4 to 'Belntore. The 'c, ouficil,,joined in the request to the minister 01 ,or highways to take of er : as a pro'ihcial highway the.road 'froxri Amberley to Wing - ham, Harriston, Listowel 'and Ehn- ira. Huron -Perth Baseball Schedule June 5 --=Exeter 'at Mitchell. 5—Seaforthat Zurich 10 Mitchell at Exeter. 10 Ziri'ch at Seaforth 14 `Seafoxtliw at Mitchell 1'T r,,Eae0i JSeaforth ' 17 Mktehe Pat1 d Zurich 21 Zurich,at+Exeter. 24—E'keter^a't Seaforth. 24 Zurich at Mitchell. July 57—Seaforth—,at Zilidch. 5-Mitelieil at Exeter. '8= -Zurich' at Seaforth 8—Exeter at Mitchell 15—Mitchell at Zurich 15—Seaforth at Exeter •22—Zurich at Exeter 22—Mitchell at Seaforth 26—Exeter at Zurich 31—Seaforth at Mitchell.. Four Tournaments will be held at 'which the four teams will participate They will be all League Games: At Zurich, Wednesday June 26th; July 19t1 at Exeter; July 17th at Sea forth; and on Jury 24th at Mitchell. 1 •eeeS•SS'ONNiessaseaes f ess•M. T•,r•S Zurich Drug Store. 1 School Supplies We have a full Line ' of all the requirements of ;School applies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. A,I. AUT1-IORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. seakenosesemeseasseeatres See Our Supply of Toilet •, !' lite {t • ., preparations P`e Cl ulaert, Toilet Waters, PerroOOxers,. Toilet Soap s, , Tooth Pastes, and IBrui$ihs. ei•eeesreasmoseaso eeeNaso FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. IF Dr. A J MacKZurichl