HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-06-13, Page 4NOTICE
Wb Pay a Premium of T ro Cents per Pound B.
Fat for Churning re
g Cream delivered at. COAT. platc>lt.
a .
!Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed
Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same
Mr, and 1\ . Naxll a.1ii Varrener of Morne-Orewn Striawberries
Pontiac, Mich,, called tion friends int Clinton: Early for home grown
,, he.
the vliaga#; strawberries, but we have them.T y
Ball Tear 'Wins 1 ' " a1Ye ooWing in a pot in the .'window
At the,.. King's birthday celebration '•.of the agticultural °DUO, eS, 'They :were
held in Clinton ,en "Monday last', the grown by C. V. Cooke, florist, and
• 'Hemel" baseball team 'defeated the his alinili''the latter taking 'most ofthe
oo alike* m t$k?to 4. "• • I carr of thein. They were patted' last
'i A. L. Case is 'making a number 'of ; fall and brought in in' ebrua'y and
improvements to his home on S Rich kop' :;dinning along until they now
mord A. VIr. red - Kaibtleiach of have' •Several fine, riPened berries.
the contract . — e ti� s Ttec.ord.
Zuraaeh 'h'as 'tl bi.
Reaml;1(Chamber of Commerce met ., Many Spuds
recently to moke final arrangements
• flax the reunionp rograam. Amuse Ferdwieb---$o plentiful' are •potat;
1wiiM o1114111:011®1g1100.0O•.•ii••• •.08011tN0M110.00ti .ri
+++++++++++++++++*++ +++4+++++4+*++++++14+++t+.9
Check your Haying Machines. New and. avoid dis-
appointments in the Field. .. Order repairs early
and save Express Charges... Massey -Harris parts
are Best!
How " about .' a Cream Separator -Demonstration.
Several Used Machines. ' Very Cheap
If in need of any, bring your Catalogue along.,
We will not be undersold by mail order houses and
we mount the came Free!
Plow Points for all Plows
1 TeL Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 1
a,• +
4. Auactioneering? — U. BET! s. ,
-1.4‘..1--1-4.4.+4.-+-1-4-1,4-1.+4-1-+++++++++ '*.1.4++++++i.+*+++4.+4.4*++4.4.
merit is being provided for every ors arMind' Erin, that many farmers
Impute, ie uni hn aY, iTi rile ;i1 strict are o{fe n iTxeari}l
�l, t}ir'ell relic wll 'be yrs t ;':a11y'iinp VvDo' .will �lxle
'...4144N 4 ;c . -xj?ia ., q .l r,
oc,Cu.�kqd,. r ormg# ,tors , Rei: • race' hem out of their cellars,
tn4i;,fof; Penetang wilt take dthois' lire receiving d �inu'tli a 4U.5c
.'o f t
§,- services, ' iii , th United, •a bag,' Where are t"h'etisands' df" bd s
Ol �,;ch. •. , ,'>dii'kg� thrown .,out. 'Des'pita} fhe huge
1_, wi91' :e. Lon sur°1us a large'acreagef will 'ise"1S1an-
chtY;n,'„Dar,, With. a parade, by.a. pipe' -,ted, and niany hat}elihad..their-•'early
band, and in the evening a big pro- crop in the ground four weeks, hop
C Xis. Thomas CI•iuter and son Ron -
dad xaf Seaforth are ;spends rg.4 dew
alays With her parents, Mr. and Mrs
f Richardson.
'Miss (Mildred Wood of Mitchell,
atbnewed ; gold acquaintences in the
-vicinity last week.
ate Troyer reunion was held at
yyeld, on Saturday.
Mass Ruby Dalyrumple of near
hurst .is visiting her sister
aO`fa”` s. eonacd " Wagne --o-21).rich•,
her. mother, Mrs.„.Stephan.
111rs Lombard: of Mitchell 'visited
'Ater .sister, Mrs. Davidson recently .
Mrs. Mina Love is visiting her
.fin, and daughter in law, Mr. and
Wee Ross Love.
Mrs. 1Troyer visited her friends
lter. and Mrs R. Stephenson , ' •
'A `7nnmiier from this vicinity- at-
�tanxde.d the funeral of tate late 'Mr. J.
£eLean at Kippen on Monday.
W. M. S.—Will be held at the
hone of Mrs. 33. Turner on Wedness
+ rrtoon`
(8iday't``dhobl and Bible' Class'wiil'
lie held .on Sunday at 2 p.m. in the
' sgreen church.
VTlie `+'orrest and Love Reunion is
i.held on Wednesday to Grand
his •wife 17 years agbr The 'funeral
was held' privately on Tuesday
morning from the home of his daugl
ter 20 Strange= St,;-at:.11,30i..with
interment in • Dashwood Luther '
Cemetery. Rev: 'Mr. Hirtle officiated.
A quiet wedding with a few of the
intimate friends took place on Weil-
nesday at noon at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jasob Messner when their
daughter. =Elsa Dorothy' was unit
gram will be given by London artists
On July 3rd there will be 'a football
genie A `number of bands have been •..
engaged, including the Forest Boys'
Band,1 who will be present during the • :i =
while tithe.
i)etith of William Mote,
Wi'I1iam''Moir, a fellknowii resident
of Hens'ail since 1907, passed away
at his home here. He had been an in-
valid since boyhood but able to get
around. He was born in . Usborne 64
years ago, son of Peter Moir. He
resided with his sister, Jessie Mair,,
who survives and one brother Peter
of the London Road. The funeral
taking place Saturday afternoon
from his late home, interment in
Hensel' cemetery.
ing to dig thein .July' 1st,
New Principal
Jo se Alia : Ciseo�ebk sa:112..Cet.er sieaa. b -
en appointed principal of the Exeter
Public School,, his lnew, duties to be-
gin with the fall term. Mr. Creech
will succeed Mr. G. • S Howard, who Died as Clinton
recently res gaed owir#g' to zu let lau ' Atter-on Walesa of over ''Year,,,
John T! ::Ji.riiis' p'a`ssed away at his
A Serious Misstep ltgrnloiim itEue Rayfield Road ;nr' hla
Norman.: McIver ahsent windedly �, `
a nate f : od-
ar H nvas e �
7 e A
surto at his boarding Oth' y 1✓ '
fry , erieh Tia 3aatrsteg been born on ,a
house at. Godericzla, orae• night oaths .
a fie lit,,,,•ox' farm mi Maitland concession. He
plunged Headlong down},. g , grew up and spent his ealy manhood
in bis native township, later Moving
to afar, on ftlie' second of Stanley'
(where he ieniah ed icor' fourteen yrs.
S1ii:ep'orrit�es 5`tatger,briver Dies About 1.4. ‘ago 'Iie sold' his• arta
• Death_.came , as ,a ,•happy_ 4 ell f , to b �J a lire �l: the smaller
the sufferings of Edward Graham I farm and attractive home in the. Bay -
:Lowry, who.^f'oz• l'evv'yl ` conducted'Ifleid .naiad " was twice Tmarri, ,`hi
the Central Hoget inl Atetea:• Teri lWaty; 1898 glia . ndrewb; wli6': Shed
1.1,932 he suffiered a _ paralytic stroke. Igen 3.-19D ' I C1r 1 be .•alvarunited to
•Preiiiiis to c ' `ln' tEiteter tlte':dee- ,Janet Agnew •of ,Clinton who sury-"'
'ceased was n Mire t lzeio liotelkeepet ivy also one ,daughter; Mrs: G'ordou
, I Thar of 'Crnmarrtye
at llf, se ue time' J e ran a
stage,tar .Brussels. and Seafortl;<
while aasnducliiij JiverX barn at the •
former dace. remains were tak.-
mix tto Rtnesels cemetery for interne-
enf,l� ., '.
steps. He is in .Alexandra hospital
with his . left arm ' fractured, a.; . bro-
ken collarbone and.;4 cracked ariibs. ,
"Afruit and grocery store has been
opened in Bayfield next to the post
office. This is being run by two yo-
ung men from Toronto; R. Brown
and H. Crone.
Fire did considerable damage to
the home of Wilbert Martin, Exeter
one day recently. and but for the
timely arrival of the firemen the I
house would soon have been a mass
of flames. Mr. and Mrs. Martin were
at Grand Bend at the ,time and it is.
not known how the fire ;originated,;;1
,.Root. Fitzsimmons,.; a forier wello.
known business man of Clinton,,,diedi
at Thalnesville ..to- whiel};;,plaee,:; hg
moved a•- few weel age 13,e was ,
his. 89th .year, anal, is,•§uivijved :lig
his second, wife, .also three
School Saralies Cut
At a meeting ,of the Clinton Public
School Trustees, it was decided to
reduce. the , salaries.. of , each". of the.
teaching staff .by $50. ,
Militia Training
A Company.,,,of the $uxon, regi-
ed int „have this;. eek YaTinYT3Segai���lie�ten
Major A. H. Jane,,at the local milit
is headquarters. This tr,ainiin'g„ ,with
+another period of'ten •day's in '`she
fall, will be in lieu of the, former
,anuual training in caring at London.
0 orn olm, on y son of John Ste-
phan and the late• Mrs. Stephan of
Bornholm. The marriage was per-
formed by, Rev.. 0. L. Gross of Ay-
ton, cousin of the bride. The home
was prettily decorated with pink and
white. The bride was dressed " in
white canton crepe and wore, a yep;
said carried a bouquet-ofipin kilrases
and white carnation
:Miss s}
Mary 'Stephan!' Of'
cousin of the groom was bridesmaid;
dressed in pink , .,crepe with; hat tb.
nlatchhancl•• 1Wf E.lrsiore rGkoss<: of Ay6
man. During the signing of the reg-
ister, Mr. Lloyd Code. of Hanover
A Big. One. '
Norman Bowles; Ggderilc1ge s ttl}e,
credit fol having caught �i,a-bag,
fish of 'the season sq far. Fishing
the river near the 'Maitland .,',Golf
Course, he took out, a 19 -pound Carp
which measured 36, ,inches length,.
y`Wgrk, Prlogrefr rig .,+ 1::i;,,j
'11 e work of, lawrn'g,.rtlre newce-,
neat sidewalk through the bu'srness
section of Exeter is progressing and
sang and Mrs.
G. L. 'Gross played two blocks have already. been laid
the wedding march. The young .coli-; from North St. south to James St.
ple left on a trip to Saginaw, . MVIlich. on *the east side of Main St. A.gang
wt xce
ep on o two or
the bride travelling in blue 4crepe of 27with theti
dress trimmer with 'grey with acces three, all localmen are, engaged in
so'ries to ninteb i.. Oil.. thein returi 'rite' work.
to Strawberry Social in the Luth-
e. Church has been posponed un-
•, •;July 3rd.
Mrs. Milton Goetz hnd daughter,-
Iftginia of Erie, Penn., are ' spend -
Slag -a a reel ,-with'Mr and Mrs.
',Goetz. '''.
r- Tis- OfiitsCann of Exeter, spent
Sanday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Stein-.
- T.'Luft will attend Annivee-
axil i Services in Kitchener on .Sun
• r
1'_ and Mrs. Heywood; and family
ur1'Exeter were Sunday visitors with
l Art.:Z and Mrs. P. Kraftr ,-;;,
r. J. Reschke "'*f' Detroit spent
lmi 'week -end with relatives.. '
'{ tt and Mit: Ezra -Tiernan, Mr, and
Ms A. Tiernan and Mr. and Mrs.
•tG ;Wildfong attended the graduation
siZithe fornner's son Eugene, who at
tritatiated as a Doctor iWestern
lifin ersity, London, last week. Eug-
+ten4i many friends extend congratu-
clr. and Mrs. R. Goetz and son
1'`rt and Mrs. Milton Goetz • aad
adatghter motored to Sarnia on' Tues-
. iclal�i•"',
-Death of Mr. Daniel Vincent
Daniel Vincent," age 78 passed, .a»
way Saturday "`at the home of his
xl':iitghter, Mrs. Clarence KoebeI 20
'Strange St., Kitchener, the• result of
a rsiroke. Deceased was born in Hay'
Township. Foix sons and four dau-.
„ghters survive. They are: Daniel,
:Jacob, Joel and Rudolph, all of
.J.'reston. Mrs. Leonard Wurin, Moon
lake, Alta: Miss Anna of Paris; Mrs.
Clarence Koebel of Kitchener and
Mrs. Ferdinand Schroeder of Pres -
torn. One brother Abraham Vincent
tiff Mintynt, Wen. and 25 ,grandchildren
I:to survive. Ho was prede0ea0d by
on a
they will reside farm near Mi -
chell, l ;a e7
Mr, and. Mis..d'asi Patterson,
and Mrs.T,Svrih3.'.Shiri ay, :Mrs: F1 ed
Bengough and son James, Mrs. And-•
rew Dougall and daughter Miss Cas-
sie, visited friends at Monktth and.;
Bisto syeil
Mr. and Mrs,. Alex. McM;urtrie and,
Oetghtent.of ' 'o'lronte .were week -cede
vis itorslticMurtrie Sr,:-
i:, Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and two child?:..
ren andHarold Higgins of Beach -O
Pines, ' and Alice Biggins of Woods
tock, spent; Sunday With their
encs, M . and Mrs. Robt. Higgins.
Mjr. and Mrs. Nat. Battersby and.,
two 'sons were visitors with Stratford.'•
Mrs. John Parke left on Sunday,
for Hyde Park where she will visit
for a• couple of; weeks with her
ter,' Mts. A T. %DDouglas '
Lloyd Passmore of Delhi visited a
the.hoiaileeei-14 parents, Mr. and M1 :: !
JoltiP.aslmore: t 1
Mr. ae d • xs. A. T. Doil� gla o
Hyde Pa .Y Visited kit" 14W Heine oe':'
Mrs. Jho. Johnston on. Sunday mast.
brit kind Mrs, Campbell aii`i{ " soil.
Keith, and daughters Jean and Dor;N,
:othy of Toronto. were holiday visitor
at the home of Muss Ethel Murdoch:
W. G. Thompson has workmen putt
ing in a' gond sized addition to his
grain warehouse on the west side o'
the 'railway track and which we `,
meet the requirements of ever -inter.,"
using business and the taking in an
storing of grain.
Owen Geiger & Son are putting in,
a 'fiery large acreage of flax, not on-
ly in this locality, but in did'Ioreni
places, some atquite a distance,
• 'f
arias, . ,.>�•
„ . .. , [ _ -,/ lw- • _ • - ��b�'' �ii .P`.t.�MY r nI. ......... (`
'The value of that 'enterprise (the Bank of
Montreal) ought not to be measured by its
success ',as a• joint-stock_ undertaking, by the
,, ' l +• . ; amount - of its e a ital r.•:'the'size of ; it's diet='
dends, but by the" linen), y it has.given F+? those'
,wlio slave. trusted k, the-, facilities k has fur-
nished for the exchange and the increase of
commodities, and the.,assistarrce it has con-
tributed to the development of the Country. -
The Bank, no vweili'+onsae ll iesec'ornlcenturyaf
its lift, still duislies oa%e measured }y rhe colt .
sidetations; ipita pned in the foregoing -quo-
ration from % l , n of- Ban . of
. it
rantrea� 'iisTieif- in 1lJ.i',TM
•Securriiy,. fadThi'tt, dstl ante—Moat• frame, been -
the objectives of the Bank since its :foundation
'in 1817. They are the objectives : today and
will. he. in. the tomorrows of Canadian lift.,
. 6,1T.
R ,)A h:e-."l:;i,.,: :.>
1.1 . 'EST,ABLISHED *8t7
a. r
•'HB.ADss,p:g'glt = `M0 tIltlBAtL ' •
,, [ •., � ••iYc5
MQDLBN} $FFI,CIIi , BAi`tl ;i. 't; i4.YICE ..Rise come aof
117 Yelps.' S icces ful Opendop
Zurich Br nclii ,d[H. 164'Manager
Con be tined where fresh wafer
clir,'tet, from the well is required.
Capacity, 250 gallons per hour. Swill 8 gallon Ctalbd,nized Tank.
i/0 11.1i. 110 Volt Motor, 60 cycle or 26 cYc'lit. $71.00
Extra for 80 gallon Galvanized Tet+k .., •. ..., $11.50
The Hydko Electric Power Commission of•Ontario offer>sr.
• electric current FREE OF CHARGE to operate Electric. Pumps, to, ;.
provide waterlunder pressure for Household Sanitary Systems.:
il�.al'I they'• rmAllo,n?e ,amlAh9.Home,s, meets (tot includ-
,i tg ''$u1laMigitteoPtflgA9L !
vv " edit 'and 1dlY anestm'fPbib sIil'l sanitary �upment
.tl eorl le, e "E1W00" 'qualify pail} t
to nt, `waste
1nc� batTi—•-��'I� be iiad dor as
A ?� S'r3.oa
i f ,
>�, Putlxl► leo �� g Avatar from
well or 'spr1ng costs only $71.00 up. ' • •
No need any' longer to pint up with' primitive, unsanitary
conditions. Term if desired on both Bathroom and Pump..
Writ* for Illustrated Booklet end complete xikti ,tot • , 37
STADE and W',i fDO •
London Hamilton Torcn*o. Winnipeg
"v 1 t: