HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-06-13, Page 1'Vol. XXXV o. ZURICH. THURSDAY NO • JUNE 13, 1935. Chester L. Snii k Pub X1.25 a year U,S. $L60 in Ad vaso l NARREARS,42 MAY ,lis ata sso Ptronizethe h ercIi and read the 1oca: Paper Argument .is An argument r e:Cw Ex -Reeve Albert . Goldthorpe, of C'olbiirne Tp., and Rev. D. J. ]Kah"0„ og Knox Pres- bres an chur h, • to the relative abrlity to "hake ie" of bad- 'Pg fa its ' and ' a. miniataa vvho "works once a week," resulted in an 'in.''a_- n to sawing—her on Wednesday To de' 3e who keitilit had the better Stayingpowe ,' k • Court House Pa>dlcr; were being. cut cto'wr spa as $leaned, i33id Aida fib fret With a will, 'sawing•' .nd chapping at a great rate After•- . w minuten',,,otm- lookers statNtthe an had it over. A.Piitira4. a. tent', Hie latter .admitted •w feat and =asked. from .the scent. He is probably resting up as he •has not been seenfixe towns :since.—Goderich: Sign. Demonstrates Spinning •.At, the big Women's Institute corx- verition, field at Seaforth • last Tues'- dav June 4th, a demonstration :of ;spinning on an old fashioned "spinn- ing wheel arid Neel by MTs. Caroline Oesch of Blake; proved of interest: Mrs. Oesch is 75 years of age and came to. Canada. from Germany : at the age' of 27. ` Her spinnirigwheel.. a neat, portable one; she br+oug;eiteat uk t• a trunk Irma Il'essen, Germany, Kith her. She had been raised.• on a farm where they had their own wool and flax and the youngpeople assembled in. the evenings and had spinning bees:—They made all their own clothing and also linen . bags and everything cloth. One girl I knew had thirty-six shirt waists and anoth- er had 52; Mrs_ Oesch remarked. Children Find Homes H. T. Edwards, Supt., of the Hur- , on county Children."s Aid' Society, re Do OU Nee, : Glasses? ports that as the result of the xe- cent appear nine wards of the Soci- ety have gone out to foster homes and it is expected that in a majority of the cases ,legal adoption will fol- low. There are still 8 children in. the Stop and 'Think haw important it is that you wear correct glasses --cor- rectly prescribed for your vision. Correctly styled to your face. Your health may largely depend on keen vision. See C. E ZURRRICG,. R. 0. At HESS JEWELERY STOKE Every Tuesday at EIEDUCH At Dashwood, Saturday, :at Wiles Stogy S ! PETER. t. _ vangelcai i Church :r.. ZURIFIF)i -QNT. 'A Changeless Christ far sr Chang- ing g- ing l orld:" i r} day, 8h -Luther Lingua. :''Saturday Ohoir leve. !SUNDAY SERVICES t . ?.10 a. m. -German Service.. TI.115 a.m.—Suuddgl8 eL 7.36 p.m.—English service. `• 1.—.Everybody Welca'mk:;to an Services. E. TUERICHEIM, Pastor. Shoe Repairs I wish to advise the' Public am in a position to •do -all kir shoe repairing, and solicit y0U Manage; -'..Give us a trial for' workmanship. GARFIELD BROWN,;. Victoria Street. • . Zarich CR B': Open .House SATURDAY, JUNE 1Stt 8 p.m. to 12 p.m. Haist's Bakery cordially .invite Manu and . Your Family and Friends' 5 a Gala Open House P_ artv,, In our Modern Bake Shop, where make the most delicious baked t1 gs for miles around: Free Doughnuts and- Cog' MUSIC. AND PLENTY OF FJ FOR EVERYONE Fuel Prices are ,down. Put; your winter supply; now. :Coal is at the lowest price ,this Season_ - -Mins Anna : Overholt is spending the week at London. • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rau of Detroit spent a few days with the former'ss parents in town. - Mr. and Mrs. George Farwell and Tittle daughter Helene spent the we- ek -end at Kitchener. Mrs. Roy Pask of Clawson, Mach., has returned, home after attending the funeral of her father, the late Mr. William Bassow last week. Mx. and Mrs. A. G. Edighoffer and son. Grant are this week moving to Grand Bend where Mr. Edighoffer will work at the barber trade as in former summer seasons. Mrs. John Mitchell of Hensall, spent a few days last week with beta sister, Mrs. C. Eilber who has not Watch for our Open House specials .been enjoying her usual good health Shelter, and three of there boys of in various lines we carry, displi'cd but as improved. 6, 8 and 9 years., are avertable for in our Window. *;,,; :. The advertised game of ball be - adoption and , await application- of.,, tween Zurich and Seaforth last Wed suitable foster parents. I-14IS'I''S BAKERY ;' , nesday eve was postponed on account • ZURICH, • - Phone 00 of rain, Next Monday evening Mit- chell is scheduled to play ' at Zurich. Y t -i Goderich° Newspaper. Sold The 85 year ,old Goderich. Star, in- dependent Conservative weekly, has been sold to Messrs . Wilkes and Stewart, of Midland, who will take it over shortly. During the newspap- er's long and varied career it has had many editor publishers, the last be- ing the late Walter Naftel, who died about 'a year,ago; The business has 8iia;.meinEdd t: Stewart' up until recently published the .:Midland Free Press, which they soi4 `to''Messrs Cranston, Taronto. Tenth Anniversary Monday June 10, marked ..the first deciid of chnrch,> union iii Canada. Oii'•June t.0, 1925,, the United Ch- urcb',bf 'Canada`.'`.' was inaugurated. Writing of 'the teiY years that have passed; Principal E. H. Oliver. of Saalratooxi .says that the United Ch- urch's''fir!St'•achievement is its surv- fust. =Considering the vastnesss of the • WE- SELL THE BEST FOR LESS 4 Specstor Thursday, Friday and Saturday Royal Y wee,, la. tin :Special .._...3,c Hillcrest SS1 ;artr.ninng,, 2 -lbs.. Kellogg Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. Golden Bantam Corm 2 tins ... Tomatoes huge this„, 2 tar .._.. ....... ...._ 19c Maple Leaf, , large lin ---..33c. Royal.York,Tic i,, alf 2:c, .. J61Iy Powder. „ flaNeRSI lea ala c 23c 25c Children7s Rtnsv . _ . .. ---.:... .:--....:..,. ._..; . 7c Chikkeir s: Ettesses 2 to 6 yrs 95c Boys Oliver Twist Suits, 79c and 95c Children s lint16c ... __ ., a 9e to 25c Highest Pill Eger:° venture of union, this may, be;t as a _distinct achievement. Then the United Church has -grown ix,• ity and fellowship, and its mei# ship has increased from 600,52' 687,973. Since theneral ' t 642home missionan , havea emerged, or. re-arr.. ; 460., - come up to ,self -ca as151: .1i eon io a i•'1W, 1, i t "''N Messrs, John Moritz .: of Cavalier, 11. 1. Dak., and'- Mr. Isaac Moritz of 0, the State of 'Minnesota are renewing i- old acquaintences and friends in the village this week. Mr. and; Mrs. William. Pfile of Ann n Arbor, Mich., spent the week -end at e the home of tMxs, Lydia Pfile, They ;':!''ex mow; . business trip to the At - UNUSED OLD JEWELRY Becomes Valuable Prec- ious Metal when sold to us for Old Gold. You get the highest prices at C o 'A ., IS TP1 HIGHEST GRADE COAL MINED The color guarantees she ay have all sizes. Also: • Coeiat vay Coke. Miller Creek and hontas Briquets •Tile and 398 have. been accepted which were formerly` self-supporting.,, mainly in the driedout areas, and '291 anew- fields have been opened:/ his makes a desorease of 605 ho g iris io . - 1 Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Steinbach, Mr. Simpson '• Geiger and daughter, and Mr. Edward Geiger, air of Cav- alier, awalier, N. Dakota, are visiting friends here They made the trip down by auto: STEP,H : 1•COUNCIL .•),.«:.,Childr"en s Day The .Council ,of the ,Township of "c'- ..a,, n's :bay Will 'be observed in • Stephen met in the town. Hall, Cred „ e. Evangelical °Chill', Zobie r •next ,iton, on Monday', ,the' 27th day of: June T6th, The Pastor, May 1935 at 2 pan. afterthe Court? S'u'dsy°,• of Revision at which a number of . .ev, E. Burn will preach a sermon appeals were disposed of: All memb• rfa, the, young, people at 10 a.m.' and ers were present. The minutes of'the a good programme of real merit will previous meeting were read and ad -1 be xenslered in the evening at 7.30. All welcome. opted. Motion, that the printing of the 1935 Voters' List of the Town- ship be awarded to the Exeter Times Decoration and Memorial Services will be held on the Cemetery Gro - Advocate at their former tender. (.et unds at St. Peter's Lutheran Cemet- ters were read from the CIerk of the ery at Zurich, On Sunday afternoon Town of Forest with regard to relive June 16th at 3 o'clock. t. lane pro - supplied to the Burley familyand gram has been arranged and there from theClerk of the Township of will be two outside speakers on the W. Williams as to relief supplied to !program. An address in English will David Dingman. Ordered filed and I be given by Rev. H. R. Mosig, of no action taken towards payment. New Hamburg; and anaddress in the Account of the Tp of Hay for $14.23 1 German language by Rev. G. 0. paid for J. Haagritt and family was ( Juettner, of Winnipeg. The Zurich 'ordered paid. Motion that the follow- Band will be in attendance and the ing orders be passed: public are invited to be present. I. Tetreau rd 14 6.50; J. Mirrissey rd 22 2.00; G. Eilber., Supt. salary, 21.90; S. Morrissey rd 13 3.30. 'Trees. Ont. tickets 19.72; Hh*rlre x11- Hay kinson wedding at the home of Mr. ectric, acct 6.79; Treas. Tp. relief 14.23. • and Mrs. Alfred E. Moritz at Guelph on Saturday, when Miss Florence, Council adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall. Crediton, on Sat-, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moritz •urday, June •lst for hearing 01 ap- was un'tpd in werldlock to Nr.' izrn- 31P511^. lh•;rl over et the first meeting, neth Atkinson of Toronto, and Whose rof the Court of Revision as well. as parents live aiso in txueipn. `We join ess. I the many Zurich friends• in extend - the irransactiora of general busin A special meeting of the Council of ing congratulations! Stephen was held in the town hall, - Zurich Junior Institute Saturday:eve., June 1st at 8 pan. All members were pxesent..The min The Zurich' Junior 'Institulte ,held •rites of: the ,previous . meeting were : their monthly' meeting in the Town -react and adopted. It was, decided to Hall, Zurich on Wednesday 'eve., ask for tenders to haul gravel on June 5.. The meeting was opened by :several divisions on the 10- a singing the Institute ode .and the ,112 13 eon's. ,up, to: Tuesday.:, the 11, Lord's 'prayer" in unison *fte. the 01 Jude. For more particulars 4ee , business part, . which• was dttcted liot>ces,{posted up and advertised by the president, Irene MbbbnusSeali.the i:. T,lig,ollowrig pay sheets were ox- nYobtn "`Self Love is' 'ao• 111 Priirciple• de> pit tr,sid of Well and Truly .Directed." , was al..-A3i11, > d 4, ? SO i, J• Y. Smith i d:.given by Edna Corbett. An address rG?,GQ;.J Mc ;reovei rdi 1.1 4,00 C'1aas given by the'Ho*lol•'dre President McGregor rd 19 13,60; H. V. 'Young Mrs. D. Ducharme, entitled "Follow axle grease 's Days." The mcetiiig 1.8.0; J. Finkbieiner id 8 the Milky Wayy to Health." Mary Coleman gave a poem which was cal- led "home." Ademonstration on how to make roses and chrysanthems Municipal WorldWorldsupplies etc. 1i•2T was given by Margaret Mousscau. Wm. Kleinstiver, inspector of hush A very interesting monologue was lands 1.80; H. X. Eilber, pt. s>c7az y"' given by Joan Gelinas entitled "In au clerk 150.00. r The Council'•adjourned to nie<4, a- was losed Grandmothery singing thNational Bain in the Tow,, rT 11. "n '1'i'a'''1"Y' Anthecm. The girls then'e joined the the lith clay 'b June at 8 Par.- toys for the joint meeting. ' Iierbert K. Eilber, Clerk, . Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz, Miss Pearl Wurtz; Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen all of town, attended the Moritz -At - Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 • Zurich W. R. L AVIDSON CASH paid 'for, Eggs on a G+ Basis. ' r , Phone 10 • • • • s • • • • • 0 • • • • • r w • •s • • • • • 0 • • •• • • • • • • • • e • • • Hodgins rd 17 6.80; R. Holt, rd ...a *•**MM••M•e••e•.••• t+►44•e•••ee0eee e ••* M• With: MEN'S CLOTHES There new.Fabrics _picture clearly the harmony of perfect dress The new patterns made from British woolens and tailored with the. free - dont of' style, give you the easi. eeel- See our Slilendid range pliced REMEMBER . 44 All Suits MADE TO MEASURE Ale 00 W. IL 110 an & EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Your Spring Bum We are well supplied with a General Stock of Staple Goods, consisting of Prints, Broadcloths, Curtains, Curtain Materials, Boys and Girl.? *Sununer Sweaters, Boys' Tweed Pan, Bloomers. and Shirts, Men's Shirts and Pants. Groceries, Hardware, Paints, Varnishes 'and . Oils, Shoes, Rubber Boots, Harneis Repairst, 1 9 35 Garden Vegetables and Flower See& Also root Seed and Sorgum. R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL ft4E.ROHANT