HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-06-06, Page 8PAM'. ETOTIT ......teiseverserreseeereetseerms-m-e."----- THE STORE WITH THE ST(CK DOUSE DRESSES All Sizes in Ladies Housedresses, made of fast Color Prints and Broadcloths, priced from 75 Cents to 98 cents See Our Martha Washington Dresses at 1.49 New Tapestries Foe Chair or Couch Covering, Cushions, Etc. 54 - in wide frorn 1.10 to 1.75 yd. MEN'S WEAR SPECIALS Navy Blue work shirts at 59c Straw hats, at each 10c Work Sox, at pair 10c Boys' Cotton Jerseys, each 35c GROCERIES! GROCERIES Canned Tomatoes at Catsup, 13 -oz size Morning Cheer Coffee Peach Cookies at Vanilla, 2 for Chick Oatmeal, 8 lbs. for Baking Bran, per lb. Old Nippy Cheese, lb. i0c I Oc 33c I 5c 11c 25c 3c 25c Our CongOleum Guessing Contest closed Saturday night... The hidden number was 2392... Mrs. Robt. McKinley guess being nearest with 2399 and will *receive a 6x9 Congoleum Rug free of charge heel ,s 7 to; 4-RODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 laugamumnameseuaancramneisamaammeacomemenemonvosacctonsau smortmummeunareceinaaminarmargenirsmenmesemelaroaomutzammen Ormoos.s.z.*..rasmemessmessumoemmu.asmy.,m......,.. A AUTO R NOE Protect Yourself Against Financial Loss through 'Accident, Fire, Theft, Ect. THE COST IS REASONABLE ; THE PROTECTION IS NECESSARY An Automobile Accident Policy Costs little and provides Funds in case you receive injuries "It is better to have insurance always and not need it than need it once and not have it." Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY aye You MADE YOUR WI LL? rAilt2=2 -atraW ttr,...-VOGVXMAY1342CNIESNIVIDERIC.111042MAKIMAr. 4:'•41sen•...,94-*at44EAIROG4f.i.1/494,1nWifs•-'ie•324740tniAls,t's'sW;C:431.W.,S:S'ilqiWe'lgtarLI' est 47's 1-1ARDWARE SEEtr'S and FURNITURE If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this Iyear, be sure and consult Us... And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! 0 te 0 • . • . jar long lije. Com e in and me our stodc of Frost Farm Fence . the finest we've ever had. Heavily galvanized by special Frost process. Wears for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. a TIGHT LOCH Z(NC BON* ED ar ezeushv FROST feature that SAVES YOiJ MONEVI PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and ,Varnishes; Floor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes Furnitcre, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses' Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line ef heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. • ZURICH - QUALITY - PRICE ONT. SERVICE X*40092490.111419*********9909900094144414000************* a 9 2 9 9 • • 1.1 • Z0R101:-." HERALD 'Tharaaa-3), k7.!4f1,n1,7-----r-MargitinilFingteffairfl:;•Bortii r.7,; „7: Grocery Kirk's Castile Soap, per bar Raisins, Seedless, 2 lbs. Cheese Wafers, per pkg. Bran Cream • flakes. 2 boxes 'Chocolate Coated Graham Cream cheese, Golden Spray, Sugar Coated peanuts, per ibi Rice, per lb Walkerside Quality Ice,„ cr. Special flavor for this mont Menno Z rich StOre, 5c 25c 15c . ....... ...... . .. . . 2 rs, per lb 25c kgs. 25c 9c 5c • in all Flavors. • Burnt Almond EGGS WANTED. itittlinututom181 ITEMS OF LOCAL 'MAST Phone 165 111111111111111111 11111111 11111111911111111H111111 111111116. Mr. Clayton Hoffman of Galt 'sp- • exit the holiday with his parents in • MARKETS ... 14 12 10 Zurich. Butt,P., ,.*`**, 019117 . 26 .... ......... ,.... 24 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoffman wheit !, , ‘• . 90 and son Bobbie of Galt, spent the BarIex..^•,,, ,U k' 4720 week -end vvith. their parents here. Bu (0,,y,bush Mrand MrsBob Broomfield of Galt spent the week -end with Mr.:11111,-,14,t2:1.,,,. t.•- 226%000 . . 1,4 and Mrs. W. L. Siebert.Flour, Potato' .- 2.25 3.00 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wagner of Live s''gl:1I'...1!! 50 Guelph spent the week -end at the home of the former's parents, Air. . 4, and Mrs. W. C. Wagner. • I• Unloading of Logs Mr. and Mrs. John Routledge and Hmidreds of Goderich people made 4:every Wednesday) family of Waterforn, spent the special. trips to the harbor to see the eek -end with the former's mother, . - uraloading-of the scow Michigan,. whi- Mrs. Jos. Routledge of town. ch brought hardwood Iogs from Nor - Mr. Newell Geiger, who has been them Ontario, above the Soo for the attending Normal School at London,Goderich. Nag. Co., The cargo of has returned home for the holiday nearly'. 2600 logs was umoadea ono months.• the sloping platform of stout timb- ers espeeially built.Maple, birch and Mr. Moses Geiger who has spent •oak are -the main varietieg ant they. the winter months with hsi son, Rev. :am destined for use in furniture.. and Mrs. Roy M. Geiger of Welland"- • • has arrived in Zurich for the summer•ROAD-COMMITTEE ACTS months, where he will stay with his „ghe 'Good Reade Committee of the daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Hor- tsi6‘Cesuncil have been engaged. ner, of the 14th concession. in% eit, inspection tour recently. Onc.4, ear4iis body gives the roads Mr. and :Mrss. Sol Bechler and 0,f ty•the "once-over," cover - daughter Gladys and Erma, Mr. and ,:4 re' of" the 361 051;4 "4 Mrs. Allan Steckle and Peter- Mn io re S`,- controlled by the toun- Dan Steckle and son Billy; Miss Ida neirnembers of this year's com- Gingerich and Mr. Elgin Kipfer we- • are,Reeves W. Hacke, chair - re Sunday visitors at the home of Warden- Sweitzer, and Reeves Mr. and. Mrs. Samuel Bopp, near rtardifte:and Eckert, assisted by Co- Hensall. .!nutY Enginees Roy Patterson. Mr. Jack and Miss Helen Siebert, CANADA NOT PLEDGED and friend. Miss Gwen Barry of De- troit, spent the week -end at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. Mi. and Mrs. Sieb- ert returned with them to Detroit, where they will spend two weeks. Pleased to report that Mr. Louis Schilbe, who underwent art operati- on at London Hospital for mastoids, is improving nicely, and is expected to return to his home here by the end of this week. Rev. J. P. Hauch, District Super- intendent, of Stratford, held prepar- • atory services in the Evangelical church on Tuesday. After thsereible - vice the quaiLerly board met to trans act their business. Communion will bo observed on Sunday morning, with, services tonnnencin,g at 9.45 a.m. 61,oii' Canadahad given no commitments to thesRritish Government with re- spect te Empire defense, nor had any been --asked, Prime Minister R.B. Bennett declared on his return from the King's Jubilee celebrations irt Londonr% Mr. Bennett said that pub- lished ^reports of Empire defense dis- cussions while he had been In Lon- don had been unfounded, and had caused,grave concern. in Government al circles. eadqs.41- The newspapers gave a report the ,,••• other day of a very serious calamity in India when they were 1' '1 with an Earthquake, where it is esi.,atz,.,7, that 20,000 people were killed besid- es thodsands wounded. Happily sho- uld we be if we do not Jive in such .• 4.,413.1hi dangerous areas of the old world. •, Fishing down at the lake has been fairly •good the past week.. Some nice hauls of perch have been enjoy- • • ed, but the best as well as most un- usual sport is the fishing with line 1110X and hook of herring. The herring this year are close in to shore and are being "sniped" with a small hook and a minnow attached. W MUNICIPAL ACT unicipal Act was changed i's• so that no longer is it pos- r.;a municipality to premptor- arbitra.rily assess a ratepayel• •ent penalty the day after his ?kiln due and are not Paid- . 0 t they to i„rtio!....43ities did plli,s3, en i n t e r est '*opitie amount ale reason- ., fewiuld havassess have ,been to th1.4i0.11,telfrevirste euairi-ndeedr-. •d shoi*, and the rate Iher horiiiannot be more iluifric place of Ave. --Ex 00D FREE OF HYDRO MORE DIONNES? Kingston Whig -Standard -Asked the other day if she expectea to have more children, Mrs. Oliva Dionne said: "Not for the government." So as we ha,VO been able' to gather he had nothinf,s that sore in mind the last time either. '-.,•',-, DEBT ,'.71 --According to the latest ' hydro report, Dashwood has ;14,qred the growing list of hydro natinitralities which, are now in ex- ces41,of' liabilities, are now regarded as :81ti f hydro debt. Dashwood total *6' 3),-dro assets are $3,121, with tbia: ibilities of only 2,030. Dash - woad %total of hydro reservess and surp ie now $13,446, comprising as le va; Reserve for equity in hy- drOl; tern $5,320; depreciation ,on local' 'ot .$2,1.?, debentures paid $1, ; Operating surplus, $4,610. The tat purnber of Dashwood ily- tsumors at the end of last yr. • Chicken Thieves Act', -0 . '• WO.c3 As eseies,red with 47, consum- ' ers Ar'1918, •one year after the hydro' Chicken thieves are aetty-e hi How- serve comMenced. Average horse - ick and TVIcRillop twps., and have pov,t, I used last year was 38.3 as cleaned up nearly 200 chuckens in 3 con1trol with 46.5 in 1918; total raids recently. Each theft has been rev1ites Were $2857 as against $4,- arancig iv1 1. earAed out carefully and quiotly and 052 f./1.8. With a 4.0 and 5.4 etas., little trace has been left,l1rihe thio- .peri . loWat hour rate '',for domestic ves, beyond their tire mksand foot- ononercial lightinrespect- ! dro re SI urftw es ?1,.."' a-. 0«. 4Pf , IC '. t ' ' 41' THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD• 'NEW r ' 4 FENCES ON THE FARM, LET US suPpLY i YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE, 4.4. ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT 4' NEW ROOFING, PLUIVIBING, AND EVE- E 1.* set TROUGHING : • 4t- SPECLALS! SPECIALS! .w,. Coal Oil, good grade at . . ...................... . ....... 20c 44,1 1., Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon- ...... 28 4'''' .I. We also have flk Furniture. See ti USED FURNITURE 4- 4. . *s Two G d UsedChesterfield Suites on Hand; .F„. li: Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; T Kitchell Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for u' Sale. .1. # BE SURE AND SEE THEM! *tit 4, 0 + tr.! 4 some very Attractive Prices in ti ft, Our New Beds, Springs and t Mattresses. * 4pt 4,01: -. W -id Jo,instan albfleisch 4. - are & Furniture. hote 4,3 +++444-644,+++++44+++444•444++++++++*+.1.-I4++.144-i-1.44*,*+44 IRMIPZIEBOBSINIIIiitillE111111111111111111111N1111111)111111111111111111111MINSMORMINIIIIIIIIIMINIMMINIIII)11111111111111111111111)11111111101111111118111 THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice Painting Wagon .......................... $7.00 and 10.0 0 Painting Buggy ............................ 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top .............. 16.00 and 18.00 Rerirnming Buggy 'Wheels Set .................. 12000 BuggyShaft .......... . ....... .............................. 3.00 BCross Bar . .............................................. 1.00 Buggy Reach ..... ........................... -* 1.25 uggy Spokes each ....... . .......... ..... . ................. 2.5 }TESS, the . Repair ligninuminaminommilap281141111111111tIMIRIMPIENIMMOBIIIIIIMINNIIININIIIIIIIIIMIIIMP1101111111111111111101111* mn•••••••••••••••M.=•••••,.....••••••dme..••••11................101.•••••••••••mlam.• 1.910.1•••••••••.•••••••••Ymem•••••••••••••'......m...••••••••••••••••••••••••,•••=4. 410; **, .4* ,arss kzr.it - Ala 9261 4. S. t Dont be discouraged and throw agaw your Car if it i' is not functioning as you think it should. Just run it rt t in ow,. Garage and have our Mechanics go over it and ii. • You will be surprised of the results. TUNE UP YOUR CAR! .g Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large ..c, and mien quantities. Let us fill your barrels or 4. rt Containers. 4. 4r!., Empert Worinuarmship en Repair Wo, and Cvses:Ti\z.slir: .... ZaC.,-,3 en el Makes of Calfa etsoLen Chau:gas Very ,..., , . 41. 4 Rea lbe. 4. I* OUSSean ch rz....7:1••••••••••••,.......•••••••••••••vms• '.l.'rF++**,**4,4;,****.ct•'li"*.**,tAsir,**+,fPT.t,tAqkitHfi'eqi.tt.N.,i:,i'*S'Ptqf.oPV,7Pqk*gt,*fk "- + 4. prints, Roy Caudle of Islowick, was Dash last ybar enjoyed an aver4. - 'h- first to lie visited -by the thieves rate. of 4,44 tents 'per . , who made off successfully with 65 k h th th I Do You Know?ick Mr... MERCHANT! You know thoroughly stiverl that:You have ower , , •, in your store, to influence the decision of your cus- tomers in regard to what they buy from you. Your customers rely on you to give them products which in use or consumption, will give them complete satisfattion. If it is right to use big city dailies and nationaly- circulated magazines there by the same token, it is right to use local weekly newspapers! I am the Master Salesman of this 'Coantrumity, and my name is birds. Since then 58 hens have been in -even largo 'United States + AD VER TISE itolon from R. Campbell, or IVIcKil- citieS'AtOder Private ownership serv- I 1.,"' and a second farinoT of lifoltil- i ioo,.:'•aftd compares with an 1139 •ots. lop Mr. .Dumadge, lost 70 hen& hydra Tate in 1918.: . 09444.4444999444+4440444.44 ..„ 14'41,6**,44,4 • • „... . . *-6 oet