HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-05-30, Page 8THE STORE WITH THE STOCK USE DRESSES All Sizes in Ladies' Housedresses, made of fast Color Prints and Broadcloths, priced from 75 Cents to 98 cents See Our Martha Washington Dresses at 1.49 New Tapestries For Chair or Couch Covering, Cushions, Etc. '54 in wide from 1.10 to 1.75 yd. MEN'S WEAR SPECIALS Navy Blue work shirts at 59c Straw hats, at each 1Oc Work Sox, at pair i Oc Boys' Cotton Jerseys, each 35c GROCERIES! GROCERIES Canned Tomatoes at Catsup, 13 -oz size Morning Cheer Coffee Peach Cookies at Vanilla, 2 for Chick Oatmeal, 8 lbs. for Baking Bran, per lb. Old Nippy Cheese, lb. TOc 10c 33c 15c 11c 25c 3c 25c Our Congoleum Guessing Contest closed Saturday night... The hidden number was 2392... Mrs. Robt. ,. McKinley guess being nearest with 2399 and will ,receive a 6x9 Congoleum Rug free of charge Jo G `;.SC PRODUCE WANTED OSON PHONE 59 AUTO 1NSZ 'RANCE Prtent Yourself Against Financial Loss :through Accident, Fire,. Theft, Ect. QST r,. REASONABLE CESSAR'Y An Automobile Accident Policy Costs little and provides Funds in case you receive injuries "It is better to have insurance always and not need . it than need it once and not have it." Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WI LL3 areettmemetessmegatuwel aeQ4iaebekeli'3e ekcaelatra ataleaa* 046seekt>•E *** 4141**'40+2100 a HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE r Fent= ing If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this year, be sure and consult • iw Us... And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! rl Y5nIt FROST FE CE .. . . for long We. Come M and see our stock of Frost Farm Fence .. the finest we've ever had. Heavily galvanized by special Frost process. Wears for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. air M �}seat, L.' t�, 11111111 30 TIGHT at LOCK ZINC BONDED a,, exclusive FROST feature that SAVES YOU MONEYI PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, 2, r Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax S: a. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes rn it Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses • . Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line ..)f heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ; elf 634 0 • a 0 0 0 and Tried 11 TAD WEIDOI .ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY -- PRICE - SERVICE ▪ 44IIV&}iA36iii4®i4144140114'ItW®011tlS414484•@46 ;.iaiulus,�� NE Grocer' Dried Peaches, per lb; Wheat Krispies, 2 pkgs.:. Wheat Flakes, ` 5 Ib. bag ;'t Store 20c 25c 25c '10C 20c 25c 25c large can 10c earn " in all Flavors. h is Burnt Almond Ginger • Snaps, per 'lb ` �j Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes, "3!.boxes Lemons, large size per doz(i„' P and G. Soap, 7 bars for' King's choice canned toma Walkerside Quality Ice Special flavor for this ,m -MennoOesch EGGS WANTED. Zurich •'Phone 165 11111111 11111110 1M111111 IIAII1411 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllf11HIII111111111111IIUII 11111Ill111111II 111111011 Inllfllflllllllillllllllf(llnlll,}J1lo;11111 Illy ITEMS OF ; .: h TEREST Miss Agnes Kercher of Kitchener, spent the week -end in town. Miss Geraldine Surerus of Kitch- ener spent the week -end at her home here. Miss Catherine Merner of Elmira, spent the week -end at her home in the village. On Monday is known as June 3rd and is observed by many as a holi- day. Mr. and Mrs. Moore and family of Albany, N. Y., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Koehler. `° Mr. Austin Hey, and Miss Rosalia Mts. ToIm Albrecht was a WetYaes- Callahan of Detroit were week -end day};visitor to Dashwood. visitors with the fonmer's parents in Mr. and Mrs. Louis Prang visited town. LOCAL MARKETS orrected every Wednesday) E - 14 12 10 B • r ib. creamery 30 Bu „ r lb. dairy 25 Wh t bush .. ... 90 Bail Witt bush .................70 Bud :wheat, bush 42 Shoats, ,ton 26.00 Bra , on. Flo" r LryHogs, 26.00 , cwt 2.25 3.00 .25 ?ottoes per bag............ $ 50 with friends, Ia. Detroit over the Prof. and Mrs. Alvin Surerus and week end. Miss Meda Surerus of Toronto, were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith,,Me, and week -end visitors with their mother '1V1. -r.5- C. Eilber motored to 'London on the Bronson line. Ion Saturday. The examinations for the Continu- • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Braun ▪ and fa ation school will commence on Tune mnZy of Forest were Sunday visitors 10th, and all high school exams are rat the borne of Mr. Wm. Lamont. earlier this year. ' Mr_ and jars. A. E. Moritz of !Guelph were week -end visitors at Rev. and Mrs. Christ Schultz and the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. ritz. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin and' son 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chass. Scotchmer of David of near Milvertononspent the Bayfield spent Sunday with her par - week -end with friends on the Bron- cuts °1Vf> and Mrs. John Albrecht. son line. Rev. Schultz conducted 1Vi _ a.1,43! Irs. Wm.:O'Brein. and divine services at the. A. M. church: ass Oh M nd 1VIr and -Mrs. Gid. •to:V. Local •.uinarods hff}re had eoneider- able export ,receati lu i 4.'.04 peren nss th , ` ;and these • genie r Litdle "ill ss G lx abebh' litrueitoibP off fellows seeped very hungry as they tee* fe spending ' the week at the took the, baited hook very freely., home. of Mir sister, Mrs. Loris A. Mr. Louis Schilbe, who has been 'Xarang. under the doctor' care for ' a few M, +r • and NIrs. Rennie Weber of weeks, was operated on for mastoid ; Toronto were week -end visitors with trouble on Sunday morning. Pleased the • former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.. to state that Mn. Schilbe is improv- ing nicely. Mr. Norman Gascho who Is taking treatment in a London Hospital, suf- fered a slight attack of pleursy, btt we are pleased to say is recovering nicely. Rev. and Mrs. E. Burn attended the Graeb family reunion at Fenwick Ont., on May 24th. This first reunion was a very pleasant and successful affair. Rev. Burn was on the pro- gram for an address and a Swiss Yodle. 1 i Hardware li • • n ilfiliiiiret ip +.• STORE THI, SEASON, CALLS FENCES� FOR GOODr• ' NEW �: ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY 3 you • WITH THF .� BEST OF WOVEN ' WIRE, , i i ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT • NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING VE.. TROUGHING + 4. SPECIALS! SPECIALS! t Coal COI " ,d grade at 20c •1', Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon 28e z:. ai, We also have some very Attractive Prices in r, • furniture. See Our New Beds, Springs andti Mattresses. *V`, 4. USED FURNITURE + T• wo Good Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; I 4. + Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables;. * Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. a BE SURE AND SEE THEM! ' I JOhnSt01.1 et Kalbfleisoh. Hardware Furniture. Phone 63 NIINitiitliiff,re11111111111111IE11{f41IIMI I11411111N111111itlill161rRlftl MIIIfl111111111ME1111p111111111111111111ll011111 1111111111lil111111111111l11!11111NfIIIV 1111IIf111111111111111111mB1111• " THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice Painting Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 Painting Buggy Z. 6.00 and 10.00 - Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00 Rerimrning Buggy Wheels Set 12o00 Buggy Shaft 3.00 __...... 1.00._ Cross Bar Buggy Reach Buggy Spokes each Beginning with Wednesday of next week will be the half holiday season. The public are asked to ob- serve this weekly event and please don't be disappointed if you come to town Wednesday and the places of business will be closed. A A. Weber, Bronson line. 1. and Mrs. Henry VolIand and son, ,Bruce of near HensalI, were Sun day., visitors at the home of Mr. and ,Mr$;, John Albrecht. I1tr. and Mrs. John Wagner, and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wagner of Guelph were week -end visitors at thejhonee of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wag nes{ of town. The warm weather the end of Iast week, followed by the abundant shers on Tuesday will greatly stim- ul4 e growth and the grass is coming alo ,g nicely as well as' other crops. Th •trees are a beautiful sight •being no in full bloom, and the shady ma le trees around town. are putting on '-heir summer covering. ' NO HIGHWAYS PAVED he Provincial Department of High s„ announces that no highways Mr. William Dumart and Jack be built this year. This means, Bean of Kitchener were up tine be- W resume, that the Provincial high - ginning of the week, and enjoyed a W. rs will be maintained in good con: - nice pearch fish at the lake, and had cp.. on, but that no paving will be good success. Mr. Dumart treatedu. iertaken. Any large new expend - himself to a new Packard Eight auto it b on the highways will be defer - a short time age, and it is indeed a re until the Provincial finances are very admirable- vehicle. co, •siderable improved it is stated. St. Peter's Luther -League weekly meeting on Friday evening will re- view the recent murder of a young Missionary and his wife by Chinese Communists. This should indeed be an interesting topic- and all are in- vited to cone. Our streets have received their anuual oiling, and this has put a top to the clouds of dust that have recently been stirred up. The grade of oil used this year is much heavier than last year, and it is to be hoped 'it will have mora body during the hot and dry summer months. Satur- day was an ideal day for the job as it was quite warm. •FOUR BIG FELLOWS lo. G S b; e' h•. ti c TIMBER BY BOAT'_ he tug Harrison, towing`a barge `ed with hardwood logs for the erich Mfg. Co., is due from the Never befote, in the history of port has timber been brought ater in this manner and it is ov- ' 0 years since the last raft arrived the Bruce Peninsula and the h „Shore. An unloading platform been builtonthe south r. to pie sfer the cargo to fiat cars, tieii- to the sawmillone mile, removed., 01111111(tlnlNili81111111p11111�f1t t� � ,� --- mmi flE.l 1l'u1411fUJtRf11i tf lll9) Ufifif11llI11UN1411tb119}illlHllllllRfGrmiiiGfilnainil l!(!II'HNIIIIH'1JIM;iJlliti,YG'GiL>,lriilldiinlllf)IIIi riiiIIiC 4. 4. 4 • f + • t a 4, • + • •4. 4. ICE 1 .6 E. s , tPa�.`� ,.�h t!!^srifk ys 5411r,^:ti. TUNE UP YOUR CAR! Don't be discouraged and throw agaw your Car if it is not functioning as you think it should. • Just run it in our Garage and have our Mechanics go over it and: You will be surprised of the results. Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. ; ' Expert Workranship on Repair Work, and Oves°haa' :L Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Cb alrges Very Riasanalle. t Ho Mousseau Zuri� 140'a4444" .4-1 ye414444•4.4,i `3 44.4. y..0 4444t4444-14+ -14+. ,461, ,, e+4-1444 4't":11�1• + 104.+A dl.+44+4.1.k+.3..k 4+9,000441: A11Raa4+ i .ter^1N1.416***4,1,01 f+44f 40+faigt ER L OFFICE 4 dr 4. Do You Know?rjr DP IN THE AIR. iAn unaccustomed thrill was of oyd-t �.w ed air -minded persons ,last week -end, Alen many, both young and old, saw [Gnderich from the air, the majority. Members of a Alen, are fishing par ty t fit the first time. On. Thursday last ed by Walter Reid of. Sarnia, eau-a'pair, of barnstorming pilots set their ght four sturgeon ranging. from 30 nine down in a' field outside Goder- `o 75 pounds about 11A miles off' iri',i, and,offered all and sundry ar Goderich on Wednesday. Sturgeon at' aview of the famed Cartwheel lay- inc: time were plentiful in Lake Hur- o of the town. The plane remainer on, but comparatively few are eau- j li e several days, taking passengers ;g rht today. Mr. Reid's fishing party a a cent -a -pound rate. Kids who cou-� • l:'o landed some fine trout, six po. l •xneke the -trip for fifty cents pitrd ands and more. The leader of the i two or three et a time, probably I "ting there was .safety in numbers. Signal.. 4. v l5 .,. ,. ,.,y . 041herma.ti: at Sarnia.---Goderich Signal. Mr... MERCHANT! You know thoroughly well that you have power in your store, to influence the decision of your cus; tomers in regardto what they buy from, ,you. Your custo>rners rely on you to give them products which JA' use . or consumption, will give them complete satisfadion. If it is right to use big city dailies and nationaly- circulated magazines then by the sarne token, it is right to use local weekly newspapers! I am the Master Salesman of this Com= n.ity, and nay name is ADVERTISE • 411 ++4,14.014414144.046-444490 4 Fri+E 4 4.44 +F+ +64.4 4,11. !