HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-05-30, Page 5Tharsday', May 3004 TO3'5i BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL tiouDLEY E. oLmE s Put your Want,,-. For Sale Lost, Found. Etc. Ms. in this Column.. EARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. sOFFICE Hareilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Meeting of 'The Huron County Council Special Attention to The next meeting of the Huron Conon Wo .Couneel and County Council will be held in the County Council Chambers, Court -Mr. Holmes may be consulted at House, Godericli at 2 o'clock on the riGoderich by Phone, and Phone afternoon of Tuesday, June 4th,I935 charges reversed. All accounts, notices of deputations,l applications and other important bus- iness requiring attention at the meeting should be in the hands of the Clerk'riot later than Saturday,. June 1st. Dated at Goderi'ch this sixth day of May 1935. J. M. Roberts, County Clerk. DENTAL Dr. II. II.- COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL; SURGF ON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Mvery Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEII3'S BLOCK DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINARlA.N A. R. Campbell,V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night •nails promptly attended to. Also Bre- Wider • of Scottish terriers. Inverness lienriels Office on Main Street, °opposite Town Hall. 'Phone 116. HT+;NSALL. Court of Revision 1935 Asssessx hent Roll Township of Hay NOTICE ishereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Revision to' consider appeals against the As- :essment Roll of the Township of Hay for the year 1935 will: be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Satur- day, June 1st, i935, at two o'clock p. m. A. F. 13FiSS, Township Clerk, Hay. UOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Peter 3. Hab- B U. T C H E R Ser er, late of the Village of -Zurich, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died cin the 3rd day Zurich, Popular of April, 1935, are required to for- ward their claims duly proven to the T !undersigned Executors, on or before 1 t AT AR KE lst day of June, 1935. And Notice is further given that after the said last mentioned date, the Executors will proceetr to dis- tribute the assets of the estate hav- ing regard only to the claims- of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Zurich. this 14th day of 1)fay, 1935. 40-3 Theodore C. Haberer, Theodore Rader, Executors, Zurich, Ont. Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrtigera,£io7c; Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Yungblu , & Su A. ,GARAGE yip YOUR DANEROUS TIRES NOW! A MOST GENEROUS ALLOWANCE STOCK REDUCING SALE NOW ON w B. Wein Phone 60 — DASHWOOD I•NSURAN:CE Western Farriers' Mutual Weather lslrrarce Co. ' F, WOODSTOCK 'THE • LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY: CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY. DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO ,,Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1934; $19,613,539. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds '$235,550.31 Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. Klopp� =-Zurich Meat, Also Dealer in Lidhini®# Rods and 'all kinds of Fire ,insurance PR0I.UC'E Live' Poultry WA'.i is D ,men every Day till 3 o'clock p.m. We, not feed Fowl same morning when brought n HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR CREAM AND EGGS Wp"' e Q,rr 4. „phone, Rea. ,94, Runde Used Cars For Sale We are offering the following used Cars far sale: LOCAL NEWS Mars. J W Merrier and, :Iatem'bers of the family motored to Elmira oji Sunday. • Mr. and .Mrs Hugh, Thiel, Mrk,, George Thiel and M'rs. Chas, Weber motored to London on Weiinssday ' Mrs. M. 13rown and Miss GraeC Meyers spent Sunday afternoon the home of Mr, and )1hs. Sol Gin gerich. Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank O'Brein, o; Staffa were Sunday visitors at the. home' of Mr, and Mrs. Wen.' U'Bx eiti of town, Mr. and M.O., A. Collin y~ Mr anti Mrs. G. Gollin-•of London yisitedlast'• Saturday with their. uncle, Mr. Wim Iiassow, of the 13ronseti;" line, who le quite ill. HERALD ANNUAL CONVENTsON The annual convention of the Hur on Comity Education Association of i'rustees and Ratepayers will be held in the auditorium .of Clinton Cofleg- 'late institute on Saturday, June 1st .'4t 1.30 p.m. Addresses on the sub- jects, The Cost of Secondary Edu- cation, will be given by Inspectors, •Dr. Feld and Mr. E. C. Beacom.. )thee speakers will be Messrs. J. "orris David, of Ingersoll, and M. A Jfirnpbell, "President incl Secretary i >pectively of the Trustee' and Ratepayers' Department of the O.E. ' . Come prepared for discussion of all school problems. Everybody wel- come. , TO AVOID MOTOR ACCIDENTS t Il Following is a valuable list of rut- es for the guidance of both children Mr. and 1v1 : Ivan ;Ynnghlut ar' 'and adults m connection with motor redecorating tQir residence. they r lemic, the : careful a,dhereiice to Gently purch i , from. ibhc J. IIe .;w�]lich •,would undoubtedly lesson the Estate, and XB move.' therein. when ;,roll of accidents: "'1, Don't ever ride the decorating, is completed. '' with strangers. 2, Always .walk on' Following left hand • side of the road aiid Mips Selma Burn, daughter of Rev. get clear of the road when you meet and Mrs. E. Burn of Zurich was unit en automobile, Give then plenty of ed in mairiagei'ti New York City oit room. 3. Don't ever cross a road or May 26th, torr. Herman 1�ietche Ighway until you are sure there Of New Yoxidel,01tY where they 1 ere. no .eaars eofnin�• i'i'^ ~. e:t ler rlir- reside. Dont atter -t t r o .c. Darr an Sunday visitors at the home of M ixicel cellon until you are certain Lett t..ete i3 le and Msees, Rudy Sewartzentruber of tha plenty of time. 5. If f3onson line were: Mr, Sues Mrs you see an accident go for help Chris Beehlerand daughter Graee',; Sickly. G. Keep clear of the wreck. Mr. and Mrs. Jint Walsh. and Mr..an Mrs. Fred Gruell of London.' WINS SALE AWARD Zurich was visited by four. inter, ".Martin Laub, Zurich, the (local, esting guests over -the; week -end, •rural) Watkins dealer is proudly dis- namely the four .Moritz brothers, who playing a handsome ii.p..1. 'w: �to:' ^ - were born and raised in Zurich but warded to him for, big seles on Fly in their youthful clays went out .in Spray by The J. R. Watkins Co., of to the world to make good and Which' Winnipeg, Montreal, and. Vancouver. • •. ••4 4. 4. 0 0 PAGE PIVE McKinley's .Baby Chicks, 1935 SPECIAL NOTICE! After April 1 st, one high grade of Chicks only wilt be sold. All eggs set weigh over 24 -oz. to the dozen and average about 26 ounzes. Barred or White Rocks. S. C. White Leghorns 10c After May 24. 9c After June 10 8c 25c 4 Weeks old Pullets 30e 2 weeks old chicks 3 ti c extra, 4 weeks old chicks 9c extra HATCHES TWICE WEeXLY. Come And See Ur., or Phone:. 97 r 11, Hensall ALL BREEDING STOCK GOVT. APPROVED AND BLOOD - TESTED. OVER 175 R. O. P. MALES HEAD OUR FLOCKS After June 22 9c 94 8c • •; 4 • 4 4 4 4. aw TERMS—Cash on. Delivery Two Dollars per 100 chicks Must accompany mail orders.,Chicks delivered when reasonably possible or expressed, Express prepaid. 100% live arrivals guaranteed .1. ELGIN MCKINLEY -- ZURICH, ONTARIO 6.6e.C✓.0,.A,04.+4049eeoolgoavv,rc et,*a Q.a<a a•;a eta w� s.a+.ai•aG�t��di ,«« • Ctit Your fuel Bill 4. HALF! Buy Store Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! 4 • 400 4, 4, . REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. • WE CARRY A M LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL. TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE You fi* WAIT. te we are pleased °'to • say they have" ac- ,The button. carries op it the legend, complished. they'are: ' Mr. John. "Fly Spray Chanpion-" Apparently.0 11< .w :�'{ "'" LMoritz of Cavalier, N. Dakota, Mr. farmers, dairymen and stock raisers * ® . t.� . ': L . I J ? ,i, Edward Moritz • of Wahalla, N. D., in this community are taking early I � PHONE � T Mr. Levi Moritz of Minnesota, and and decisive action to control the fly , . .� "9 w ® . �•,, �.7 RICH ; .! Mrs. Alfred E. Moritz of Guelph, pest this year. With better prices on te itet Ont. We regret very much that their livestock and livestockroducts far-' i ++4`'I I p"'4 4.4.4-1 1.4.4.'rT....y ++--++..i.d•a,,ar,..i.;-,�.q÷,i•.i,.i-..� ,.; only surviving sister Mrs. J. Wing of � Kitchener, is not enjoying her usual: preparations s o **0'@°�fis3pa,0000000 health. niers are investingin dependable � stock and poultry re aration t guard the health of stock and speed, a up production, It is a well recogniz- ed fact that flies are a menace to , 69 nunk:ind and livestock. They breed! in filth, live on filth and distribute, i. filth. They spread typhoid fever, i 0 sulnrer complaint and other infect-,ous diseases.' They c: -.se the lois ofre ie thousands of dollars in spoiled food •g annually, They dirty wall paper, 2 draperies, lamp shades and other' g home furnishings, ca.:sing enormous :• :pe ise. Dairymen lose thousands e Thursday evening in Massey Ball, and i ousands of dollars annually, Toronto, with the gold medal when :� �9 the decrease.in Hulk product C they repeated their elect ;'ate or, 7q0 les torment and _torture anim large interested audience. Misq S r also eu$mg% 8'41 of weight andvital- HAS GOOD CHOIR 1s•ii� Icsia Surerns of the Toifonto teaching staff who spent the holiday. at Lei -011ie on the Bronson Line, is receiving the congratulations of her many friends airound Zurich on ' the splendid - success obtained by her choir of fifty-five voices. At :i reeen* �'aen conte e. where fourteen choirs. competed, Miss ,Suxerus' choir won first place, and were presented last • 1 -1932,V -8 -Ford Sedaft • 44i41.°4- lis }`c an as 1-1930 Cho-= - tele pupils are' "`to be- complimente 1-1931 Fe.... ,ach. their success. - ' .' 1-1930 Ford Coupe 1-1928 Ford Coach Ali these Cars are in Number One Condition L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich NOTICE I am authorized agent and dealer for the Renfrew Products of Cream Separators, Stoves and Washing Machines. Also have some used Separators always on hand. If in need of any of above articles, kindly arrange to see me. HUGH THIEL, R.R. 2, Zurich. Phone 93 r 4. pt45 PRODUCE WANTED We are in a position to take Cream and Eggs at my home at Zurich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay according to grading. Give us a Trial! First house south of Dominion Hotel THOS. H. MEYERS, Phone, 116, Zurich, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron. and Middlesex, I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered. , ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. PERTU`CANDIDATE Dr: G. II, Joe, of KKirkton,;Reeve of I;lanshard 'TowY shi "will .contest Perth riding' as Conservative" stand - rd -bearer 'against F. C. Sanderson 1�L.ly: Dre Jose was'- unanimously The wedding was solemnized on chosed.at a?ZYdiruiiatlion cOnvention'iif Tllu'rs, Sty 23rd, at .the Baptist the Perth. , Conservative' Association parsonage, Parkhill by Rev.. Mr. held at the Masonic Temple, Stat -'Lemon when Miss Luella Desjardine, ford, Thursday afternoon last. adopted granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Schrader of Dashwood, was united in marriage to Robert R. J. Deachman, Federal Liberal Desjardine of the Bee Line. Mr, and candidate in North Huron, hared his Mrs, L. Farrel were the bridal atter opening campaign "shot" in Coder- dents. After the ceremony a wedd- ,ieh on Tuesday evening of this week ing dinner was served at the home of 'under the auspices of the 20th Cen- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schrader in tury Club. It is being looked for to Dashwood. The bride wore a pretty be a red hot campaign in North Hur- gown of navy chifon Prior to the on, with Mr. Deachrnan and the roe wedding about 50 friends . of the eran George S1iotten opposing each „ride met at her home and presented etthex in. the coming federal election. i her with many beautiful gifts Thank You!dw. D We are' in receipt of the following Y , your part in externtnat- interesting letter from Steamboat ing nthe fiyc pest. Springs,. Colo: Editor Zurich Herald In Magistrate's Court Dear Sir: Last fall 1" had your paper discontinued on account of Goderich, May 23—This afternoon Mr. Rehder and 1 going to Europe was sentence day in 1VTagistrate J. A for' the winter. We travelled thin Malcin's court four hearing the fate- for' main cities fel news, a fifth man was remanded Germany, taking in the and a trip down the Rhine. Also went for sentence after pleading guilty, them" -Northern Germany and into while, •a sixth was given suspended Copenhagen, Denmark. Left Breen- sentence. For breaking, entering and erhaven April 12th on the S. S. Bre- stealing five cases of beer from the lien, landed in . New York the 1 £'i', Bedford Hotel, Harvey Beattie, God - etch Township farmer, was6 1 o ate biting lrrl a .tion for ire flies they eat better and pro- lot better. When cows are pester- a y flies, the milk ` yeaid `118—cut 0 00o* ,2.40atie te@ekenerea 1oveoE� ee SEEDS B±EDS 8 See Us about Red Clover, Alfalfa, Alsike, Timothy and Sweet Clover Seeds Save Money by Buying Your Garden Seeds from `Us! rp Garden Seeds in Bulk or Package LET US SUPPL YOU WITH SEED GRAINS !' Pi FORMALDEHYDE battles tcl� s�.�•N,»..u3�'e,.:,�:arz Master and Pioneer Chick Starters.'. I plenment It.epair s Cultivator Points to fit all makes of Cultivators. McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. e 0011****00 (190®+,gtYO O6Rl0e$0000CS[ ",�9�efi1,+.gs'J<0ye1�0698f stayed a few days in New York and given WWIMI VV t e Pittsburgh and also some time in months determinate and one year in-' Al Denver before going to our home in Steamboat Springs. You will here- with find check for a year's subscri- ption to the Herald. I PER am inter - determinate in the reformatory. Fred Littlechild and John Weiss, Godexich co-partners in the same crime, and also the robbery of a grocery store ested in Zurich and surrounding received similar sentences on each as I was ,, charge to run concurrently. Joseph country and it's people born• there and lived there with my Fisher, who is said to have particile - parents Mr. and ivies. Hartman Hap- pated in the quaffing, was given sus - per for a number of years. Wishing pended sentence. W. J. Deacon, 25, you continued •success and good wishes to the .Herald readers. I re- main ; yours truly.— Mrs. Harry Rehder: HYMENIAL Charrette—Laporte A very happy matroanial event was celebrated in St. Peter's R. C. Church Drysdale, on Monday morning, May 20th, when 'the Parish Priest united in Holy Weddlocls�,Geraldine, daught- er of Mr. and ' Mrs. • Charles Laporte of the Blue Water Highway, just north of Drysdale and of Stanley township, and Mr. Dennis Charrette, son of, Mr. and Mrs. John Charrette, of the, Blue Water Highway, Hay township. Dinner was served the bri- dal party at the home of the groom's parents, when the happy party went to the bxide's parents for supper and a very pleasant evening's entertain- ment. We join with the many fri- ends in extending congratulations. Desjardine---Desjardine DEACI-7MAN TO SPEAK pleaded guilty to two charges of for- gery, involving $175.70, and was re- manded one week for sentence. Gall- us Peffner, 47 year old Swiss plead- ed guilty to having carnal knowledge of a 13 year old girl and was senten- J cod to two years less one day, with an indeterminate term of the same' duration. ;i:.i Huron -Perth Baseball Schedule • May 24—Zurich at Mitchell. 10 a.m. 27—Seaforth at Exeter. 30—Mitchell at Seafoeth. 31—Exeter at Zurich. June 5 -Exeter at Mitchell. 5-Seaforth at Zurich 10 Mitchell at Exeter. 10—Zurich at Seaforth 14—Seaforth at Mitchell 17—Exeter at• Seaforth 17—Mitchell at Zurich 21—Zurich at Exeter.` 24—Exeter at Seaforth 24 -Zurich at Mitchelltii July 5—Seaforth at Zurich. 5—Mitchell at'Exeter. 8—Zurich at Seaforth 8 -Exeter at Mitchell 15—Mitchell at Zurich 15—Seaforth at Exeter. 22—Zurich at Exeter 22—Mitchell at Seaforth 2d—Exeter at. Zurich 31—Seaforth at Mitchell. lour Tournaments will be hold at which the four teams will participate They will be all League Games: At ,.ridch, Wednesday .'tune 26th.; July 10th: at Exeter; July 17th at Sea - fertile aid on. July 24th at Mitchell. Zurich Drug tore uppli We have a full Line all the requirements School Supplies of of PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. 0 See Our Supply of Toilet Prep aral ions Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, Per°'; • :nizers, and Brushes. flS•SeeeeaIle 011100111110 00041:000 FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti --Moth Discs. .Dr. A, J, MacKinnon, &irk MNYS g t,', IIs ARr