HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-05-30, Page 4• HILLSGREEN te a number froi this vicinity Ito*• la the Anniversary Services ak *.".Inippete on Sunday. **kg to the severe frost of late, late peat Manufacturing Companv anea -area able to /un full time. As the frost damage e the peat and IVIelees it a loss for the Oonepeny. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Love had a close can ou Monday morning when fire started in their woodpile of un- known origin, With the helu of tbe neighbors they soon got the fire un- der control. The wind was very high ontoltait-ilie onoommkonig momminanos. Nolloonion. wounommo--- mmummunkt- iiiinsooli Om I n'la M1111111111111111111111111111111101111 ea .....II IIIIIIIIII: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111P SEMIS mom iimuum.... 111•11t.-: MIIINE11111111111111111111111111111MM 11111,1311-Mto III 1111111.11111 allivinimmummit Rairiiiin ...,m, munhdpii 1 r' 16111111111011.111111111111117:1 g Ni,"111. t.iii _,_1.••••••■•••imm ,i_1111__11111111.000..•••••________....moomiNt 1•0111111131111P s-----,• ,... v.: ...mil. , e sulitilia owl ,i h , ,,111 I 7:;,,,:-.:, . s' r .k.:,,,........ ''''' . a`r:Z4.,;1';, , '4. 4. ...•,,t1-,,, k''''''''.4.,......,,,,e*' I, •-;4.1,,,,,,i,,,,- -- • --, _114,V) 11 (t) )11 I w tvoLid you !Pk [frit in y© (5orne,? Don'f live in just a "hotse" — make it a REAL HOME by install- linga new, modern bathroom and a Duro Automatic Pumping System. The Duro-Special Pumping System, all Canadian -made, having cepatity of 250 gals. per hour, complete with 30 gal. Galvanized Taft 25- or 60 -cycle 1 10 -volt motor, costs only $82.50. Lo k at these priges! Three pieces— Bath, Shower, Lavatory and Toilet— •asillustrated, with all fittings • 35 $120.00 Other complete Bathroom equipment as low as $73.00 Hydro's Free Gift to Rural Dwellers Electric Currenf will be provided—Free of Charge—for operating electric pumps to provide water under pressure for Household Sanitary Systems, Write for Free Booklet FOR SALE BY: • " • '; • STADE and WEIDO EMPIRE BRASS MPG. CO., LTD. Duro-Special London Hamilton Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver • • • ...tott...,411 , cm, : • Aolgoal0000sec4oesaeoe-eicoces.00pta.oessostesoce••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • NOTICE We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. Fat for Churning Creani delivered at our plant. Pro )t Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your"Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. Yours Truly, ZURICH CREAMERY at that time. Mr, and Mrs, Wellaxtable of Oene traria visited the latter's mother and family one evening.. Mr. and lbs. Elliott and daughters and son of Mitchell visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robinson. •Mr. W. Jarrott and daughter Annie' visited Mr. and Mrs. Iraac Jarrott of Kippen, also Mr, and Mrs. D. Nichol of Hensel Miss Jeanette McAllister spent a few days with her aunt •ana uncle, Mr. and Mrs, C. Parke of the Goshen Line, Mr. jas. Cochrane of Toeonto vis- ited his mother and family during the week -end. Mr. W. E. Jarrott of Brigden paid friends a call on Sunday, Mrs, L, Troyer accompanied him as far as Mrs. W. Hyde's on the London Road near Hensall. Mrs. Troyer will re- main again for the summer months this year.. Misses Annie and ,Agnes Cochrane of •Clinton visited friends during jthe. ween -end. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Coeheane, of ' Brucefield visited the -former's .moth- er and family. Mr. and Mrs. D. Saunders, of London, .Mrs. G. Brown and son Junior of Windier 'and Mr. Nesbitt of London, called 'on M. and Mrs. Jas Jarrott and 'Mrs. J. Cochrane and family. e• , Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love, their son and daughter, visited Mr. and Mrs, J. E. McEwen near Hensall recently. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Datars Sr., of Zurich called on Mr. Wm. Jarrott and .Annie. Mr. F. Stelek and Alf. Westgate attended the Mitchell Races on the 24th of May. Word has been received by relati- ves here of the death of Mrs. Chart- ers in Oklahoma. ZURICH HERALD 1• Thmaday„ Niay 3�th, 1935 oe-a--ealeee-e--eesetieearee=ene=e DASHWOOD Rev. and Mrs. Henrich, Gertrude Hoffman and 1VIrs. A. Oestreicher ,are attending a missionary convention in Bridgeport. Miss Pearl Kraft is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery Rev. and Mrs. Aithur Kellerman of Waterloo spent Friday with his father, Mr, George Kellerman. Mrs. Wm. May of Kitchener, spent the holiday with her sister, Mrs, Sam oestreicher. Miss Zeta Nadiger, nurse in train- ing in ictoria Hospital, London,. Sp- ent the weekend with aher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Nadiger, Mr,. and Mrs: Clarence Routledge `of Kintore spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fassold. Mies . Ruth Tiernan ni•-raidsor,, spent the week -end with her parents. 1VIrsr,•R. Goetz and 'eon Albert apent •a...few:alayenn-Sar "a'•I• tveek,. and IVIre. L. Bender"Pent .SiindaY • Woodbridge. Children's Day will be observed in the Evangelical Church on June 9the Special program is being arranged which will be assisted by the C. E. Band., Weather permitting the pro- gram will be given on the church lawn in the evening. The Lutheran Strawberry social will be held on June 19th. - Rev. and Mrs. Henrich spent a few days in Sarnia last week. Mrs. Finkbeiner and daughter Cathern returned home after spend- ing several weeks in Sarnia. STANLEY TOWNSHIP • Let grown people give aid to the in- : jured. Here are some suggestions • for drivers: 1. Don't ever pick up • strangers. 2. Always drive on the • • right hand side of the road and when e• you meet a pedestrain give him pion- • ty of room. 3. :Maintain a look -out • • for persons crossing the road. The Blake -Goshen young Peoples' Society will hold their anniversary service in Blake United Church on Sunday June 2nd at 11 a.m., when Rev. D. Will Cousens of Clinton will be the guest speaker. They are al- so having a Play in the Blake church on Wednesday evening, June 5th, put on by the Young People of St. Andrew's church Hayfield, entitled "My Wild bleb, Rosenen _ Rev. II-. G. Bandy and Mr. Ralph Stephenson of Varna! are attending Conference at Stratford this -week. Mr. Colin Campbell took the serv- ice at Goshen Church last Sunday morning. Rev. George and Mrs. McKinley of London, accompanied by their daugh- ter and her husband, visited at Mr, Elgin McKinley's on May 24th. The Goshen W.M.S. held their re- gular meeting in the church on Thursdaye, May 16th, Mrs. R. Mc- Kinley presided over • the meeting which was preceded with quiet music Mrs, B. •Keys read the devotional Aelotiet on'. 1"Gracious-Friends." The hymn "Bapathe on Me Breath of ,OaCIP waSesking as a prayer. The to- pic on India was introduced by Mrs. McKinley, assisted by Misses Marg- aret and Isabel Robinson, Mrs. B. Keys and Mrs. J. Armstroag. Short prayers were offered by Mrs. H. Er- ratt and Mrs. Nelson Keys. The re- port of, the Huron Presbyterial held at Exeter was given by the deleentes. nnrs. 1. Armstrong and Mrs. R. M. naek. Ttire. "r'nee" reeee reenee • rt. -ronet•L • At the elope of thee ectinn tale of ,„eil.a and eicannet „es pacLel, 1 41110.40•1111111111111000•00•000•00•00 1001#1101.4110•0•*, • Olk••••• ••• • . 34+4+.++++++++++ ++++ 4t+ 4- en- . -.14. Now that the Spring is just around the corner. it is a good time to check over your seeding Implements -1.- --* WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN FOR A DEAL . 2 Order repairs early and avoid Telephone and ' -.1. -.1. Express charges. 3 iCultivator Points and plow shares for all makes �f different firms. Arrange for a Cream Separator Demonstration t Z Super Lastic Distributors: • , , ;, •:, ' ' . i ' l'• ' 44 . -3 25,000 mile tires for .. ' , .. .=E, . 5 45 ' . .1.... , 30,000 mile tires for • 7.05 .1 1 1 s NE w s "; If you like to save money let us re -tire your car. , We have a few used Tires cheap. Tel. Shop 149 0. K LOP P & SONS Res. 67 Auctionzering? — U. B +4' 44 HELPING TO BUILD THE BRITISH 'ROUND -THE -WORLD HIGHWAY In 1880, the Canadian Pacific Railway was organized for the purpose of completing a line to span the continent. The Bank's directors, confident of the future of the • Dominion, placed a generous share of the Bank's resources behind the project, which was completed in 1886 and formed the naliscontinental link in she -British 'Round - the -World Highway." Subsequent events have shown that this undertaking contributed more than any other to the serdement and development of Western Canada. OF The Bank promptly ,opened branches at Vancouver and Victoria, subsequently m paints along the railway which since have become thriving titles. This is one of many e.xpetiences diming low the Bank of Montreal, looking forward with Canada from the be- ginning, has been a useful factor in the 'development of the country. In the furore, the Bank expects to continue that usefalness--to continue to look forward -with Canada, toward the natioa's future denim ESTABLISHED 1817; HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL MODERN, EFFICIENT BANKING SERVICE.— the Outcome of 117 YearsSuccessful Operatioik - Zurich Branch C. H. JoY;IVianagei 1tarr'„*.1;„TIspector: .te.h.ica.a„,',Smineeeen u‘ssstrrsatterderl:,,,t,,iliehe clip„ofh:gr:6140f a...ars• , , , .1 • ent, 74% .1i6LA an inspection. of the village 11 43*; :Ena* included a violin solo •by Miss Lame' E liexeter announce the a ' Carmichael of Exeter; as - sistin in Hemphill's drug store for sev;nal days in the absence of Mr- Heinphill in. Toronto. Ine.V. Beverly Farr, son of Rev. T. H. Farr of St. Johns London town- shile has. received the appointment of rector of ;St. PauPs Anglican Church. age. en of rale, ladies Presbytexian, quartette, their danghter, Verna Beatrice, to instrumental quartette, N. L. and F. Harry Clara Towle, only son of Mrs Battersby and C. Passmore; lbws solo Towle and the late Harry Towle, of W. B. Cross; United Church mixed Ushorne, the marriage to take place quartette, solo, W. A. Young; and a early in June, umber b n Sy the Four nail exs, On Sunday evening- a very interest ing annual event was celebrated in here. He graduated from Huron Col- St. Paul's Anglican church when the lege two years ago and this is his members of the Masonic Ledge head- first appointment. He will take charge ed by the citizen's Band marched the second week in June. His father, from their lodge rooms up to the and mother, Rev T. H. and Mrs. Farr United Church on Main street and who are living retired e St. John's then over to the Anglican churth. will come to Hensall with him and, where appropriate services were held will occupy the Revtory. John Troyer of Courtland was a guest with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson. Joe Cawthorpe of Tavistock spent a few days with his grandmother; Mrs. T: Dick. Public library will be closed on 7hursday afternoon and evening dining June, July and August. Mae Simpson of Detroit was a vis- itor with friends here. Annie Carlile of London spent a day here with her parents. Mrs. Archie Hamilton, who under- went an operation for appendicitis on May 11th in Clinton hospital, was able to return home. Alice, Walker of Toronto is spend- ing a few days 'visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker. Mrs. Fred Corbett is spending a death of his wife 16 years ago he week visiting her 'aunt, Mrs. 3'. B. hag madellis hone- with hi5,son" Harding in London. ville. Was a Staunch Liberal and a Mrs, Thos. Dick, one of our 4iiiest member of the United ,Church. The residents, has been quite poorly late- funeral took place from the residenee ly and is being waited on by Tier of his son 1VIelvilie Traquair last Fri - granddaughter, Miss. Gladys Douglas day, his pastor, Rev. A. Sinclair oin- R. N., of Blake. ciated. Interment taking place in The many friends of Mrs. Robt. Hensall Union Cemetery-. Bonthron will be sorry to hear she has been confined- to her room for in honor of both organizations The Rector, Rev Mr. Hendry preached a very powerful sermon on "building' taken from Kings, where the build- ing of the memorable Sonemozna Tean. ple was built. The chinch was nicely filled and the choir. rendered ap- propriate music. Late Jolim Traquair John Traquair, a -well known and highly respected farmer of the 3rd con. of Tuckersmith Tp: passed away Wednesday last at Dr: Moir's haspit- al, where he had been taken treatm- ents for internal trouble. He has bee en in poorhealth for some thrie, and was showing considerable improve- ment -but passed away suddenly. He was 76 years of age and' was' a resi- dent of Tuckersmith nearly all Tann and a successful farmer. Since the the past week with heart attack. •• COUNTY NEWS Ms. i. A. Cantelon, who was • Harold Scatchmer of Hayfield, quite poorly for a time, is now im- graduated last week-,fleeen. ,G=uorpli proved and Was visited by her e'en Agricultural, College.,e Mr. atur,Mre., Ferris, Of Schomberg. Seotchmer, Dorothy Scoichraer, and W. Goodwin of the Hensall Mrg Miss Gladys- Pak attended the grad - Co. who; was recently unfortunate tn' i• es' get a rile broken 'While engaged , Mr. sad Mrs.' Robert Green :;and ."" oving ,Oome of the rnachinery' ' chiarear of Porf Stanley visited hex able to be be around again anq, „is another VirS.;Jantes Dayinan of. Kip. fortunate that is was nos another pod over a week -end, taking. Mrs. limb iniured. . layman gee her husband who is The llensall Citizens Band gave ill fa a Landau- hospital; and' who ie their firet sacred band concert on improving. Sunday evening last and it was a won Matthew Parkinson; a. welnknown derful 4iccess. The large hall was ducationisk who died suddenly at erowdedi to the doors and a great his home in Toronto last Tuesday, meny wnee tunable eo get in The .was a native of.this county. He evos concert 'plartut after services were. born in I81i1 on a farm near Exeter, elate eintblaa,„ tn, ; 'to . oafs ntierune!er tr..tm4r1 away :414 to,-: Li no roncern Bensrele netualeer keen hal aded ehairina-i ar, pneemonia. being -the: eause of the eoricw, was great' andare4 T1ne a-Jana:Ma, Wife, muLfrv,e,. daugliterr 4 Some Cat Fordvench: If anyone has a larger ibitie Persian cat than Mrs. T. Hut- chinson, they would like to rear ae- boat it, Her car weighed over 10 lbs.. 1 nunce, Saturday, and as all cat, lovers -.realize this is not the time of year they are at their best. This one has tipped the scales at 11% pounds. and is five years old. Struck by Auto Brace Gordon, 9 year .old son of' Rev. and .M.rs. Gordon of Exeter,was knocked off a bicycle on Andrew st when he was at -rack by an auto. The. driver of tba car was just starting upe and had the car in second gear and. , did not notice the lad until he struck. him. The lad was thrown into the • ditch and had the misfortune to . have the skin rubbed from one. knee: ."; - and the other leg bruised. , Sneak Thieves Were Busy • iOne night recently thieves brok7e. into T. J. 111cLean's garage in Wing- • ham and took all the wheels and tires eff his Ford coupe. J.. A. Currie mit the .same night had five gallons of': motor oil stolen. W. J. Greer's gale, - age 'was alse'entered but 'luckily hisn .car was in. a downtown karage.. • Slatting 1 18,Y;ears • ' • C. W. Christie, of Stephen, on Monday last dug from his garden an English :shilling that is 118 years old The coin is in good state of preser- ,vation. inn one side are the words GEOR. IDE D. G. BRITT, REX F.D. ISM The coin bears the' Same date that • Christie's grandfather sailed. from England to Canada. The family settled near Ottawa. Receives Xing's Jubilee Medal • Two of those who congratulated' *eat other after receiving the King'n. en, if Jubilee medal at 'the Celebratien • London last week were Biship C. A. Seeger and Mr. john Ellioltt, bothai,, Goderich "o1d boys." - ,Another :Who' • has been awarded the medal is Miss liose.`Sttert* of Goderich, who .recent IY 'retired trona her position as high school teacher in Kingsville and now in Erigland.—God. Signal. Fell From Staffoleing Jack Willis young son of W. E.. Willis of • Brussel, escaped what night have been very serious injuey when he fell from the scaffolding, where the new post office is being- oreeted, to the cement -sidewalk be- low. A fronf. 'nth wn' mocked out eating the inside of his lip, causing, • natant nng it to. IA peeked. 'with ice. ' • „. •a , •