HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-05-23, Page 8THE S MU WITH THE STOCK SSES A . �,. w ; ass iJau�jCae Housedresses, made of fast. Color Prints and Broadcloths, priced from 75 Cents to 98 cents See Our Martha Washington Dresses at 1.49 New Tapestries For Chair or Couch Covering, Cushions, Etc. 54 - in wide from 1.10 to 1.75 yd. MEN'S WEAR SPECIALS Navy Blue work shirts at 59c Straw hats, at each I0c- Work Sox, at pair 10c. Boys' Cotton Jerseys, each 35c GROCERIES! GROCERIES Canned Tomatoes at Catsup, 1 3 -oz size Morning Cheer Coffee Peach Cookies at Vanilla, 2 for Chick Oatmeal, 8 lbs. for Baking Bran, per lb Old Nippy Cheese, lb. 10c 1 Oc 33c 15c 11 25c 3c 25c Our Congoleum Guessing Contest closed Saturday night... The hidden number was 2392... Mrs. Robt. McKinley guess being nearest with 2399 and will .receive a 6x9 Congoleum Rug free of charge PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 L;. 1 AUTO INSURANCE Protect Yourself Ag ;nst Financial Loss. through Accident; Fire, Theft, Ect. THE PROTECTION IS NECESSARY An Automobile Accident`Policy Costs little and provides Funds in case you receive injuries "It is better to have insurance always and not need it than need it once and not have it. - 5 drew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 1 1 r.1 Tf li Jill!' 1 i!i 1.Y4pliiGN1it,1,iluiJtti rocer wore. Dried Peaches; per 1b: ..,»........•....•...20c Wheat Krispies, 2 pkgs. 25c Wheat Flakes, 5 lb. bag Ginger Snaps, per ib.:... 10c Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes, 3 boxes 2Oc; Lemons, large size per dozen `; 25c P and G. Soap, 7 bars for 25c King's choice canned tomatoes, Targe- can :..... »..1 Oc Walkerside Quality Ice Cream in all Flavors. Special flavor for this •month , is Burnt Almond Merino Oesch Zurich EGGS WANTED. n; Phone 165 Atw 111111111111111 33110311 IIIIII111111IIIIIIIII1111111111331111111111111330I1111111111131331111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111e, ITEMS OE ' LOCAL INTEREST Mr. F. J. Wickwire of E,eter gave us .a friendly call on Saturday. Mr. Dan Hagan of Parkhill visited. with Mr. Chas. Hagan the past week Monday of last week was observed as Arbor day in Zurich School. wrlr. Irvin D. Smith of Hamilton, called on his two brothers here on: Tuesday. We are pleased to report that Mrs. L. W. Hoffman, who was taken ill Iast week, is improving favorably. Mr. and Mrs. John Deitrich of get- chener, were visitors with her, par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ruby the NOTICE past week. AL MARKETS greeted every Wednesday) 14 12 10' 30' 25 90 '10 42 Peg Butt .1 lb. creamery Butte lb. dairy who':bush Barlegi bush Buckelheat, bush Short; ton . 26.00 Bran, <on. 26.00 Flour, ewt. ........ 225 3.00 Live Hogs, cwt. 8.25 Potatoes per bag 50 Mrs. George Fee and little sore Will` the party who removed a Charles of Hensall, spent the past Coat. 'from an Auto at the wedding week with the former's mother, Mrs. on 'Monday night, May 20th, kindly H. Lipphardt. return the same at once to its owner. Messrs. Chas. Bartlett, .and Geo: to avoid further trouble, as the 3arty, Crozier, of the local Bank of Mon -,is known. treat staff spent Sunday at their ' - homes -in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Klopp, of Detroit, were week -end visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Klopp. Mrs. Melinda Wickens, who has on Wednesday, July 31st. Chairman been for the past year or so with her Fral*:, Delbridge will 'fake care of parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hey, .Sr., aall cozi314.1un¢4no1s- Purses $400 xeter Races July 31 A , horse race meet has' bee ar- ranged^,for Old. Boys' Meet to beheld Inas returned to her home tri Inger- i each or_ 2� z„ :2.24, 2.20, 2_36, soli. 1 three yea ,arid half mile run. Y of Sati lF� mere' bee . t f representing the Electrolux cleaner, Wardenv Tihaa ;Sweitzer of Step- ';" was tep- was in town last week, also visiting hen Towne*, , last week attended the his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Huron. County Road . Commission. Ruby. I They, -inspected all roads in Huron Mrs. Amelia Schnell, who has been County, .„There is considerable con: taking treatments in a London Hos- struct`ion work' being done on the pita.l for a few weeks has returned to highway between Exeter and Grand Zurich and is now staying at the Bendi, There being heavy traffic on home of Mi. Elmer Klopp. We have recently been asked:'dist when the weekly half holiday season 1 . in Zurich, starts. Well, not this 'Week nor next week, but Wednesday, June 5th will be the first day it will effect and continue for four months, till the last of September. Mr. Ivan Yungblut' of town has purchased the dwelling ' property from the executors of the estate of the late John Hey, Sr, and this will make an ideal home for Mr. Yung - blue as it is close to hi., father's dwelling and faun, at the north entll of town. Mr. 'Emery ltub i' ZI...:u3.44ttL:..^.^. ^M1 a.. ... ......` .11,172010 .. iiVAAL: 14167 Si G G7£-5!"152".D.GE'iCot'.43 411 4n0004106," piDDE o -Y, 'v ".: ' ii is HARDWARE e_ SEEDS and FURNITURE F:a 1 If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this year, be sure and consult Uwe...€ ,ail be sure it is the fa -nous Frost Fence! 'ENC . , for long We. Come in and see our stock of Frost Farm Fence .. the finest we've ever had. Heavily galvanized Ky special Frost process. Wears for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. 019. TIGHT 4 LOCK MU1C BONDED an exclusive mom. feature that SAVES YOU MONEY!! • PAINTS! I We carry a full line of the Well Known and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, • Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wase : l' Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes lb in all sizes a Ffit; le Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall'` I- ' Mattresses - Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith+ iwing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- • ware always in stock. • I- iiDE &,WEIDOI ZURICH C. NT. QUALITY - . PRICE -- SERVICE PAINTS! 0o a 0 a 0 0 0 0 vs? 0 • 0 • t and Tried Varnishes, i that -road eleiring the summer months It will be completed shortly. Leer Leaves Large Estate Calomel; 'the late Rbert S. Hays;, K. Cl, 'Seaforth barrister, who died sudci4xily in Toronto. on Christmas Day, last, teft'an estate of $68,855. The wi11 has been probated. The document. drawn on December 15, 1922 - bequeths the widow, Annie M. Hay; a life interest in the estate and.'pn:her death, it is to be divided uaang the; -six children. The personal estate lis --listed at $64,430.93 .and the real-at...$4,425.: _ i eat Flows Eastward With the first movement of grain The Way to -Catch 'Ern" bowl out of the lake head this week Neu can cutch more customers.with wv' at' in country elevators through advertising,, Says all eeclaa'agc, thee outlthe prairies. began to flow east - you can by standing in front of the wa ;». • in quantities. .Available rolling store complaining how rotten busin- sto $,y`' and general equipment will be ess is. re* eel ed to :capacity in placing stocks �1 .;Aea through Manitoba, Sask.,and Wins Suit t• Alberta at lake points before Chas. G. Middleton, Goderich, won uhr ".rev drop is harvested. There are his case for damages at the supreme 07,e 0,420 bushels of record in wes- court sitting, Goderich, against Ross terii 51'11 ry and interior elevators Cardiff and his father, L. E. Cardiff, rigit nor, practically the capacity reeve of Morris Tp., arising out of an automobile accident on highway No. 8, last November, one mile west of Seaforth. the ex -sheriff sued for $1000, dcfondant entering counter claim for $300. Judgment was given. for Middleton of $600. Evidence shoe wed that Cardiff was driving on the wrong side of the road and when they cane close together, Cardiff swung to the right side, while at the same time Middleton, to avoid a col- lision also swung over with the re- sult of a collision. Before Supreme Court ; The status. of the Canada Temper- • THIS . SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE, ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE'US . ABOUT • 4. NEW ROOFING, 1PLUMBING, AND EVE - TROUGHING r T c. SPECIALS! SPECIALS! x' Coal Oil, good grade at 20c tSpecial Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon 28c. I We also have I Furniture. See some very Attractive Prices in. Our New Beds, Springs and; Mattresses. USED .FURNITURE Two Godd Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale_ $ 4, BE SURE AND SEE THEM! Johnston Kalbfieiscli .. t Hardware & Furniture. Phone 6b 4..60+++++++++++++++444.+++++++++.i,++,1 -444.44.+++++44.+414.41t 60++++ ++++++++++ 4.++++^F.�i+++.i,++,14 4.44.++++ + .+ IIRIMIEREIgIMlll l 111111111 11111B111l11U111111 illf 111111111 Hll 11111181111llI11/11211161(N 1111NIINfI11iIIp111fFlINIMlltl11111 1111111111111Ig11111 JiE1111110 - THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice 7-4 Painting Wagon Painting Buggy Recovering Buggy Top Rerirnming Buggy Wheels Set Buggy Shaft Cross Bar ...:... Buggy Reach Buggy Spokes each,, I. $7.00 and 10.00 6.00 and 10.00 II 16.00 and 18.00 12o00 3.00 1.00 - L25 -. rimismounnosimollimusumillammit000mmimumensotoomispounximammennsweaownimil of 'Ilea country storage houses. There,* estimated to be some 20,- 006000,0i the farms and in private storage not recorded by the grain BoArd statietics, through. the latter figineS are admittedly guess work. Cheap Gas From Shale .:As a reinit of recent experiments carged out England, it is believed pastdble that the vast deposits of oil seeeke ie. Ontario and other paxts of Caaada, particularly in the IVfaritime Prqvinces, may be utilized ixt, the rnahvfaeture of cheap gasoline.' It ' been announced in England that tlia-new gasoline might be produced ance Ant in Ontario is -.low, before the as low ei six cents a '&11011i 1)e - Supreme Court of Canadti at Ottawa ea se of the richness of that Count - and is of keen interest to Httron Co- roil shale deposits. - , unty as well as to Perth and Peel. The Canada Temperance Act was .artied in these counties in 1914 aiid was suspended when the -0. T. A. 3ame into force in 1919 the suspen- '',EVery once in a while a regulation. Oe -tax becomes widely unpopular, 4ontateol.isly. The radio license fee eel in this clam. The public resent- niteit doubtlees has come from the 6 TUNE UP YOUR OAR! Don't be discouraged" and throw agaw your Car if it 0.1.' is not functioning as you think it should. Just run it 4, in our Garage and have our Mechanics go over it and You will be surprised of the results. Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large . and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Itt Joba on all Makes of Cars viah aarges Very Reasonalbe. gee Mousse u Zurich 3ion to be lifted when provincial leg- Net that people dislike to pay two islation became less restrictive than aollare out without getting something the C. T. A. The decision of the fli return and -moreover the face that laprorne Court, which is reserved reeler) oWners have nevee had license .e, for the present, will affect ten. bey- ti esn't eilease fhb -se who have obey- t arage rooms in the County, two at the law. The radio license fee ; hezs- els, three at Seaforth, one each .kes ahoo first place in fear nes1-1 : • • • at Hensall and Zurich and three le ,iitlee tares end theesooriet it Is ..drinP ei ea 004409004.0004011000.04400100040094,000•0011040001410 Gederieb- Mr... MERCHANT! You know thdroughly well that you bave power in your store, to influence the decision of your cus- tomers in regard to what.they buy from yotx. Your customerarely on you to give them products which in use or consumption, will give them complete If it is right to use big city dailies and nationaly- circulated magazines then, by the same token, it is xight to use local weekly newspapers! I am the Master Salesman of this Community, and my name is ADVERTISE -ped the Ietter.,-- ,44441444+1414.4444444444.41.0440.401.+4.4.4*.t 41. ere t.