Zurich Herald, 1935-05-23, Page 7ii ' Canada's biggest selling cigarette paper— inthe economical DOUBLE automatic booklet. TELEVISION Cannot Be Made Popular In U.S. Without Sacrifice Of Many Sound Programs. Pasadena, Cal.—Crowding of the wave bands, by the present sound broadcasts, and not technical diffi- culties, was blamed by Prof. S. S. Mackeown of the California Insti- tute of Technology for the fact that this country is Iagging behind Eng- land in television. Professor Mackeown, electrical authority, said radio listeners could have television today, provided they sacrificed their sound programs at the rate of 100 for each television broadcast: lassified Advertising PATENTS N 'Oi?z'1eeR TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of Wanted inventions and full •';alla#ormation sent free. The Eam ay 0oza1»031y, 1Vorld Patent Attorneys, ;rtz IEatil;: Street, Ottawa, Canada, POULTRY SUPPLIES A R GA IN 8 IN POULTRY, PET etock and rabbit supplies. Hun- dreds of lines being closed out at guar - iter to half price. Get our job and seed ioatalogue and save money. .Morgans I'iSlupply House, London, A A. B. CBRCSS ESSEZ BILLED ' FAMOUS BREEDS TEN YEARS' Selective Breeding. One of Canada's eldest and largest. Write for our get acquainted offer of free chicks. Free Catalogue. Essex Hatchery Breeding Prarms, Box WP, Essex, Ont. GRIMM 'EUHAUSER CHICKS, CHATHAM" Ontario. THE BEST KNOWN — elf L‘t3 TEIi8 , BEST. Send for W?'iics':::li'st. wa�r r� 4.'`.TIICKS, 8 CENTS; inlets 35c. Complete catalogue failed. St. Agatha Hatchery, St atha, Ontario. COUGHS Take half a teaspoonful of Minard's in molasses. Hent Minard's, inhale it. Also rub it well into your chest. 32 You'll get relief 1 Digestive Troubles? Mr. W. Fisher; 398 anter St. W., Hamil- bn, Ont., said: "I suf- fered from catarrh of the stomach could eat but very little and that would cause distress. I grew weaker daily and had headache almost constant- ly. I became very much discouraged. After taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery i able to est, gained in weight and re- sumed my work." All druggists. Television requries a wave band 100 times wider than sound broad- casting, he explained, and for this reason he has been shoved up into the high frequency channels. In high frequencies television carries only 25 or 30 miles, a range un- profitable for commercial stations. "If television were permitted in the wave bands now reserved for sound broadcasting, a 'picture broad- cast' would carry around the world easily," Professor Mackeown assert- ed. "Apparatus we now have is ade- quate for good broadcasts at lower. frequencies, though subject to 'fad- ing and other defects from which sound radio also suffers. "However, it is doubtful that lis- teners will sacrifice 100 sound pro- grams for a single one of pictures. "The only alternative is a large number of stations placed 30 miles apart—about one hundred to bridge the country. Until capital is avail- able for this large project, we'll have to wait." DECLINE IN BIRTHS WORRIES BRITAIN Will Tend To Affect Popu- lation If Reduction Con- tinues. London. -The census bureau in a statistical:, review issued recently drew. attention to. the declining 'birth-rate in Britain. "If an appreciable increase in the birth-rate does not take place, the future growth of the population,•v_eil]„, tend to diminish up to a stage in which reduction in the population will occur," the review said. It noted, however, that the life - •span had extended in Britain. Whereas, in 1921 there were 344 persons in 10,000 more than 70 years of age, in 1932 the figure was 434. WHEN YOUR DAUGHTER COMES TO 'WOMANHOOD Most girls in : mfi,;:s':::::::::.::.«.:;•::,:::; their teens need a tonic and regu- lator. Give your daughter Lydia E: Pinkham's Vege- table Compound for the next few months: Teach her how to guard her health at this critical time: When she is a happy, healthy wife and mother she will thank you: `old at all good drug stores: Lydia E. ankhanrs %getable Compound, Dryhampoo--rry itt A. WINDSOR SALT weekly *hempen stimulates (Arcuia- �tttan, Cleanse end gives natural lustre to the hair. tte 5nt1 WEDDING CUSTOM When wishing happiness to the bride, many Russians etilipresentbread and Salt. t and strange customs lilts this are told in picture and story in our new booklet for children: "Salt all over the World". A gripping story of many lands You would like to read it, of course, so just send the coupon now. The book is free. - Protect Your Children! Goitre is widely prevalent! Use WINDSOR IODIZED SALT dally for cooking and table. P�revents byltreoards p vo£ WINOSOR SALT Tear Offend Mail Today CANA1DIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED SALT DIVISION WINDSOR.ONT: `LL" Without obligation please send speclalchild, rrn'a Booklet, "SALT oil over the World." Name Address- _ .Y .. _• ,•_ NEW WORLD WAR WITHIN 4 YEARS New York. --•H. (r. Wells, British author and historian, euid recently that in the last eleven months the world has been heading.' for "a new and more horrible world war which will come by 1940." Arriving here from England, he termed England's storied prosperity "greatly exaggerated." "There Is tremendous unemploy- ment in England," he said. "Eng- land's prosperity has .been greatly exaggerated, It is -a false prosper- ity and there may be a crash at any time. It is an Indian summer tort of thing. It looks like summer,' but it isn't." Asked if there is a new Liberal movement and a "resurrection" of Lloyd George under way, he re- plied: "There's no resurrection of Lloyd George. He just bobbeu up, He would not comment on Huey Long except to say: "I hope ter meet that great man." "Do you really believe he is a great man?" he was asked. "Un- questionably," Wells smiled, then added enigmatically, "but would you mind putting a query after that?" Wells laughed heartily when -ask ed if he didn't think Lloyd George is the "Huey Long of Englnad." He started to say something, but check- ed himself and replied: "Not quite!". Mounties in Manitoba Taking On 25 New Men Winnipeg—Twenty-five men will he added to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police force in Manitoba on May 1, it is announced. Develop- ment in northern mining areas has opened new territory the present force cannot cover. REVENT DISEASE REGINALD, H. WIGGINS, C.M., L.M.C.C. e spend ovet' fifty times as much o;tihe cure of disease as we do on its :prevention, If this ratio were re%'ersed, we would go a fair way to jfrrds eradicating disease, To pre Extra Inches SpoiP the Line Keep your Figure 1 "Outsize" ram becoming **it disease Is to forestall the ne- t S lty and greater expense of a i.' We know that of twenty-four mil, I in ,school children 111 the United Stkates, 'two-thir-ds, or G5%, have den - decay; one-third have diseased t'brisils and nasal obstruction tron oyr'ergrown adenoids; another third, on' eight million are suffering from eYe strain and defects in vision; live piiflion are undernourished and the si" e number are suffering from ous disorders; a million with 1 curvature; another million ai,t4i; defective wearing, half a mil - .1(4 with the Great White Plague, attn. a .third of a million witlr heart iliase. The figures in Canada would be -relatively as large, if they were recognized and reported, ?ill the pills and potions in the world cannot right this terrific cal - ' d ify, this blight, but they could all Ile' been very largely prevented. Defective and decayed teeth could lave been prevented by proper diet and -cod-liver oil for the mother be- fore the child was born and for the child after birth, and proper mouth hygiene; two-thirds of the cases of diseased tonsils and enlarged aden- oids could have been eradicated by surgical treatment, the defects of vision could have been greatly check- ed by proper Lighting in home and school, etc., etc. Next week's article: "More Prevention." When a woman begins to Ilose her figure, she frequently gets her first hint of it in the dress department. The assistant , tactfully says, "I'll have to let it out a little here, Madam." A month of two later it probably means "putting in extra ful- ness." If extra inches are threaten- ing your girlish lines, you can profit by the experience of the woman who wrote the follow- ing:—"I am now 40 years of age, when many women find flesh forming round the hips and thighs and on the back of the neck. I have avoided all that since taking Kruschen Salts, and feel quite graceful and youthful, and so fresh in the mornings. Kruschen really is wonderful."—(Mrs.) K.U. Kruschen is an ideally -balanced blend of various mineral salts. it assists the internal organs to per- form their functions properly—to throw off each day those waste pro - COULD YOU LET IT OUT TO HT? YES -BUT 1'M AFRAID IT WILL SPbIL THE LINE MADAM. ducts and poisons which, if allowed to accumulate, are apt to give rise to various ailments. Get a bottle of Krusehen Salts (45c or 75c) from any Drug Store, and • take a half -a teaspoonful in a tumbler of hot water every morning. PROTECTION PROVIDED FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN Birch Cliff.—The Hon. David A. on Croll, Minister of Welfare and Muni- cipal Affairs, has approved Scarboro Township's program, which includes traffic service for the protection of school children going and returning from school. For some time mem- bers of the council and parents have been up in arms for the protection of children, especially those who are forced to cross the railway tracks like those main lines on Kennedy road near Scarboro Junction School. The Minister has announced that relief recipients stationed at danger- ous highway and railway crossings will help to save young lives and for the work the unemployed will receive cash at the prevailing. town- ship rate. He also announe2ss .the approval of the $8,200 works •pro= gram of Scarboro and seven other municipalities. Gardening By Gordon L Smith ARTICLE NO, 6. STARTING SEED INDOORS; If the seed is started,Ev'4k T:e rtw,p„te,41,ree-�,weekN ,•eafs" - 4:.. ed with many Sowers and- veg abler. In districts where the: 'gro$r ing season is rather short, certain things must be grown in this way if bloom or maturity is to be guar- anteed. Aimong the Sowers are pan- sies, asters, marigolds, zinnias, pe- tunias, cosmos, larkspur, stocks and snapdragon, though with the possible exception of the petunia- and aster, good results can also be secured in the warmer sections of the Dominion from seed sown' in the open ground. With vegetables there are peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, egg plants, brussell's sprouts, broccoli, celery and dread lettuce. Naturally, when sown under glass in March, and set out as well started plants in May, such things are away ahead of seed shown in the open ground after the spring frosts are over. ADD NEW THINGS Much of the interest in flower gar- dening lies in trying something new. Of course it is not advisable to mak over the whole garden each sprin 4tor fsiattiild one abandon completel ;ttoe old favorites which hav +e" u'e11 4zt, the- paste -abut- wttho `something entirely new each seaso esome interest will be lost, In a sp clal part of every seed catalogu will be listed the very latest ere tions in both the flower and the ve getable kingdoms. Certain flower which were always double befor now appear in a single type, or per Laps a new distinct color has bee added. Giants have been dwarfed like the new tiny zinnias, or ver much increased height, added t something Which a few years ag could only be secured in midget size Practically all the leading flower may now he secured in both double and singles. WHEN TO PLANT. The first vegetables to be plants are those things that are very hard and will stand a fair amount of frost These should be sown just as soon as the soil can be worked. They largely consist of the type of which the leafy part is eaten, like lettuce and spinaeh, though also included will be the radish, garden pea, on - Ions, beets and carrots. Later when the weather has turned definitely warmer, and there is little danger of frost, -in go the second group, such as beans, cabbage plants, potatoes and. corn. These are followed by melons, squash, cucumbers anct pumpkins, vegetables that cannot stand any frost whatever and will not.make growth until both the air and soil are warm. The above are general first planting rules only. With moat vegetables successional planting is desirable, a little od the seed is sown each week or ten days front first planting date on, so that the . harvest will be spread over weds instead of days. e g, y e at n, e - e a - g s e n y 0 0 s 6 d y Catarrhal Deafness May Be Overcome If you have catarrhal deafness or head noises go to your druggist and get 1 oz. of Parmint (double strength) and add to it lie pint of hot water and a little sugar. Take 1 table- spoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and the mu- cous stop dropping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleasant to take. Anyone who has catarrhal deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial. SKIN BLEMISHES Vanish Before Physician's Prescription Those spots or pimples on your face —why let them go on tormenting you? Like millions of others have done, you can got rid of your skin trouble through the work of a great physician— Dr. D.D. Dennis. Dr. Dennis' prescrip- tion—known in many 'countries as D,D.D. and now manufactured by Campana's Italian Balm chemists- lyBrersit toeIt quick- ly reesryouskn to : All druggists sell D.D.D, Trial sizer 85e. Guaranteed to give instant relief or money refunded. 8 lusue No. 13—'35 ].99 VILO-GLAS OBWI' CANADIAN FABRIC BASE g ass substitute. Passes Ultra Violet Rays. Recommended by poultry authorities. Get more eggs and health- ier dhicka. Extensively used for hot and cold frames, `5 yards 36" %vide 01.85 3.50 5.00 8.50 8.50 10 ,> a " 18 ,. 7> ,s 20 YY " 30 n 9 We pay postage. 40 yard• er more at 200 per yd. Out- side of Ontarlo and Quebec sad 3c per yd. 50 *1 Prices, VILO MEG, CO. 3 wellington street - - Galt, Ont. One evening Dody and her sister saw some Amerie, z - Legion boys going by 'In their uniforms. Dody said: "I guess they ere soldiers marching as to WAib" kteight v! oir M 8 kN n X011 Arra. ai " tafse yic ilia pl.tige.. e w 7 . " tl ,,.wit 1witi.. " Ao, , u ,. tit ROW Malt ha.rewdl4wtlhe$6ttetllLl�IeF 111Ct>RrAIIA kf^itr* eJ r0,00.01 0, fief a5 Pro eli'rroii Fee 810.00 complete, ' betalls Free. Write Now, MALCOLM ROSS seed tiets 11e rborouglt, statistics. Small town people are more intelligent, sincere, home lov- ing and have more appreciation for the ante. "Small town women are real, earnest, sound and wise," says Mr. H. E. Blood, who made the sur- vey. Cattle exported from Canada to Great Britain in 1935, from January 1 to February 21, numbered 4,781. A Law Every Mother Should Know and Observe Never Give Your Child An Unknown Remedy without Asking Your Doctor First According to anyado' z•you ,as1;;,; tieinly safe „wis never toaygive Sterling Products Limited remedy. you don't know 'at • about, 2,,rithout asking him first. Will Increase Advertising's 3,,,,.., Whet." i! comes to "milk of Windsor, Ontario. -- De- finite improvement in business was reported at the Annual Meeting of Sterling Products (Limited) recent- ly held in Windsor, An increase in advertising expenditures for the year was approved and the following officers were eleeted: H. L. Schade, president; H. L. Kinnucan, vice-president; H. C. Eastman, sec- retary -treasurer. Commenting on the business out- look for the remainder of 1935, Mr. Schade said that he looked for con- tinued improvement. The Sterling Company distributes well-known drug products including Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder, Watkins' Mulsified Cocoanut Shampoo Oil, Glostora, Del -A -Tone, Aspirin, Phil- lips' Milk of Magnesia, Phillips' Dental Magnesia, Midol, Cascarets, California Syrup of Figs, Danderine, Pape's Diapepsin, Pape's Cold Com- pound, No -To -Bac, Diamond Dyes and Diamond Tints. Small Towners Have Most Culture The best of American home -life and culture is to be found in its smaller towns according to recent magnesia," that you know every- where, for over 60 years, doctors have said "PHILLIPS' Milk of Magnesia for your child," So -always say Phillips' when you buy. And, for your own peace of mind, see that your child gets this; the finest men know. Made in Canada. puald You can assist others by refusinfi to accept a substitute for the genuine Phillips' Milk of Mag- nesia. Do this in the interest of yourself andyourchiidren —and in the in- terest of the public in general. PHILLIPS' Met c//11a?,te a.. Kennedy & Menton 421 College St. Toronto _ Harley-Davidson Distri:..itors and Used Parts Write at once for our bargain list of used motorcycles. Terms arranged. The Full Vitamin Value of Cod Liver Oil P L V S Further Body -Building Virtues 1 FIGHTC,ERMS, 1'M VITAMIN A. PEOPLE NEED ME EVERY` DAY! Generations have proved the body-building, energy -giving power of pure cod liver oil - Generations, too, have proved that Scott's Emul- sion of Cod Liver Oil gives you all these, PLUS easier assimilation, . pleasanter taste, and the added value ofhypophospliltes of lime and soda. PLUS values found only in Scott's Emulsion. 06UILo BONES, !M VsTAMIN 0. HEALTH 4STRENGTH DEPEND AHMeO COTT'S MULSI N THE COD LIVER OIL WITH THE PLUS VALUE For Sale by Your Druggist7A,,